/* * (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2006 Andrew Wellington (proton@wiretapped.net) * Copyright (C) 2006 Graham Dennis (graham.dennis@gmail.com) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderText.h" #include "core/accessibility/AXObjectCache.h" #include "core/dom/Text.h" #include "core/editing/TextIterator.h" #include "core/fetch/TextResourceDecoder.h" #include "core/frame/FrameView.h" #include "core/page/Settings.h" #include "core/rendering/AbstractInlineTextBox.h" #include "core/rendering/EllipsisBox.h" #include "core/rendering/InlineTextBox.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderBlock.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderCombineText.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderLayer.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderView.h" #include "core/rendering/break_lines.h" #include "platform/geometry/FloatQuad.h" #include "platform/text/TextBreakIterator.h" #include "wtf/text/StringBuffer.h" #include "wtf/text/StringBuilder.h" #include "wtf/unicode/CharacterNames.h" using namespace std; using namespace WTF; using namespace Unicode; namespace WebCore { struct SameSizeAsRenderText : public RenderObject { uint32_t bitfields : 16; float widths[4]; String text; void* pointers[2]; }; COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(RenderText) == sizeof(SameSizeAsRenderText), RenderText_should_stay_small); class SecureTextTimer; typedef HashMap SecureTextTimerMap; static SecureTextTimerMap* gSecureTextTimers = 0; class SecureTextTimer : public TimerBase { public: SecureTextTimer(RenderText* renderText) : m_renderText(renderText) , m_lastTypedCharacterOffset(-1) { } void restartWithNewText(unsigned lastTypedCharacterOffset) { m_lastTypedCharacterOffset = lastTypedCharacterOffset; if (Settings* settings = m_renderText->document().settings()) startOneShot(settings->passwordEchoDurationInSeconds()); } void invalidate() { m_lastTypedCharacterOffset = -1; } unsigned lastTypedCharacterOffset() { return m_lastTypedCharacterOffset; } private: virtual void fired() { ASSERT(gSecureTextTimers->contains(m_renderText)); m_renderText->setText(m_renderText->text().impl(), true /* forcing setting text as it may be masked later */); } RenderText* m_renderText; int m_lastTypedCharacterOffset; }; static void makeCapitalized(String* string, UChar previous) { if (string->isNull()) return; unsigned length = string->length(); const StringImpl& input = *string->impl(); if (length >= numeric_limits::max()) CRASH(); StringBuffer stringWithPrevious(length + 1); stringWithPrevious[0] = previous == noBreakSpace ? ' ' : previous; for (unsigned i = 1; i < length + 1; i++) { // Replace   with a real space since ICU no longer treats   as a word separator. if (input[i - 1] == noBreakSpace) stringWithPrevious[i] = ' '; else stringWithPrevious[i] = input[i - 1]; } TextBreakIterator* boundary = wordBreakIterator(stringWithPrevious.characters(), length + 1); if (!boundary) return; StringBuilder result; result.reserveCapacity(length); int32_t endOfWord; int32_t startOfWord = boundary->first(); for (endOfWord = boundary->next(); endOfWord != TextBreakDone; startOfWord = endOfWord, endOfWord = boundary->next()) { if (startOfWord) // Ignore first char of previous string result.append(input[startOfWord - 1] == noBreakSpace ? noBreakSpace : toTitleCase(stringWithPrevious[startOfWord])); for (int i = startOfWord + 1; i < endOfWord; i++) result.append(input[i - 1]); } *string = result.toString(); } RenderText::RenderText(Node* node, PassRefPtr str) : RenderObject(!node || node->isDocumentNode() ? 0 : node) , m_hasTab(false) , m_linesDirty(false) , m_containsReversedText(false) , m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts(false) , m_minWidth(-1) , m_maxWidth(-1) , m_firstLineMinWidth(0) , m_lastLineLineMinWidth(0) , m_text(str) , m_firstTextBox(0) , m_lastTextBox(0) { ASSERT(m_text); // FIXME: Some clients of RenderText (and subclasses) pass Document as node to create anonymous renderer. // They should be switched to passing null and using setDocumentForAnonymous. if (node && node->isDocumentNode()) setDocumentForAnonymous(toDocument(node)); m_isAllASCII = m_text.containsOnlyASCII(); m_canUseSimpleFontCodePath = computeCanUseSimpleFontCodePath(); setIsText(); view()->frameView()->incrementVisuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount(m_text.length()); } #ifndef NDEBUG RenderText::~RenderText() { ASSERT(!m_firstTextBox); ASSERT(!m_lastTextBox); } #endif const char* RenderText::renderName() const { return "RenderText"; } bool RenderText::isTextFragment() const { return false; } bool RenderText::isWordBreak() const { return false; } void RenderText::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle) { // There is no need to ever schedule repaints from a style change of a text run, since // we already did this for the parent of the text run. // We do have to schedule layouts, though, since a style change can force us to // need to relayout. if (diff == StyleDifferenceLayout) { setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts = false; } RenderStyle* newStyle = style(); ETextTransform oldTransform = oldStyle ? oldStyle->textTransform() : TTNONE; ETextSecurity oldSecurity = oldStyle ? oldStyle->textSecurity() : TSNONE; if (oldTransform != newStyle->textTransform() || oldSecurity != newStyle->textSecurity()) transformText(); if (!text().containsOnlyWhitespace()) newStyle->font().willUseFontData(); } void RenderText::removeAndDestroyTextBoxes() { if (!documentBeingDestroyed()) { if (firstTextBox()) { if (isBR()) { RootInlineBox* next = firstTextBox()->root()->nextRootBox(); if (next) next->markDirty(); } for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) box->remove(); } else if (parent()) parent()->dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(this); } deleteTextBoxes(); } void RenderText::willBeDestroyed() { if (SecureTextTimer* secureTextTimer = gSecureTextTimers ? gSecureTextTimers->take(this) : 0) delete secureTextTimer; removeAndDestroyTextBoxes(); RenderObject::willBeDestroyed(); } void RenderText::extractTextBox(InlineTextBox* box) { checkConsistency(); m_lastTextBox = box->prevTextBox(); if (box == m_firstTextBox) m_firstTextBox = 0; if (box->prevTextBox()) box->prevTextBox()->setNextTextBox(0); box->setPreviousTextBox(0); for (InlineTextBox* curr = box; curr; curr = curr->nextTextBox()) curr->setExtracted(); checkConsistency(); } void RenderText::attachTextBox(InlineTextBox* box) { checkConsistency(); if (m_lastTextBox) { m_lastTextBox->setNextTextBox(box); box->setPreviousTextBox(m_lastTextBox); } else m_firstTextBox = box; InlineTextBox* last = box; for (InlineTextBox* curr = box; curr; curr = curr->nextTextBox()) { curr->setExtracted(false); last = curr; } m_lastTextBox = last; checkConsistency(); } void RenderText::removeTextBox(InlineTextBox* box) { checkConsistency(); if (box == m_firstTextBox) m_firstTextBox = box->nextTextBox(); if (box == m_lastTextBox) m_lastTextBox = box->prevTextBox(); if (box->nextTextBox()) box->nextTextBox()->setPreviousTextBox(box->prevTextBox()); if (box->prevTextBox()) box->prevTextBox()->setNextTextBox(box->nextTextBox()); checkConsistency(); } void RenderText::deleteTextBoxes() { if (firstTextBox()) { InlineTextBox* next; for (InlineTextBox* curr = firstTextBox(); curr; curr = next) { next = curr->nextTextBox(); curr->destroy(); } m_firstTextBox = m_lastTextBox = 0; } } PassRefPtr RenderText::originalText() const { Node* e = node(); return (e && e->isTextNode()) ? toText(e)->dataImpl() : 0; } String RenderText::plainText() const { if (node()) return WebCore::plainText(rangeOfContents(node()).get()); // FIXME: this is just a stopgap until TextIterator is adapted to support generated text. StringBuilder plainTextBuilder; for (InlineTextBox* textBox = firstTextBox(); textBox; textBox = textBox->nextTextBox()) { String text = m_text.substring(textBox->start(), textBox->len()).simplifyWhiteSpace(WTF::DoNotStripWhiteSpace); plainTextBuilder.append(text); if (textBox->nextTextBox() && textBox->nextTextBox()->start() > textBox->end() && text.length() && !text.right(1).containsOnlyWhitespace()) plainTextBuilder.append(" "); } return plainTextBuilder.toString(); } void RenderText::absoluteRects(Vector& rects, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const { for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) rects.append(enclosingIntRect(FloatRect(accumulatedOffset + box->topLeft(), box->size()))); } static FloatRect localQuadForTextBox(InlineTextBox* box, unsigned start, unsigned end, bool useSelectionHeight) { unsigned realEnd = min(box->end() + 1, end); LayoutRect r = box->localSelectionRect(start, realEnd); if (r.height()) { if (!useSelectionHeight) { // Change the height and y position (or width and x for vertical text) // because selectionRect uses selection-specific values. if (box->isHorizontal()) { r.setHeight(box->height()); r.setY(box->y()); } else { r.setWidth(box->width()); r.setX(box->x()); } } return FloatRect(r); } return FloatRect(); } void RenderText::absoluteRectsForRange(Vector& rects, unsigned start, unsigned end, bool useSelectionHeight, bool* wasFixed) { // Work around signed/unsigned issues. This function takes unsigneds, and is often passed UINT_MAX // to mean "all the way to the end". InlineTextBox coordinates are unsigneds, so changing this // function to take ints causes various internal mismatches. But selectionRect takes ints, and // passing UINT_MAX to it causes trouble. Ideally we'd change selectionRect to take unsigneds, but // that would cause many ripple effects, so for now we'll just clamp our unsigned parameters to INT_MAX. ASSERT(end == UINT_MAX || end <= INT_MAX); ASSERT(start <= INT_MAX); start = min(start, static_cast(INT_MAX)); end = min(end, static_cast(INT_MAX)); for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) { // Note: box->end() returns the index of the last character, not the index past it if (start <= box->start() && box->end() < end) { FloatRect r = box->calculateBoundaries(); if (useSelectionHeight) { LayoutRect selectionRect = box->localSelectionRect(start, end); if (box->isHorizontal()) { r.setHeight(selectionRect.height()); r.setY(selectionRect.y()); } else { r.setWidth(selectionRect.width()); r.setX(selectionRect.x()); } } rects.append(localToAbsoluteQuad(r, 0, wasFixed).enclosingBoundingBox()); } else { // FIXME: This code is wrong. It's converting local to absolute twice. http://webkit.org/b/65722 FloatRect rect = localQuadForTextBox(box, start, end, useSelectionHeight); if (!rect.isZero()) rects.append(localToAbsoluteQuad(rect, 0, wasFixed).enclosingBoundingBox()); } } } static IntRect ellipsisRectForBox(InlineTextBox* box, unsigned startPos, unsigned endPos) { if (!box) return IntRect(); unsigned short truncation = box->truncation(); if (truncation == cNoTruncation) return IntRect(); IntRect rect; if (EllipsisBox* ellipsis = box->root()->ellipsisBox()) { int ellipsisStartPosition = max(startPos - box->start(), 0); int ellipsisEndPosition = min(endPos - box->start(), box->len()); // The ellipsis should be considered to be selected if the end of // the selection is past the beginning of the truncation and the // beginning of the selection is before or at the beginning of the truncation. if (ellipsisEndPosition >= truncation && ellipsisStartPosition <= truncation) return ellipsis->selectionRect(); } return IntRect(); } void RenderText::absoluteQuads(Vector& quads, bool* wasFixed, ClippingOption option) const { for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) { FloatRect boundaries = box->calculateBoundaries(); // Shorten the width of this text box if it ends in an ellipsis. // FIXME: ellipsisRectForBox should switch to return FloatRect soon with the subpixellayout branch. IntRect ellipsisRect = (option == ClipToEllipsis) ? ellipsisRectForBox(box, 0, textLength()) : IntRect(); if (!ellipsisRect.isEmpty()) { if (style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) boundaries.setWidth(ellipsisRect.maxX() - boundaries.x()); else boundaries.setHeight(ellipsisRect.maxY() - boundaries.y()); } quads.append(localToAbsoluteQuad(boundaries, 0, wasFixed)); } } void RenderText::absoluteQuads(Vector& quads, bool* wasFixed) const { absoluteQuads(quads, wasFixed, NoClipping); } void RenderText::absoluteQuadsForRange(Vector& quads, unsigned start, unsigned end, bool useSelectionHeight, bool* wasFixed) { // Work around signed/unsigned issues. This function takes unsigneds, and is often passed UINT_MAX // to mean "all the way to the end". InlineTextBox coordinates are unsigneds, so changing this // function to take ints causes various internal mismatches. But selectionRect takes ints, and // passing UINT_MAX to it causes trouble. Ideally we'd change selectionRect to take unsigneds, but // that would cause many ripple effects, so for now we'll just clamp our unsigned parameters to INT_MAX. ASSERT(end == UINT_MAX || end <= INT_MAX); ASSERT(start <= INT_MAX); start = min(start, static_cast(INT_MAX)); end = min(end, static_cast(INT_MAX)); for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) { // Note: box->end() returns the index of the last character, not the index past it if (start <= box->start() && box->end() < end) { FloatRect r = box->calculateBoundaries(); if (useSelectionHeight) { LayoutRect selectionRect = box->localSelectionRect(start, end); if (box->isHorizontal()) { r.setHeight(selectionRect.height()); r.setY(selectionRect.y()); } else { r.setWidth(selectionRect.width()); r.setX(selectionRect.x()); } } quads.append(localToAbsoluteQuad(r, 0, wasFixed)); } else { FloatRect rect = localQuadForTextBox(box, start, end, useSelectionHeight); if (!rect.isZero()) quads.append(localToAbsoluteQuad(rect, 0, wasFixed)); } } } InlineTextBox* RenderText::findNextInlineTextBox(int offset, int& pos) const { // The text runs point to parts of the RenderText's m_text // (they don't include '\n') // Find the text run that includes the character at offset // and return pos, which is the position of the char in the run. if (!m_firstTextBox) return 0; InlineTextBox* s = m_firstTextBox; int off = s->len(); while (offset > off && s->nextTextBox()) { s = s->nextTextBox(); off = s->start() + s->len(); } // we are now in the correct text run pos = (offset > off ? s->len() : s->len() - (off - offset) ); return s; } enum ShouldAffinityBeDownstream { AlwaysDownstream, AlwaysUpstream, UpstreamIfPositionIsNotAtStart }; static bool lineDirectionPointFitsInBox(int pointLineDirection, InlineTextBox* box, ShouldAffinityBeDownstream& shouldAffinityBeDownstream) { shouldAffinityBeDownstream = AlwaysDownstream; // the x coordinate is equal to the left edge of this box // the affinity must be downstream so the position doesn't jump back to the previous line // except when box is the first box in the line if (pointLineDirection <= box->logicalLeft()) { shouldAffinityBeDownstream = !box->prevLeafChild() ? UpstreamIfPositionIsNotAtStart : AlwaysDownstream; return true; } // and the x coordinate is to the left of the right edge of this box // check to see if position goes in this box if (pointLineDirection < box->logicalRight()) { shouldAffinityBeDownstream = UpstreamIfPositionIsNotAtStart; return true; } // box is first on line // and the x coordinate is to the left of the first text box left edge if (!box->prevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak() && pointLineDirection < box->logicalLeft()) return true; if (!box->nextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak()) { // box is last on line // and the x coordinate is to the right of the last text box right edge // generate VisiblePosition, use UPSTREAM affinity if possible shouldAffinityBeDownstream = UpstreamIfPositionIsNotAtStart; return true; } return false; } static PositionWithAffinity createPositionWithAffinityForBox(const InlineBox* box, int offset, ShouldAffinityBeDownstream shouldAffinityBeDownstream) { EAffinity affinity = VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY; switch (shouldAffinityBeDownstream) { case AlwaysDownstream: affinity = DOWNSTREAM; break; case AlwaysUpstream: affinity = VP_UPSTREAM_IF_POSSIBLE; break; case UpstreamIfPositionIsNotAtStart: affinity = offset > box->caretMinOffset() ? VP_UPSTREAM_IF_POSSIBLE : DOWNSTREAM; break; } int textStartOffset = box->renderer()->isText() ? toRenderText(box->renderer())->textStartOffset() : 0; return box->renderer()->createPositionWithAffinity(offset + textStartOffset, affinity); } static PositionWithAffinity createPositionWithAffinityForBoxAfterAdjustingOffsetForBiDi(const InlineTextBox* box, int offset, ShouldAffinityBeDownstream shouldAffinityBeDownstream) { ASSERT(box); ASSERT(box->renderer()); ASSERT(offset >= 0); if (offset && static_cast(offset) < box->len()) return createPositionWithAffinityForBox(box, box->start() + offset, shouldAffinityBeDownstream); bool positionIsAtStartOfBox = !offset; if (positionIsAtStartOfBox == box->isLeftToRightDirection()) { // offset is on the left edge const InlineBox* prevBox = box->prevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak(); if ((prevBox && prevBox->bidiLevel() == box->bidiLevel()) || box->renderer()->containingBlock()->style()->direction() == box->direction()) // FIXME: left on 12CBA return createPositionWithAffinityForBox(box, box->caretLeftmostOffset(), shouldAffinityBeDownstream); if (prevBox && prevBox->bidiLevel() > box->bidiLevel()) { // e.g. left of B in aDC12BAb const InlineBox* leftmostBox; do { leftmostBox = prevBox; prevBox = leftmostBox->prevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak(); } while (prevBox && prevBox->bidiLevel() > box->bidiLevel()); return createPositionWithAffinityForBox(leftmostBox, leftmostBox->caretRightmostOffset(), shouldAffinityBeDownstream); } if (!prevBox || prevBox->bidiLevel() < box->bidiLevel()) { // e.g. left of D in aDC12BAb const InlineBox* rightmostBox; const InlineBox* nextBox = box; do { rightmostBox = nextBox; nextBox = rightmostBox->nextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak(); } while (nextBox && nextBox->bidiLevel() >= box->bidiLevel()); return createPositionWithAffinityForBox(rightmostBox, box->isLeftToRightDirection() ? rightmostBox->caretMaxOffset() : rightmostBox->caretMinOffset(), shouldAffinityBeDownstream); } return createPositionWithAffinityForBox(box, box->caretRightmostOffset(), shouldAffinityBeDownstream); } const InlineBox* nextBox = box->nextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak(); if ((nextBox && nextBox->bidiLevel() == box->bidiLevel()) || box->renderer()->containingBlock()->style()->direction() == box->direction()) return createPositionWithAffinityForBox(box, box->caretRightmostOffset(), shouldAffinityBeDownstream); // offset is on the right edge if (nextBox && nextBox->bidiLevel() > box->bidiLevel()) { // e.g. right of C in aDC12BAb const InlineBox* rightmostBox; do { rightmostBox = nextBox; nextBox = rightmostBox->nextLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak(); } while (nextBox && nextBox->bidiLevel() > box->bidiLevel()); return createPositionWithAffinityForBox(rightmostBox, rightmostBox->caretLeftmostOffset(), shouldAffinityBeDownstream); } if (!nextBox || nextBox->bidiLevel() < box->bidiLevel()) { // e.g. right of A in aDC12BAb const InlineBox* leftmostBox; const InlineBox* prevBox = box; do { leftmostBox = prevBox; prevBox = leftmostBox->prevLeafChildIgnoringLineBreak(); } while (prevBox && prevBox->bidiLevel() >= box->bidiLevel()); return createPositionWithAffinityForBox(leftmostBox, box->isLeftToRightDirection() ? leftmostBox->caretMinOffset() : leftmostBox->caretMaxOffset(), shouldAffinityBeDownstream); } return createPositionWithAffinityForBox(box, box->caretLeftmostOffset(), shouldAffinityBeDownstream); } PositionWithAffinity RenderText::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point) { if (!firstTextBox() || textLength() == 0) return createPositionWithAffinity(0, DOWNSTREAM); LayoutUnit pointLineDirection = firstTextBox()->isHorizontal() ? point.x() : point.y(); LayoutUnit pointBlockDirection = firstTextBox()->isHorizontal() ? point.y() : point.x(); bool blocksAreFlipped = style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(); InlineTextBox* lastBox = 0; for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) { if (box->isLineBreak() && !box->prevLeafChild() && box->nextLeafChild() && !box->nextLeafChild()->isLineBreak()) box = box->nextTextBox(); RootInlineBox* rootBox = box->root(); LayoutUnit top = min(rootBox->selectionTop(), rootBox->lineTop()); if (pointBlockDirection > top || (!blocksAreFlipped && pointBlockDirection == top)) { LayoutUnit bottom = rootBox->selectionBottom(); if (rootBox->nextRootBox()) bottom = min(bottom, rootBox->nextRootBox()->lineTop()); if (pointBlockDirection < bottom || (blocksAreFlipped && pointBlockDirection == bottom)) { ShouldAffinityBeDownstream shouldAffinityBeDownstream; if (lineDirectionPointFitsInBox(pointLineDirection, box, shouldAffinityBeDownstream)) return createPositionWithAffinityForBoxAfterAdjustingOffsetForBiDi(box, box->offsetForPosition(pointLineDirection), shouldAffinityBeDownstream); } } lastBox = box; } if (lastBox) { ShouldAffinityBeDownstream shouldAffinityBeDownstream; lineDirectionPointFitsInBox(pointLineDirection, lastBox, shouldAffinityBeDownstream); return createPositionWithAffinityForBoxAfterAdjustingOffsetForBiDi(lastBox, lastBox->offsetForPosition(pointLineDirection) + lastBox->start(), shouldAffinityBeDownstream); } return createPositionWithAffinity(0, DOWNSTREAM); } LayoutRect RenderText::localCaretRect(InlineBox* inlineBox, int caretOffset, LayoutUnit* extraWidthToEndOfLine) { if (!inlineBox) return LayoutRect(); ASSERT(inlineBox->isInlineTextBox()); if (!inlineBox->isInlineTextBox()) return LayoutRect(); InlineTextBox* box = toInlineTextBox(inlineBox); int height = box->root()->selectionHeight(); int top = box->root()->selectionTop(); // Go ahead and round left to snap it to the nearest pixel. float left = box->positionForOffset(caretOffset); // Distribute the caret's width to either side of the offset. int caretWidthLeftOfOffset = caretWidth / 2; left -= caretWidthLeftOfOffset; int caretWidthRightOfOffset = caretWidth - caretWidthLeftOfOffset; left = roundf(left); float rootLeft = box->root()->logicalLeft(); float rootRight = box->root()->logicalRight(); // FIXME: should we use the width of the root inline box or the // width of the containing block for this? if (extraWidthToEndOfLine) *extraWidthToEndOfLine = (box->root()->logicalWidth() + rootLeft) - (left + 1); RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock(); RenderStyle* cbStyle = cb->style(); float leftEdge; float rightEdge; leftEdge = min(0, rootLeft); rightEdge = max(cb->logicalWidth(), rootRight); bool rightAligned = false; switch (cbStyle->textAlign()) { case RIGHT: case WEBKIT_RIGHT: rightAligned = true; break; case LEFT: case WEBKIT_LEFT: case CENTER: case WEBKIT_CENTER: break; case JUSTIFY: case TASTART: rightAligned = !cbStyle->isLeftToRightDirection(); break; case TAEND: rightAligned = cbStyle->isLeftToRightDirection(); break; } if (rightAligned) { left = max(left, leftEdge); left = min(left, rootRight - caretWidth); } else { left = min(left, rightEdge - caretWidthRightOfOffset); left = max(left, rootLeft); } return style()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? IntRect(left, top, caretWidth, height) : IntRect(top, left, height, caretWidth); } ALWAYS_INLINE float RenderText::widthFromCache(const Font& f, int start, int len, float xPos, HashSet* fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow) const { if (style()->hasTextCombine() && isCombineText()) { const RenderCombineText* combineText = toRenderCombineText(this); if (combineText->isCombined()) return combineText->combinedTextWidth(f); } if (f.isFixedPitch() && !f.isSmallCaps() && m_isAllASCII && (!glyphOverflow || !glyphOverflow->computeBounds)) { float monospaceCharacterWidth = f.spaceWidth(); float w = 0; bool isSpace; ASSERT(m_text); StringImpl& text = *m_text.impl(); for (int i = start; i < start + len; i++) { char c = text[i]; if (c <= ' ') { if (c == ' ' || c == '\n') { w += monospaceCharacterWidth; isSpace = true; } else if (c == '\t') { if (style()->collapseWhiteSpace()) { w += monospaceCharacterWidth; isSpace = true; } else { w += f.tabWidth(style()->tabSize(), xPos + w); isSpace = false; } } else isSpace = false; } else { w += monospaceCharacterWidth; isSpace = false; } if (isSpace && i > start) w += f.wordSpacing(); } return