/* * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 Rob Buis (rwlbuis@gmail.com) * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "core/html/HTMLLinkElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h" #include "bindings/v8/ScriptEventListener.h" #include "core/css/MediaList.h" #include "core/css/MediaQueryEvaluator.h" #include "core/css/StyleSheetContents.h" #include "core/css/resolver/StyleResolver.h" #include "core/dom/Attribute.h" #include "core/dom/Document.h" #include "core/events/Event.h" #include "core/events/EventSender.h" #include "core/dom/StyleEngine.h" #include "core/fetch/CSSStyleSheetResource.h" #include "core/fetch/FetchRequest.h" #include "core/fetch/ResourceFetcher.h" #include "core/html/LinkImport.h" #include "core/loader/FrameLoader.h" #include "core/loader/FrameLoaderClient.h" #include "core/frame/ContentSecurityPolicy.h" #include "core/frame/Frame.h" #include "core/frame/FrameView.h" #include "wtf/StdLibExtras.h" namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; static LinkEventSender& linkLoadEventSender() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(LinkEventSender, sharedLoadEventSender, (EventTypeNames::load)); return sharedLoadEventSender; } inline HTMLLinkElement::HTMLLinkElement(Document& document, bool createdByParser) : HTMLElement(linkTag, document) , m_linkLoader(this) , m_sizes(DOMSettableTokenList::create()) , m_createdByParser(createdByParser) , m_isInShadowTree(false) , m_beforeLoadRecurseCount(0) { ScriptWrappable::init(this); } PassRefPtr HTMLLinkElement::create(Document& document, bool createdByParser) { return adoptRef(new HTMLLinkElement(document, createdByParser)); } HTMLLinkElement::~HTMLLinkElement() { m_link.clear(); if (inDocument()) document().styleEngine()->removeStyleSheetCandidateNode(this); linkLoadEventSender().cancelEvent(this); } void HTMLLinkElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value) { if (name == relAttr) { m_relAttribute = LinkRelAttribute(value); process(); } else if (name == hrefAttr) { process(); } else if (name == typeAttr) { m_type = value; process(); } else if (name == sizesAttr) { m_sizes->setValue(value); process(); } else if (name == mediaAttr) { m_media = value.string().lower(); process(); } else if (name == disabledAttr) { if (LinkStyle* link = linkStyle()) link->setDisabledState(!value.isNull()); } else if (name == onbeforeloadAttr) setAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::beforeload, createAttributeEventListener(this, name, value)); else { if (name == titleAttr) { if (LinkStyle* link = linkStyle()) link->setSheetTitle(value); } HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value); } } bool HTMLLinkElement::shouldLoadLink() { bool continueLoad = true; RefPtr originalDocument(document()); int recursionRank = ++m_beforeLoadRecurseCount; if (!dispatchBeforeLoadEvent(getNonEmptyURLAttribute(hrefAttr))) continueLoad = false; // A beforeload handler might have removed us from the document or changed the document. if (continueLoad && (!inDocument() || document() != originalDocument)) continueLoad = false; // If the beforeload handler recurses into the link element by mutating it, we should only // let the latest (innermost) mutation occur. if (recursionRank != m_beforeLoadRecurseCount) continueLoad = false; if (recursionRank == 1) m_beforeLoadRecurseCount = 0; return continueLoad; } LinkResource* HTMLLinkElement::linkResourceToProcess() { bool visible = inDocument() && !m_isInShadowTree; if (!visible) { ASSERT(!linkStyle() || !linkStyle()->hasSheet()); return 0; } if (!m_link) { if (m_relAttribute.isImport() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::htmlImportsEnabled()) m_link = LinkImport::create(this); else { OwnPtr link = LinkStyle::create(this); if (fastHasAttribute(disabledAttr)) link->setDisabledState(true); m_link = link.release(); } } return m_link.get(); } LinkStyle* HTMLLinkElement::linkStyle() const { if (!m_link || m_link->type() != LinkResource::Style) return 0; return static_cast(m_link.get()); } LinkImport* HTMLLinkElement::linkImport() const { if (!m_link || m_link->type() != LinkResource::Import) return 0; return static_cast(m_link.get()); } Document* HTMLLinkElement::import() const { if (LinkImport* link = linkImport()) return link->importedDocument(); return 0; } void HTMLLinkElement::process() { if (LinkResource* link = linkResourceToProcess()) link->process(); } Node::InsertionNotificationRequest HTMLLinkElement::insertedInto(ContainerNode* insertionPoint) { HTMLElement::insertedInto(insertionPoint); if (!insertionPoint->inDocument()) return InsertionDone; m_isInShadowTree = isInShadowTree(); if (m_isInShadowTree) return InsertionDone; document().styleEngine()->addStyleSheetCandidateNode(this, m_createdByParser); process(); return InsertionDone; } void HTMLLinkElement::removedFrom(ContainerNode* insertionPoint) { HTMLElement::removedFrom(insertionPoint); if (!insertionPoint->inDocument()) return; m_linkLoader.released(); if (m_isInShadowTree) { ASSERT(!linkStyle() || !linkStyle()->hasSheet()); return; } document().styleEngine()->removeStyleSheetCandidateNode(this); RefPtr removedSheet = sheet(); if (m_link) m_link->ownerRemoved(); document().removedStyleSheet(removedSheet.get()); } void HTMLLinkElement::finishParsingChildren() { m_createdByParser = false; HTMLElement::finishParsingChildren(); } bool HTMLLinkElement::styleSheetIsLoading() const { return linkStyle() && linkStyle()->styleSheetIsLoading(); } void HTMLLinkElement::linkLoaded() { dispatchEvent(Event::create(EventTypeNames::load)); } void HTMLLinkElement::linkLoadingErrored() { dispatchEvent(Event::create(EventTypeNames::error)); } void HTMLLinkElement::didStartLinkPrerender() { dispatchEvent(Event::create(EventTypeNames::webkitprerenderstart)); } void HTMLLinkElement::didStopLinkPrerender() { dispatchEvent(Event::create(EventTypeNames::webkitprerenderstop)); } void HTMLLinkElement::didSendLoadForLinkPrerender() { dispatchEvent(Event::create(EventTypeNames::webkitprerenderload)); } void HTMLLinkElement::didSendDOMContentLoadedForLinkPrerender() { dispatchEvent(Event::create(EventTypeNames::webkitprerenderdomcontentloaded)); } bool HTMLLinkElement::sheetLoaded() { ASSERT(linkStyle()); return linkStyle()->sheetLoaded(); } void HTMLLinkElement::notifyLoadedSheetAndAllCriticalSubresources(bool errorOccurred) { ASSERT(linkStyle()); linkStyle()->notifyLoadedSheetAndAllCriticalSubresources(errorOccurred); } void HTMLLinkElement::dispatchPendingLoadEvents() { linkLoadEventSender().dispatchPendingEvents(); } void HTMLLinkElement::dispatchPendingEvent(LinkEventSender* eventSender) { ASSERT_UNUSED(eventSender, eventSender == &linkLoadEventSender()); ASSERT(m_link); if (m_link->hasLoaded()) linkLoaded(); else linkLoadingErrored(); } void HTMLLinkElement::scheduleEvent() { linkLoadEventSender().dispatchEventSoon(this); } void HTMLLinkElement::startLoadingDynamicSheet() { ASSERT(linkStyle()); linkStyle()->startLoadingDynamicSheet(); } bool HTMLLinkElement::isURLAttribute(const Attribute& attribute) const { return attribute.name().localName() == hrefAttr || HTMLElement::isURLAttribute(attribute); } KURL HTMLLinkElement::href() const { return document().completeURL(getAttribute(hrefAttr)); } const AtomicString& HTMLLinkElement::rel() const { return getAttribute(relAttr); } String HTMLLinkElement::target() const { return getAttribute(targetAttr); } const AtomicString& HTMLLinkElement::type() const { return getAttribute(typeAttr); } IconType HTMLLinkElement::iconType() const { return m_relAttribute.iconType(); } String HTMLLinkElement::iconSizes() const { return m_sizes->toString(); } void HTMLLinkElement::addSubresourceAttributeURLs(ListHashSet& urls) const { HTMLElement::addSubresourceAttributeURLs(urls); // Favicons are handled by a special case in LegacyWebArchive::create() if (m_relAttribute.iconType() != InvalidIcon) return; if (!m_relAttribute.isStyleSheet()) return; // Append the URL of this link element. addSubresourceURL(urls, href()); // Walk the URLs linked by the linked-to stylesheet. if (CSSStyleSheet* styleSheet = const_cast(this)->sheet()) styleSheet->contents()->addSubresourceStyleURLs(urls); } DOMSettableTokenList* HTMLLinkElement::sizes() const { return m_sizes.get(); } PassOwnPtr LinkStyle::create(HTMLLinkElement* owner) { return adoptPtr(new LinkStyle(owner)); } LinkStyle::LinkStyle(HTMLLinkElement* owner) : LinkResource(owner) , m_disabledState(Unset) , m_pendingSheetType(None) , m_loading(false) , m_firedLoad(false) , m_loadedSheet(false) { } LinkStyle::~LinkStyle() { if (m_sheet) m_sheet->clearOwnerNode(); if (m_resource) m_resource->removeClient(this); } Document& LinkStyle::document() { return m_owner->document(); } void LinkStyle::setCSSStyleSheet(const String& href, const KURL& baseURL, const String& charset, const CSSStyleSheetResource* cachedStyleSheet) { if (!m_owner->inDocument()) { ASSERT(!m_sheet); return; } // Completing the sheet load may cause scripts to execute. RefPtr protector(m_owner); CSSParserContext parserContext(m_owner->document(), baseURL, charset); if (RefPtr restoredSheet = const_cast(cachedStyleSheet)->restoreParsedStyleSheet(parserContext)) { ASSERT(restoredSheet->isCacheable()); ASSERT(!restoredSheet->isLoading()); if (m_sheet) clearSheet(); m_sheet = CSSStyleSheet::create(restoredSheet, m_owner); m_sheet->setMediaQueries(MediaQuerySet::create(m_owner->media())); m_sheet->setTitle(m_owner->title()); m_loading = false; sheetLoaded(); notifyLoadedSheetAndAllCriticalSubresources(false); return; } RefPtr styleSheet = StyleSheetContents::create(href, parserContext); if (m_sheet) clearSheet(); m_sheet = CSSStyleSheet::create(styleSheet, m_owner); m_sheet->setMediaQueries(MediaQuerySet::create(m_owner->media())); m_sheet->setTitle(m_owner->title()); styleSheet->parseAuthorStyleSheet(cachedStyleSheet, m_owner->document().securityOrigin()); m_loading = false; styleSheet->notifyLoadedSheet(cachedStyleSheet); styleSheet->checkLoaded(); if (styleSheet->isCacheable()) const_cast(cachedStyleSheet)->saveParsedStyleSheet(styleSheet); } bool LinkStyle::sheetLoaded() { if (!styleSheetIsLoading()) { removePendingSheet(); return true; } return false; } void LinkStyle::notifyLoadedSheetAndAllCriticalSubresources(bool errorOccurred) { if (m_firedLoad) return; m_loadedSheet = !errorOccurred; if (m_owner) m_owner->scheduleEvent(); m_firedLoad = true; } void LinkStyle::startLoadingDynamicSheet() { ASSERT(m_pendingSheetType < Blocking); addPendingSheet(Blocking); } void LinkStyle::clearSheet() { ASSERT(m_sheet); ASSERT(m_sheet->ownerNode() == m_owner); m_sheet->clearOwnerNode(); m_sheet = 0; } bool LinkStyle::styleSheetIsLoading() const { if (m_loading) return true; if (!m_sheet) return false; return m_sheet->contents()->isLoading(); } void LinkStyle::addPendingSheet(PendingSheetType type) { if (type <= m_pendingSheetType) return; m_pendingSheetType = type; if (m_pendingSheetType == NonBlocking) return; m_owner->document().styleEngine()->addPendingSheet(); } void LinkStyle::removePendingSheet(RemovePendingSheetNotificationType notification) { PendingSheetType type = m_pendingSheetType; m_pendingSheetType = None; if (type == None) return; if (type == NonBlocking) { // Tell StyleEngine to re-compute styleSheets of this m_owner's treescope. m_owner->document().styleEngine()->modifiedStyleSheetCandidateNode(m_owner); // Document::removePendingSheet() triggers the style selector recalc for blocking sheets. // FIXME: We don't have enough knowledge at this point to know if we're adding or removing a sheet // so we can't call addedStyleSheet() or removedStyleSheet(). m_owner->document().styleResolverChanged(RecalcStyleImmediately); return; } m_owner->document().styleEngine()->removePendingSheet(m_owner, notification == RemovePendingSheetNotifyImmediately ? StyleEngine::RemovePendingSheetNotifyImmediately : StyleEngine::RemovePendingSheetNotifyLater); } void LinkStyle::setDisabledState(bool disabled) { LinkStyle::DisabledState oldDisabledState = m_disabledState; m_disabledState = disabled ? Disabled : EnabledViaScript; if (oldDisabledState != m_disabledState) { // If we change the disabled state while the sheet is still loading, then we have to // perform three checks: if (styleSheetIsLoading()) { // Check #1: The sheet becomes disabled while loading. if (m_disabledState == Disabled) removePendingSheet(); // Check #2: An alternate sheet becomes enabled while it is still loading. if (m_owner->relAttribute().isAlternate() && m_disabledState == EnabledViaScript) addPendingSheet(Blocking); // Check #3: A main sheet becomes enabled while it was still loading and // after it was disabled via script. It takes really terrible code to make this // happen (a double toggle for no reason essentially). This happens on // virtualplastic.net, which manages to do about 12 enable/disables on only 3 // sheets. :) if (!m_owner->relAttribute().isAlternate() && m_disabledState == EnabledViaScript && oldDisabledState == Disabled) addPendingSheet(Blocking); // If the sheet is already loading just bail. return; } if (m_sheet) m_sheet->setDisabled(disabled); // Load the sheet, since it's never been loaded before. if (!m_sheet && m_disabledState == EnabledViaScript) { if (m_owner->shouldProcessStyle()) process(); } else { // FIXME: We don't have enough knowledge here to know if we should call addedStyleSheet() or removedStyleSheet(). m_owner->document().styleResolverChanged(RecalcStyleDeferred); } } } void LinkStyle::process() { ASSERT(m_owner->shouldProcessStyle()); String type = m_owner->typeValue().lower(); LinkRequestBuilder builder(m_owner); if (m_owner->relAttribute().iconType() != InvalidIcon && builder.url().isValid() && !builder.url().isEmpty()) { if (!m_owner->shouldLoadLink()) return; if (!document().securityOrigin()->canDisplay(builder.url())) return; if (!document().contentSecurityPolicy()->allowImageFromSource(builder.url())) return; if (document().frame()) document().frame()->loader().client()->dispatchDidChangeIcons(m_owner->relAttribute().iconType()); } if (!m_owner->loadLink(type, builder.url())) return; if ((m_disabledState != Disabled) && m_owner->relAttribute().isStyleSheet() && shouldLoadResource() && builder.url().isValid()) { if (m_resource) { removePendingSheet(); m_resource->removeClient(this); m_resource = 0; } if (!m_owner->shouldLoadLink()) return; Frame* frame = loadingFrame(); m_loading = true; bool mediaQueryMatches = true; if (!m_owner->media().isEmpty()) { RefPtr documentStyle = StyleResolver::styleForDocument(document()); RefPtr media = MediaQuerySet::create(m_owner->media()); MediaQueryEvaluator evaluator(frame->view()->mediaType(), frame, documentStyle.get()); mediaQueryMatches = evaluator.eval(media.get()); } // Don't hold up render tree construction and script execution on stylesheets // that are not needed for the rendering at the moment. bool blocking = mediaQueryMatches && !m_owner->isAlternate(); addPendingSheet(blocking ? Blocking : NonBlocking); // Load stylesheets that are not needed for the rendering immediately with low priority. FetchRequest request = builder.build(blocking); m_resource = document().fetcher()->fetchCSSStyleSheet(request); if (m_resource) m_resource->addClient(this); else { // The request may have been denied if (for example) the stylesheet is local and the document is remote. m_loading = false; removePendingSheet(); } } else if (m_sheet) { // we no longer contain a stylesheet, e.g. perhaps rel or type was changed RefPtr removedSheet = m_sheet; clearSheet(); document().removedStyleSheet(removedSheet.get()); } } void LinkStyle::setSheetTitle(const String& title) { if (m_sheet) m_sheet->setTitle(title); } void LinkStyle::ownerRemoved() { if (m_sheet) clearSheet(); if (styleSheetIsLoading()) removePendingSheet(RemovePendingSheetNotifyLater); } } // namespace WebCore