This succeeds if this test doesn't crash. <ruby id=rubyEl><dl></dl><rt id=rubyTextEl></rt>><script> var docElement = document.body ? document.body : document.documentElement; function initCF() { try { fontFaceNameEl = document.createElementNS("", "font-face-name"); } catch(e) {} try { clipPathEl = document.createElementNS("", "clipPath"); } catch(e) {} setTimeout("CFcrash()", 0); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", initCF, false); function CFcrash() { try { if (rubyTextEl != docElement) { rubyTextEl.parentNode.removeChild(rubyTextEl); }} catch(e) {} try { clipPathEl.scrollIntoView(true); } catch(e) {} try { fontFaceNameEl.appendChild(rubyEl); } catch(e) {} } function runTest() { if (window.testRunner) testRunner.notifyDone(); } if (window.testRunner) { testRunner.waitUntilDone(); } setTimeout("runTest()", 10); </script> <!-- This is the same as the test because it only needs to test that it doesn't crash. And for some reason, dumpAsText() dumps different output with Release and Debug builds. So this test is a ref-test to work around that problem. -->