Verify edge cases that lazy index population in an IndexedDB implementation might reveal. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". dbname = "lazy-index-population.html" indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbname) Deleted all object stores. store = connection.createObjectStore('store') store.createIndex('index1', 'name', {unique: true}) Verify that uniqueness constraints are enforced with a pre-existing index: trans = connection.transaction('store', 'readwrite') store = trans.objectStore('store') request1 = store.put({name: 'bob'}, 1) request2 = store.put({name: 'bob'}, 2) state = 0 request1 received success event PASS ++state is 1 request2 received error event PASS ++state is 2 transaction aborted PASS ++state is 3 PASS is 'ConstraintError' Verify that uniqueness constraints are enforced when index is created before puts: connection.close(), 2) deleteAllObjectStores(connection) Deleted all object stores. store = connection.createObjectStore('store') store.createIndex('index2', 'name', {unique: true}) request1 = store.put({name: 'carol'}, 1) request2 = store.put({name: 'carol'}, 2) state = 0 request1 (index2) received success event PASS ++state is 1 request2 (index2) received error event PASS ++state is 2 transaction aborted PASS ++state is 3 PASS is 'ConstraintError' Verify that uniqueness constraints are enforced when index is created after puts:, 3) deleteAllObjectStores(connection) Deleted all object stores. store = connection.createObjectStore('store') request1 = store.put({name: 'ted'}, 1) request2 = store.put({name: 'ted'}, 2) store.createIndex('index3', 'name', {unique: true}) state = 0 request1 received success event PASS ++state is 1 request2 received success event PASS ++state is 2 transaction aborted PASS ++state is 3 PASS is 'ConstraintError' Verify that uniqueness constraints are enforced when index is created between puts:, 4) deleteAllObjectStores(connection) Deleted all object stores. store = connection.createObjectStore('store') request1 = store.put({name: 'alice'}, 1) store.createIndex('index4', 'name', {unique: true}) request2 = store.put({name: 'alice'}, 2) state = 0 request1 received success event PASS ++state is 1 request2 received error event PASS ++state is 2 transaction aborted PASS ++state is 3 PASS is 'ConstraintError' PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE