Test for chromium bug : 252120. Content of the row spanning cell is flowing out of the cell boundries. Row spanning cell height is not set as per its content height or given height to this cells. Test 1 - One row spanning cell present under the boundries of other row spanning cell and inner row spanning cell have lots of content. row0 col0 rowspan=6 height=400px row0 col1 PASS row1 col1 PASS row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=200px PASS row3 col2 PASS row4 col2 PASS row5 col1 PASS row6 col0 PASS Test 2 - One row spanning cell present under the boundries of other row spanning cell and inner row spanning cell have its own height. row0 col0 rowspan=6 height=600px row0 col1 PASS row1 col1 PASS row2 col1 rowspan=3 height=400px PASS row3 col2 PASS row4 col2 PASS row5 col1 PASS row6 col0 PASS Test 3 - 2 same row spanning cells with diffrent heights. row0 col0 rowspan=6 height=300px row0 col1 rowspan=6 height=500px PASS row1 col1 PASS row2 col1 PASS row3 col1 PASS row4 col1 PASS row5 col1 PASS row6 col0 PASS Test 4 - some rows are common between 2 row spanning cells. row0 col0 rowspan=6 height=400px row0 col1 PASS row1 col1 rowspan=6 height=800px PASS row2 col2 PASS row3 col2 PASS row4 col2 PASS row5 col2 PASS row6 col2 PASS row7 col0 PASS Test 5 - 2 spanning cells starts at diffrent row index but end at same row index. row0 col0 rowspan=6 height=400px row0 col1 PASS row1 col1 rowspan=6 height=800px PASS row2 col2 PASS row3 col2 PASS row4 col2 PASS row5 col2 PASS row6 col2 PASS row7 col0 PASS Test 6 - RowSpan and ColSpan. row0 col0 row0 col1 - rowspan=3 colspan=2 row0 col2 PASS row1 col0 PASS row2 col0 PASS row3 col0 - colspan=3 PASS row4 col0 PASS Test 7 - Mix of baseline aligned and non-baseline aligned cells. row0 col0 row0 col1 vertical-align=top row0 col2 vertical-align=bottom PASS row1 col0 PASS row2 col0 - rowspan=4 vertical-align=text-top row2 col1 vertical-align=sub PASS row3 col1 vertical-align=middle PASS row4 col1 vertical-align=super PASS row5 col1 vertical-align=text-bottom PASS row6 col0 PASS Test 8 - CSS Table. row0 col0 row0 col1 row0 col2 row1 col0 row1 col1 row1 col2 row2 col0 row3 col0 row4 col0 row4 col1 row4 col2 row5 col0 row5 col1 row5 col2 row6 col0 row6 col1 row7 col0 row8 col0 row9 col0 row10 col0 Test 9 - Table Similar to CSS table with rowspan. row0 col0 row0 col1 row0 col2 PASS row1 col1 row1 col2 row1 col3 PASS row2 col3 PASS row3 col2 PASS row4 col1 row4 col2 row4 col3 PASS row5 col0 row5 col1 row5 col2 PASS row6 col0 row6 col1 PASS row7 col1 PASS row8 col1 PASS row9 col1 PASS row10 col1 PASS