/* * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * (C) 2004 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (kde@carewolf.com) * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http://www.torchmobile.com/) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "core/layout/LayoutObject.h" #include "core/HTMLNames.h" #include "core/animation/ElementAnimations.h" #include "core/css/resolver/StyleResolver.h" #include "core/dom/AXObjectCache.h" #include "core/dom/ElementTraversal.h" #include "core/dom/StyleChangeReason.h" #include "core/dom/StyleEngine.h" #include "core/dom/shadow/ShadowRoot.h" #include "core/editing/EditingBoundary.h" #include "core/editing/EditingUtilities.h" #include "core/editing/FrameSelection.h" #include "core/editing/TextAffinity.h" #include "core/fetch/ResourceLoader.h" #include "core/frame/DeprecatedScheduleStyleRecalcDuringLayout.h" #include "core/frame/EventHandlerRegistry.h" #include "core/frame/FrameView.h" #include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h" #include "core/frame/Settings.h" #include "core/frame/UseCounter.h" #include "core/html/HTMLAnchorElement.h" #include "core/html/HTMLElement.h" #include "core/html/HTMLHtmlElement.h" #include "core/html/HTMLTableCellElement.h" #include "core/html/HTMLTableElement.h" #include "core/input/EventHandler.h" #include "core/inspector/InstanceCounters.h" #include "core/layout/HitTestResult.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutCounter.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutDeprecatedFlexibleBox.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutFlexibleBox.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutFlowThread.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutGeometryMap.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutGrid.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutImage.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutImageResourceStyleImage.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutInline.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutListItem.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutObjectInlines.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutPart.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutScrollbarPart.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutTableCaption.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutTableCell.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutTableCol.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutTableRow.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutTheme.h" #include "core/layout/LayoutView.h" #include "core/layout/compositing/PaintLayerCompositor.h" #include "core/page/AutoscrollController.h" #include "core/page/Page.h" #include "core/paint/ObjectPaintProperties.h" #include "core/paint/ObjectPainter.h" #include "core/paint/PaintInfo.h" #include "core/paint/PaintLayer.h" #include "core/style/ContentData.h" #include "core/style/ShadowList.h" #include "platform/HostWindow.h" #include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h" #include "platform/TraceEvent.h" #include "platform/TracedValue.h" #include "platform/geometry/TransformState.h" #include "platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h" #include "platform/graphics/paint/PaintController.h" #include "wtf/Partitions.h" #include "wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.h" #include "wtf/text/StringBuilder.h" #include "wtf/text/WTFString.h" #include #ifndef NDEBUG #include #endif namespace blink { namespace { static bool gModifyLayoutTreeStructureAnyState = false; static bool gDisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts = false; } // namespace using namespace HTMLNames; const LayoutUnit& caretWidth() { static LayoutUnit gCaretWidth(1); return gCaretWidth; } #if ENABLE(ASSERT) LayoutObject::SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope::SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope(LayoutObject& layoutObject) : m_layoutObject(layoutObject) , m_preexistingForbidden(m_layoutObject.isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden()) { m_layoutObject.setNeedsLayoutIsForbidden(true); } LayoutObject::SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope::~SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope() { m_layoutObject.setNeedsLayoutIsForbidden(m_preexistingForbidden); } #endif struct SameSizeAsLayoutObject { virtual ~SameSizeAsLayoutObject() { } // Allocate vtable pointer. void* pointers[6]; #if ENABLE(ASSERT) unsigned m_debugBitfields : 2; #endif unsigned m_bitfields; unsigned m_bitfields2; LayoutRect rect; // Stores the previous paint invalidation rect. LayoutPoint position; // Stores the previous position from the paint invalidation container. }; static_assert(sizeof(LayoutObject) == sizeof(SameSizeAsLayoutObject), "LayoutObject should stay small"); bool LayoutObject::s_affectsParentBlock = false; typedef HashMap SelectionPaintInvalidationMap; static SelectionPaintInvalidationMap* selectionPaintInvalidationMap = nullptr; // The pointer to paint properties is implemented as a global hash map temporarily, // to avoid memory regression during the transition towards SPv2. typedef HashMap> ObjectPaintPropertiesMap; static ObjectPaintPropertiesMap& objectPaintPropertiesMap() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(ObjectPaintPropertiesMap, staticObjectPaintPropertiesMap, ()); return staticObjectPaintPropertiesMap; } void* LayoutObject::operator new(size_t sz) { ASSERT(isMainThread()); return partitionAlloc(WTF::Partitions::layoutPartition(), sz, WTF_HEAP_PROFILER_TYPE_NAME(LayoutObject)); } void LayoutObject::operator delete(void* ptr) { ASSERT(isMainThread()); partitionFree(ptr); } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::createObject(Element* element, const ComputedStyle& style) { ASSERT(isAllowedToModifyLayoutTreeStructure(element->document())); // Minimal support for content properties replacing an entire element. // Works only if we have exactly one piece of content and it's a URL. // Otherwise acts as if we didn't support this feature. const ContentData* contentData = style.contentData(); if (contentData && !contentData->next() && contentData->isImage() && !element->isPseudoElement()) { LayoutImage* image = new LayoutImage(element); // LayoutImageResourceStyleImage requires a style being present on the image but we don't want to // trigger a style change now as the node is not fully attached. Moving this code to style change // doesn't make sense as it should be run once at layoutObject creation. image->setStyleInternal(const_cast(&style)); if (const StyleImage* styleImage = toImageContentData(contentData)->image()) { image->setImageResource(LayoutImageResourceStyleImage::create(const_cast(styleImage))); image->setIsGeneratedContent(); } else { image->setImageResource(LayoutImageResource::create()); } image->setStyleInternal(nullptr); return image; } switch (style.display()) { case NONE: return nullptr; case INLINE: return new LayoutInline(element); case BLOCK: case INLINE_BLOCK: return new LayoutBlockFlow(element); case LIST_ITEM: return new LayoutListItem(element); case TABLE: case INLINE_TABLE: return new LayoutTable(element); case TABLE_ROW_GROUP: case TABLE_HEADER_GROUP: case TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP: return new LayoutTableSection(element); case TABLE_ROW: return new LayoutTableRow(element); case TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP: case TABLE_COLUMN: return new LayoutTableCol(element); case TABLE_CELL: return new LayoutTableCell(element); case TABLE_CAPTION: return new LayoutTableCaption(element); case BOX: case INLINE_BOX: return new LayoutDeprecatedFlexibleBox(*element); case FLEX: case INLINE_FLEX: return new LayoutFlexibleBox(element); case GRID: case INLINE_GRID: return new LayoutGrid(element); } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return nullptr; } #ifndef NDEBUG static WTF::RefCountedLeakCounter& layoutObjectCounter() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WTF::RefCountedLeakCounter, staticLayoutObjectCounter, ("LayoutObject")); return staticLayoutObjectCounter; } #endif LayoutObject::LayoutObject(Node* node) : m_style(nullptr) , m_node(node) , m_parent(nullptr) , m_previous(nullptr) , m_next(nullptr) #if ENABLE(ASSERT) , m_hasAXObject(false) , m_setNeedsLayoutForbidden(false) #endif , m_bitfields(node) { // TODO(wangxianzhu): Move this into initialization list when we enable the feature by default. if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintInvalidationEnabled()) m_previousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking = uninitializedPaintOffset(); #ifndef NDEBUG layoutObjectCounter().increment(); #endif InstanceCounters::incrementCounter(InstanceCounters::LayoutObjectCounter); } LayoutObject::~LayoutObject() { ASSERT(!m_hasAXObject); #ifndef NDEBUG layoutObjectCounter().decrement(); #endif InstanceCounters::decrementCounter(InstanceCounters::LayoutObjectCounter); } bool LayoutObject::isDescendantOf(const LayoutObject* obj) const { for (const LayoutObject* r = this; r; r = r->m_parent) { if (r == obj) return true; } return false; } bool LayoutObject::isHR() const { return isHTMLHRElement(node()); } bool LayoutObject::isLegend() const { return isHTMLLegendElement(node()); } void LayoutObject::setIsInsideFlowThreadIncludingDescendants(bool insideFlowThread) { LayoutObject* next; for (LayoutObject *object = this; object; object = next) { // If object is a fragmentation context it already updated the descendants flag accordingly. if (object->isLayoutFlowThread()) { next = object->nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(this); continue; } next = object->nextInPreOrder(this); ASSERT(insideFlowThread != object->isInsideFlowThread()); object->setIsInsideFlowThread(insideFlowThread); } } bool LayoutObject::requiresAnonymousTableWrappers(const LayoutObject* newChild) const { // Check should agree with: // CSS 2.1 Tables: 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#anonymous-boxes if (newChild->isLayoutTableCol()) { const LayoutTableCol* newTableColumn = toLayoutTableCol(newChild); bool isColumnInColumnGroup = newTableColumn->isTableColumn() && isLayoutTableCol(); return !isTable() && !isColumnInColumnGroup; } if (newChild->isTableCaption()) return !isTable(); if (newChild->isTableSection()) return !isTable(); if (newChild->isTableRow()) return !isTableSection(); if (newChild->isTableCell()) return !isTableRow(); return false; } void LayoutObject::addChild(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild) { ASSERT(isAllowedToModifyLayoutTreeStructure(document())); LayoutObjectChildList* children = virtualChildren(); ASSERT(children); if (!children) return; if (requiresAnonymousTableWrappers(newChild)) { // Generate an anonymous table or reuse existing one from previous child // Per: 17.2.1 Anonymous table objects 3. Generate missing parents // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#anonymous-boxes LayoutTable* table; LayoutObject* afterChild = beforeChild ? beforeChild->previousSibling() : children->lastChild(); if (afterChild && afterChild->isAnonymous() && afterChild->isTable() && !afterChild->isBeforeContent()) { table = toLayoutTable(afterChild); } else { table = LayoutTable::createAnonymousWithParent(this); children->insertChildNode(this, table, beforeChild); } table->addChild(newChild); } else { children->insertChildNode(this, newChild, beforeChild); } if (newChild->isText() && newChild->style()->textTransform() == CAPITALIZE) toLayoutText(newChild)->transformText(); // SVG creates layoutObjects for , as SVG requires children of hidden // s to have layoutObjects - at least that's how our implementation works. Consider: // FOO... // - layerTypeRequired() would return true for the , creating a new Layer // - when the document is painted, both layers are painted. The layer doesn't // know that it's inside a "hidden SVG subtree", and thus paints, even if it shouldn't. // To avoid the problem altogether, detect early if we're inside a hidden SVG subtree // and stop creating layers at all for these cases - they're not used anyways. if (newChild->hasLayer() && !layerCreationAllowedForSubtree()) toLayoutBoxModelObject(newChild)->layer()->removeOnlyThisLayer(); } void LayoutObject::removeChild(LayoutObject* oldChild) { ASSERT(isAllowedToModifyLayoutTreeStructure(document())); LayoutObjectChildList* children = virtualChildren(); ASSERT(children); if (!children) return; children->removeChildNode(this, oldChild); } void LayoutObject::setDangerousOneWayParent(LayoutObject* parent) { ASSERT(!previousSibling()); ASSERT(!nextSibling()); ASSERT(!parent || !m_parent); setParent(parent); } void LayoutObject::registerSubtreeChangeListenerOnDescendants(bool value) { // If we're set to the same value then we're done as that means it's // set down the tree that way already. if (m_bitfields.subtreeChangeListenerRegistered() == value) return; m_bitfields.setSubtreeChangeListenerRegistered(value); for (LayoutObject* curr = slowFirstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) curr->registerSubtreeChangeListenerOnDescendants(value); } void LayoutObject::notifyAncestorsOfSubtreeChange() { if (m_bitfields.notifiedOfSubtreeChange()) return; m_bitfields.setNotifiedOfSubtreeChange(true); if (parent()) parent()->notifyAncestorsOfSubtreeChange(); } void LayoutObject::notifyOfSubtreeChange() { if (!m_bitfields.subtreeChangeListenerRegistered()) return; if (m_bitfields.notifiedOfSubtreeChange()) return; notifyAncestorsOfSubtreeChange(); // We can modify the layout tree during layout which means that we may // try to schedule this during performLayout. This should no longer // happen when crbug.com/370457 is fixed. DeprecatedScheduleStyleRecalcDuringLayout marker(document().lifecycle()); document().scheduleLayoutTreeUpdateIfNeeded(); } void LayoutObject::handleSubtreeModifications() { ASSERT(wasNotifiedOfSubtreeChange()); ASSERT(document().lifecycle().stateAllowsLayoutTreeNotifications()); if (consumesSubtreeChangeNotification()) subtreeDidChange(); m_bitfields.setNotifiedOfSubtreeChange(false); for (LayoutObject* object = slowFirstChild(); object; object = object->nextSibling()) { if (!object->wasNotifiedOfSubtreeChange()) continue; object->handleSubtreeModifications(); } } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::nextInPreOrder() const { if (LayoutObject* o = slowFirstChild()) return o; return nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(); } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::nextInPreOrderAfterChildren() const { LayoutObject* o = nextSibling(); if (!o) { o = parent(); while (o && !o->nextSibling()) o = o->parent(); if (o) o = o->nextSibling(); } return o; } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::nextInPreOrder(const LayoutObject* stayWithin) const { if (LayoutObject* o = slowFirstChild()) return o; return nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(stayWithin); } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(const LayoutObject* stayWithin) const { if (this == stayWithin) return nullptr; const LayoutObject* current = this; LayoutObject* next = current->nextSibling(); for (; !next; next = current->nextSibling()) { current = current->parent(); if (!current || current == stayWithin) return nullptr; } return next; } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::previousInPreOrder() const { if (LayoutObject* o = previousSibling()) { while (LayoutObject* lastChild = o->slowLastChild()) o = lastChild; return o; } return parent(); } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::previousInPreOrder(const LayoutObject* stayWithin) const { if (this == stayWithin) return nullptr; return previousInPreOrder(); } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::childAt(unsigned index) const { LayoutObject* child = slowFirstChild(); for (unsigned i = 0; child && i < index; i++) child = child->nextSibling(); return child; } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::lastLeafChild() const { LayoutObject* r = slowLastChild(); while (r) { LayoutObject* n = nullptr; n = r->slowLastChild(); if (!n) break; r = n; } return r; } static void addLayers(LayoutObject* obj, PaintLayer* parentLayer, LayoutObject*& newObject, PaintLayer*& beforeChild) { if (obj->hasLayer()) { if (!beforeChild && newObject) { // We need to figure out the layer that follows newObject. We only do // this the first time we find a child layer, and then we update the // pointer values for newObject and beforeChild used by everyone else. beforeChild = newObject->parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, newObject); newObject = nullptr; } parentLayer->addChild(toLayoutBoxModelObject(obj)->layer(), beforeChild); return; } for (LayoutObject* curr = obj->slowFirstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) addLayers(curr, parentLayer, newObject, beforeChild); } void LayoutObject::addLayers(PaintLayer* parentLayer) { if (!parentLayer) return; LayoutObject* object = this; PaintLayer* beforeChild = nullptr; blink::addLayers(this, parentLayer, object, beforeChild); } void LayoutObject::removeLayers(PaintLayer* parentLayer) { if (!parentLayer) return; if (hasLayer()) { parentLayer->removeChild(toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer()); return; } for (LayoutObject* curr = slowFirstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) curr->removeLayers(parentLayer); } void LayoutObject::moveLayers(PaintLayer* oldParent, PaintLayer* newParent) { if (!newParent) return; if (hasLayer()) { PaintLayer* layer = toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer(); ASSERT(oldParent == layer->parent()); if (oldParent) oldParent->removeChild(layer); newParent->addChild(layer); return; } for (LayoutObject* curr = slowFirstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) curr->moveLayers(oldParent, newParent); } PaintLayer* LayoutObject::findNextLayer(PaintLayer* parentLayer, LayoutObject* startPoint, bool checkParent) { // Error check the parent layer passed in. If it's null, we can't find anything. if (!parentLayer) return 0; // Step 1: If our layer is a child of the desired parent, then return our layer. PaintLayer* ourLayer = hasLayer() ? toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer() : nullptr; if (ourLayer && ourLayer->parent() == parentLayer) return ourLayer; // Step 2: If we don't have a layer, or our layer is the desired parent, then descend // into our siblings trying to find the next layer whose parent is the desired parent. if (!ourLayer || ourLayer == parentLayer) { for (LayoutObject* curr = startPoint ? startPoint->nextSibling() : slowFirstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) { PaintLayer* nextLayer = curr->findNextLayer(parentLayer, nullptr, false); if (nextLayer) return nextLayer; } } // Step 3: If our layer is the desired parent layer, then we're finished. We didn't // find anything. if (parentLayer == ourLayer) return nullptr; // Step 4: If |checkParent| is set, climb up to our parent and check its siblings that // follow us to see if we can locate a layer. if (checkParent && parent()) return parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, this, true); return nullptr; } PaintLayer* LayoutObject::enclosingLayer() const { for (const LayoutObject* current = this; current; current = current->parent()) { if (current->hasLayer()) return toLayoutBoxModelObject(current)->layer(); } // FIXME: we should get rid of detached layout subtrees, at which point this code should // not be reached. crbug.com/411429 return nullptr; } bool LayoutObject::scrollRectToVisible(const LayoutRect& rect, const ScrollAlignment& alignX, const ScrollAlignment& alignY, ScrollType scrollType, bool makeVisibleInVisualViewport) { LayoutBox* enclosingBox = this->enclosingBox(); if (!enclosingBox) return false; enclosingBox->scrollRectToVisible(rect, alignX, alignY, scrollType, makeVisibleInVisualViewport); return true; } LayoutBox* LayoutObject::enclosingBox() const { LayoutObject* curr = const_cast(this); while (curr) { if (curr->isBox()) return toLayoutBox(curr); curr = curr->parent(); } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return nullptr; } LayoutBoxModelObject* LayoutObject::enclosingBoxModelObject() const { LayoutObject* curr = const_cast(this); while (curr) { if (curr->isBoxModelObject()) return toLayoutBoxModelObject(curr); curr = curr->parent(); } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return nullptr; } LayoutBox* LayoutObject::enclosingScrollableBox() const { for (LayoutObject* ancestor = parent(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent()) { if (!ancestor->isBox()) continue; LayoutBox* ancestorBox = toLayoutBox(ancestor); if (ancestorBox->canBeScrolledAndHasScrollableArea()) return ancestorBox; } return nullptr; } LayoutFlowThread* LayoutObject::locateFlowThreadContainingBlock() const { ASSERT(isInsideFlowThread()); // See if we have the thread cached because we're in the middle of layout. if (LayoutState* layoutState = view()->layoutState()) { if (LayoutFlowThread* flowThread = layoutState->flowThread()) return flowThread; } // Not in the middle of layout so have to find the thread the slow way. return LayoutFlowThread::locateFlowThreadContainingBlockOf(*this); } bool LayoutObject::skipInvalidationWhenLaidOutChildren() const { if (!m_bitfields.neededLayoutBecauseOfChildren()) return false; // SVG layoutObjects need to be invalidated when their children are laid out. // LayoutBlocks with line boxes are responsible to invalidate them so we can't ignore them. if (isSVG() || (isLayoutBlockFlow() && toLayoutBlockFlow(this)->firstLineBox())) return false; // In case scrollbars got repositioned (which will typically happen if the layout object got // resized), we cannot skip invalidation. if (hasNonCompositedScrollbars()) return false; // We can't detect whether a plugin has box effects, so disable this optimization for that case. if (isEmbeddedObject()) return false; return !hasBoxEffect(); } static inline bool objectIsRelayoutBoundary(const LayoutObject* object) { // FIXME: In future it may be possible to broaden these conditions in order to improve performance. if (object->isTextControl()) return true; if (object->isSVGRoot()) return true; if (object->style()->containsLayout()) return true; if (!object->hasOverflowClip()) return false; if (object->style()->width().isIntrinsicOrAuto() || object->style()->height().isIntrinsicOrAuto() || object->style()->height().hasPercent()) return false; // Table parts can't be relayout roots since the table is responsible for layouting all the parts. if (object->isTablePart()) return false; // Scrollbar parts can be removed during layout. Avoid the complexity of having to deal with that. if (object->isLayoutScrollbarPart()) return false; // Inside multicol it's generally problematic to allow relayout roots. The multicol container // itself may be scheduled for relayout as well (due to other changes that may have happened // since the previous layout pass), which might affect the column heights, which may affect how // this object breaks across columns). Spanners may also have been added or removed since the // previous layout pass, which is just another way of affecting the column heights (and the // number of rows). Instead of identifying cases where it's safe to allow relayout roots, just // disallow them inside multicol. if (object->isInsideFlowThread()) return false; return true; } void LayoutObject::markContainerChainForLayout(bool scheduleRelayout) { markContainerChainForLayout(scheduleRelayout, nullptr); } void LayoutObject::markContainerChainForLayout(SubtreeLayoutScope* layouter) { // When we have a layouter, it means that we're in layout and we're marking // a descendant as needing layout with the intention of visiting it during // this layout. We shouldn't be scheduling it to be laid out later. markContainerChainForLayout(!layouter, layouter); } void LayoutObject::markContainerChainForLayout(bool scheduleRelayout, SubtreeLayoutScope* layouter) { ASSERT(!isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden()); ASSERT(!layouter || this != layouter->root()); ASSERT(!scheduleRelayout || !layouter); LayoutObject* object = container(); LayoutObject* last = this; bool simplifiedNormalFlowLayout = needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout() && !selfNeedsLayout() && !normalChildNeedsLayout(); while (object) { if (object->selfNeedsLayout()) return; // Don't mark the outermost object of an unrooted subtree. That object will be // marked when the subtree is added to the document. LayoutObject* container = object->container(); if (!container && !object->isLayoutView()) return; if (!last->isTextOrSVGChild() && last->style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition()) { bool willSkipRelativelyPositionedInlines = !object->isLayoutBlock() || object->isAnonymousBlock(); // Skip relatively positioned inlines and anonymous blocks to get to the enclosing LayoutBlock. while (object && (!object->isLayoutBlock() || object->isAnonymousBlock())) object = object->container(); if (!object || object->posChildNeedsLayout()) return; if (willSkipRelativelyPositionedInlines) container = object->container(); object->setPosChildNeedsLayout(true); simplifiedNormalFlowLayout = true; ASSERT(!object->isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden()); } else if (simplifiedNormalFlowLayout) { if (object->needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout()) return; object->setNeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout(true); ASSERT(!object->isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden()); } else { if (object->normalChildNeedsLayout()) return; object->setNormalChildNeedsLayout(true); ASSERT(!object->isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden()); } if (layouter) { layouter->recordObjectMarkedForLayout(object); if (object == layouter->root()) return; } last = object; if (scheduleRelayout && objectIsRelayoutBoundary(last)) break; object = container; } if (scheduleRelayout) last->scheduleRelayout(); } #if ENABLE(ASSERT) void LayoutObject::checkBlockPositionedObjectsNeedLayout() { ASSERT(!needsLayout()); if (isLayoutBlock()) toLayoutBlock(this)->checkPositionedObjectsNeedLayout(); } #endif void LayoutObject::setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(MarkingBehavior markParents) { m_bitfields.setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(true); if (markParents == MarkContainerChain && (isText() || !style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition())) invalidateContainerPreferredLogicalWidths(); } void LayoutObject::clearPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty() { m_bitfields.setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(false); } inline void LayoutObject::invalidateContainerPreferredLogicalWidths() { // In order to avoid pathological behavior when inlines are deeply nested, we do include them // in the chain that we mark dirty (even though they're kind of irrelevant). LayoutObject* o = isTableCell() ? containingBlock() : container(); while (o && !o->preferredLogicalWidthsDirty()) { // Don't invalidate the outermost object of an unrooted subtree. That object will be // invalidated when the subtree is added to the document. LayoutObject* container = o->isTableCell() ? o->containingBlock() : o->container(); if (!container && !o->isLayoutView()) break; o->m_bitfields.setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(true); if (o->style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition()) { // A positioned object has no effect on the min/max width of its containing block ever. // We can optimize this case and not go up any further. break; } o = container; } } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::containerForAbsolutePosition(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, bool* paintInvalidationContainerSkipped) const { // We technically just want our containing block, but // we may not have one if we're part of an uninstalled // subtree. We'll climb as high as we can though. for (LayoutObject* object = parent(); object; object = object->parent()) { if (object->canContainAbsolutePositionObjects()) return object; if (paintInvalidationContainerSkipped && object == paintInvalidationContainer) *paintInvalidationContainerSkipped = true; } return nullptr; } LayoutBlock* LayoutObject::containerForFixedPosition(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, bool* paintInvalidationContainerSkipped) const { ASSERT(!paintInvalidationContainerSkipped || !*paintInvalidationContainerSkipped); ASSERT(!isText()); LayoutObject* ancestor = parent(); for (; ancestor && !ancestor->canContainFixedPositionObjects(); ancestor = ancestor->parent()) { if (paintInvalidationContainerSkipped && ancestor == paintInvalidationContainer) *paintInvalidationContainerSkipped = true; } ASSERT(!ancestor || !ancestor->isAnonymousBlock()); return toLayoutBlock(ancestor); } LayoutBlock* LayoutObject::containingBlockForAbsolutePosition() const { LayoutObject* o = containerForAbsolutePosition(); // For relpositioned inlines, we return the nearest non-anonymous enclosing block. We don't try // to return the inline itself. This allows us to avoid having a positioned objects // list in all LayoutInlines and lets us return a strongly-typed LayoutBlock* result // from this method. The container() method can actually be used to obtain the // inline directly. if (o && o->isInline() && !o->isAtomicInlineLevel()) { ASSERT(o->style()->hasInFlowPosition()); o = o->containingBlock(); } if (o && !o->isLayoutBlock()) o = o->containingBlock(); while (o && o->isAnonymousBlock()) o = o->containingBlock(); if (!o || !o->isLayoutBlock()) return nullptr; // This can still happen in case of an orphaned tree return toLayoutBlock(o); } LayoutBlock* LayoutObject::containingBlock() const { LayoutObject* o = parent(); if (!o && isLayoutScrollbarPart()) o = toLayoutScrollbarPart(this)->layoutObjectOwningScrollbar(); if (!isTextOrSVGChild()) { if (m_style->position() == FixedPosition) return containerForFixedPosition(); if (m_style->position() == AbsolutePosition) return containingBlockForAbsolutePosition(); } if (isColumnSpanAll()) { o = spannerPlaceholder()->containingBlock(); } else { while (o && ((o->isInline() && !o->isAtomicInlineLevel()) || !o->isLayoutBlock())) o = o->parent(); } if (!o || !o->isLayoutBlock()) return nullptr; // This can still happen in case of an orphaned tree return toLayoutBlock(o); } bool LayoutObject::mustInvalidateFillLayersPaintOnHeightChange(const FillLayer& layer) const { // Nobody will use multiple layers without wanting fancy positioning. if (layer.next()) return true; // Make sure we have a valid image. StyleImage* img = layer.image(); if (!img || !img->canRender()) return false; if (layer.repeatY() != RepeatFill && layer.repeatY() != NoRepeatFill) return true; // TODO(alancutter): Make this work correctly for calc lengths. if (layer.yPosition().hasPercent() && !layer.yPosition().isZero()) return true; if (layer.backgroundYOrigin() != TopEdge) return true; EFillSizeType sizeType = layer.sizeType(); if (sizeType == Contain || sizeType == Cover) return true; if (sizeType == SizeLength) { // TODO(alancutter): Make this work correctly for calc lengths. if (layer.sizeLength().height().hasPercent() && !layer.sizeLength().height().isZero()) return true; if (img->isGeneratedImage() && layer.sizeLength().height().isAuto()) return true; } else if (img->usesImageContainerSize()) { return true; } return false; } FloatRect LayoutObject::absoluteBoundingBoxFloatRect() const { Vector quads; absoluteQuads(quads); size_t n = quads.size(); if (n == 0) return FloatRect(); FloatRect result = quads[0].boundingBox(); for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i) result.unite(quads[i].boundingBox()); return result; } IntRect LayoutObject::absoluteBoundingBoxRect() const { Vector quads; absoluteQuads(quads); size_t n = quads.size(); if (!n) return IntRect(); IntRect result = quads[0].enclosingBoundingBox(); for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i) result.unite(quads[i].enclosingBoundingBox()); return result; } IntRect LayoutObject::absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms() const { FloatPoint absPos = localToAbsolute(); Vector rects; absoluteRects(rects, flooredLayoutPoint(absPos)); size_t n = rects.size(); if (!n) return IntRect(); IntRect result = rects[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i) result.unite(rects[i]); return result; } IntRect LayoutObject::absoluteElementBoundingBoxRect() const { Vector rects; const LayoutBoxModelObject* container = enclosingLayer()->layoutObject(); addElementVisualOverflowRects(rects, LayoutPoint(localToAncestorPoint(FloatPoint(), container))); return container->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatQuad(FloatRect(unionRect(rects)))).enclosingBoundingBox(); } FloatRect LayoutObject::absoluteBoundingBoxRectForRange(const Range* range) { if (!range || !range->startContainer()) return FloatRect(); range->ownerDocument().updateLayout(); Vector quads; range->textQuads(quads); FloatRect result; for (size_t i = 0; i < quads.size(); ++i) result.unite(quads[i].boundingBox()); return result; } void LayoutObject::addAbsoluteRectForLayer(IntRect& result) { if (hasLayer()) result.unite(absoluteBoundingBoxRect()); for (LayoutObject* current = slowFirstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling()) current->addAbsoluteRectForLayer(result); } IntRect LayoutObject::absoluteBoundingBoxRectIncludingDescendants() const { IntRect result = absoluteBoundingBoxRect(); for (LayoutObject* current = slowFirstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling()) current->addAbsoluteRectForLayer(result); return result; } void LayoutObject::paint(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) const { } const LayoutBoxModelObject& LayoutObject::containerForPaintInvalidation() const { RELEASE_ASSERT(isRooted()); if (const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer = enclosingCompositedContainer()) return *paintInvalidationContainer; // If the current frame is not composited, we send just return // the main frame's LayoutView so that we generate invalidations // on the window. const LayoutView* layoutView = view(); while (layoutView->frame()->ownerLayoutObject()) layoutView = layoutView->frame()->ownerLayoutObject()->view(); ASSERT(layoutView); return *layoutView; } const LayoutBoxModelObject* LayoutObject::enclosingCompositedContainer() const { LayoutBoxModelObject* container = nullptr; // FIXME: CompositingState is not necessarily up to date for many callers of this function. DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler; if (PaintLayer* compositingLayer = enclosingLayer()->enclosingLayerForPaintInvalidationCrossingFrameBoundaries()) container = compositingLayer->layoutObject(); return container; } String LayoutObject::decoratedName() const { StringBuilder name; name.append(this->name()); if (isAnonymous()) name.append(" (anonymous)"); // FIXME: Remove the special case for LayoutView here (requires rebaseline of all tests). if (isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !isLayoutView()) name.append(" (positioned)"); if (isRelPositioned()) name.append(" (relative positioned)"); if (isStickyPositioned()) name.append(" (sticky positioned)"); if (isFloating()) name.append(" (floating)"); if (spannerPlaceholder()) name.append(" (column spanner)"); return name.toString(); } String LayoutObject::debugName() const { StringBuilder name; name.append(decoratedName()); if (const Node* node = this->node()) { name.append(' '); name.append(node->debugName()); } return name.toString(); } LayoutRect LayoutObject::visualRect() const { return previousPaintInvalidationRect(); } bool LayoutObject::isPaintInvalidationContainer() const { return hasLayer() && toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer()->isPaintInvalidationContainer(); } template void addJsonObjectForRect(TracedValue* value, const char* name, const T& rect) { value->beginDictionary(name); value->setDouble("x", rect.x()); value->setDouble("y", rect.y()); value->setDouble("width", rect.width()); value->setDouble("height", rect.height()); value->endDictionary(); } template void addJsonObjectForPoint(TracedValue* value, const char* name, const T& point) { value->beginDictionary(name); value->setDouble("x", point.x()); value->setDouble("y", point.y()); value->endDictionary(); } static PassOwnPtr jsonObjectForPaintInvalidationInfo(const LayoutRect& rect, const String& invalidationReason) { OwnPtr value = TracedValue::create(); addJsonObjectForRect(value.get(), "rect", rect); value->setString("invalidation_reason", invalidationReason); return value.release(); } static void invalidatePaintRectangleOnWindow(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const IntRect& dirtyRect) { FrameView* frameView = paintInvalidationContainer.frameView(); ASSERT(paintInvalidationContainer.isLayoutView() && paintInvalidationContainer.layer()->compositingState() == NotComposited); if (!frameView || paintInvalidationContainer.document().printing()) return; ASSERT(!frameView->frame().ownerLayoutObject()); IntRect paintRect = dirtyRect; paintRect.intersect(frameView->visibleContentRect()); if (paintRect.isEmpty()) return; if (HostWindow* window = frameView->getHostWindow()) window->invalidateRect(frameView->contentsToRootFrame(paintRect)); } void LayoutObject::invalidatePaintUsingContainer(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect, PaintInvalidationReason invalidationReason) const { // TODO(wangxianzhu): Enable the following assert after paint invalidation for spv2 is ready. // ASSERT(!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()); if (paintInvalidationContainer.frameView()->shouldThrottleRendering()) return; ASSERT(gDisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts || document().lifecycle().state() == DocumentLifecycle::InPaintInvalidation); if (dirtyRect.isEmpty()) return; RELEASE_ASSERT(isRooted()); // FIXME: Unify "devtools.timeline.invalidationTracking" and "blink.invalidation". crbug.com/413527. TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("devtools.timeline.invalidationTracking"), "PaintInvalidationTracking", TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD, "data", InspectorPaintInvalidationTrackingEvent::data(this, paintInvalidationContainer)); TRACE_EVENT2(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("blink.invalidation"), "LayoutObject::invalidatePaintUsingContainer()", "object", this->debugName().ascii(), "info", jsonObjectForPaintInvalidationInfo(dirtyRect, paintInvalidationReasonToString(invalidationReason))); // This conditional handles situations where non-rooted (and hence non-composited) frames are // painted, such as SVG images. if (!paintInvalidationContainer.isPaintInvalidationContainer()) invalidatePaintRectangleOnWindow(paintInvalidationContainer, enclosingIntRect(dirtyRect)); if (paintInvalidationContainer.view()->usesCompositing() && paintInvalidationContainer.isPaintInvalidationContainer()) paintInvalidationContainer.setBackingNeedsPaintInvalidationInRect(dirtyRect, invalidationReason); } void LayoutObject::invalidateDisplayItemClient(const DisplayItemClient& displayItemClient) const { if (PaintLayer* enclosingLayer = this->enclosingLayer()) { // This is valid because we want to invalidate the client in the display item list of the current backing. DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler; if (const PaintLayer* paintInvalidationLayer = enclosingLayer->enclosingLayerForPaintInvalidationCrossingFrameBoundaries()) paintInvalidationLayer->layoutObject()->invalidateDisplayItemClientOnBacking(displayItemClient, PaintInvalidationFull); enclosingLayer->setNeedsRepaint(); } } #if ENABLE(ASSERT) static void assertEnclosingSelfPaintingLayerHasSetNeedsRepaint(const LayoutObject& layoutObject) { PaintLayer* enclosingSelfPaintingLayer = nullptr; const LayoutObject* curr = &layoutObject; while (curr) { if (curr->hasLayer() && toLayoutBoxModelObject(curr)->hasSelfPaintingLayer()) { enclosingSelfPaintingLayer = toLayoutBoxModelObject(curr)->layer(); break; } // Multi-column spanner is painted by the layer of the multi-column container instead of // its enclosing layer (the layer of the multi-column flow thread). curr = curr->isColumnSpanAll() ? curr->containingBlock() : curr->parent(); } ASSERT(!enclosingSelfPaintingLayer || enclosingSelfPaintingLayer->needsRepaint()); } #endif void LayoutObject::invalidateDisplayItemClients(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationReason invalidationReason) const { // It's caller's responsibility to ensure enclosingSelfPaintingLayer's needsRepaint is set. // Don't set the flag here because getting enclosingSelfPaintLayer has cost and the caller can use // various ways (e.g. PaintInvalidatinState::enclosingSelfPaintingLayer()) to reduce the cost. #if ENABLE(ASSERT) assertEnclosingSelfPaintingLayerHasSetNeedsRepaint(*this); #endif paintInvalidationContainer.invalidateDisplayItemClientOnBacking(*this, invalidationReason); } void LayoutObject::invalidateDisplayItemClientsWithPaintInvalidationState(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState& paintInvalidationState, PaintInvalidationReason invalidationReason) const { paintInvalidationState.enclosingSelfPaintingLayer(*this).setNeedsRepaint(); invalidateDisplayItemClients(paintInvalidationContainer, invalidationReason); } const LayoutBoxModelObject* LayoutObject::invalidatePaintRectangleInternal(const LayoutRect& dirtyRect) const { RELEASE_ASSERT(isRooted()); if (dirtyRect.isEmpty()) return nullptr; if (view()->document().printing()) return nullptr; // Don't invalidate paints if we're printing. const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer = containerForPaintInvalidation(); LayoutRect dirtyRectOnBacking = dirtyRect; PaintLayer::mapRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(*this, paintInvalidationContainer, dirtyRectOnBacking); invalidatePaintUsingContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, dirtyRectOnBacking, PaintInvalidationRectangle); return &paintInvalidationContainer; } void LayoutObject::invalidatePaintRectangle(const LayoutRect& rect) const { if (PaintLayer* enclosingLayer = this->enclosingLayer()) enclosingLayer->setNeedsRepaint(); const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer = invalidatePaintRectangleInternal(rect); if (paintInvalidationContainer) invalidateDisplayItemClients(*paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationRectangle); } void LayoutObject::invalidatePaintRectangleNotInvalidatingDisplayItemClients(const LayoutRect& r) const { invalidatePaintRectangleInternal(r); } void LayoutObject::invalidateTreeIfNeeded(const PaintInvalidationState& paintInvalidationState) { ASSERT(!needsLayout()); // If we didn't need paint invalidation then our children don't need as well. // Skip walking down the tree as everything should be fine below us. if (!shouldCheckForPaintInvalidation(paintInvalidationState)) return; PaintInvalidationState newPaintInvalidationState(paintInvalidationState, *this); PaintInvalidationReason reason = invalidatePaintIfNeeded(newPaintInvalidationState); clearPaintInvalidationFlags(newPaintInvalidationState); if (reason == PaintInvalidationDelayedFull) newPaintInvalidationState.pushDelayedPaintInvalidationTarget(*this); newPaintInvalidationState.updateForChildren(); invalidatePaintOfSubtreesIfNeeded(newPaintInvalidationState); } void LayoutObject::invalidatePaintOfSubtreesIfNeeded(const PaintInvalidationState& childPaintInvalidationState) { for (LayoutObject* child = slowFirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (!child->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) child->invalidateTreeIfNeeded(childPaintInvalidationState); } } static PassOwnPtr jsonObjectForOldAndNewRects(const LayoutRect& oldRect, const LayoutPoint& oldLocation, const LayoutRect& newRect, const LayoutPoint& newLocation) { OwnPtr value = TracedValue::create(); addJsonObjectForRect(value.get(), "oldRect", oldRect); addJsonObjectForPoint(value.get(), "oldLocation", oldLocation); addJsonObjectForRect(value.get(), "newRect", newRect); addJsonObjectForPoint(value.get(), "newLocation", newLocation); return value.release(); } LayoutRect LayoutObject::selectionRectInViewCoordinates() const { LayoutRect selectionRect = localSelectionRect(); if (!selectionRect.isEmpty()) mapToVisibleRectInAncestorSpace(view(), selectionRect); return selectionRect; } LayoutRect LayoutObject::previousSelectionRectForPaintInvalidation() const { if (!selectionPaintInvalidationMap) return LayoutRect(); return selectionPaintInvalidationMap->get(this); } void LayoutObject::setPreviousSelectionRectForPaintInvalidation(const LayoutRect& selectionRect) { if (!selectionPaintInvalidationMap) { if (selectionRect.isEmpty()) return; selectionPaintInvalidationMap = new SelectionPaintInvalidationMap(); } if (selectionRect.isEmpty()) selectionPaintInvalidationMap->remove(this); else selectionPaintInvalidationMap->set(this, selectionRect); } // TODO(wangxianzhu): Remove this for slimming paint v2 because we won't care about paint invalidation rects. inline void LayoutObject::invalidateSelectionIfNeeded(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState& paintInvalidationState, PaintInvalidationReason invalidationReason) { // Update selection rect when we are doing full invalidation (in case that the object is moved, composite status changed, etc.) // or shouldInvalidationSelection is set (in case that the selection itself changed). bool fullInvalidation = view()->doingFullPaintInvalidation() || isFullPaintInvalidationReason(invalidationReason); if (!fullInvalidation && !shouldInvalidateSelection()) return; LayoutRect oldSelectionRect = previousSelectionRectForPaintInvalidation(); LayoutRect newSelectionRect = localSelectionRect(); if (!newSelectionRect.isEmpty()) { paintInvalidationState.mapLocalRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(newSelectionRect); // Composited scrolling should not be included in the bounds and position tracking, because the graphics layer backing the scroller // does not move on scroll. if (paintInvalidationContainer.usesCompositedScrolling() && &paintInvalidationContainer != this) { LayoutSize inverseOffset(toLayoutBox(&paintInvalidationContainer)->scrolledContentOffset()); newSelectionRect.move(inverseOffset); } } setPreviousSelectionRectForPaintInvalidation(newSelectionRect); if (shouldInvalidateSelection()) invalidateDisplayItemClientsWithPaintInvalidationState(paintInvalidationContainer, paintInvalidationState, PaintInvalidationSelection); if (fullInvalidation) return; fullyInvalidatePaint(paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationSelection, oldSelectionRect, newSelectionRect); } PaintInvalidationReason LayoutObject::invalidatePaintIfNeeded(const PaintInvalidationState& paintInvalidationState) { ASSERT(&paintInvalidationState.currentObject() == this); if (styleRef().hasOutline()) { PaintLayer& layer = paintInvalidationState.enclosingSelfPaintingLayer(*this); if (layer.layoutObject() != this) layer.setNeedsPaintPhaseDescendantOutlines(); } LayoutView* v = view(); if (v->document().printing()) return PaintInvalidationNone; // Don't invalidate paints if we're printing. const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer = paintInvalidationState.paintInvalidationContainer(); // TODO(wangxianzhu): Enable this assert after we fix all paintInvalidationContainer mismatch issues. crbug.com/360286 // ASSERT(paintInvalidationContainer == containerForPaintInvalidation()); const LayoutRect oldBounds = previousPaintInvalidationRect(); const LayoutPoint oldLocation = RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintInvalidationEnabled() ? LayoutPoint() : previousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking(); LayoutRect newBounds = paintInvalidationState.computePaintInvalidationRectInBacking(); LayoutPoint newLocation = RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintInvalidationEnabled() ? LayoutPoint() : paintInvalidationState.computePositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking(); // Composited scrolling should not be included in the bounds and position tracking, because the graphics layer backing the scroller // does not move on scroll. if (paintInvalidationContainer.usesCompositedScrolling() && &paintInvalidationContainer != this) { LayoutSize inverseOffset(toLayoutBox(&paintInvalidationContainer)->scrolledContentOffset()); newLocation.move(inverseOffset); newBounds.move(inverseOffset); } setPreviousPaintInvalidationRect(newBounds); if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintInvalidationEnabled()) setPreviousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking(newLocation); if (!shouldCheckForPaintInvalidationRegardlessOfPaintInvalidationState() && !paintInvalidationState.forcedSubtreeInvalidationWithinContainer()) { ASSERT(paintInvalidationState.forcedSubtreeInvalidationRectUpdateWithinContainer()); return PaintInvalidationNone; } PaintInvalidationReason invalidationReason = getPaintInvalidationReason(paintInvalidationContainer, oldBounds, oldLocation, newBounds, newLocation); // We need to invalidate the selection before checking for whether we are doing a full invalidation. // This is because we need to update the old rect regardless. invalidateSelectionIfNeeded(paintInvalidationContainer, paintInvalidationState, invalidationReason); TRACE_EVENT2(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("blink.invalidation"), "LayoutObject::invalidatePaintIfNeeded()", "object", this->debugName().ascii(), "info", jsonObjectForOldAndNewRects(oldBounds, oldLocation, newBounds, newLocation)); bool boxDecorationBackgroundObscured = boxDecorationBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured(); if (!isFullPaintInvalidationReason(invalidationReason) && boxDecorationBackgroundObscured != m_bitfields.lastBoxDecorationBackgroundObscured()) invalidationReason = PaintInvalidationBackgroundObscurationChange; m_bitfields.setLastBoxDecorationBackgroundObscured(boxDecorationBackgroundObscured); if (invalidationReason == PaintInvalidationNone) { // TODO(trchen): Currently we don't keep track of paint offset of layout objects. // There are corner cases that the display items need to be invalidated for paint offset // mutation, but incurs no pixel difference (i.e. bounds stay the same) so no rect-based // invalidation is issued. See crbug.com/508383 and crbug.com/515977. // This is a workaround to force display items to update paint offset. if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintInvalidationEnabled() && paintInvalidationState.forcedSubtreeInvalidationWithinContainer()) invalidateDisplayItemClientsWithPaintInvalidationState(paintInvalidationContainer, paintInvalidationState, invalidationReason); return invalidationReason; } invalidateDisplayItemClientsWithPaintInvalidationState(paintInvalidationContainer, paintInvalidationState, invalidationReason); if (invalidationReason == PaintInvalidationIncremental) { incrementallyInvalidatePaint(paintInvalidationContainer, oldBounds, newBounds, newLocation); return invalidationReason; } fullyInvalidatePaint(paintInvalidationContainer, invalidationReason, oldBounds, newBounds); return invalidationReason; } PaintInvalidationReason LayoutObject::getPaintInvalidationReason(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const LayoutRect& oldBounds, const LayoutPoint& oldPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking, const LayoutRect& newBounds, const LayoutPoint& newPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking) const { // First check for InvalidationLocationChange to avoid it from being hidden by other // invalidation reasons because we'll need to force check for paint invalidation for // children when location of this object changed. if (newPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking != oldPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking) return PaintInvalidationLocationChange; if (shouldDoFullPaintInvalidation()) return m_bitfields.fullPaintInvalidationReason(); // The outline may change shape because of position change of descendants. For simplicity, // just force full paint invalidation if this object is marked for checking paint invalidation // for any reason. if (styleRef().hasOutline()) return PaintInvalidationOutline; // If the bounds are the same then we know that none of the statements below // can match, so we can early out since we will not need to do any // invalidation. if (oldBounds == newBounds) return PaintInvalidationNone; // If we shifted, we don't know the exact reason so we are conservative and trigger a full invalidation. Shifting could // be caused by some layout property (left / top) or some in-flow layoutObject inserted / removed before us in the tree. if (newBounds.location() != oldBounds.location()) return PaintInvalidationBoundsChange; // This covers the case where we mark containing blocks for layout // and they change size but don't have anything to paint. This is // a pretty common case for as we add / remove children // (and the default background is done by FrameView). if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled() && skipInvalidationWhenLaidOutChildren()) return PaintInvalidationNone; // If the size is zero on one of our bounds then we know we're going to have // to do a full invalidation of either old bounds or new bounds. If we fall // into the incremental invalidation we'll issue two invalidations instead // of one. if (oldBounds.isEmpty()) return PaintInvalidationBecameVisible; if (newBounds.isEmpty()) return PaintInvalidationBecameInvisible; return PaintInvalidationIncremental; } void LayoutObject::adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling(LayoutRect& rect, const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer) const { if (paintInvalidationContainer.usesCompositedScrolling() && &paintInvalidationContainer != this) { LayoutSize offset(-toLayoutBox(&paintInvalidationContainer)->scrolledContentOffset()); rect.move(offset); } } LayoutRect LayoutObject::previousPaintInvalidationRectIncludingCompositedScrolling(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer) const { LayoutRect invalidationRect = previousPaintInvalidationRect(); adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling(invalidationRect, paintInvalidationContainer); return invalidationRect; } void LayoutObject::adjustPreviousPaintInvalidationForScrollIfNeeded(const DoubleSize& scrollDelta) { if (containerForPaintInvalidation().usesCompositedScrolling()) return; m_previousPaintInvalidationRect.move(LayoutSize(scrollDelta)); } void LayoutObject::clearPreviousPaintInvalidationRects() { setPreviousPaintInvalidationRect(LayoutRect()); } void LayoutObject::incrementallyInvalidatePaint(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const LayoutRect& oldBounds, const LayoutRect& newBounds, const LayoutPoint& positionFromPaintInvalidationBacking) { ASSERT(oldBounds.location() == newBounds.location()); LayoutUnit deltaRight = newBounds.maxX() - oldBounds.maxX(); if (deltaRight > 0) { LayoutRect invalidationRect(oldBounds.maxX(), newBounds.y(), deltaRight, newBounds.height()); adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling(invalidationRect, paintInvalidationContainer); invalidatePaintUsingContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, invalidationRect, PaintInvalidationIncremental); } else if (deltaRight < 0) { LayoutRect invalidationRect(newBounds.maxX(), oldBounds.y(), -deltaRight, oldBounds.height()); adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling(invalidationRect, paintInvalidationContainer); invalidatePaintUsingContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, invalidationRect, PaintInvalidationIncremental); } LayoutUnit deltaBottom = newBounds.maxY() - oldBounds.maxY(); if (deltaBottom > 0) { LayoutRect invalidationRect(newBounds.x(), oldBounds.maxY(), newBounds.width(), deltaBottom); adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling(invalidationRect, paintInvalidationContainer); invalidatePaintUsingContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, invalidationRect, PaintInvalidationIncremental); } else if (deltaBottom < 0) { LayoutRect invalidationRect(oldBounds.x(), newBounds.maxY(), oldBounds.width(), -deltaBottom); adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling(invalidationRect, paintInvalidationContainer); invalidatePaintUsingContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, invalidationRect, PaintInvalidationIncremental); } } void LayoutObject::fullyInvalidatePaint(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationReason invalidationReason, const LayoutRect& oldBounds, const LayoutRect& newBounds) { // Otherwise do full paint invalidation. LayoutRect invalidationRect = oldBounds; adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling(invalidationRect, paintInvalidationContainer); invalidatePaintUsingContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, invalidationRect, invalidationReason); if (newBounds != oldBounds) { invalidationRect = newBounds; adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling(invalidationRect, paintInvalidationContainer); invalidatePaintUsingContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, invalidationRect, invalidationReason); } } void LayoutObject::invalidatePaintForOverflow() { } void LayoutObject::invalidatePaintForOverflowIfNeeded() { if (shouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint()) invalidatePaintForOverflow(); } LayoutRect LayoutObject::absoluteClippedOverflowRect() const { LayoutRect rect = localOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation(); mapToVisibleRectInAncestorSpace(view(), rect); return rect; } LayoutRect LayoutObject::localOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation() const { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return LayoutRect(); } bool LayoutObject::mapToVisibleRectInAncestorSpace(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, LayoutRect& rect, VisibleRectFlags visibleRectFlags) const { // For any layout object that doesn't override this method (the main example is LayoutText), // the rect is assumed to be in the coordinate space of the object's parent. if (ancestor == this) return true; if (LayoutObject* parent = this->parent()) { if (parent->hasOverflowClip()) { LayoutBox* parentBox = toLayoutBox(parent); parentBox->mapScrollingContentsRectToBoxSpace(rect); if (parent != ancestor && !parentBox->applyOverflowClip(rect, visibleRectFlags)) return false; } return parent->mapToVisibleRectInAncestorSpace(ancestor, rect, visibleRectFlags); } return true; } void LayoutObject::dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(LayoutObject*) { } #ifndef NDEBUG void LayoutObject::showTreeForThis() const { if (node()) node()->showTreeForThis(); } void LayoutObject::showLayoutTreeForThis() const { showLayoutTree(this, 0); } void LayoutObject::showLineTreeForThis() const { if (containingBlock()) containingBlock()->showLineTreeAndMark(0, 0, 0, 0, this); } void LayoutObject::showLayoutObject() const { showLayoutObject(0); } void LayoutObject::showLayoutObject(int printedCharacters) const { printedCharacters += fprintf(stderr, "%s %p", decoratedName().ascii().data(), this); if (isText() && toLayoutText(this)->isTextFragment()) printedCharacters += fprintf(stderr, " \"%s\" ", toLayoutText(this)->text().ascii().data()); if (virtualContinuation()) printedCharacters += fprintf(stderr, " continuation=%p", virtualContinuation()); if (node()) { if (printedCharacters) for (; printedCharacters < showTreeCharacterOffset; printedCharacters++) fputc(' ', stderr); fputc('\t', stderr); node()->showNode(); } else { fputc('\n', stderr); } } void LayoutObject::showLayoutTreeAndMark(const LayoutObject* markedObject1, const char* markedLabel1, const LayoutObject* markedObject2, const char* markedLabel2, int depth) const { int printedCharacters = 0; if (markedObject1 == this && markedLabel1) printedCharacters += fprintf(stderr, "%s", markedLabel1); if (markedObject2 == this && markedLabel2) printedCharacters += fprintf(stderr, "%s", markedLabel2); for (; printedCharacters < depth * 2; printedCharacters++) fputc(' ', stderr); showLayoutObject(printedCharacters); for (const LayoutObject* child = slowFirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) child->showLayoutTreeAndMark(markedObject1, markedLabel1, markedObject2, markedLabel2, depth + 1); } #endif // NDEBUG bool LayoutObject::isSelectable() const { return !isInert() && !(style()->userSelect() == SELECT_NONE && style()->userModify() == READ_ONLY); } Color LayoutObject::selectionBackgroundColor() const { if (!isSelectable()) return Color::transparent; if (RefPtr pseudoStyle = getUncachedPseudoStyleFromParentOrShadowHost()) return resolveColor(*pseudoStyle, CSSPropertyBackgroundColor).blendWithWhite(); return frame()->selection().isFocusedAndActive() ? LayoutTheme::theme().activeSelectionBackgroundColor() : LayoutTheme::theme().inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor(); } Color LayoutObject::selectionColor(int colorProperty, const GlobalPaintFlags globalPaintFlags) const { // If the element is unselectable, or we are only painting the selection, // don't override the foreground color with the selection foreground color. if (!isSelectable() || (globalPaintFlags & GlobalPaintSelectionOnly)) return resolveColor(colorProperty); if (RefPtr pseudoStyle = getUncachedPseudoStyleFromParentOrShadowHost()) return resolveColor(*pseudoStyle, colorProperty); if (!LayoutTheme::theme().supportsSelectionForegroundColors()) return resolveColor(colorProperty); return frame()->selection().isFocusedAndActive() ? LayoutTheme::theme().activeSelectionForegroundColor() : LayoutTheme::theme().inactiveSelectionForegroundColor(); } Color LayoutObject::selectionForegroundColor(const GlobalPaintFlags globalPaintFlags) const { return selectionColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor, globalPaintFlags); } Color LayoutObject::selectionEmphasisMarkColor(const GlobalPaintFlags globalPaintFlags) const { return selectionColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisColor, globalPaintFlags); } void LayoutObject::selectionStartEnd(int& spos, int& epos) const { view()->selectionStartEnd(spos, epos); } // Called when an object that was floating or positioned becomes a normal flow object // again. We have to make sure the layout tree updates as needed to accommodate the new // normal flow object. static inline void handleDynamicFloatPositionChange(LayoutObject* object) { // We have gone from not affecting the inline status of the parent flow to suddenly // having an impact. See if there is a mismatch between the parent flow's // childrenInline() state and our state. object->setInline(object->style()->isDisplayInlineType()); if (object->isInline() != object->parent()->childrenInline()) { if (!object->isInline()) { toLayoutBoxModelObject(object->parent())->childBecameNonInline(object); } else { // An anonymous block must be made to wrap this inline. LayoutBlock* block = toLayoutBlock(object->parent())->createAnonymousBlock(); LayoutObjectChildList* childlist = object->parent()->virtualChildren(); childlist->insertChildNode(object->parent(), block, object); block->children()->appendChildNode(block, childlist->removeChildNode(object->parent(), object)); } } } StyleDifference LayoutObject::adjustStyleDifference(StyleDifference diff) const { if (diff.transformChanged() && isSVG()) { // Skip a full layout for transforms at the html/svg boundary which do not affect sizes inside SVG. if (!isSVGRoot()) diff.setNeedsFullLayout(); } // If transform changed, and the layer does not paint into its own separate backing, then we need to invalidate paints. if (diff.transformChanged()) { // Text nodes share style with their parents but transforms don't apply to them, // hence the !isText() check. if (!isText() && (!hasLayer() || !toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer()->hasStyleDeterminedDirectCompositingReasons())) diff.setNeedsPaintInvalidationLayer(); } // If opacity or zIndex changed, and the layer does not paint into its own separate backing, then we need to invalidate paints (also // ignoring text nodes) if (diff.opacityChanged() || diff.zIndexChanged()) { if (!isText() && (!hasLayer() || !toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer()->hasStyleDeterminedDirectCompositingReasons())) diff.setNeedsPaintInvalidationLayer(); } // If filter changed, and the layer does not paint into its own separate backing or it paints with filters, then we need to invalidate paints. if (diff.filterChanged() && hasLayer()) { PaintLayer* layer = toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer(); if (!layer->hasStyleDeterminedDirectCompositingReasons() || layer->paintsWithFilters()) diff.setNeedsPaintInvalidationLayer(); } // If backdrop filter changed, and the layer does not paint into its own separate backing or it paints with filters, then we need to invalidate paints. if (diff.backdropFilterChanged() && hasLayer()) { PaintLayer* layer = toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer(); if (!layer->hasStyleDeterminedDirectCompositingReasons() || layer->paintsWithBackdropFilters()) diff.setNeedsPaintInvalidationLayer(); } // Optimization: for decoration/color property changes, invalidation is only needed if we have style or text affected by these properties. if (diff.textDecorationOrColorChanged() && !diff.needsPaintInvalidation()) { if (style()->hasBorder() || style()->hasOutline() || style()->hasBackgroundRelatedColorReferencingCurrentColor() // Skip any text nodes that do not contain text boxes. Whitespace cannot be // skipped or we will miss invalidating decorations (e.g., underlines). || (isText() && !isBR() && toLayoutText(this)->hasTextBoxes()) // Caret is painted in text color. || (isLayoutBlock() && toLayoutBlock(this)->hasCaret()) || (isSVG() && style()->svgStyle().isFillColorCurrentColor()) || (isSVG() && style()->svgStyle().isStrokeColorCurrentColor()) || isListMarker()) diff.setNeedsPaintInvalidationObject(); } // The answer to layerTypeRequired() for plugins, iframes, and canvas can change without the actual // style changing, since it depends on whether we decide to composite these elements. When the // layer status of one of these elements changes, we need to force a layout. if (!diff.needsFullLayout() && style() && isBoxModelObject()) { bool requiresLayer = toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layerTypeRequired() != NoPaintLayer; if (hasLayer() != requiresLayer) diff.setNeedsFullLayout(); } // If we have no layer(), just treat a PaintInvalidationLayer hint as a normal paint invalidation. if (diff.needsPaintInvalidationLayer() && !hasLayer()) { diff.clearNeedsPaintInvalidation(); diff.setNeedsPaintInvalidationObject(); } return diff; } void LayoutObject::setPseudoStyle(PassRefPtr pseudoStyle) { ASSERT(pseudoStyle->styleType() == PseudoIdBefore || pseudoStyle->styleType() == PseudoIdAfter || pseudoStyle->styleType() == PseudoIdFirstLetter); // FIXME: We should consider just making all pseudo items use an inherited style. // Images are special and must inherit the pseudoStyle so the width and height of // the pseudo element doesn't change the size of the image. In all other cases we // can just share the style. // // Quotes are also LayoutInline, so we need to create an inherited style to avoid // getting an inline with positioning or an invalid display. // if (isImage() || isQuote()) { RefPtr style = ComputedStyle::create(); style->inheritFrom(*pseudoStyle); setStyle(style.release()); return; } setStyle(pseudoStyle); } void LayoutObject::firstLineStyleDidChange(const ComputedStyle& oldStyle, const ComputedStyle& newStyle) { StyleDifference diff = oldStyle.visualInvalidationDiff(newStyle); if (diff.needsPaintInvalidation() || diff.textDecorationOrColorChanged()) { // We need to invalidate all inline boxes in the first line, because they need to be // repainted with the new style, e.g. background, font style, etc. LayoutBlockFlow* firstLineContainer = nullptr; if (canHaveFirstLineOrFirstLetterStyle()) { // This object is a LayoutBlock having PseudoIdFirstLine pseudo style changed. firstLineContainer = toLayoutBlock(this)->nearestInnerBlockWithFirstLine(); } else if (isLayoutInline()) { // This object is a LayoutInline having FIRST_LINE_INHERITED pesudo style changed. // This method can be called even if the LayoutInline doesn't intersect the first line, // but we only need to invalidate if it does. if (InlineBox* firstLineBox = toLayoutInline(this)->firstLineBoxIncludingCulling()) { if (firstLineBox->isFirstLineStyle()) firstLineContainer = toLayoutBlockFlow(containingBlock()); } } if (firstLineContainer) { firstLineContainer->invalidateDisplayItemClientsOfFirstLine(); // The following is for rect invalidation. For slimming paint v2, we can invalidate the rects // of the first line display item clients instead of the whole rect of the container. if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()) firstLineContainer->setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation(); } } if (diff.needsLayout()) setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(LayoutInvalidationReason::StyleChange); } void LayoutObject::markContainingBlocksForOverflowRecalc() { for (LayoutBlock* container = containingBlock(); container && !container->childNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(); container = container->containingBlock()) container->setChildNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(); } void LayoutObject::setNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() { bool neededRecalc = needsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(); setSelfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(); if (!neededRecalc) markContainingBlocksForOverflowRecalc(); } void LayoutObject::setStyle(PassRefPtr style) { ASSERT(style); if (m_style == style) { // We need to run through adjustStyleDifference() for iframes, plugins, and canvas so // style sharing is disabled for them. That should ensure that we never hit this code path. ASSERT(!isLayoutIFrame() && !isEmbeddedObject() && !isCanvas()); return; } StyleDifference diff; if (m_style) diff = m_style->visualInvalidationDiff(*style); diff = adjustStyleDifference(diff); styleWillChange(diff, *style); RefPtr oldStyle = m_style.release(); setStyleInternal(style); updateFillImages(oldStyle ? &oldStyle->backgroundLayers() : 0, m_style->backgroundLayers()); updateFillImages(oldStyle ? &oldStyle->maskLayers() : 0, m_style->maskLayers()); updateImage(oldStyle ? oldStyle->borderImage().image() : 0, m_style->borderImage().image()); updateImage(oldStyle ? oldStyle->maskBoxImage().image() : 0, m_style->maskBoxImage().image()); StyleImage* newContentImage = m_style->contentData() && m_style->contentData()->isImage() ? toImageContentData(m_style->contentData())->image() : nullptr; StyleImage* oldContentImage = oldStyle && oldStyle->contentData() && oldStyle->contentData()->isImage() ? toImageContentData(oldStyle->contentData())->image() : nullptr; updateImage(oldContentImage, newContentImage); StyleImage* newBoxReflectMaskImage = m_style->boxReflect() ? m_style->boxReflect()->mask().image() : nullptr; StyleImage* oldBoxReflectMaskImage = oldStyle && oldStyle->boxReflect() ? oldStyle->boxReflect()->mask().image() : nullptr; updateImage(oldBoxReflectMaskImage, newBoxReflectMaskImage); updateShapeImage(oldStyle ? oldStyle->shapeOutside() : 0, m_style->shapeOutside()); bool doesNotNeedLayoutOrPaintInvalidation = !m_parent; styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle.get()); // FIXME: |this| might be destroyed here. This can currently happen for a LayoutTextFragment when // its first-letter block gets an update in LayoutTextFragment::styleDidChange. For LayoutTextFragment(s), // we will safely bail out with the doesNotNeedLayoutOrPaintInvalidation flag. We might want to broaden // this condition in the future as we move layoutObject changes out of layout and into style changes. if (doesNotNeedLayoutOrPaintInvalidation) return; // Now that the layer (if any) has been updated, we need to adjust the diff again, // check whether we should layout now, and decide if we need to invalidate paints. StyleDifference updatedDiff = adjustStyleDifference(diff); if (!diff.needsFullLayout()) { if (updatedDiff.needsFullLayout()) setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(LayoutInvalidationReason::StyleChange); else if (updatedDiff.needsPositionedMovementLayout()) setNeedsPositionedMovementLayout(); } if (diff.transformChanged() && !needsLayout()) { if (LayoutBlock* container = containingBlock()) container->setNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(); } if (diff.needsPaintInvalidationLayer() || updatedDiff.needsPaintInvalidationLayer()) setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidationIncludingNonCompositingDescendants(); else if (diff.needsPaintInvalidationObject() || updatedDiff.needsPaintInvalidationObject()) setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation(); } void LayoutObject::styleWillChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle& newStyle) { if (m_style) { // If our z-index changes value or our visibility changes, // we need to dirty our stacking context's z-order list. bool visibilityChanged = m_style->visibility() != newStyle.visibility() || m_style->zIndex() != newStyle.zIndex() || m_style->hasAutoZIndex() != newStyle.hasAutoZIndex(); if (visibilityChanged) { document().setAnnotatedRegionsDirty(true); if (AXObjectCache* cache = document().existingAXObjectCache()) cache->childrenChanged(parent()); } // Keep layer hierarchy visibility bits up to date if visibility changes. if (m_style->visibility() != newStyle.visibility()) { // We might not have an enclosing layer yet because we might not be in the tree. if (PaintLayer* layer = enclosingLayer()) layer->potentiallyDirtyVisibleContentStatus(newStyle.visibility()); } if (isFloating() && (m_style->floating() != newStyle.floating())) { // For changes in float styles, we need to conceivably remove ourselves // from the floating objects list. toLayoutBox(this)->removeFloatingOrPositionedChildFromBlockLists(); } else if (isOutOfFlowPositioned() && (m_style->position() != newStyle.position())) { // For changes in positioning styles, we need to conceivably remove ourselves // from the positioned objects list. toLayoutBox(this)->removeFloatingOrPositionedChildFromBlockLists(); } s_affectsParentBlock = isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && (!newStyle.isFloating() && !newStyle.hasOutOfFlowPosition()) && parent() && (parent()->isLayoutBlockFlow() || parent()->isLayoutInline()); // Clearing these bits is required to avoid leaving stale layoutObjects. // FIXME: We shouldn't need that hack if our logic was totally correct. if (diff.needsLayout()) { setFloating(false); clearPositionedState(); } } else { s_affectsParentBlock = false; } // Elements with non-auto touch-action will send a SetTouchAction message // on touchstart in EventHandler::handleTouchEvent, and so effectively have // a touchstart handler that must be reported. // // Since a CSS property cannot be applied directly to a text node, a // handler will have already been added for its parent so ignore it. // TODO: Remove this blocking event handler; crbug.com/318381 TouchAction oldTouchAction = m_style ? m_style->getTouchAction() : TouchActionAuto; if (node() && !node()->isTextNode() && (oldTouchAction == TouchActionAuto) != (newStyle.getTouchAction() == TouchActionAuto)) { EventHandlerRegistry& registry = document().frameHost()->eventHandlerRegistry(); if (newStyle.getTouchAction() != TouchActionAuto) registry.didAddEventHandler(*node(), EventHandlerRegistry::TouchEventBlocking); else registry.didRemoveEventHandler(*node(), EventHandlerRegistry::TouchEventBlocking); } } void LayoutObject::clearBaseComputedStyle() { if (!node()) return; if (!node()->isElementNode()) return; if (ElementAnimations* animations = toElement(node())->elementAnimations()) animations->clearBaseComputedStyle(); } static bool areNonIdenticalCursorListsEqual(const ComputedStyle* a, const ComputedStyle* b) { ASSERT(a->cursors() != b->cursors()); return a->cursors() && b->cursors() && *a->cursors() == *b->cursors(); } static inline bool areCursorsEqual(const ComputedStyle* a, const ComputedStyle* b) { return a->cursor() == b->cursor() && (a->cursors() == b->cursors() || areNonIdenticalCursorListsEqual(a, b)); } void LayoutObject::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle) { if (s_affectsParentBlock) handleDynamicFloatPositionChange(this); if (!m_parent) return; if (diff.needsFullLayout()) { LayoutCounter::layoutObjectStyleChanged(*this, oldStyle, *m_style); // If the object already needs layout, then setNeedsLayout won't do // any work. But if the containing block has changed, then we may need // to mark the new containing blocks for layout. The change that can // directly affect the containing block of this object is a change to // the position style. if (needsLayout() && oldStyle->position() != m_style->position()) markContainerChainForLayout(); // Ditto. if (needsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() && oldStyle->position() != m_style->position()) markContainingBlocksForOverflowRecalc(); setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(LayoutInvalidationReason::StyleChange); } else if (diff.needsPositionedMovementLayout()) { setNeedsPositionedMovementLayout(); } // Don't check for paint invalidation here; we need to wait until the layer has been // updated by subclasses before we know if we have to invalidate paints (in setStyle()). if (oldStyle && !areCursorsEqual(oldStyle, style())) { if (LocalFrame* frame = this->frame()) { // Cursor update scheduling is done by the local root, which is the main frame if there // are no RemoteFrame ancestors in the frame tree. Use of localFrameRoot() is // discouraged but will change when cursor update scheduling is moved from EventHandler // to PageEventHandler. frame->localFrameRoot()->eventHandler().scheduleCursorUpdate(); } } } void LayoutObject::propagateStyleToAnonymousChildren(bool blockChildrenOnly) { // FIXME: We could save this call when the change only affected non-inherited properties. for (LayoutObject* child = slowFirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (!child->isAnonymous() || child->style()->styleType() != PseudoIdNone) continue; if (blockChildrenOnly && !child->isLayoutBlock()) continue; if (child->isLayoutFullScreen() || child->isLayoutFullScreenPlaceholder()) continue; RefPtr newStyle = ComputedStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(styleRef(), child->style()->display()); // Preserve the position style of anonymous block continuations as they can have relative position when // they contain block descendants of relative positioned inlines. if (child->isInFlowPositioned() && toLayoutBlock(child)->isAnonymousBlockContinuation()) newStyle->setPosition(child->style()->position()); updateAnonymousChildStyle(*child, *newStyle); child->setStyle(newStyle.release()); } } void LayoutObject::setStyleWithWritingModeOfParent(PassRefPtr style) { if (parent()) style->setWritingMode(parent()->styleRef().getWritingMode()); setStyle(style); } void LayoutObject::addChildWithWritingModeOfParent(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild) { if (newChild->mutableStyleRef().setWritingMode(styleRef().getWritingMode()) && newChild->isBoxModelObject()) { newChild->setHorizontalWritingMode(isHorizontalWritingMode()); } addChild(newChild, beforeChild); } void LayoutObject::updateFillImages(const FillLayer* oldLayers, const FillLayer& newLayers) { // Optimize the common case if (FillLayer::imagesIdentical(oldLayers, &newLayers)) return; // Go through the new layers and addClients first, to avoid removing all clients of an image. for (const FillLayer* currNew = &newLayers; currNew; currNew = currNew->next()) { if (currNew->image()) currNew->image()->addClient(this); } for (const FillLayer* currOld = oldLayers; currOld; currOld = currOld->next()) { if (currOld->image()) currOld->image()->removeClient(this); } } void LayoutObject::updateImage(StyleImage* oldImage, StyleImage* newImage) { if (oldImage != newImage) { if (oldImage) oldImage->removeClient(this); if (newImage) newImage->addClient(this); } } void LayoutObject::updateShapeImage(const ShapeValue* oldShapeValue, const ShapeValue* newShapeValue) { if (oldShapeValue || newShapeValue) updateImage(oldShapeValue ? oldShapeValue->image() : 0, newShapeValue ? newShapeValue->image() : 0); } LayoutRect LayoutObject::viewRect() const { return view()->viewRect(); } FloatPoint LayoutObject::localToAbsolute(const FloatPoint& localPoint, MapCoordinatesFlags mode) const { TransformState transformState(TransformState::ApplyTransformDirection, localPoint); mapLocalToAncestor(0, transformState, mode | ApplyContainerFlip); transformState.flatten(); return transformState.lastPlanarPoint(); } FloatPoint LayoutObject::ancestorToLocal(LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, const FloatPoint& containerPoint, MapCoordinatesFlags mode) const { TransformState transformState(TransformState::UnapplyInverseTransformDirection, containerPoint); mapAncestorToLocal(ancestor, transformState, mode); transformState.flatten(); return transformState.lastPlanarPoint(); } FloatQuad LayoutObject::ancestorToLocalQuad(LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, const FloatQuad& quad, MapCoordinatesFlags mode) const { TransformState transformState(TransformState::UnapplyInverseTransformDirection, quad.boundingBox().center(), quad); mapAncestorToLocal(ancestor, transformState, mode); transformState.flatten(); return transformState.lastPlanarQuad(); } void LayoutObject::mapLocalToAncestor(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, TransformState& transformState, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const { if (ancestor == this) return; if (wasFixed) *wasFixed = mode & IsFixed; bool containerSkipped; const LayoutObject* o = container(ancestor, &containerSkipped); if (!o) return; if (mode & ApplyContainerFlip) { if (isBox()) { mode &= ~ApplyContainerFlip; } else if (o->isBox()) { if (o->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) { IntPoint centerPoint = roundedIntPoint(transformState.mappedPoint()); transformState.move(toLayoutBox(o)->flipForWritingMode(LayoutPoint(centerPoint)) - centerPoint); } mode &= ~ApplyContainerFlip; } } LayoutSize containerOffset = offsetFromContainer(o); if (isLayoutFlowThread()) { // So far the point has been in flow thread coordinates (i.e. as if everything in // the fragmentation context lived in one tall single column). Convert it to a // visual point now, since we're about to escape the flow thread. containerOffset += columnOffset(roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint())); } // Text objects just copy their parent's computed style, so we need to ignore them. bool preserve3D = mode & UseTransforms && ((o->style()->preserves3D() && !o->isText()) || (style()->preserves3D() && !isText())); if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(o)) { TransformationMatrix t; getTransformFromContainer(o, containerOffset, t); transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform); } else { transformState.move(containerOffset.width(), containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform); } if (containerSkipped) { // There can't be a transform between |ancestor| and |o|, because transforms create // containers, so it should be safe to just subtract the delta between the ancestor and |o|. LayoutSize containerOffset = ancestor->offsetFromAncestorContainer(o); transformState.move(-containerOffset.width(), -containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform); return; } o->mapLocalToAncestor(ancestor, transformState, mode, wasFixed); } const LayoutObject* LayoutObject::pushMappingToContainer(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, LayoutGeometryMap& geometryMap) const { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return nullptr; } void LayoutObject::mapAncestorToLocal(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, TransformState& transformState, MapCoordinatesFlags mode) const { if (this == ancestor) return; bool containerSkipped; LayoutObject* o = container(ancestor, &containerSkipped); if (!o) return; bool applyContainerFlip = false; if (mode & ApplyContainerFlip) { if (isBox()) { mode &= ~ApplyContainerFlip; } else if (o->isBox()) { applyContainerFlip = o->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(); mode &= ~ApplyContainerFlip; } } if (!containerSkipped) o->mapAncestorToLocal(ancestor, transformState, mode); LayoutSize containerOffset = offsetFromContainer(o); if (o->isLayoutFlowThread()) { // Descending into a flow thread. Convert to the local coordinate space, i.e. flow thread coordinates. LayoutPoint visualPoint = LayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint()); transformState.move(visualPoint - toLayoutFlowThread(o)->visualPointToFlowThreadPoint(visualPoint)); } bool preserve3D = mode & UseTransforms && (o->style()->preserves3D() || style()->preserves3D()); if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(o)) { TransformationMatrix t; getTransformFromContainer(o, containerOffset, t); transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform); } else { transformState.move(containerOffset.width(), containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform); } if (applyContainerFlip) { IntPoint centerPoint = roundedIntPoint(transformState.mappedPoint()); transformState.move(centerPoint - toLayoutBox(o)->flipForWritingMode(LayoutPoint(centerPoint))); } if (containerSkipped) { containerOffset = ancestor->offsetFromAncestorContainer(o); transformState.move(-containerOffset.width(), -containerOffset.height()); } } bool LayoutObject::shouldUseTransformFromContainer(const LayoutObject* containerObject) const { // hasTransform() indicates whether the object has transform, transform-style or perspective. We just care about transform, // so check the layer's transform directly. return (hasLayer() && toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer()->transform()) || (containerObject && containerObject->style()->hasPerspective()); } void LayoutObject::getTransformFromContainer(const LayoutObject* containerObject, const LayoutSize& offsetInContainer, TransformationMatrix& transform) const { transform.makeIdentity(); transform.translate(offsetInContainer.width().toFloat(), offsetInContainer.height().toFloat()); PaintLayer* layer = hasLayer() ? toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer() : 0; if (layer && layer->transform()) transform.multiply(layer->currentTransform()); if (containerObject && containerObject->hasLayer() && containerObject->style()->hasPerspective()) { // Perpsective on the container affects us, so we have to factor it in here. ASSERT(containerObject->hasLayer()); FloatPoint perspectiveOrigin = toLayoutBoxModelObject(containerObject)->layer()->perspectiveOrigin(); TransformationMatrix perspectiveMatrix; perspectiveMatrix.applyPerspective(containerObject->style()->perspective()); transform.translateRight3d(-perspectiveOrigin.x(), -perspectiveOrigin.y(), 0); transform = perspectiveMatrix * transform; transform.translateRight3d(perspectiveOrigin.x(), perspectiveOrigin.y(), 0); } } FloatQuad LayoutObject::localToAncestorQuad(const FloatQuad& localQuad, const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const { // Track the point at the center of the quad's bounding box. As mapLocalToAncestor() calls offsetFromContainer(), // it will use that point as the reference point to decide which column's transform to apply in multiple-column blocks. TransformState transformState(TransformState::ApplyTransformDirection, localQuad.boundingBox().center(), localQuad); mapLocalToAncestor(ancestor, transformState, mode | ApplyContainerFlip | UseTransforms, wasFixed); transformState.flatten(); return transformState.lastPlanarQuad(); } FloatPoint LayoutObject::localToAncestorPoint(const FloatPoint& localPoint, const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const { TransformState transformState(TransformState::ApplyTransformDirection, localPoint); mapLocalToAncestor(ancestor, transformState, mode | ApplyContainerFlip | UseTransforms, wasFixed); transformState.flatten(); return transformState.lastPlanarPoint(); } void LayoutObject::localToAncestorRects(Vector& rects, const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, const LayoutPoint& preOffset, const LayoutPoint& postOffset) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) { LayoutRect& rect = rects[i]; rect.moveBy(preOffset); FloatQuad containerQuad = localToAncestorQuad(FloatQuad(FloatRect(rect)), ancestor); LayoutRect containerRect = LayoutRect(containerQuad.boundingBox()); if (containerRect.isEmpty()) { rects.remove(i--); continue; } containerRect.moveBy(postOffset); rects[i] = containerRect; } } TransformationMatrix LayoutObject::localToAncestorTransform(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const { TransformState transformState(TransformState::ApplyTransformDirection); mapLocalToAncestor(ancestor, transformState, mode | ApplyContainerFlip | UseTransforms, wasFixed); return transformState.accumulatedTransform(); } FloatPoint LayoutObject::localToInvalidationBackingPoint(const LayoutPoint& localPoint, PaintLayer** backingLayer) { const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer = containerForPaintInvalidation(); ASSERT(paintInvalidationContainer.layer()); if (backingLayer) *backingLayer = paintInvalidationContainer.layer(); FloatPoint containerPoint = localToAncestorPoint(FloatPoint(localPoint), &paintInvalidationContainer, TraverseDocumentBoundaries); // A layoutObject can have no invalidation backing if it is from a detached frame, // or when forced compositing is disabled. if (paintInvalidationContainer.layer()->compositingState() == NotComposited) return containerPoint; PaintLayer::mapPointInPaintInvalidationContainerToBacking(paintInvalidationContainer, containerPoint); return containerPoint; } LayoutSize LayoutObject::offsetFromContainer(const LayoutObject* o) const { ASSERT(o == container()); return o->hasOverflowClip() ? LayoutSize(-toLayoutBox(o)->scrolledContentOffset()) : LayoutSize(); } LayoutSize LayoutObject::offsetFromAncestorContainer(const LayoutObject* ancestorContainer) const { if (ancestorContainer == this) return LayoutSize(); LayoutSize offset; LayoutPoint referencePoint; const LayoutObject* currContainer = this; do { const LayoutObject* nextContainer = currContainer->container(); ASSERT(nextContainer); // This means we reached the top without finding container. if (!nextContainer) break; ASSERT(!currContainer->hasTransformRelatedProperty()); LayoutSize currentOffset = currContainer->offsetFromContainer(nextContainer); offset += currentOffset; referencePoint.move(currentOffset); currContainer = nextContainer; } while (currContainer != ancestorContainer); return offset; } LayoutRect LayoutObject::localCaretRect(InlineBox*, int, LayoutUnit* extraWidthToEndOfLine) { if (extraWidthToEndOfLine) *extraWidthToEndOfLine = LayoutUnit(); return LayoutRect(); } void LayoutObject::computeLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects& layerRects) const { // Figure out what layer our container is in. Any offset (or new layer) for this // layoutObject within it's container will be applied in addLayerHitTestRects. LayoutPoint layerOffset; const PaintLayer* currentLayer = nullptr; if (!hasLayer()) { LayoutObject* container = this->container(); currentLayer = container->enclosingLayer(); if (container && currentLayer->layoutObject() != container) { layerOffset.move(container->offsetFromAncestorContainer(currentLayer->layoutObject())); // If the layer itself is scrolled, we have to undo the subtraction of its scroll // offset since we want the offset relative to the scrolling content, not the // element itself. if (currentLayer->layoutObject()->hasOverflowClip()) layerOffset.move(currentLayer->layoutBox()->scrolledContentOffset()); } } this->addLayerHitTestRects(layerRects, currentLayer, layerOffset, LayoutRect()); } void LayoutObject::addLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects& layerRects, const PaintLayer* currentLayer, const LayoutPoint& layerOffset, const LayoutRect& containerRect) const { ASSERT(currentLayer); ASSERT(currentLayer == this->enclosingLayer()); // Compute the rects for this layoutObject only and add them to the results. // Note that we could avoid passing the offset and instead adjust each result, but this // seems slightly simpler. Vector ownRects; LayoutRect newContainerRect; computeSelfHitTestRects(ownRects, layerOffset); // When we get to have a lot of rects on a layer, the performance cost of tracking those // rects outweighs the benefit of doing compositor thread hit testing. // FIXME: This limit needs to be low due to the O(n^2) algorithm in // WebLayer::setTouchEventHandlerRegion - crbug.com/300282. const size_t maxRectsPerLayer = 100; LayerHitTestRects::iterator iter = layerRects.find(currentLayer); Vector* iterValue; if (iter == layerRects.end()) iterValue = &layerRects.add(currentLayer, Vector()).storedValue->value; else iterValue = &iter->value; for (size_t i = 0; i < ownRects.size(); i++) { if (!containerRect.contains(ownRects[i])) { iterValue->append(ownRects[i]); if (iterValue->size() > maxRectsPerLayer) { // Just mark the entire layer instead, and switch to walking the layer // tree instead of the layout tree. layerRects.remove(currentLayer); currentLayer->addLayerHitTestRects(layerRects); return; } if (newContainerRect.isEmpty()) newContainerRect = ownRects[i]; } } if (newContainerRect.isEmpty()) newContainerRect = containerRect; // If it's possible for children to have rects outside our bounds, then we need to descend into // the children and compute them. // Ideally there would be other cases where we could detect that children couldn't have rects // outside our bounds and prune the tree walk. // Note that we don't use Region here because Union is O(N) - better to just keep a list of // partially redundant rectangles. If we find examples where this is expensive, then we could // rewrite Region to be more efficient. See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=100814. if (!isLayoutView()) { for (LayoutObject* curr = slowFirstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) { curr->addLayerHitTestRects(layerRects, currentLayer, layerOffset, newContainerRect); } } } bool LayoutObject::isRooted() const { const LayoutObject* object = this; while (object->parent() && !object->hasLayer()) object = object->parent(); if (object->hasLayer()) return toLayoutBoxModelObject(object)->layer()->root()->isRootLayer(); return false; } RespectImageOrientationEnum LayoutObject::shouldRespectImageOrientation(const LayoutObject* layoutObject) { if (!layoutObject) return DoNotRespectImageOrientation; // Respect the image's orientation if it's being used as a full-page image or // it's an and the setting to respect it everywhere is set or the // has image-orientation: from-image style. FIXME: crbug.com/498233 if (layoutObject->document().isImageDocument()) return RespectImageOrientation; if (!isHTMLImageElement(layoutObject->node())) return DoNotRespectImageOrientation; if (layoutObject->document().settings() && layoutObject->document().settings()->shouldRespectImageOrientation()) return RespectImageOrientation; if (layoutObject->style() && layoutObject->style()->respectImageOrientation() == RespectImageOrientation) return RespectImageOrientation; return DoNotRespectImageOrientation; } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::container(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, bool* paintInvalidationContainerSkipped) const { if (paintInvalidationContainerSkipped) *paintInvalidationContainerSkipped = false; LayoutObject* o = parent(); if (isTextOrSVGChild()) return o; EPosition pos = m_style->position(); if (pos == FixedPosition) return containerForFixedPosition(paintInvalidationContainer, paintInvalidationContainerSkipped); if (pos == AbsolutePosition) return containerForAbsolutePosition(paintInvalidationContainer, paintInvalidationContainerSkipped); if (isColumnSpanAll()) { LayoutObject* multicolContainer = spannerPlaceholder()->container(); if (paintInvalidationContainerSkipped && paintInvalidationContainer) { // We jumped directly from the spanner to the multicol container. Need to check if // we skipped |paintInvalidationContainer| on the way. for (LayoutObject* walker = parent(); walker && walker != multicolContainer; walker = walker->parent()) { if (walker == paintInvalidationContainer) { *paintInvalidationContainerSkipped = true; break; } } } return multicolContainer; } return o; } LayoutObject* LayoutObject::containerCrossingFrameBoundaries() const { return isLayoutView() ? frame()->ownerLayoutObject() : container(); } bool LayoutObject::isSelectionBorder() const { SelectionState st = getSelectionState(); return st == SelectionStart || st == SelectionEnd || st == SelectionBoth; } inline void LayoutObject::clearLayoutRootIfNeeded() const { if (FrameView* view = frameView()) { if (!documentBeingDestroyed()) view->clearLayoutSubtreeRoot(*this); } } void LayoutObject::willBeDestroyed() { // Destroy any leftover anonymous children. LayoutObjectChildList* children = virtualChildren(); if (children) children->destroyLeftoverChildren(); if (LocalFrame* frame = this->frame()) { // If this layoutObject is being autoscrolled, stop the autoscrolling. if (frame->page()) frame->page()->autoscrollController().stopAutoscrollIfNeeded(this); } // For accessibility management, notify the parent of the imminent change to its child set. // We do it now, before remove(), while the parent pointer is still available. if (AXObjectCache* cache = document().existingAXObjectCache()) cache->childrenChanged(this->parent()); remove(); // The remove() call above may invoke axObjectCache()->childrenChanged() on the parent, which may require the AX layout // object for this layoutObject. So we remove the AX layout object now, after the layoutObject is removed. if (AXObjectCache* cache = document().existingAXObjectCache()) cache->remove(this); // If this layoutObject had a parent, remove should have destroyed any counters // attached to this layoutObject and marked the affected other counters for // reevaluation. This apparently redundant check is here for the case when // this layoutObject had no parent at the time remove() was called. if (hasCounterNodeMap()) LayoutCounter::destroyCounterNodes(*this); // Remove the handler if node had touch-action set. Handlers are not added // for text nodes so don't try removing for one too. Need to check if // m_style is null in cases of partial construction. Any handler we added // previously may have already been removed by the Document independently. if (node() && !node()->isTextNode() && m_style && m_style->getTouchAction() != TouchActionAuto) { EventHandlerRegistry& registry = document().frameHost()->eventHandlerRegistry(); if (registry.eventHandlerTargets(EventHandlerRegistry::TouchEventBlocking)->contains(node())) registry.didRemoveEventHandler(*node(), EventHandlerRegistry::TouchEventBlocking); } setAncestorLineBoxDirty(false); if (selectionPaintInvalidationMap) selectionPaintInvalidationMap->remove(this); if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()) clearObjectPaintProperties(); clearLayoutRootIfNeeded(); if (m_style) { for (const FillLayer* bgLayer = &m_style->backgroundLayers(); bgLayer; bgLayer = bgLayer->next()) { if (StyleImage* backgroundImage = bgLayer->image()) backgroundImage->removeClient(this); } for (const FillLayer* maskLayer = &m_style->maskLayers(); maskLayer; maskLayer = maskLayer->next()) { if (StyleImage* maskImage = maskLayer->image()) maskImage->removeClient(this); } if (StyleImage* borderImage = m_style->borderImage().image()) borderImage->removeClient(this); if (StyleImage* maskBoxImage = m_style->maskBoxImage().image()) maskBoxImage->removeClient(this); if (m_style->contentData() && m_style->contentData()->isImage()) toImageContentData(m_style->contentData())->image()->removeClient(this); if (m_style->boxReflect() && m_style->boxReflect()->mask().image()) m_style->boxReflect()->mask().image()->removeClient(this); removeShapeImageClient(m_style->shapeOutside()); } if (frameView()) setIsBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(false); } void LayoutObject::insertedIntoTree() { // FIXME: We should ASSERT(isRooted()) here but generated content makes some out-of-order insertion. // Keep our layer hierarchy updated. Optimize for the common case where we don't have any children // and don't have a layer attached to ourselves. PaintLayer* layer = nullptr; if (slowFirstChild() || hasLayer()) { layer = parent()->enclosingLayer(); addLayers(layer); } // If |this| is visible but this object was not, tell the layer it has some visible content // that needs to be drawn and layer visibility optimization can't be used if (parent()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && !hasLayer()) { if (!layer) layer = parent()->enclosingLayer(); if (layer) layer->dirtyVisibleContentStatus(); } if (parent()->childrenInline()) parent()->dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(this); if (LayoutFlowThread* flowThread = flowThreadContainingBlock()) flowThread->flowThreadDescendantWasInserted(this); } enum FindReferencingScrollAnchorsBehavior { DontClear, Clear }; static bool findReferencingScrollAnchors(LayoutObject* layoutObject, FindReferencingScrollAnchorsBehavior behavior) { PaintLayer* layer = nullptr; if (LayoutObject* parent = layoutObject->parent()) layer = parent->enclosingLayer(); bool found = false; // Walk up the layer tree to clear any scroll anchors that reference us. while (layer) { if (PaintLayerScrollableArea* scrollableArea = layer->getScrollableArea()) { ScrollAnchor& anchor = scrollableArea->scrollAnchor(); if (anchor.anchorObject() == layoutObject) { found = true; if (behavior == Clear) anchor.clear(); else return true; } } layer = layer->parent(); } if (FrameView* view = layoutObject->frameView()) { ScrollAnchor& anchor = view->scrollAnchor(); if (anchor.anchorObject() == layoutObject) { found = true; if (behavior == Clear) anchor.clear(); } } return found; } void LayoutObject::willBeRemovedFromTree() { // FIXME: We should ASSERT(isRooted()) but we have some out-of-order removals which would need to be fixed first. // If we remove a visible child from an invisible parent, we don't know the layer visibility any more. PaintLayer* layer = nullptr; if (parent()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && !hasLayer()) { layer = parent()->enclosingLayer(); if (layer) layer->dirtyVisibleContentStatus(); } // Keep our layer hierarchy updated. if (slowFirstChild() || hasLayer()) { if (!layer) layer = parent()->enclosingLayer(); removeLayers(layer); } if (isOutOfFlowPositioned() && parent()->childrenInline()) parent()->dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(this); removeFromLayoutFlowThread(); // Update cached boundaries in SVG layoutObjects if a child is removed. if (parent()->isSVG()) parent()->setNeedsBoundariesUpdate(); if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::scrollAnchoringEnabled() && m_bitfields.isScrollAnchorObject()) { // Clear the bit first so that anchor.clear() doesn't recurse into findReferencingScrollAnchors. m_bitfields.setIsScrollAnchorObject(false); findReferencingScrollAnchors(this, Clear); } } void LayoutObject::maybeClearIsScrollAnchorObject() { if (m_bitfields.isScrollAnchorObject()) m_bitfields.setIsScrollAnchorObject(findReferencingScrollAnchors(this, DontClear)); } void LayoutObject::removeFromLayoutFlowThread() { if (!isInsideFlowThread()) return; // Sometimes we remove the element from the flow, but it's not destroyed at that time. // It's only until later when we actually destroy it and remove all the children from it. // Currently, that happens for firstLetter elements and list markers. // Pass in the flow thread so that we don't have to look it up for all the children. // If we're a column spanner, we need to use our parent to find the flow thread, since a spanner // doesn't have the flow thread in its containing block chain. We still need to notify the flow // thread when the layoutObject removed happens to be a spanner, so that we get rid of the spanner // placeholder, and column sets around the placeholder get merged. LayoutFlowThread* flowThread = isColumnSpanAll() ? parent()->flowThreadContainingBlock() : flowThreadContainingBlock(); removeFromLayoutFlowThreadRecursive(flowThread); } void LayoutObject::removeFromLayoutFlowThreadRecursive(LayoutFlowThread* layoutFlowThread) { if (const LayoutObjectChildList* children = virtualChildren()) { for (LayoutObject* child = children->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (child->isLayoutFlowThread()) continue; // Don't descend into inner fragmentation contexts. child->removeFromLayoutFlowThreadRecursive(child->isLayoutFlowThread() ? toLayoutFlowThread(child) : layoutFlowThread); } } if (layoutFlowThread && layoutFlowThread != this) layoutFlowThread->flowThreadDescendantWillBeRemoved(this); setIsInsideFlowThread(false); RELEASE_ASSERT(!spannerPlaceholder()); } void LayoutObject::destroyAndCleanupAnonymousWrappers() { // If the tree is destroyed, there is no need for a clean-up phase. if (documentBeingDestroyed()) { destroy(); return; } LayoutObject* destroyRoot = this; for (LayoutObject* destroyRootParent = destroyRoot->parent(); destroyRootParent && destroyRootParent->isAnonymous(); destroyRoot = destroyRootParent, destroyRootParent = destroyRootParent->parent()) { // Anonymous block continuations are tracked and destroyed elsewhere (see the bottom of LayoutBlock::removeChild) if (destroyRootParent->isLayoutBlock() && toLayoutBlock(destroyRootParent)->isAnonymousBlockContinuation()) break; // A flow thread is tracked by its containing block. Whether its children are removed or not is irrelevant. if (destroyRootParent->isLayoutFlowThread()) break; if (destroyRootParent->slowFirstChild() != destroyRoot || destroyRootParent->slowLastChild() != destroyRoot) break; // Need to keep the anonymous parent, since it won't become empty by the removal of this layoutObject. } destroyRoot->destroy(); // WARNING: |this| is deleted here. } void LayoutObject::destroy() { willBeDestroyed(); delete this; } void LayoutObject::removeShapeImageClient(ShapeValue* shapeValue) { if (!shapeValue) return; if (StyleImage* shapeImage = shapeValue->image()) shapeImage->removeClient(this); } PositionWithAffinity LayoutObject::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&) { return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMinOffset()); } void LayoutObject::updateDragState(bool dragOn) { bool valueChanged = (dragOn != isDragging()); setIsDragging(dragOn); if (valueChanged && node()) { if (node()->isElementNode() && toElement(node())->childrenOrSiblingsAffectedByDrag()) toElement(node())->pseudoStateChanged(CSSSelector::PseudoDrag); else if (style()->affectedByDrag()) node()->setNeedsStyleRecalc(LocalStyleChange, StyleChangeReasonForTracing::create(StyleChangeReason::Drag)); } for (LayoutObject* curr = slowFirstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) curr->updateDragState(dragOn); } CompositingState LayoutObject::compositingState() const { return hasLayer() ? toLayoutBoxModelObject(this)->layer()->compositingState() : NotComposited; } CompositingReasons LayoutObject::additionalCompositingReasons() const { return CompositingReasonNone; } bool LayoutObject::hitTest(HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestFilter hitTestFilter) { bool inside = false; if (hitTestFilter != HitTestSelf) { // First test the foreground layer (lines and inlines). inside = nodeAtPoint(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, HitTestForeground); // Test floats next. if (!inside) inside = nodeAtPoint(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, HitTestFloat); // Finally test to see if the mouse is in the background (within a child block's background). if (!inside) inside = nodeAtPoint(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, HitTestChildBlockBackgrounds); } // See if the mouse is inside us but not any of our descendants if (hitTestFilter != HitTestDescendants && !inside) inside = nodeAtPoint(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, HitTestBlockBackground); return inside; } void LayoutObject::updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& point) { if (result.innerNode()) return; Node* node = this->node(); // If we hit the anonymous layoutObjects inside generated content we should // actually hit the generated content so walk up to the PseudoElement. if (!node && parent() && parent()->isBeforeOrAfterContent()) { for (LayoutObject* layoutObject = parent(); layoutObject && !node; layoutObject = layoutObject->parent()) node = layoutObject->node(); } if (node) result.setNodeAndPosition(node, point); } bool LayoutObject::nodeAtPoint(HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& /*locationInContainer*/, const LayoutPoint& /*accumulatedOffset*/, HitTestAction) { return false; } void LayoutObject::scheduleRelayout() { if (isLayoutView()) { FrameView* view = toLayoutView(this)->frameView(); if (view) view->scheduleRelayout(); } else { if (isRooted()) { if (LayoutView* layoutView = view()) { if (FrameView* frameView = layoutView->frameView()) frameView->scheduleRelayoutOfSubtree(this); } } } } void LayoutObject::forceLayout() { setSelfNeedsLayout(true); setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation(); layout(); } // FIXME: Does this do anything different than forceLayout given that we don't walk // the containing block chain. If not, we should change all callers to use forceLayout. void LayoutObject::forceChildLayout() { setNormalChildNeedsLayout(true); layout(); } enum StyleCacheState { Cached, Uncached }; static PassRefPtr firstLineStyleForCachedUncachedType(StyleCacheState type, const LayoutObject* layoutObject, ComputedStyle* style) { const LayoutObject* layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle = layoutObject; if (layoutObject->isBeforeOrAfterContent()) layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle = layoutObject->parent(); if (layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle->canHaveFirstLineOrFirstLetterStyle()) { if (LayoutBlock* firstLineBlock = toLayoutBlock(layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle)->enclosingFirstLineStyleBlock()) { if (type == Cached) return firstLineBlock->getCachedPseudoStyle(PseudoIdFirstLine, style); return firstLineBlock->getUncachedPseudoStyle(PseudoStyleRequest(PseudoIdFirstLine), style, firstLineBlock == layoutObject ? style : 0); } } else if (!layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle->isAnonymous() && layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle->isLayoutInline() && !layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle->node()->isFirstLetterPseudoElement()) { const ComputedStyle* parentStyle = layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle->parent()->firstLineStyle(); if (parentStyle != layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle->parent()->style()) { if (type == Cached) { // A first-line style is in effect. Cache a first-line style for ourselves. layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle->mutableStyleRef().setHasPseudoStyle(PseudoIdFirstLineInherited); return layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle->getCachedPseudoStyle(PseudoIdFirstLineInherited, parentStyle); } return layoutObjectForFirstLineStyle->getUncachedPseudoStyle(PseudoStyleRequest(PseudoIdFirstLineInherited), parentStyle, style); } } return nullptr; } PassRefPtr LayoutObject::uncachedFirstLineStyle(ComputedStyle* style) const { if (!document().styleEngine().usesFirstLineRules()) return nullptr; ASSERT(!isText()); return firstLineStyleForCachedUncachedType(Uncached, this, style); } ComputedStyle* LayoutObject::cachedFirstLineStyle() const { ASSERT(document().styleEngine().usesFirstLineRules()); if (RefPtr style = firstLineStyleForCachedUncachedType(Cached, isText() ? parent() : this, m_style.get())) return style.get(); return m_style.get(); } ComputedStyle* LayoutObject::getCachedPseudoStyle(PseudoId pseudo, const ComputedStyle* parentStyle) const { if (pseudo < FirstInternalPseudoId && !style()->hasPseudoStyle(pseudo)) return nullptr; ComputedStyle* cachedStyle = style()->getCachedPseudoStyle(pseudo); if (cachedStyle) return cachedStyle; RefPtr result = getUncachedPseudoStyle(PseudoStyleRequest(pseudo), parentStyle); if (result) return mutableStyleRef().addCachedPseudoStyle(result.release()); return nullptr; } PassRefPtr LayoutObject::getUncachedPseudoStyle(const PseudoStyleRequest& pseudoStyleRequest, const ComputedStyle* parentStyle, const ComputedStyle* ownStyle) const { if (pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId < FirstInternalPseudoId && !ownStyle && !style()->hasPseudoStyle(pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId)) return nullptr; if (!parentStyle) { ASSERT(!ownStyle); parentStyle = style(); } if (!node()) return nullptr; Element* element = Traversal::firstAncestorOrSelf(*node()); if (!element) return nullptr; if (pseudoStyleRequest.pseudoId == PseudoIdFirstLineInherited) { RefPtr result = document().ensureStyleResolver().styleForElement(element, parentStyle, DisallowStyleSharing); result->setStyleType(PseudoIdFirstLineInherited); return result.release(); } return document().ensureStyleResolver().pseudoStyleForElement(element, pseudoStyleRequest, parentStyle); } PassRefPtr LayoutObject::getUncachedPseudoStyleFromParentOrShadowHost() const { if (!node()) return nullptr; if (ShadowRoot* root = node()->containingShadowRoot()) { if (root->type() == ShadowRootType::UserAgent) { if (Element* shadowHost = node()->shadowHost()) { return shadowHost->layoutObject()->getUncachedPseudoStyle(PseudoStyleRequest(PseudoIdSelection)); } } } return getUncachedPseudoStyle(PseudoStyleRequest(PseudoIdSelection)); } void LayoutObject::getTextDecorations(unsigned decorations, AppliedTextDecoration& underline, AppliedTextDecoration& overline, AppliedTextDecoration& linethrough, bool quirksMode, bool firstlineStyle) { LayoutObject* curr = this; const ComputedStyle* styleToUse = nullptr; unsigned currDecs = TextDecorationNone; Color resultColor; TextDecorationStyle resultStyle; do { styleToUse = curr->style(firstlineStyle); currDecs = styleToUse->getTextDecoration(); currDecs &= decorations; resultColor = styleToUse->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyTextDecorationColor); resultStyle = styleToUse->getTextDecorationStyle(); // Parameter 'decorations' is cast as an int to enable the bitwise operations below. if (currDecs) { if (currDecs & TextDecorationUnderline) { decorations &= ~TextDecorationUnderline; underline.color = resultColor; underline.style = resultStyle; } if (currDecs & TextDecorationOverline) { decorations &= ~TextDecorationOverline; overline.color = resultColor; overline.style = resultStyle; } if (currDecs & TextDecorationLineThrough) { decorations &= ~TextDecorationLineThrough; linethrough.color = resultColor; linethrough.style = resultStyle; } } if (curr->isRubyText()) return; curr = curr->parent(); if (curr && curr->isAnonymousBlock() && toLayoutBlock(curr)->continuation()) curr = toLayoutBlock(curr)->continuation(); } while (curr && decorations && (!quirksMode || !curr->node() || (!isHTMLAnchorElement(*curr->node()) && !isHTMLFontElement(*curr->node())))); // If we bailed out, use the element we bailed out at (typically a or element). if (decorations && curr) { styleToUse = curr->style(firstlineStyle); resultColor = styleToUse->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyTextDecorationColor); if (decorations & TextDecorationUnderline) { underline.color = resultColor; underline.style = resultStyle; } if (decorations & TextDecorationOverline) { overline.color = resultColor; overline.style = resultStyle; } if (decorations & TextDecorationLineThrough) { linethrough.color = resultColor; linethrough.style = resultStyle; } } } void LayoutObject::addAnnotatedRegions(Vector& regions) { // Convert the style regions to absolute coordinates. if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE || !isBox()) return; if (style()->getDraggableRegionMode() == DraggableRegionNone) return; LayoutBox* box = toLayoutBox(this); FloatRect localBounds(FloatPoint(), FloatSize(box->size())); FloatRect absBounds = localToAbsoluteQuad(localBounds).boundingBox(); AnnotatedRegionValue region; region.draggable = style()->getDraggableRegionMode() == DraggableRegionDrag; region.bounds = LayoutRect(absBounds); regions.append(region); } bool LayoutObject::willRenderImage() { // Without visibility we won't render (and therefore don't care about animation). if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) return false; // We will not render a new image when Active DOM is suspended if (document().activeDOMObjectsAreSuspended()) return false; // If we're not in a window (i.e., we're dormant from being in a background tab) // then we don't want to render either. return document().view()->isVisible(); } bool LayoutObject::getImageAnimationPolicy(ImageAnimationPolicy& policy) { if (!document().settings()) return false; policy = document().settings()->imageAnimationPolicy(); return true; } int LayoutObject::caretMinOffset() const { return 0; } int LayoutObject::caretMaxOffset() const { if (isAtomicInlineLevel()) return node() ? std::max(1U, node()->countChildren()) : 1; if (isHR()) return 1; return 0; } int LayoutObject::previousOffsetForBackwardDeletion(int current) const { return current - 1; } bool LayoutObject::isInert() const { const LayoutObject* layoutObject = this; while (!layoutObject->node()) layoutObject = layoutObject->parent(); return layoutObject->node()->isInert(); } void LayoutObject::imageChanged(ImageResource* image, const IntRect* rect) { ASSERT(m_node); imageChanged(static_cast(image), rect); } Element* LayoutObject::offsetParent() const { if (isDocumentElement() || isBody()) return nullptr; if (isOutOfFlowPositioned() && style()->position() == FixedPosition) return nullptr; float effectiveZoom = style()->effectiveZoom(); Node* node = nullptr; for (LayoutObject* ancestor = parent(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent()) { // Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view/#offset-attributes node = ancestor->node(); if (!node) continue; if (ancestor->isPositioned()) break; if (isHTMLBodyElement(*node)) break; if (!isPositioned() && (isHTMLTableElement(*node) || isHTMLTableCellElement(*node))) break; // Webkit specific extension where offsetParent stops at zoom level changes. if (effectiveZoom != ancestor->style()->effectiveZoom()) break; } return node && node->isElementNode() ? toElement(node) : nullptr; } PositionWithAffinity LayoutObject::createPositionWithAffinity(int offset, TextAffinity affinity) { // If this is a non-anonymous layoutObject in an editable area, then it's simple. if (Node* node = nonPseudoNode()) { if (!node->hasEditableStyle()) { // If it can be found, we prefer a visually equivalent position that is editable. const Position position = Position(node, offset); Position candidate = mostForwardCaretPosition(position, CanCrossEditingBoundary); if (candidate.anchorNode()->hasEditableStyle()) return PositionWithAffinity(candidate, affinity); candidate = mostBackwardCaretPosition(position, CanCrossEditingBoundary); if (candidate.anchorNode()->hasEditableStyle()) return PositionWithAffinity(candidate, affinity); } // FIXME: Eliminate legacy editing positions return PositionWithAffinity(Position::editingPositionOf(node, offset), affinity); } // We don't want to cross the boundary between editable and non-editable // regions of the document, but that is either impossible or at least // extremely unlikely in any normal case because we stop as soon as we // find a single non-anonymous layoutObject. // Find a nearby non-anonymous layoutObject. LayoutObject* child = this; while (LayoutObject* parent = child->parent()) { // Find non-anonymous content after. for (LayoutObject* layoutObject = child->nextInPreOrder(parent); layoutObject; layoutObject = layoutObject->nextInPreOrder(parent)) { if (Node* node = layoutObject->nonPseudoNode()) return PositionWithAffinity(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node)); } // Find non-anonymous content before. for (LayoutObject* layoutObject = child->previousInPreOrder(); layoutObject; layoutObject = layoutObject->previousInPreOrder()) { if (layoutObject == parent) break; if (Node* node = layoutObject->nonPseudoNode()) return PositionWithAffinity(lastPositionInOrAfterNode(node)); } // Use the parent itself unless it too is anonymous. if (Node* node = parent->nonPseudoNode()) return PositionWithAffinity(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node)); // Repeat at the next level up. child = parent; } // Everything was anonymous. Give up. return PositionWithAffinity(); } PositionWithAffinity LayoutObject::createPositionWithAffinity(int offset) { return createPositionWithAffinity(offset, TextAffinity::Downstream); } PositionWithAffinity LayoutObject::createPositionWithAffinity(const Position& position) { if (position.isNotNull()) return PositionWithAffinity(position); ASSERT(!node()); return createPositionWithAffinity(0); } CursorDirective LayoutObject::getCursor(const LayoutPoint&, Cursor&) const { return SetCursorBasedOnStyle; } bool LayoutObject::canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes() const { if (needsLayout()) return false; const LayoutBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock(); return containingBlock ? !containingBlock->needsLayout() : false; } void LayoutObject::setNeedsBoundariesUpdate() { if (LayoutObject* layoutObject = parent()) layoutObject->setNeedsBoundariesUpdate(); } FloatRect LayoutObject::objectBoundingBox() const { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return FloatRect(); } FloatRect LayoutObject::strokeBoundingBox() const { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return FloatRect(); } FloatRect LayoutObject::paintInvalidationRectInLocalSVGCoordinates() const { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return FloatRect(); } AffineTransform LayoutObject::localSVGTransform() const { static const AffineTransform identity; return identity; } const AffineTransform& LayoutObject::localToSVGParentTransform() const { static const AffineTransform identity; return identity; } bool LayoutObject::nodeAtFloatPoint(HitTestResult&, const FloatPoint&, HitTestAction) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } bool LayoutObject::isRelayoutBoundaryForInspector() const { return objectIsRelayoutBoundary(this); } static PaintInvalidationReason documentLifecycleBasedPaintInvalidationReason(const DocumentLifecycle& documentLifecycle) { switch (documentLifecycle.state()) { case DocumentLifecycle::InStyleRecalc: return PaintInvalidationStyleChange; case DocumentLifecycle::InPreLayout: case DocumentLifecycle::InPerformLayout: case DocumentLifecycle::AfterPerformLayout: return PaintInvalidationForcedByLayout; case DocumentLifecycle::InCompositingUpdate: return PaintInvalidationCompositingUpdate; default: return PaintInvalidationFull; } } inline void LayoutObject::markContainerChainForPaintInvalidation() { for (LayoutObject* container = this->containerCrossingFrameBoundaries(); container && !container->shouldCheckForPaintInvalidationRegardlessOfPaintInvalidationState(); container = container->containerCrossingFrameBoundaries()) container->m_bitfields.setChildShouldCheckForPaintInvalidation(true); } void LayoutObject::setShouldInvalidateSelection() { if (!canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes()) return; m_bitfields.setShouldInvalidateSelection(true); markContainerChainForPaintInvalidation(); frameView()->scheduleVisualUpdateForPaintInvalidationIfNeeded(); } void LayoutObject::setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation(PaintInvalidationReason reason) { // Only full invalidation reasons are allowed. ASSERT(isFullPaintInvalidationReason(reason)); bool isUpgradingDelayedFullToFull = m_bitfields.fullPaintInvalidationReason() == PaintInvalidationDelayedFull && reason != PaintInvalidationDelayedFull; if (m_bitfields.fullPaintInvalidationReason() == PaintInvalidationNone || isUpgradingDelayedFullToFull) { if (reason == PaintInvalidationFull) reason = documentLifecycleBasedPaintInvalidationReason(document().lifecycle()); m_bitfields.setFullPaintInvalidationReason(reason); if (!isUpgradingDelayedFullToFull) markContainerChainForPaintInvalidation(); } frameView()->scheduleVisualUpdateForPaintInvalidationIfNeeded(); } void LayoutObject::setMayNeedPaintInvalidation() { if (mayNeedPaintInvalidation()) return; m_bitfields.setMayNeedPaintInvalidation(true); markContainerChainForPaintInvalidation(); frameView()->scheduleVisualUpdateForPaintInvalidationIfNeeded(); } void LayoutObject::clearPaintInvalidationFlags(const PaintInvalidationState& paintInvalidationState) { // paintInvalidationStateIsDirty should be kept in sync with the // booleans that are cleared below. ASSERT(paintInvalidationState.forcedSubtreeInvalidationWithinContainer() || paintInvalidationState.forcedSubtreeInvalidationRectUpdateWithinContainer() || paintInvalidationStateIsDirty()); clearShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation(); m_bitfields.setChildShouldCheckForPaintInvalidation(false); m_bitfields.setNeededLayoutBecauseOfChildren(false); m_bitfields.setShouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint(false); m_bitfields.setMayNeedPaintInvalidation(false); m_bitfields.setShouldInvalidateSelection(false); } bool LayoutObject::isAllowedToModifyLayoutTreeStructure(Document& document) { return DeprecatedDisableModifyLayoutTreeStructureAsserts::canModifyLayoutTreeStateInAnyState() || document.lifecycle().stateAllowsLayoutTreeMutations(); } DeprecatedDisableModifyLayoutTreeStructureAsserts::DeprecatedDisableModifyLayoutTreeStructureAsserts() : m_disabler(gModifyLayoutTreeStructureAnyState, true) { } bool DeprecatedDisableModifyLayoutTreeStructureAsserts::canModifyLayoutTreeStateInAnyState() { return gModifyLayoutTreeStructureAnyState; } DisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts::DisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts() : m_disabler(gDisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts, true) { } namespace { // TODO(trchen): Use std::function when available. template void traverseNonCompositingDescendants(LayoutObject&, const LayoutObjectTraversalFunctor&); template void findNonCompositedDescendantLayerToTraverse(LayoutObject& object, const LayoutObjectTraversalFunctor& functor) { LayoutObject* descendant = object.nextInPreOrder(&object); while (descendant) { // Case 1: If the descendant has no layer, keep searching until we find a layer. if (!descendant->hasLayer()) { descendant = descendant->nextInPreOrder(&object); continue; } // Case 2: The descendant has a layer and is not composited. // The invalidation container of its subtree is our parent, // thus recur into the subtree. if (!descendant->isPaintInvalidationContainer()) { traverseNonCompositingDescendants(*descendant, functor); descendant = descendant->nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(&object); continue; } // Case 3: The descendant is an invalidation container and is a stacking context. // No objects in the subtree can have invalidation container outside of it, // thus skip the whole subtree. if (descendant->styleRef().isStackingContext()) { descendant = descendant->nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(&object); continue; } // Case 4: The descendant is an invalidation container but not a stacking context. // This is the same situation as the root, thus keep searching. descendant = descendant->nextInPreOrder(&object); } } template void traverseNonCompositingDescendants(LayoutObject& object, const LayoutObjectTraversalFunctor& functor) { functor(object); LayoutObject* descendant = object.nextInPreOrder(&object); while (descendant) { if (!descendant->isPaintInvalidationContainer()) { functor(*descendant); descendant = descendant->nextInPreOrder(&object); continue; } if (descendant->styleRef().isStackingContext()) { descendant = descendant->nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(&object); continue; } // If a paint invalidation container is not a stacking context, // some of its descendants may belong to the parent container. findNonCompositedDescendantLayerToTraverse(*descendant, functor); descendant = descendant->nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(&object); } } } // unnamed namespace void LayoutObject::invalidateDisplayItemClientsIncludingNonCompositingDescendants(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationReason paintInvalidationReason) const { // This is valid because we want to invalidate the client in the display item list of the current backing. DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler; if (!paintInvalidationContainer) { // Not using enclosingCompositedContainer() directly because this object may be in an orphaned subtree. PaintLayer* enclosingLayer = this->enclosingLayer(); if (!enclosingLayer) return; const PaintLayer* paintInvalidationLayer = enclosingLayer->enclosingLayerForPaintInvalidationCrossingFrameBoundaries(); if (!paintInvalidationLayer) return; paintInvalidationContainer = paintInvalidationLayer->layoutObject(); } traverseNonCompositingDescendants(const_cast(*this), [&paintInvalidationContainer, paintInvalidationReason](LayoutObject& object) { if (object.hasLayer()) toLayoutBoxModelObject(object).layer()->setNeedsRepaint(); object.invalidateDisplayItemClients(*paintInvalidationContainer, paintInvalidationReason); }); } void LayoutObject::invalidatePaintOfPreviousPaintInvalidationRect(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationReason reason) { // It's caller's responsibility to ensure enclosingSelfPaintingLayer's needsRepaint is set. // Don't set the flag here because getting enclosingSelfPaintLayer has cost and the caller can use // various ways (e.g. PaintInvalidatinState::enclosingSelfPaintingLayer()) to reduce the cost. #if ENABLE(ASSERT) assertEnclosingSelfPaintingLayerHasSetNeedsRepaint(*this); #endif // These disablers are valid because we want to use the current compositing/invalidation status. DisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts invalidationDisabler; DisableCompositingQueryAsserts compositingDisabler; LayoutRect invalidationRect = previousPaintInvalidationRect(); adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling(invalidationRect, paintInvalidationContainer); invalidatePaintUsingContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, invalidationRect, PaintInvalidationLayer); invalidateDisplayItemClients(paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationLayer); // This method may be used to invalidate paint of an object changing paint invalidation container. // Clear previous paint invalidation rect on the original paint invalidation container to avoid // under-invalidation if the new paint invalidation rect on the new paint invalidation container // happens to be the same as the old one. clearPreviousPaintInvalidationRects(); } void LayoutObject::invalidatePaintIncludingNonCompositingDescendants() { // Since we're only painting non-composited layers, we know that they all share the same paintInvalidationContainer. const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer = containerForPaintInvalidation(); traverseNonCompositingDescendants(*this, [&paintInvalidationContainer](LayoutObject& object) { if (object.hasLayer()) toLayoutBoxModelObject(object).layer()->setNeedsRepaint(); object.invalidatePaintOfPreviousPaintInvalidationRect(paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationLayer); }); } // FIXME: If we had a flag to force invalidations in a whole subtree, we could get rid of this function (crbug.com/410097). void LayoutObject::setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidationIncludingNonCompositingDescendants() { // Need to access the current compositing status. DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler; traverseNonCompositingDescendants(*this, [](LayoutObject& object) { object.setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation(); }); } void LayoutObject::invalidatePaintIncludingNonSelfPaintingLayerDescendantsInternal(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer) { invalidatePaintOfPreviousPaintInvalidationRect(paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationLayer); for (LayoutObject* child = slowFirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (child->hasLayer()) toLayoutBoxModelObject(child)->layer()->setNeedsRepaint(); if (!child->hasLayer() || !toLayoutBoxModelObject(child)->layer()->isSelfPaintingLayer()) child->invalidatePaintIncludingNonSelfPaintingLayerDescendantsInternal(paintInvalidationContainer); } } void LayoutObject::invalidatePaintIncludingNonSelfPaintingLayerDescendants(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer) { if (PaintLayer* enclosingLayer = this->enclosingLayer()) enclosingLayer->setNeedsRepaint(); invalidatePaintIncludingNonSelfPaintingLayerDescendantsInternal(paintInvalidationContainer); } void LayoutObject::setIsBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(bool isBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject) { ASSERT(frameView()); if (m_bitfields.isBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject() == isBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject) return; m_bitfields.setIsBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(isBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject); if (isBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject) frameView()->addBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(this); else frameView()->removeBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(this); } ObjectPaintProperties* LayoutObject::objectPaintProperties() const { ASSERT(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()); return objectPaintPropertiesMap().get(this); } void LayoutObject::setObjectPaintProperties(PassOwnPtr paintProperties) { ASSERT(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()); objectPaintPropertiesMap().set(this, paintProperties); } void LayoutObject::clearObjectPaintProperties() { ASSERT(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()); objectPaintPropertiesMap().remove(this); } } // namespace blink #ifndef NDEBUG void showTree(const blink::LayoutObject* object) { if (object) object->showTreeForThis(); else fprintf(stderr, "Cannot showTree. Root is (nil)\n"); } void showLineTree(const blink::LayoutObject* object) { if (object) object->showLineTreeForThis(); else fprintf(stderr, "Cannot showLineTree. Root is (nil)\n"); } void showLayoutTree(const blink::LayoutObject* object1) { showLayoutTree(object1, 0); } void showLayoutTree(const blink::LayoutObject* object1, const blink::LayoutObject* object2) { if (object1) { const blink::LayoutObject* root = object1; while (root->parent()) root = root->parent(); root->showLayoutTreeAndMark(object1, "*", object2, "-", 0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot showLayoutTree. Root is (nil)\n"); } } #endif