Test basic interaction with the Speech JavaScript API On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS 'webkitSpeechRecognition' in self is true PASS webkitSpeechRecognition == null is false oneMatchTest(): onstart PASS count is 0 onaudiostart PASS count is 1 onsoundstart PASS count is 2 onspeechstart PASS count is 3 onresult PASS count is 4 PASS event.emma is null PASS event.interpretation is null PASS event.results.length is 1 PASS event.results.item(-1) is null PASS event.results[0].length is 1 PASS event.results[0].isFinal is true PASS event.results[0].item(0).transcript is "hello, world" PASS event.results[0].item(0).confidence is within 0.001 of 0.42 PASS event.results[0].item(-1) is null onspeechend PASS count is 5 onsoundend PASS count is 6 onaudioend PASS count is 7 onend PASS count is 8 noMatchTest(): onstart PASS count is 0 onaudiostart PASS count is 1 onsoundstart PASS count is 2 onspeechstart PASS count is 3 onnomatch PASS count is 4 PASS event.results is null onspeechend PASS count is 5 onsoundend PASS count is 6 onaudioend PASS count is 7 onend PASS count is 8 handleEmptyGrammarTest(): onend PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE