Tests RTCPeerConnection localDescription. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS testExecutionOrderClosedConnection() did not throw exception. PASS pc.setLocalDescription().catch(expectedTypeError) did not throw exception. PASS pc.setLocalDescription(null).catch(expectedInvalidSessionDescription) did not throw exception. PASS pc.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription, requestSucceeded1, unexpectedCallback); did not throw exception. PASS error.name is "InvalidStateError" PASS error.toString() is "InvalidStateError: The RTCPeerConnection's signalingState is 'closed'." PASS events is [1,2,3] PASS error.name is "TypeError" PASS expectedTypeError was called. PASS error.name is "OperationError" PASS expectedInvalidSessionDescription was called. PASS requestSucceeded was called. PASS pc.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription, unexpectedCallback, requestFailed2); did not throw exception. PASS requestFailed was called. PASS pc.localDescription.type is "offer" PASS pc.localDescription.sdp is "local" PASS pc.localDescription.type is "offer" PASS pc.localDescription.sdp is "local" PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE