layer at (0,0) size 800x600 clip at (0,0) size 785x600 scrollHeight 776 LayoutView at (0,0) size 800x600 layer at (0,0) size 785x776 backgroundClip at (0,0) size 785x600 clip at (0,0) size 785x600 LayoutBlockFlow {HTML} at (0,0) size 785x776 LayoutBlockFlow {BODY} at (0,0) size 785x776 LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,0) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 0x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,2) size 781x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 209x19 text run at (0,0) width 209: "First cell empty, second auto width" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,29) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 228x19 text run at (0,0) width 228: "First cell empty, second percent width" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,58) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 381x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (381,2) size 400x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 212x19 text run at (0,0) width 212: "First cell empty, second fixed width" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,87) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,2) size 391x20 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 4x19 text run at (0,0) width 4: " " LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 320x19 text run at (0,0) width 320: "First cell empty (with space) and has white-space:pre" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,116) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 310x19 text run at (0,0) width 310: "First cell empty (no space) and has white-space:pre" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,145) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,10) size 391x4 [border: (2px solid #008000)] [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 184x19 text run at (0,0) width 184: "First cell empty but has border" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,174) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,10) size 391x4 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 191x19 text run at (0,0) width 191: "First cell empty but has padding" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,203) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,11) size 391x2 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,1) size 390x22 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (1,1) size 224x19 text run at (1,1) width 224: "First cell empty, table has cellpadding" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,232) size 785x31 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x27 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,1) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (1,13) size 389x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,3) size 389x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 221x19 text run at (0,0) width 221: "First cell empty, table has cellspacing" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,263) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 183x19 text run at (0,0) width 183: "First cell empty but has margin" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,292) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [bgcolor=#FFFF00] [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 250x19 text run at (0,0) width 250: "First cell empty but has background color" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,321) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 149x19 text run at (0,0) width 149: "First row, first cell empty" LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,27) size 391x20 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 22x19 text run at (0,0) width 22: "text" LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,27) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 191x19 text run at (0,0) width 191: "Second row, first cell not empty" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,375) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 149x19 text run at (0,0) width 149: "First row, first cell empty" LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,27) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 168x19 text run at (0,0) width 168: "Second row, first cell empty" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,429) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 169x19 text run at (0,0) width 169: "First cell empty, has colspan" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,458) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 0x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,2) size 391x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 22x19 text run at (0,0) width 22: "text" LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 292x19 text run at (0,0) width 292: "First row, first cell empty, second cell non-empty" LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,27) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 264x19 text run at (0,0) width 264: "Second row, first cell empty with colspan=2" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,512) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,2) size 391x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 22x19 text run at (0,0) width 22: "text" LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,12) size 0x0 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 292x19 text run at (0,0) width 292: "First row, first cell non-empty, second cell empty" LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,27) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 264x19 text run at (0,0) width 264: "Second row, first cell empty with colspan=2" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,566) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 195x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (195,12) size 196x0 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 222x19 text run at (0,0) width 222: "First row, first and second cell empty" LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,27) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 262x19 text run at (0,0) width 262: "Second row, first cell empty, has colspan=2" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,620) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 195x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (195,12) size 196x0 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 222x19 text run at (0,0) width 222: "First row, first and second cell empty" LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,27) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 374x19 text run at (0,0) width 374: "Second row, first cell empty, has colspan=2 and percent width" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,674) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,12) size 0x0 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,2) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 222x19 text run at (0,0) width 222: "First row, first and second cell empty" LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (391,27) size 390x20 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 358x19 text run at (0,0) width 358: "Second row, first cell empty, has colspan=2 and fixed width" LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous) at (0,728) size 785x20 LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 94x19 text run at (0,0) width 94: "One empty cell:" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,748) size 785x4 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x0 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x0 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,0) size 781x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutBlockFlow (anonymous) at (0,752) size 785x20 LayoutText {#text} at (0,0) size 101x19 text run at (0,0) width 101: "Two empty cells:" LayoutTable {TABLE} at (0,772) size 785x4 [border: (2px solid #000000)] LayoutTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x0 LayoutTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x0 LayoutTableCell {TD} at (0,0) size 390x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] LayoutTableCell {TD} at (390,0) size 391x0 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1]