/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderFlowThread.h" #include "core/dom/Node.h" #include "core/rendering/FlowThreadController.h" #include "core/rendering/HitTestRequest.h" #include "core/rendering/HitTestResult.h" #include "core/rendering/LayoutRectRecorder.h" #include "core/rendering/PaintInfo.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderBoxRegionInfo.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderInline.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderLayer.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderRegion.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderView.h" #include "platform/PODIntervalTree.h" #include "platform/geometry/TransformState.h" namespace WebCore { RenderFlowThread::RenderFlowThread() : RenderBlockFlow(0) , m_previousRegionCount(0) , m_autoLogicalHeightRegionsCount(0) , m_regionsInvalidated(false) , m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalWidth(true) , m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalHeight(true) , m_hasRegionsWithStyling(false) , m_dispatchRegionLayoutUpdateEvent(false) , m_dispatchRegionOversetChangeEvent(false) , m_pageLogicalSizeChanged(false) , m_inConstrainedLayoutPhase(false) , m_needsTwoPhasesLayout(false) { setFlowThreadState(InsideOutOfFlowThread); } PassRefPtr RenderFlowThread::createFlowThreadStyle(RenderStyle* parentStyle) { RefPtr newStyle(RenderStyle::create()); newStyle->inheritFrom(parentStyle); newStyle->setDisplay(BLOCK); newStyle->setPosition(AbsolutePosition); newStyle->setZIndex(0); newStyle->setLeft(Length(0, Fixed)); newStyle->setTop(Length(0, Fixed)); newStyle->setWidth(Length(100, Percent)); newStyle->setHeight(Length(100, Percent)); newStyle->font().update(0); return newStyle.release(); } void RenderFlowThread::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle) { RenderBlock::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle); if (oldStyle && oldStyle->writingMode() != style()->writingMode()) invalidateRegions(); } void RenderFlowThread::removeFlowChildInfo(RenderObject* child) { if (child->isBox()) removeRenderBoxRegionInfo(toRenderBox(child)); clearRenderObjectCustomStyle(child); } void RenderFlowThread::addRegionToThread(RenderRegion* renderRegion) { ASSERT(renderRegion); m_regionList.add(renderRegion); renderRegion->setIsValid(true); } void RenderFlowThread::removeRegionFromThread(RenderRegion* renderRegion) { ASSERT(renderRegion); m_regionList.remove(renderRegion); } void RenderFlowThread::invalidateRegions() { if (m_regionsInvalidated) { ASSERT(selfNeedsLayout()); return; } m_regionRangeMap.clear(); m_breakBeforeToRegionMap.clear(); m_breakAfterToRegionMap.clear(); setNeedsLayout(); m_regionsInvalidated = true; } class CurrentRenderFlowThreadDisabler { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(CurrentRenderFlowThreadDisabler); public: CurrentRenderFlowThreadDisabler(RenderView* view) : m_view(view) , m_renderFlowThread(0) { m_renderFlowThread = m_view->flowThreadController()->currentRenderFlowThread(); if (m_renderFlowThread) view->flowThreadController()->setCurrentRenderFlowThread(0); } ~CurrentRenderFlowThreadDisabler() { if (m_renderFlowThread) m_view->flowThreadController()->setCurrentRenderFlowThread(m_renderFlowThread); } private: RenderView* m_view; RenderFlowThread* m_renderFlowThread; }; void RenderFlowThread::validateRegions() { if (m_regionsInvalidated) { m_regionsInvalidated = false; m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalWidth = true; m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalHeight = true; if (hasRegions()) { LayoutUnit previousRegionLogicalWidth = 0; LayoutUnit previousRegionLogicalHeight = 0; bool firstRegionVisited = false; for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; ASSERT(!region->needsLayout() || region->isRenderRegionSet()); region->deleteAllRenderBoxRegionInfo(); // In the normal layout phase we need to initialize the computedAutoHeight for auto-height regions. // See initializeRegionsComputedAutoHeight for the explanation. // Also, if we have auto-height regions we can't assume m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalHeight to be true in the first phase // because the auto-height regions don't have their height computed yet. if (!inConstrainedLayoutPhase() && region->hasAutoLogicalHeight()) { region->setComputedAutoHeight(region->maxPageLogicalHeight()); m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalHeight = false; } LayoutUnit regionLogicalWidth = region->pageLogicalWidth(); LayoutUnit regionLogicalHeight = region->pageLogicalHeight(); if (!firstRegionVisited) { firstRegionVisited = true; } else { if (m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalWidth && previousRegionLogicalWidth != regionLogicalWidth) m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalWidth = false; if (m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalHeight && previousRegionLogicalHeight != regionLogicalHeight) m_regionsHaveUniformLogicalHeight = false; } previousRegionLogicalWidth = regionLogicalWidth; } } } updateLogicalWidth(); // Called to get the maximum logical width for the region. updateRegionsFlowThreadPortionRect(); } void RenderFlowThread::layout() { LayoutRectRecorder recorder(*this); m_pageLogicalSizeChanged = m_regionsInvalidated && everHadLayout(); // In case this is the second pass of the normal phase we need to update the auto-height regions to their initial value. // If the region chain was invalidated this will happen anyway. if (!m_regionsInvalidated && !inConstrainedLayoutPhase()) initializeRegionsComputedAutoHeight(); validateRegions(); // This is the first phase of the layout and because we have auto-height regions we'll need a second // pass to update the flow with the computed auto-height regions. m_needsTwoPhasesLayout = !inConstrainedLayoutPhase() && hasAutoLogicalHeightRegions(); CurrentRenderFlowThreadMaintainer currentFlowThreadSetter(this); RenderBlockFlow::layout(); m_pageLogicalSizeChanged = false; if (lastRegion()) lastRegion()->expandToEncompassFlowThreadContentsIfNeeded(); if (shouldDispatchRegionLayoutUpdateEvent()) dispatchRegionLayoutUpdateEvent(); if (shouldDispatchRegionOversetChangeEvent()) dispatchRegionOversetChangeEvent(); } void RenderFlowThread::updateLogicalWidth() { LayoutUnit logicalWidth = initialLogicalWidth(); for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; ASSERT(!region->needsLayout() || region->isRenderRegionSet()); logicalWidth = max(region->pageLogicalWidth(), logicalWidth); } setLogicalWidth(logicalWidth); // If the regions have non-uniform logical widths, then insert inset information for the RenderFlowThread. for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; LayoutUnit regionLogicalWidth = region->pageLogicalWidth(); if (regionLogicalWidth != logicalWidth) { LayoutUnit logicalLeft = style()->direction() == LTR ? LayoutUnit() : logicalWidth - regionLogicalWidth; region->setRenderBoxRegionInfo(this, logicalLeft, regionLogicalWidth, false); } } } void RenderFlowThread::computeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LogicalExtentComputedValues& computedValues) const { computedValues.m_position = logicalTop; computedValues.m_extent = 0; for (RenderRegionList::const_iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; ASSERT(!region->needsLayout() || region->isRenderRegionSet()); computedValues.m_extent += region->logicalHeightOfAllFlowThreadContent(); } } LayoutRect RenderFlowThread::computeRegionClippingRect(const LayoutPoint& offset, const LayoutRect& flowThreadPortionRect, const LayoutRect& flowThreadPortionOverflowRect) const { LayoutRect regionClippingRect(offset + (flowThreadPortionOverflowRect.location() - flowThreadPortionRect.location()), flowThreadPortionOverflowRect.size()); if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) regionClippingRect.move(flowThreadPortionRect.size() - flowThreadPortionOverflowRect.size()); return regionClippingRect; } void RenderFlowThread::paintFlowThreadPortionInRegion(PaintInfo& paintInfo, RenderRegion* region, const LayoutRect& flowThreadPortionRect, const LayoutRect& flowThreadPortionOverflowRect, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) const { GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context; if (!context) return; // RenderFlowThread should start painting its content in a position that is offset // from the region rect's current position. The amount of offset is equal to the location of // the flow thread portion in the flow thread's local coordinates. // Note that we have to pixel snap the location at which we're going to paint, since this is necessary // to minimize the amount of incorrect snapping that would otherwise occur. // If we tried to paint by applying a non-integral translation, then all the // layout code that attempted to pixel snap would be incorrect. IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset; LayoutPoint portionLocation; if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) { LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionRect(flowThreadPortionRect); flipForWritingMode(flippedFlowThreadPortionRect); portionLocation = flippedFlowThreadPortionRect.location(); } else { portionLocation = flowThreadPortionRect.location(); } adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset - portionLocation); // The clipping rect for the region is set up by assuming the flowThreadPortionRect is going to paint offset from adjustedPaintOffset. // Remember that we pixel snapped and moved the paintOffset and stored the snapped result in adjustedPaintOffset. Now we add back in // the flowThreadPortionRect's location to get the spot where we expect the portion to actually paint. This can be non-integral and // that's ok. We then pixel snap the resulting clipping rect to account for snapping that will occur when the flow thread paints. IntRect regionClippingRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(computeRegionClippingRect(adjustedPaintOffset + portionLocation, flowThreadPortionRect, flowThreadPortionOverflowRect)); PaintInfo info(paintInfo); info.rect.intersect(regionClippingRect); if (!info.rect.isEmpty()) { context->save(); context->clip(regionClippingRect); context->translate(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()); info.rect.moveBy(-adjustedPaintOffset); if (info.phase == PaintPhaseTextClip) info.paintBehavior = PaintBehaviorForceBlackText; layer()->paint(context, info.rect, info.paintBehavior, 0, region, PaintLayerTemporaryClipRects); context->restore(); } } bool RenderFlowThread::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction) { if (hitTestAction == HitTestBlockBackground) return false; return RenderBlock::nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, hitTestAction); } bool RenderFlowThread::hitTestFlowThreadPortionInRegion(RenderRegion* region, const LayoutRect& flowThreadPortionRect, const LayoutRect& flowThreadPortionOverflowRect, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const { LayoutRect regionClippingRect = computeRegionClippingRect(accumulatedOffset, flowThreadPortionRect, flowThreadPortionOverflowRect); if (!regionClippingRect.contains(locationInContainer.point())) return false; LayoutSize renderFlowThreadOffset; if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) { LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionRect(flowThreadPortionRect); flipForWritingMode(flippedFlowThreadPortionRect); renderFlowThreadOffset = accumulatedOffset - flippedFlowThreadPortionRect.location(); } else { renderFlowThreadOffset = accumulatedOffset - flowThreadPortionRect.location(); } // Always ignore clipping, since the RenderFlowThread has nothing to do with the bounds of the FrameView. HitTestRequest newRequest(request.type() | HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping | HitTestRequest::ConfusingAndOftenMisusedDisallowShadowContent); // Make a new temporary HitTestLocation in the new region. HitTestLocation newHitTestLocation(locationInContainer, -renderFlowThreadOffset, region); bool isPointInsideFlowThread = layer()->hitTest(newRequest, newHitTestLocation, result); // FIXME: Should we set result.m_localPoint back to the RenderRegion's coordinate space or leave it in the RenderFlowThread's coordinate // space? Right now it's staying in the RenderFlowThread's coordinate space, which may end up being ok. We will know more when we get around to // patching positionForPoint. return isPointInsideFlowThread; } bool RenderFlowThread::shouldRepaint(const LayoutRect& r) const { if (view()->document().printing() || r.isEmpty()) return false; return true; } void RenderFlowThread::repaintRectangleInRegions(const LayoutRect& repaintRect) const { if (!shouldRepaint(repaintRect) || !hasValidRegionInfo()) return; LayoutStateDisabler layoutStateDisabler(view()); // We can't use layout state to repaint, since the regions are somewhere else. // We can't use currentFlowThread as it is possible to have interleaved flow threads and the wrong one could be used. // Let each region figure out the proper enclosing flow thread. CurrentRenderFlowThreadDisabler disabler(view()); for (RenderRegionList::const_iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; region->repaintFlowThreadContent(repaintRect); } } RenderRegion* RenderFlowThread::regionAtBlockOffset(LayoutUnit offset, bool extendLastRegion, RegionAutoGenerationPolicy autoGenerationPolicy) { ASSERT(!m_regionsInvalidated); if (autoGenerationPolicy == AllowRegionAutoGeneration) autoGenerateRegionsToBlockOffset(offset); if (offset <= 0) return m_regionList.isEmpty() ? 0 : m_regionList.first(); RegionSearchAdapter adapter(offset); m_regionIntervalTree.allOverlapsWithAdapter(adapter); // If no region was found, the offset is in the flow thread overflow. // The last region will contain the offset if extendLastRegion is set or if the last region is a set. if (!adapter.result() && !m_regionList.isEmpty() && (extendLastRegion || m_regionList.last()->isRenderRegionSet())) return m_regionList.last(); return adapter.result(); } RenderRegion* RenderFlowThread::regionFromAbsolutePointAndBox(IntPoint absolutePoint, const RenderBox* flowedBox) { if (!flowedBox) return 0; RenderRegion* startRegion = 0; RenderRegion* endRegion = 0; getRegionRangeForBox(flowedBox, startRegion, endRegion); if (!startRegion) return 0; for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.find(startRegion); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; IntRect regionAbsoluteRect(roundedIntPoint(region->localToAbsolute()), roundedIntSize(region->frameRect().size())); if (regionAbsoluteRect.contains(absolutePoint)) return region; if (region == endRegion) break; } return 0; } LayoutPoint RenderFlowThread::adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(const RenderBoxModelObject& boxModelObject, const LayoutPoint& startPoint) { LayoutPoint referencePoint = startPoint; // FIXME: This needs to be adapted for different writing modes inside the flow thread. RenderRegion* startRegion = regionAtBlockOffset(referencePoint.y()); if (startRegion) { RenderBoxModelObject* startRegionBox = startRegion->isRenderNamedFlowFragment() ? toRenderBoxModelObject(startRegion->parent()) : startRegion; // Take into account the offset coordinates of the region. RenderObject* currObject = startRegionBox; RenderObject* currOffsetParentRenderer; Element* currOffsetParentElement; while ((currOffsetParentElement = currObject->offsetParent()) && (currOffsetParentRenderer = currOffsetParentElement->renderer())) { if (currObject->isBoxModelObject()) referencePoint.move(toRenderBoxModelObject(currObject)->offsetLeft(), toRenderBoxModelObject(currObject)->offsetTop()); // Since we're looking for the offset relative to the body, we must also // take into consideration the borders of the region's offsetParent. if (currOffsetParentRenderer->isBox() && !currOffsetParentRenderer->isBody()) referencePoint.move(toRenderBox(currOffsetParentRenderer)->borderLeft(), toRenderBox(currOffsetParentRenderer)->borderTop()); currObject = currOffsetParentRenderer; } // We need to check if any of this box's containing blocks start in a different region // and if so, drop the object's top position (which was computed relative to its containing block // and is no longer valid) and recompute it using the region in which it flows as reference. bool wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion = false; const RenderBlock* objContainingBlock = boxModelObject.containingBlock(); while (objContainingBlock && !objContainingBlock->isRenderNamedFlowThread()) { // Check if this object is in a different region. RenderRegion* parentStartRegion = 0; RenderRegion* parentEndRegion = 0; getRegionRangeForBox(objContainingBlock, parentStartRegion, parentEndRegion); if (parentStartRegion && parentStartRegion != startRegion) { wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion = true; break; } objContainingBlock = objContainingBlock->containingBlock(); } if (wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion) { if (boxModelObject.isBox()) { // Use borderBoxRectInRegion to account for variations such as percentage margins. LayoutRect borderBoxRect = toRenderBox(&boxModelObject)->borderBoxRectInRegion(startRegion, RenderBox::DoNotCacheRenderBoxRegionInfo); referencePoint.move(borderBoxRect.location().x(), 0); } // Get the logical top coordinate of the current object. LayoutUnit top = 0; if (boxModelObject.isRenderBlock()) { top = toRenderBlock(&boxModelObject)->offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage(); } else { if (boxModelObject.containingBlock()) top = boxModelObject.containingBlock()->offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage(); if (boxModelObject.isBox()) top += toRenderBox(&boxModelObject)->topLeftLocation().y(); else if (boxModelObject.isRenderInline()) top -= toRenderInline(&boxModelObject)->borderTop(); } // Get the logical top of the region this object starts in // and compute the object's top, relative to the region's top. LayoutUnit regionLogicalTop = startRegion->pageLogicalTopForOffset(top); LayoutUnit topRelativeToRegion = top - regionLogicalTop; referencePoint.setY(startRegionBox->offsetTop() + topRelativeToRegion); // Since the top has been overriden, check if the // relative/sticky positioning must be reconsidered. if (boxModelObject.isRelPositioned()) referencePoint.move(0, boxModelObject.relativePositionOffset().height()); else if (boxModelObject.isStickyPositioned()) referencePoint.move(0, boxModelObject.stickyPositionOffset().height()); } // Since we're looking for the offset relative to the body, we must also // take into consideration the borders of the region. referencePoint.move(startRegionBox->borderLeft(), startRegionBox->borderTop()); } return referencePoint; } LayoutUnit RenderFlowThread::pageLogicalTopForOffset(LayoutUnit offset) { RenderRegion* region = regionAtBlockOffset(offset); return region ? region->pageLogicalTopForOffset(offset) : LayoutUnit(); } LayoutUnit RenderFlowThread::pageLogicalWidthForOffset(LayoutUnit offset) { RenderRegion* region = regionAtBlockOffset(offset, true); return region ? region->pageLogicalWidth() : contentLogicalWidth(); } LayoutUnit RenderFlowThread::pageLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit offset) { RenderRegion* region = regionAtBlockOffset(offset); if (!region) return 0; return region->pageLogicalHeight(); } LayoutUnit RenderFlowThread::pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit offset, PageBoundaryRule pageBoundaryRule) { RenderRegion* region = regionAtBlockOffset(offset); if (!region) return 0; LayoutUnit pageLogicalTop = region->pageLogicalTopForOffset(offset); LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight = region->pageLogicalHeight(); LayoutUnit pageLogicalBottom = pageLogicalTop + pageLogicalHeight; LayoutUnit remainingHeight = pageLogicalBottom - offset; if (pageBoundaryRule == IncludePageBoundary) { // If IncludePageBoundary is set, the line exactly on the top edge of a // region will act as being part of the previous region. remainingHeight = intMod(remainingHeight, pageLogicalHeight); } return remainingHeight; } RenderRegion* RenderFlowThread::mapFromFlowToRegion(TransformState& transformState) const { if (!hasValidRegionInfo()) return 0; LayoutRect boxRect = transformState.mappedQuad().enclosingBoundingBox(); flipForWritingMode(boxRect); // FIXME: We need to refactor RenderObject::absoluteQuads to be able to split the quads across regions, // for now we just take the center of the mapped enclosing box and map it to a region. // Note: Using the center in order to avoid rounding errors. LayoutPoint center = boxRect.center(); RenderRegion* renderRegion = const_cast(this)->regionAtBlockOffset(isHorizontalWritingMode() ? center.y() : center.x(), true, DisallowRegionAutoGeneration); if (!renderRegion) return 0; LayoutRect flippedRegionRect(renderRegion->flowThreadPortionRect()); flipForWritingMode(flippedRegionRect); transformState.move(renderRegion->contentBoxRect().location() - flippedRegionRect.location()); return renderRegion; } void RenderFlowThread::removeRenderBoxRegionInfo(RenderBox* box) { if (!hasRegions()) return; // If the region chain was invalidated the next layout will clear the box information from all the regions. if (m_regionsInvalidated) { ASSERT(selfNeedsLayout()); return; } RenderRegion* startRegion; RenderRegion* endRegion; getRegionRangeForBox(box, startRegion, endRegion); for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.find(startRegion); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; region->removeRenderBoxRegionInfo(box); if (region == endRegion) break; } #ifndef NDEBUG // We have to make sure we did not leave any RenderBoxRegionInfo attached. for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; ASSERT(!region->renderBoxRegionInfo(box)); } #endif m_regionRangeMap.remove(box); } bool RenderFlowThread::logicalWidthChangedInRegionsForBlock(const RenderBlock* block) { if (!hasRegions()) return false; RenderRegion* startRegion; RenderRegion* endRegion; getRegionRangeForBox(block, startRegion, endRegion); // When the region chain is invalidated the box information is discarded so we must assume the width has changed. if (m_pageLogicalSizeChanged && !startRegion) return true; // Not necessary for the flow thread, since we already computed the correct info for it. if (block == this) return false; for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.find(startRegion); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; ASSERT(!region->needsLayout() || region->isRenderRegionSet()); OwnPtr oldInfo = region->takeRenderBoxRegionInfo(block); if (!oldInfo) continue; LayoutUnit oldLogicalWidth = oldInfo->logicalWidth(); RenderBoxRegionInfo* newInfo = block->renderBoxRegionInfo(region); if (!newInfo || newInfo->logicalWidth() != oldLogicalWidth) return true; if (region == endRegion) break; } return false; } LayoutUnit RenderFlowThread::contentLogicalWidthOfFirstRegion() const { RenderRegion* firstValidRegionInFlow = firstRegion(); if (!firstValidRegionInFlow) return 0; return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? firstValidRegionInFlow->contentWidth() : firstValidRegionInFlow->contentHeight(); } LayoutUnit RenderFlowThread::contentLogicalHeightOfFirstRegion() const { RenderRegion* firstValidRegionInFlow = firstRegion(); if (!firstValidRegionInFlow) return 0; return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? firstValidRegionInFlow->contentHeight() : firstValidRegionInFlow->contentWidth(); } LayoutUnit RenderFlowThread::contentLogicalLeftOfFirstRegion() const { RenderRegion* firstValidRegionInFlow = firstRegion(); if (!firstValidRegionInFlow) return 0; return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? firstValidRegionInFlow->flowThreadPortionRect().x() : firstValidRegionInFlow->flowThreadPortionRect().y(); } RenderRegion* RenderFlowThread::firstRegion() const { if (!hasValidRegionInfo()) return 0; return m_regionList.first(); } RenderRegion* RenderFlowThread::lastRegion() const { if (!hasValidRegionInfo()) return 0; return m_regionList.last(); } void RenderFlowThread::clearRenderObjectCustomStyle(const RenderObject* object, const RenderRegion* oldStartRegion, const RenderRegion* oldEndRegion, const RenderRegion* newStartRegion, const RenderRegion* newEndRegion) { // Clear the styles for the object in the regions. // The styles are not cleared for the regions that are contained in both ranges. bool insideOldRegionRange = false; bool insideNewRegionRange = false; for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; if (oldStartRegion == region) insideOldRegionRange = true; if (newStartRegion == region) insideNewRegionRange = true; if (!(insideOldRegionRange && insideNewRegionRange)) region->clearObjectStyleInRegion(object); if (oldEndRegion == region) insideOldRegionRange = false; if (newEndRegion == region) insideNewRegionRange = false; } } void RenderFlowThread::setRegionRangeForBox(const RenderBox* box, LayoutUnit offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage) { if (!hasRegions()) return; // FIXME: Not right for differing writing-modes. RenderRegion* startRegion = regionAtBlockOffset(offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage, true); RenderRegion* endRegion = regionAtBlockOffset(offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage + box->logicalHeight(), true); RenderRegionRangeMap::iterator it = m_regionRangeMap.find(box); if (it == m_regionRangeMap.end()) { m_regionRangeMap.set(box, RenderRegionRange(startRegion, endRegion)); clearRenderObjectCustomStyle(box); return; } // If nothing changed, just bail. RenderRegionRange& range = it->value; if (range.startRegion() == startRegion && range.endRegion() == endRegion) return; // Delete any info that we find before our new startRegion and after our new endRegion. for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; if (region == startRegion) { iter = m_regionList.find(endRegion); continue; } region->removeRenderBoxRegionInfo(box); if (region == range.endRegion()) break; } clearRenderObjectCustomStyle(box, range.startRegion(), range.endRegion(), startRegion, endRegion); range.setRange(startRegion, endRegion); } void RenderFlowThread::getRegionRangeForBox(const RenderBox* box, RenderRegion*& startRegion, RenderRegion*& endRegion) const { startRegion = 0; endRegion = 0; RenderRegionRangeMap::const_iterator it = m_regionRangeMap.find(box); if (it == m_regionRangeMap.end()) return; const RenderRegionRange& range = it->value; startRegion = range.startRegion(); endRegion = range.endRegion(); ASSERT(m_regionList.contains(startRegion) && m_regionList.contains(endRegion)); } void RenderFlowThread::applyBreakAfterContent(LayoutUnit clientHeight) { // Simulate a region break at height. If it points inside an auto logical height region, // then it may determine the region computed autoheight. addForcedRegionBreak(clientHeight, this, false); } bool RenderFlowThread::regionInRange(const RenderRegion* targetRegion, const RenderRegion* startRegion, const RenderRegion* endRegion) const { ASSERT(targetRegion); for (RenderRegionList::const_iterator it = m_regionList.find(const_cast(startRegion)); it != m_regionList.end(); ++it) { const RenderRegion* currRegion = *it; if (targetRegion == currRegion) return true; if (currRegion == endRegion) break; } return false; } // Check if the content is flown into at least a region with region styling rules. void RenderFlowThread::checkRegionsWithStyling() { bool hasRegionsWithStyling = false; for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; if (region->hasCustomRegionStyle()) { hasRegionsWithStyling = true; break; } } m_hasRegionsWithStyling = hasRegionsWithStyling; } bool RenderFlowThread::objectInFlowRegion(const RenderObject* object, const RenderRegion* region) const { ASSERT(object); ASSERT(region); RenderFlowThread* flowThread = object->flowThreadContainingBlock(); if (flowThread != this) return false; if (!m_regionList.contains(const_cast(region))) return false; RenderBox* enclosingBox = object->enclosingBox(); RenderRegion* enclosingBoxStartRegion = 0; RenderRegion* enclosingBoxEndRegion = 0; getRegionRangeForBox(enclosingBox, enclosingBoxStartRegion, enclosingBoxEndRegion); if (!regionInRange(region, enclosingBoxStartRegion, enclosingBoxEndRegion)) return false; if (object->isBox()) return true; LayoutRect objectABBRect = object->absoluteBoundingBoxRect(true); if (!objectABBRect.width()) objectABBRect.setWidth(1); if (!objectABBRect.height()) objectABBRect.setHeight(1); if (objectABBRect.intersects(region->absoluteBoundingBoxRect(true))) return true; if (region == lastRegion()) { // If the object does not intersect any of the enclosing box regions // then the object is in last region. for (RenderRegionList::const_iterator it = m_regionList.find(enclosingBoxStartRegion); it != m_regionList.end(); ++it) { const RenderRegion* currRegion = *it; if (currRegion == region) break; if (objectABBRect.intersects(currRegion->absoluteBoundingBoxRect(true))) return false; } return true; } return false; } #ifndef NDEBUG bool RenderFlowThread::isAutoLogicalHeightRegionsCountConsistent() const { unsigned autoLogicalHeightRegions = 0; for (RenderRegionList::const_iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { const RenderRegion* region = *iter; if (region->hasAutoLogicalHeight()) autoLogicalHeightRegions++; } return autoLogicalHeightRegions == m_autoLogicalHeightRegionsCount; } #endif // During the normal layout phase of the named flow the regions are initialized with a height equal to their max-height. // This way unforced breaks are automatically placed when a region is full and the content height/position correctly estimated. // Also, the region where a forced break falls is exactly the region found at the forced break offset inside the flow content. void RenderFlowThread::initializeRegionsComputedAutoHeight(RenderRegion* startRegion) { ASSERT(!inConstrainedLayoutPhase()); if (!hasAutoLogicalHeightRegions()) return; RenderRegionList::iterator regionIter = startRegion ? m_regionList.find(startRegion) : m_regionList.begin(); for (; regionIter != m_regionList.end(); ++regionIter) { RenderRegion* region = *regionIter; if (region->hasAutoLogicalHeight()) region->setComputedAutoHeight(region->maxPageLogicalHeight()); } } void RenderFlowThread::markAutoLogicalHeightRegionsForLayout() { ASSERT(hasAutoLogicalHeightRegions()); for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; if (!region->hasAutoLogicalHeight()) continue; // FIXME: We need to find a way to avoid marking all the regions ancestors for layout // as we are already inside layout. region->setNeedsLayout(); } } void RenderFlowThread::updateRegionsFlowThreadPortionRect(const RenderRegion* lastRegionWithContent) { ASSERT(!lastRegionWithContent || (!inConstrainedLayoutPhase() && hasAutoLogicalHeightRegions())); LayoutUnit logicalHeight = 0; bool emptyRegionsSegment = false; // FIXME: Optimize not to clear the interval all the time. This implies manually managing the tree nodes lifecycle. m_regionIntervalTree.clear(); m_regionIntervalTree.initIfNeeded(); for (RenderRegionList::iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; // If we find an empty auto-height region, clear the computedAutoHeight value. if (emptyRegionsSegment && region->hasAutoLogicalHeight()) region->clearComputedAutoHeight(); LayoutUnit regionLogicalWidth = region->pageLogicalWidth(); LayoutUnit regionLogicalHeight = std::min(RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight() - logicalHeight, region->logicalHeightOfAllFlowThreadContent()); LayoutRect regionRect(style()->direction() == LTR ? LayoutUnit() : logicalWidth() - regionLogicalWidth, logicalHeight, regionLogicalWidth, regionLogicalHeight); region->setFlowThreadPortionRect(isHorizontalWritingMode() ? regionRect : regionRect.transposedRect()); m_regionIntervalTree.add(RegionIntervalTree::createInterval(logicalHeight, logicalHeight + regionLogicalHeight, region)); logicalHeight += regionLogicalHeight; // Once we find the last region with content the next regions are considered empty. if (lastRegionWithContent == region) emptyRegionsSegment = true; } ASSERT(!lastRegionWithContent || emptyRegionsSegment); } // Even if we require the break to occur at offsetBreakInFlowThread, because regions may have min/max-height values, // it is possible that the break will occur at a different offset than the original one required. // offsetBreakAdjustment measures the different between the requested break offset and the current break offset. bool RenderFlowThread::addForcedRegionBreak(LayoutUnit offsetBreakInFlowThread, RenderObject* breakChild, bool isBefore, LayoutUnit* offsetBreakAdjustment) { // We take breaks into account for height computation for auto logical height regions // only in the layout phase in which we lay out the flows threads unconstrained // and we use the content breaks to determine the computedAutoHeight for // auto logical height regions. if (inConstrainedLayoutPhase()) return false; // Breaks can come before or after some objects. We need to track these objects, so that if we get // multiple breaks for the same object (for example because of multiple layouts on the same object), // we need to invalidate every other region after the old one and start computing from fresh. RenderObjectToRegionMap& mapToUse = isBefore ? m_breakBeforeToRegionMap : m_breakAfterToRegionMap; RenderObjectToRegionMap::iterator iter = mapToUse.find(breakChild); if (iter != mapToUse.end()) { RenderRegionList::iterator regionIter = m_regionList.find(iter->value); ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(regionIter != m_regionList.end()); ASSERT((*regionIter)->hasAutoLogicalHeight()); initializeRegionsComputedAutoHeight(*regionIter); // We need to update the regions flow thread portion rect because we are going to process // a break on these regions. updateRegionsFlowThreadPortionRect(); } // Simulate a region break at offsetBreakInFlowThread. If it points inside an auto logical height region, // then it determines the region computed auto height. RenderRegion* region = regionAtBlockOffset(offsetBreakInFlowThread); if (!region) return false; bool lastBreakAfterContent = breakChild == this; bool hasComputedAutoHeight = false; LayoutUnit currentRegionOffsetInFlowThread = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? region->flowThreadPortionRect().y() : region->flowThreadPortionRect().x(); LayoutUnit offsetBreakInCurrentRegion = offsetBreakInFlowThread - currentRegionOffsetInFlowThread; if (region->hasAutoLogicalHeight()) { // A forced break can appear only in an auto-height region that didn't have a forced break before. // This ASSERT is a good-enough heuristic to verify the above condition. ASSERT(region->maxPageLogicalHeight() == region->computedAutoHeight()); mapToUse.set(breakChild, region); hasComputedAutoHeight = true; // Compute the region height pretending that the offsetBreakInCurrentRegion is the logicalHeight for the auto-height region. LayoutUnit regionComputedAutoHeight = region->constrainContentBoxLogicalHeightByMinMax(offsetBreakInCurrentRegion, -1); // The new height of this region needs to be smaller than the initial value, the max height. A forced break is the only way to change the initial // height of an auto-height region besides content ending. ASSERT(regionComputedAutoHeight <= region->maxPageLogicalHeight()); region->setComputedAutoHeight(regionComputedAutoHeight); currentRegionOffsetInFlowThread += regionComputedAutoHeight; } else { currentRegionOffsetInFlowThread += isHorizontalWritingMode() ? region->flowThreadPortionRect().height() : region->flowThreadPortionRect().width(); } // If the break was found inside an auto-height region its size changed so we need to recompute the flow thread portion rectangles. // Also, if this is the last break after the content we need to clear the computedAutoHeight value on the last empty regions. if (hasAutoLogicalHeightRegions() && lastBreakAfterContent) updateRegionsFlowThreadPortionRect(region); else if (hasComputedAutoHeight) updateRegionsFlowThreadPortionRect(); if (offsetBreakAdjustment) *offsetBreakAdjustment = max(0, currentRegionOffsetInFlowThread - offsetBreakInFlowThread); return hasComputedAutoHeight; } void RenderFlowThread::incrementAutoLogicalHeightRegions() { if (!m_autoLogicalHeightRegionsCount) view()->flowThreadController()->incrementFlowThreadsWithAutoLogicalHeightRegions(); ++m_autoLogicalHeightRegionsCount; } void RenderFlowThread::decrementAutoLogicalHeightRegions() { ASSERT(m_autoLogicalHeightRegionsCount > 0); --m_autoLogicalHeightRegionsCount; if (!m_autoLogicalHeightRegionsCount) view()->flowThreadController()->decrementFlowThreadsWithAutoLogicalHeightRegions(); } void RenderFlowThread::collectLayerFragments(LayerFragments& layerFragments, const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect) { ASSERT(!m_regionsInvalidated); for (RenderRegionList::const_iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; region->collectLayerFragments(layerFragments, layerBoundingBox, dirtyRect); } } LayoutRect RenderFlowThread::fragmentsBoundingBox(const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox) { ASSERT(!m_regionsInvalidated); LayoutRect result; for (RenderRegionList::const_iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) { RenderRegion* region = *iter; LayerFragments fragments; region->collectLayerFragments(fragments, layerBoundingBox, PaintInfo::infiniteRect()); for (size_t i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) { const LayerFragment& fragment = fragments.at(i); LayoutRect fragmentRect(layerBoundingBox); fragmentRect.intersect(fragment.paginationClip); fragmentRect.moveBy(fragment.paginationOffset); result.unite(fragmentRect); } } return result; } bool RenderFlowThread::cachedOffsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(const RenderBox* box, LayoutUnit& result) const { RenderBoxToOffsetMap::const_iterator offsetIterator = m_boxesToOffsetMap.find(box); if (offsetIterator == m_boxesToOffsetMap.end()) return false; result = offsetIterator->value; return true; } void RenderFlowThread::setOffsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(const RenderBox* box, LayoutUnit offset) { m_boxesToOffsetMap.set(box, offset); } void RenderFlowThread::clearOffsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(const RenderBox* box) { ASSERT(m_boxesToOffsetMap.contains(box)); m_boxesToOffsetMap.remove(box); } const RenderBox* RenderFlowThread::currentStatePusherRenderBox() const { const RenderObject* currentObject = m_statePusherObjectsStack.isEmpty() ? 0 : m_statePusherObjectsStack.last(); if (currentObject && currentObject->isBox()) return toRenderBox(currentObject); return 0; } void RenderFlowThread::pushFlowThreadLayoutState(const RenderObject* object) { if (const RenderBox* currentBoxDescendant = currentStatePusherRenderBox()) { LayoutState* layoutState = currentBoxDescendant->view()->layoutState(); if (layoutState && layoutState->isPaginated()) { ASSERT(layoutState->renderer() == currentBoxDescendant); LayoutSize offsetDelta = layoutState->m_layoutOffset - layoutState->m_pageOffset; setOffsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(currentBoxDescendant, currentBoxDescendant->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetDelta.height() : offsetDelta.width()); } } m_statePusherObjectsStack.add(object); } void RenderFlowThread::popFlowThreadLayoutState() { m_statePusherObjectsStack.removeLast(); if (const RenderBox* currentBoxDescendant = currentStatePusherRenderBox()) { LayoutState* layoutState = currentBoxDescendant->view()->layoutState(); if (layoutState && layoutState->isPaginated()) clearOffsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(currentBoxDescendant); } } LayoutUnit RenderFlowThread::offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(const RenderBlock* currentBlock) const { // First check if we cached the offset for the block if it's an ancestor containing block of the box // being currently laid out. LayoutUnit offset; if (cachedOffsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(currentBlock, offset)) return offset; // If it's the current box being laid out, use the layout state. const RenderBox* currentBoxDescendant = currentStatePusherRenderBox(); if (currentBlock == currentBoxDescendant) { LayoutState* layoutState = view()->layoutState(); ASSERT(layoutState->renderer() == currentBlock); ASSERT(layoutState && layoutState->isPaginated()); LayoutSize offsetDelta = layoutState->m_layoutOffset - layoutState->m_pageOffset; return currentBoxDescendant->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetDelta.height() : offsetDelta.width(); } // As a last resort, take the slow path. LayoutRect blockRect(0, 0, currentBlock->width(), currentBlock->height()); while (currentBlock && !currentBlock->isRenderFlowThread()) { RenderBlock* containerBlock = currentBlock->containingBlock(); ASSERT(containerBlock); if (!containerBlock) return 0; LayoutPoint currentBlockLocation = currentBlock->location(); if (containerBlock->style()->writingMode() != currentBlock->style()->writingMode()) { // We have to put the block rect in container coordinates // and we have to take into account both the container and current block flipping modes if (containerBlock->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) { if (containerBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode()) blockRect.setY(currentBlock->height() - blockRect.maxY()); else blockRect.setX(currentBlock->width() - blockRect.maxX()); } currentBlock->flipForWritingMode(blockRect); } blockRect.moveBy(currentBlockLocation); currentBlock = containerBlock; } return currentBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? blockRect.y() : blockRect.x(); } void RenderFlowThread::RegionSearchAdapter::collectIfNeeded(const RegionInterval& interval) { if (m_result) return; if (interval.low() <= m_offset && interval.high() > m_offset) m_result = interval.data(); } void RenderFlowThread::mapLocalToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, TransformState& transformState, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const { if (this == repaintContainer) return; if (RenderRegion* region = mapFromFlowToRegion(transformState)) { // FIXME: The cast below is probably not the best solution, we may need to find a better way. static_cast(region)->mapLocalToContainer(region->containerForRepaint(), transformState, mode, wasFixed); } } CurrentRenderFlowThreadMaintainer::CurrentRenderFlowThreadMaintainer(RenderFlowThread* renderFlowThread) : m_renderFlowThread(renderFlowThread) , m_previousRenderFlowThread(0) { if (!m_renderFlowThread) return; RenderView* view = m_renderFlowThread->view(); m_previousRenderFlowThread = view->flowThreadController()->currentRenderFlowThread(); ASSERT(!m_previousRenderFlowThread || !renderFlowThread->isRenderNamedFlowThread()); view->flowThreadController()->setCurrentRenderFlowThread(m_renderFlowThread); } CurrentRenderFlowThreadMaintainer::~CurrentRenderFlowThreadMaintainer() { if (!m_renderFlowThread) return; RenderView* view = m_renderFlowThread->view(); ASSERT(view->flowThreadController()->currentRenderFlowThread() == m_renderFlowThread); view->flowThreadController()->setCurrentRenderFlowThread(m_previousRenderFlowThread); } } // namespace WebCore