Ensure IndexedDB transactions created before open onsuccess have correct metadata On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". dbname = "metadata-race.html" indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbname) indexedDB.open(dbname) prepareDatabase(): db = event.target.result store = db.createObjectStore('store') store.createIndex('index', 'keyPath') transaction = event.target.transaction PASS index = transaction.objectStore('store').index('index') did not throw exception. onTransactionComplete(): In multiprocess mode, 'complete' event may be dispatched before the 'success' arrives with updated metadata. Ensure the new metadata is still used for transactions. store = db.transaction('store').objectStore('store') PASS index = store.index('index') did not throw exception. onOpenSuccess(): db = event.target.result store = db.transaction('store').objectStore('store') PASS index = store.index('index') did not throw exception. PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE