Test for chromium bug : 249600. Extra logical height is not properly spread over the rows in a row-spanning cell.

Rows in rowspan should get proportional height.

Test 1 - Three rowSpan cells
row0 col0
row1 col0 - rowspan=4 row1 col1
row2 col1
row3 col1
row4 col1
row5 col0
row6 col0
row7 col0 row7 col1 - rowspan=4
row8 col0
row9 col0
row10 col0
row11 col0 row11 col1
row12 col0
row13 col0 row13 col1 - rowspan=4
row14 col0
row15 col0
row16 col0
row17 col0 row17 col1
Test 2 - Three rowSpan cell and specified table width
row0 col0 - rowspan=5 row0 col1
row1 col1
row2 col1
row3 col1
row4 col1
row5 col0
row6 col0 row6 col1 - rowspan=4
row7 col0
row8 col0
row9 col0
row10 col0 row10 col1
row11 col0
row12 col0 row12 col1 - rowspan=4
row13 col0
row14 col0
row15 col0
row16 col0 row16 col1
Test 3 - Continuous 3 rowSpan cells
row0 col0
row1 col0 - rowspan=4 row1 col1
row2 col1
row3 col1
row4 col1
row5 col0 row5 col1 - rowspan=4
row6 col0
row7 col0
row8 col0
row9 col0 row9 col1 - rowspan=4
row10 col0
row11 col0
row12 col0
row13 col0 row13 col1
Test 4 - Two rowSpan cells, 2 rows in first spanning cell have percent height and 2 rows in second spanning cell have fixed height
row0 col0
row1 col0 - rowspan=4 row1 col1
row2 col1
row3 col1
row4 col1
row5 col0
row6 col0
row7 col0 row7 col1 - rowspan=4
row8 col0
row9 col0
row10 col0
row11 col0 row11 col1
row12 col0
Test 5 - Two rowSpan cells, in first spanning cell, 2 rows have percent height and 2 rows have fixed height and in second spanning cell, 1 row have fixed height, 1 row have percent height and remaining are auto.
row0 col0
row1 col0 - rowspan=4 row1 col1
row2 col1
row3 col1
row4 col1
row5 col0
row6 col0
row7 col0 row7 col1 - rowspan=4
row8 col0
row9 col0
row10 col0
row11 col0 row11 col1
row12 col0
Test 6 - RowSpan and ColSpan.
row0 col0 row0 col1 - rowspan=3 colspan=2 row0 col2
row1 col0
row2 col0
row3 col0 - colspan=3
row4 col0
Test 7 - Mix of baseline aligned and non-baseline aligned cells.
row0 col0 row0 col1 vertical-align=top row0 col2 vertical-align=bottom
row1 col0
row2 col0 - rowspan=4 vertical-align=text-top row2 col1 vertical-align=sub
row3 col1 vertical-align=middle
row4 col1 vertical-align=super
row5 col1 vertical-align=text-bottom
row6 col0
Test 8 - CSS Table.
row0 col0
row0 col1
row0 col2
row1 col0
row1 col1
row1 col2
row2 col0
row3 col0
row4 col0 row4 col1 row4 col2
row5 col0
row5 col1
row5 col2
row6 col0
row6 col1
row7 col0
row8 col0
row9 col0
row10 col0
Test 9 - Table Similar to CSS table with rowspan.
row0 col0 row0 col1 row0 col2
row1 col1 row1 col2 row1 col3
row2 col3
row3 col2
row4 col1 row4 col2 row4 col3
row5 col0 row5 col1 row5 col2
row6 col0 row6 col1
row7 col1
row8 col1
row9 col1
row10 col1