CONSOLE WARNING: Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check

Deserialize to {"foo":"zoo","bar":{"baz":"myNewKey"}}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"foo":"zoo","bar":{"baz":"myNewKey"}}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to {"foo":"zoo","bar":{"baz":"myNewKey"}}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"foo":"zoo","bar":{"baz":"myNewKey"}}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {"foo":"zoo","bar":"myNewKey"}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"foo":"zoo","bar":"myNewKey"}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to {"foo":"zoo","bar":"myNewKey"}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"foo":"zoo","bar":"myNewKey"}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to []:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize []:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to []:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize []:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {"foo":"zoo"}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"foo":"zoo"}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {"foo":null}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"foo":null}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to undefined:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize undefined:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to undefined:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize undefined:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to true:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize true:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to true:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize true:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to false:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize false:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to false:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize false:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to 10:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 10:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to 10:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 10:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to -10:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize -10:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to -10:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize -10:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to 1073741824:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 1073741824:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to 1073741824:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 1073741824:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to 36028797018963970:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 36028797018963970:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to 36028797018963970:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 36028797018963970:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to 1.23:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 1.23:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to 1.23:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 1.23:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to 2147483647:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 2147483647:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to 2147483647:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 2147483647:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to -2147483648:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize -2147483648:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to -2147483648:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize -2147483648:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to 2147483648:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 2147483648:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to 2147483648:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 2147483648:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to 4294967295:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 4294967295:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to 4294967295:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize 4294967295:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to "":
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize "":
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to "":
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize "":
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to "abc":
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize "abc":
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to "abc":
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize "abc":
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {"integer":123}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"integer":123}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to {"integer":123}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"integer":123}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {"string":"str"}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"string":"str"}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to {"string":"str"}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"string":"str"}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {"list":[1,2,3]}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"list":[1,2,3]}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to {"list":[1,2,3]}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"list":[1,2,3]}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to null:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize null:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to null:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize null:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to {}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {"inner":{"hello":"there"},"outer":{"hello":"there"}}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"inner":{"hello":"there"},"outer":{"hello":"there"}}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to {"inner":{"hello":"there"},"outer":{"hello":"there"}}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"inner":{"hello":"there"},"outer":{"hello":"there"}}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {"hello":"there"}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"hello":"there"}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Backwards compatibility with version 3 serialization.

Deserialize to {"hello":"there"}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"hello":"there"}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {"a":"a","u":"αβ","d":42}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"a":"a","u":"αβ","d":42}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to {"a":"ab","u":"αβ","d":42}:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize {"a":"ab","u":"αβ","d":42}:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to []:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize []:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Deserialize to ["foo","bar"]:
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
PASS JSON.stringify(newObj) is JSON.stringify(obj)
PASS areValuesIdentical(newObj, obj) is true
Serialize ["foo","bar"]:
PASS bufferView.length is expectedBufferValues.length

Serialize undefined:
PASS thrownException.code is expectedException

PASS areValuesIdentical(blobObj1, blobObj2) is true
PASS areValuesIdentical(dictionaryWithBlob1, dictionaryWithBlob2) is true
PASS self.blobContent1 is self.blobContent2

Files created using the File constructor
PASS areValuesIdentical(fileObj1, fileObj2) is true
PASS areValuesIdentical(dictionaryWithFile1, dictionaryWithFile2) is true
PASS self.fileContents1 is self.fileContents2

Files selected by the user in an <input type='file'>
PASS areValuesIdentical(fileObj1, fileObj2) is true
PASS areValuesIdentical(dictionaryWithFile1, dictionaryWithFile2) is true
PASS self.fileContents1 is self.fileContents2
PASS successfullyParsed is true