w; } TextRun run = RenderBlockFlow::constructTextRun(const_cast(this), f, this, start, len, style()); run.setCharactersLength(textLength() - start); ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length()); run.setCharacterScanForCodePath(!canUseSimpleFontCodePath()); run.setTabSize(!style()->collapseWhiteSpace(), style()->tabSize()); run.setXPos(xPos); return f.width(run, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow); } void RenderText::trimmedPrefWidths(float leadWidth, float& firstLineMinWidth, bool& hasBreakableStart, float& lastLineMinWidth, bool& hasBreakableEnd, bool& hasBreakableChar, bool& hasBreak, float& firstLineMaxWidth, float& lastLineMaxWidth, float& minWidth, float& maxWidth, bool& stripFrontSpaces) { bool collapseWhiteSpace = style()->collapseWhiteSpace(); if (!collapseWhiteSpace) stripFrontSpaces = false; if (m_hasTab || preferredLogicalWidthsDirty()) computePreferredLogicalWidths(leadWidth); hasBreakableStart = !stripFrontSpaces && m_hasBreakableStart; hasBreakableEnd = m_hasBreakableEnd; int len = textLength(); if (!len || (stripFrontSpaces && text().impl()->containsOnlyWhitespace())) { firstLineMinWidth = 0; lastLineMinWidth = 0; firstLineMaxWidth = 0; lastLineMaxWidth = 0; minWidth = 0; maxWidth = 0; hasBreak = false; return; } minWidth = m_minWidth; maxWidth = m_maxWidth; firstLineMinWidth = m_firstLineMinWidth; lastLineMinWidth = m_lastLineLineMinWidth; hasBreakableChar = m_hasBreakableChar; hasBreak = m_hasBreak; ASSERT(m_text); StringImpl& text = *m_text.impl(); if (text[0] == ' ' || (text[0] == '\n' && !style()->preserveNewline()) || text[0] == '\t') { const Font& font = style()->font(); // FIXME: This ignores first-line. if (stripFrontSpaces) { const UChar space = ' '; float spaceWidth = font.width(RenderBlockFlow::constructTextRun(this, font, &space, 1, style())); maxWidth -= spaceWidth; } else { maxWidth += font.wordSpacing(); } } stripFrontSpaces = collapseWhiteSpace && m_hasEndWhiteSpace; if (!style()->autoWrap() || minWidth > maxWidth) minWidth = maxWidth; // Compute our max widths by scanning the string for newlines. if (hasBreak) { const Font& f = style()->font(); // FIXME: This ignores first-line. bool firstLine = true; firstLineMaxWidth = maxWidth; lastLineMaxWidth = maxWidth; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int linelen = 0; while (i + linelen < len && text[i + linelen] != '\n') linelen++; if (linelen) { lastLineMaxWidth = widthFromCache(f, i, linelen, leadWidth + lastLineMaxWidth, 0, 0); if (firstLine) { firstLine = false; leadWidth = 0; firstLineMaxWidth = lastLineMaxWidth; } i += linelen; } else if (firstLine) { firstLineMaxWidth = 0; firstLine = false; leadWidth = 0; } if (i == len - 1) { // A
 run that ends with a newline, as in, e.g.,
Some text\n\nMore text
lastLineMaxWidth = 0; } } } } float RenderText::minLogicalWidth() const { if (preferredLogicalWidthsDirty()) const_cast(this)->computePreferredLogicalWidths(0); return m_minWidth; } float RenderText::maxLogicalWidth() const { if (preferredLogicalWidthsDirty()) const_cast(this)->computePreferredLogicalWidths(0); return m_maxWidth; } void RenderText::computePreferredLogicalWidths(float leadWidth) { HashSet fallbackFonts; GlyphOverflow glyphOverflow; computePreferredLogicalWidths(leadWidth, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow); if (fallbackFonts.isEmpty() && !glyphOverflow.left && !glyphOverflow.right && !glyphOverflow.top && !glyphOverflow.bottom) m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts = true; } static inline float hyphenWidth(RenderText* renderer, const Font& font) { RenderStyle* style = renderer->style(); return font.width(RenderBlockFlow::constructTextRun(renderer, font, style->hyphenString().string(), style)); } void RenderText::computePreferredLogicalWidths(float leadWidth, HashSet& fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow& glyphOverflow) { ASSERT(m_hasTab || preferredLogicalWidthsDirty() || !m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts); m_minWidth = 0; m_maxWidth = 0; m_firstLineMinWidth = 0; m_lastLineLineMinWidth = 0; if (isBR()) return; float currMinWidth = 0; float currMaxWidth = 0; m_hasBreakableChar = false; m_hasBreak = false; m_hasTab = false; m_hasBreakableStart = false; m_hasBreakableEnd = false; m_hasEndWhiteSpace = false; RenderStyle* styleToUse = style(); const Font& f = styleToUse->font(); // FIXME: This ignores first-line. float wordSpacing = styleToUse->wordSpacing(); int len = textLength(); LazyLineBreakIterator breakIterator(m_text, styleToUse->locale()); bool needsWordSpacing = false; bool ignoringSpaces = false; bool isSpace = false; bool firstWord = true; bool firstLine = true; int nextBreakable = -1; int lastWordBoundary = 0; // Non-zero only when kerning is enabled, in which case we measure words with their trailing // space, then subtract its width. float wordTrailingSpaceWidth = f.typesettingFeatures() & Kerning ? f.width(RenderBlockFlow::constructTextRun(this, f, &space, 1, styleToUse)) + wordSpacing : 0; // If automatic hyphenation is allowed, we keep track of the width of the widest word (or word // fragment) encountered so far, and only try hyphenating words that are wider. float maxWordWidth = numeric_limits::max(); int firstGlyphLeftOverflow = -1; bool breakAll = (styleToUse->wordBreak() == BreakAllWordBreak || styleToUse->wordBreak() == BreakWordBreak) && styleToUse->autoWrap(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { UChar c = uncheckedCharacterAt(i); bool previousCharacterIsSpace = isSpace; bool isNewline = false; if (c == '\n') { if (styleToUse->preserveNewline()) { m_hasBreak = true; isNewline = true; isSpace = false; } else isSpace = true; } else if (c == '\t') { if (!styleToUse->collapseWhiteSpace()) { m_hasTab = true; isSpace = false; } else isSpace = true; } else isSpace = c == ' '; bool isBreakableLocation = isNewline || (isSpace && styleToUse->autoWrap()); if (!i) m_hasBreakableStart = isBreakableLocation; if (i == len - 1) { m_hasBreakableEnd = isBreakableLocation; m_hasEndWhiteSpace = isNewline || isSpace; } if (!ignoringSpaces && styleToUse->collapseWhiteSpace() && previousCharacterIsSpace && isSpace) ignoringSpaces = true; if (ignoringSpaces && !isSpace) ignoringSpaces = false; // Ignore spaces and soft hyphens if (ignoringSpaces) { ASSERT(lastWordBoundary == i); lastWordBoundary++; continue; } else if (c == softHyphen) { currMaxWidth += widthFromCache(f, lastWordBoundary, i - lastWordBoundary, leadWidth + currMaxWidth, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow); if (firstGlyphLeftOverflow < 0) firstGlyphLeftOverflow = glyphOverflow.left; lastWordBoundary = i + 1; continue; } bool hasBreak = breakAll || isBreakable(breakIterator, i, nextBreakable); bool betweenWords = true; int j = i; while (c != '\n' && c != ' ' && c != '\t' && (c != softHyphen)) { j++; if (j == len) break; c = uncheckedCharacterAt(j); if (isBreakable(breakIterator, j, nextBreakable) && characterAt(j - 1) != softHyphen) break; if (breakAll) { betweenWords = false; break; } } int wordLen = j - i; if (wordLen) { bool isSpace = (j < len) && c == ' '; float w; if (wordTrailingSpaceWidth && isSpace) w = widthFromCache(f, i, wordLen + 1, leadWidth + currMaxWidth, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow) - wordTrailingSpaceWidth; else { w = widthFromCache(f, i, wordLen, leadWidth + currMaxWidth, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow); if (c == softHyphen) currMinWidth += hyphenWidth(this, f); } maxWordWidth = max(maxWordWidth, w); if (firstGlyphLeftOverflow < 0) firstGlyphLeftOverflow = glyphOverflow.left; currMinWidth += w; if (betweenWords) { if (lastWordBoundary == i) currMaxWidth += w; else currMaxWidth += widthFromCache(f, lastWordBoundary, j - lastWordBoundary, leadWidth + currMaxWidth, &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow); lastWordBoundary = j; } bool isCollapsibleWhiteSpace = (j < len) && styleToUse->isCollapsibleWhiteSpace(c); if (j < len && styleToUse->autoWrap()) m_hasBreakableChar = true; // Add in wordSpacing to our currMaxWidth, but not if this is the last word on a line or the // last word in the run. if (wordSpacing && (isSpace || isCollapsibleWhiteSpace) && !containsOnlyWhitespace(j, len-j)) currMaxWidth += wordSpacing; if (firstWord) { firstWord = false; // If the first character in the run is breakable, then we consider ourselves to have a beginning // minimum width of 0, since a break could occur right before our run starts, preventing us from ever // being appended to a previous text run when considering the total minimum width of the containing block. if (hasBreak) m_hasBreakableChar = true; m_firstLineMinWidth = hasBreak ? 0 : currMinWidth; } m_lastLineLineMinWidth = currMinWidth; if (currMinWidth > m_minWidth) m_minWidth = currMinWidth; currMinWidth = 0; i += wordLen - 1; } else { // Nowrap can never be broken, so don't bother setting the // breakable character boolean. Pre can only be broken if we encounter a newline. if (style()->autoWrap() || isNewline) m_hasBreakableChar = true; if (currMinWidth > m_minWidth) m_minWidth = currMinWidth; currMinWidth = 0; if (isNewline) { // Only set if preserveNewline was true and we saw a newline. if (firstLine) { firstLine = false; leadWidth = 0; if (!styleToUse->autoWrap()) m_firstLineMinWidth = currMaxWidth; } if (currMaxWidth > m_maxWidth) m_maxWidth = currMaxWidth; currMaxWidth = 0; } else { TextRun run = RenderBlockFlow::constructTextRun(this, f, this, i, 1, styleToUse); run.setCharactersLength(len - i); ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length()); run.setTabSize(!style()->collapseWhiteSpace(), style()->tabSize()); run.setXPos(leadWidth + currMaxWidth); currMaxWidth += f.width(run); glyphOverflow.right = 0; needsWordSpacing = isSpace && !previousCharacterIsSpace && i == len - 1; } ASSERT(lastWordBoundary == i); lastWordBoundary++; } } if (firstGlyphLeftOverflow > 0) glyphOverflow.left = firstGlyphLeftOverflow; if ((needsWordSpacing && len > 1) || (ignoringSpaces && !firstWord)) currMaxWidth += wordSpacing; m_minWidth = max(currMinWidth, m_minWidth); m_maxWidth = max(currMaxWidth, m_maxWidth); if (!styleToUse->autoWrap()) m_minWidth = m_maxWidth; if (styleToUse->whiteSpace() == PRE) { if (firstLine) m_firstLineMinWidth = m_maxWidth; m_lastLineLineMinWidth = currMaxWidth; } clearPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(); } bool RenderText::isAllCollapsibleWhitespace() const { unsigned length = textLength(); if (is8Bit()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (!style()->isCollapsibleWhiteSpace(characters8()[i])) return false; } return true; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (!style()->isCollapsibleWhiteSpace(characters16()[i])) return false; } return true; } bool RenderText::containsOnlyWhitespace(unsigned from, unsigned len) const { ASSERT(m_text); StringImpl& text = *m_text.impl(); unsigned currPos; for (currPos = from; currPos < from + len && (text[currPos] == '\n' || text[currPos] == ' ' || text[currPos] == '\t'); currPos++) { } return currPos >= (from + len); } FloatPoint RenderText::firstRunOrigin() const { return IntPoint(firstRunX(), firstRunY()); } float RenderText::firstRunX() const { return m_firstTextBox ? m_firstTextBox->x() : 0; } float RenderText::firstRunY() const { return m_firstTextBox ? m_firstTextBox->y() : 0; } void RenderText::setSelectionState(SelectionState state) { RenderObject::setSelectionState(state); if (canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes()) { if (state == SelectionStart || state == SelectionEnd || state == SelectionBoth) { int startPos, endPos; selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos); if (selectionState() == SelectionStart) { endPos = textLength(); // to handle selection from end of text to end of line if (startPos && startPos == endPos) startPos = endPos - 1; } else if (selectionState() == SelectionEnd) startPos = 0; for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) { if (box->isSelected(startPos, endPos)) { RootInlineBox* root = box->root(); if (root) root->setHasSelectedChildren(true); } } } else { for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) { RootInlineBox* root = box->root(); if (root) root->setHasSelectedChildren(state == SelectionInside); } } } // The containing block can be null in case of an orphaned tree. RenderBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock(); if (containingBlock && !containingBlock->isRenderView()) containingBlock->setSelectionState(state); } void RenderText::setTextWithOffset(PassRefPtr text, unsigned offset, unsigned len, bool force) { if (!force && equal(m_text.impl(), text.get())) return; unsigned oldLen = textLength(); unsigned newLen = text->length(); int delta = newLen - oldLen; unsigned end = len ? offset + len - 1 : offset; RootInlineBox* firstRootBox = 0; RootInlineBox* lastRootBox = 0; bool dirtiedLines = false; // Dirty all text boxes that include characters in between offset and offset+len. for (InlineTextBox* curr = firstTextBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextTextBox()) { // FIXME: This shouldn't rely on the end of a dirty line box. See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=97264 // Text run is entirely before the affected range. if (curr->end() < offset) continue; // Text run is entirely after the affected range. if (curr->start() > end) { curr->offsetRun(delta); RootInlineBox* root = curr->root(); if (!firstRootBox) { firstRootBox = root; // The affected area was in between two runs. Go ahead and mark the root box of // the run after the affected area as dirty. firstRootBox->markDirty(); dirtiedLines = true; } lastRootBox = root; } else if (curr->end() >= offset && curr->end() <= end) { // Text run overlaps with the left end of the affected range. curr->dirtyLineBoxes(); dirtiedLines = true; } else if (curr->start() <= offset && curr->end() >= end) { // Text run subsumes the affected range. curr->dirtyLineBoxes(); dirtiedLines = true; } else if (curr->start() <= end && curr->end() >= end) { // Text run overlaps with right end of the affected range. curr->dirtyLineBoxes(); dirtiedLines = true; } } // Now we have to walk all of the clean lines and adjust their cached line break information // to reflect our updated offsets. if (lastRootBox) lastRootBox = lastRootBox->nextRootBox(); if (firstRootBox) { RootInlineBox* prev = firstRootBox->prevRootBox(); if (prev) firstRootBox = prev; } else if (lastTextBox()) { ASSERT(!lastRootBox); firstRootBox = lastTextBox()->root(); firstRootBox->markDirty(); dirtiedLines = true; } for (RootInlineBox* curr = firstRootBox; curr && curr != lastRootBox; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) { if (curr->lineBreakObj() == this && curr->lineBreakPos() > end) curr->setLineBreakPos(clampToInteger(curr->lineBreakPos() + delta)); } // If the text node is empty, dirty the line where new text will be inserted. if (!firstTextBox() && parent()) { parent()->dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(this); dirtiedLines = true; } m_linesDirty = dirtiedLines; setText(text, force || dirtiedLines); } void RenderText::transformText() { if (RefPtr textToTransform = originalText()) setText(textToTransform.release(), true); } static inline bool isInlineFlowOrEmptyText(const RenderObject* o) { if (o->isRenderInline()) return true; if (!o->isText()) return false; return toRenderText(o)->text().isEmpty(); } UChar RenderText::previousCharacter() const { // find previous text renderer if one exists const RenderObject* previousText = this; while ((previousText = previousText->previousInPreOrder())) if (!isInlineFlowOrEmptyText(previousText)) break; UChar prev = ' '; if (previousText && previousText->isText()) if (StringImpl* previousString = toRenderText(previousText)->text().impl()) prev = (*previousString)[previousString->length() - 1]; return prev; } void RenderText::addLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects&, const RenderLayer* currentLayer, const LayoutPoint& layerOffset, const LayoutRect& containerRect) const { // Text nodes aren't event targets, so don't descend any further. } void applyTextTransform(const RenderStyle* style, String& text, UChar previousCharacter) { if (!style) return; switch (style->textTransform()) { case TTNONE: break; case CAPITALIZE: makeCapitalized(&text, previousCharacter); break; case UPPERCASE: text = text.upper(style->locale()); break; case LOWERCASE: text = text.lower(style->locale()); break; } } void RenderText::setTextInternal(PassRefPtr text) { ASSERT(text); m_text = text; if (style()) { applyTextTransform(style(), m_text, previousCharacter()); // We use the same characters here as for list markers. // See the listMarkerText function in RenderListMarker.cpp. switch (style()->textSecurity()) { case TSNONE: break; case TSCIRCLE: secureText(whiteBullet); break; case TSDISC: secureText(bullet); break; case TSSQUARE: secureText(blackSquare); } } ASSERT(m_text); ASSERT(!isBR() || (textLength() == 1 && m_text[0] == '\n')); m_isAllASCII = m_text.containsOnlyASCII(); m_canUseSimpleFontCodePath = computeCanUseSimpleFontCodePath(); } void RenderText::secureText(UChar mask) { if (!m_text.length()) return; int lastTypedCharacterOffsetToReveal = -1; UChar revealedText; SecureTextTimer* secureTextTimer = gSecureTextTimers ? gSecureTextTimers->get(this) : 0; if (secureTextTimer && secureTextTimer->isActive()) { lastTypedCharacterOffsetToReveal = secureTextTimer->lastTypedCharacterOffset(); if (lastTypedCharacterOffsetToReveal >= 0) revealedText = m_text[lastTypedCharacterOffsetToReveal]; } m_text.fill(mask); if (lastTypedCharacterOffsetToReveal >= 0) { m_text.replace(lastTypedCharacterOffsetToReveal, 1, String(&revealedText, 1)); // m_text may be updated later before timer fires. We invalidate the lastTypedCharacterOffset to avoid inconsistency. secureTextTimer->invalidate(); } } void RenderText::setText(PassRefPtr text, bool force) { ASSERT(text); if (!force && equal(m_text.impl(), text.get())) return; setTextInternal(text); setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts = false; if (AXObjectCache* cache = document().existingAXObjectCache()) cache->textChanged(this); } void RenderText::dirtyLineBoxes(bool fullLayout) { if (fullLayout) deleteTextBoxes(); else if (!m_linesDirty) { for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) box->dirtyLineBoxes(); } m_linesDirty = false; } InlineTextBox* RenderText::createTextBox() { return