CSS3 Lower Armenian

This test was derived from Richard Ishida's test "lower-armenian, up to 9,999" listed at http://www.w3.org/International/tests/tests-html-css/list-lists (last updated 04/12/2010) and as it appeared when accessed on 11/16/2010. This test PASSED if the list item matches its bullet for every list item (below). The test was updated under https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81447 to reflect the revised rendering of numbers 7000-7999 which now begin with Ւ rather than ՈՒ.

Distributed under both the W3C Test Suite License and the W3C 3-clause BSD License. To contribute to a W3C Test Suite, see the policies and contribution forms.


  1. ա
  2. բ
  3. գ
  4. դ
  5. ե
  6. զ
  7. է
  8. ը
  9. թ
  10. ժ
  11. ժա
  12. ժբ
  1. խգ
  1. հէ
  1. ձ
  1. ղթ
  2. ճ
  3. ճա
  1. միբ
  1. շխ
  1. ջղթ
  2. ռ
  1. ռե
  1. ռկ
  1. ռկե
  1. ռպ
  1. ռպկ
  1. ռպկե
  1. րպկե
  1. ւե
  1. ւպ
  1. ւպկե
  1. քջղթ