new InlineTextBox(this); } InlineTextBox* RenderText::createInlineTextBox() { InlineTextBox* textBox = createTextBox(); if (!m_firstTextBox) m_firstTextBox = m_lastTextBox = textBox; else { m_lastTextBox->setNextTextBox(textBox); textBox->setPreviousTextBox(m_lastTextBox); m_lastTextBox = textBox; } textBox->setIsText(true); return textBox; } void RenderText::positionLineBox(InlineBox* box) { InlineTextBox* s = toInlineTextBox(box); // FIXME: should not be needed!!! if (!s->len()) { // We want the box to be destroyed. s->remove(); if (m_firstTextBox == s) m_firstTextBox = s->nextTextBox(); else s->prevTextBox()->setNextTextBox(s->nextTextBox()); if (m_lastTextBox == s) m_lastTextBox = s->prevTextBox(); else s->nextTextBox()->setPreviousTextBox(s->prevTextBox()); s->destroy(); return; } m_containsReversedText |= !s->isLeftToRightDirection(); } float RenderText::width(unsigned from, unsigned len, float xPos, bool firstLine, HashSet* fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow) const { if (from >= textLength()) return 0; if (from + len > textLength()) len = textLength() - from; return width(from, len, style(firstLine)->font(), xPos, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow); } float RenderText::width(unsigned from, unsigned len, const Font& f, float xPos, HashSet* fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow) const { ASSERT(from + len <= textLength()); if (!textLength()) return 0; float w; if (&f == &style()->font()) { if (!style()->preserveNewline() && !from && len == textLength() && (!glyphOverflow || !glyphOverflow->computeBounds)) { if (fallbackFonts) { ASSERT(glyphOverflow); if (preferredLogicalWidthsDirty() || !m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts) { const_cast(this)->computePreferredLogicalWidths(0, *fallbackFonts, *glyphOverflow); if (fallbackFonts->isEmpty() && !glyphOverflow->left && !glyphOverflow->right && !glyphOverflow->top && !glyphOverflow->bottom) m_knownToHaveNoOverflowAndNoFallbackFonts = true; } w = m_maxWidth; } else w = maxLogicalWidth(); } else w = widthFromCache(f, from, len, xPos, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow); } else { TextRun run = RenderBlockFlow::constructTextRun(const_cast(this), f, this, from, len, style()); run.setCharactersLength(textLength() - from); ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length()); run.setCharacterScanForCodePath(!canUseSimpleFontCodePath()); run.setTabSize(!style()->collapseWhiteSpace(), style()->tabSize()); run.setXPos(xPos); w = f.width(run, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow); } return w; } IntRect RenderText::linesBoundingBox() const { IntRect result; ASSERT(!firstTextBox() == !lastTextBox()); // Either both are null or both exist. if (firstTextBox() && lastTextBox()) { // Return the width of the minimal left side and the maximal right side. float logicalLeftSide = 0; float logicalRightSide = 0; for (InlineTextBox* curr = firstTextBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextTextBox()) { if (curr == firstTextBox() || curr->logicalLeft() < logicalLeftSide) logicalLeftSide = curr->logicalLeft(); if (curr == firstTextBox() || curr->logicalRight() > logicalRightSide) logicalRightSide = curr->logicalRight(); } bool isHorizontal = style()->isHorizontalWritingMode(); float x = isHorizontal ? logicalLeftSide : firstTextBox()->x(); float y = isHorizontal ? firstTextBox()->y() : logicalLeftSide; float width = isHorizontal ? logicalRightSide - logicalLeftSide : lastTextBox()->logicalBottom() - x; float height = isHorizontal ? lastTextBox()->logicalBottom() - y : logicalRightSide - logicalLeftSide; result = enclosingIntRect(FloatRect(x, y, width, height)); } return result; } LayoutRect RenderText::linesVisualOverflowBoundingBox() const { if (!firstTextBox()) return LayoutRect(); // Return the width of the minimal left side and the maximal right side. LayoutUnit logicalLeftSide = LayoutUnit::max(); LayoutUnit logicalRightSide = LayoutUnit::min(); for (InlineTextBox* curr = firstTextBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextTextBox()) { logicalLeftSide = min(logicalLeftSide, curr->logicalLeftVisualOverflow()); logicalRightSide = max(logicalRightSide, curr->logicalRightVisualOverflow()); } LayoutUnit logicalTop = firstTextBox()->logicalTopVisualOverflow(); LayoutUnit logicalWidth = logicalRightSide - logicalLeftSide; LayoutUnit logicalHeight = lastTextBox()->logicalBottomVisualOverflow() - logicalTop; LayoutRect rect(logicalLeftSide, logicalTop, logicalWidth, logicalHeight); if (!style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) rect = rect.transposedRect(); return rect; } LayoutRect RenderText::clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer) const { RenderObject* rendererToRepaint = containingBlock(); // Do not cross self-painting layer boundaries. RenderObject* enclosingLayerRenderer = enclosingLayer()->renderer(); if (enclosingLayerRenderer != rendererToRepaint && !rendererToRepaint->isDescendantOf(enclosingLayerRenderer)) rendererToRepaint = enclosingLayerRenderer; // The renderer we chose to repaint may be an ancestor of repaintContainer, but we need to do a repaintContainer-relative repaint. if (repaintContainer && repaintContainer != rendererToRepaint && !rendererToRepaint->isDescendantOf(repaintContainer)) return repaintContainer->clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(repaintContainer); return rendererToRepaint->clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(repaintContainer); } LayoutRect RenderText::selectionRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, bool clipToVisibleContent) { ASSERT(!needsLayout()); if (selectionState() == SelectionNone) return LayoutRect(); RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock(); if (!cb) return LayoutRect(); // Now calculate startPos and endPos for painting selection. // We include a selection while endPos > 0 int startPos, endPos; if (selectionState() == SelectionInside) { // We are fully selected. startPos = 0; endPos = textLength(); } else { selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos); if (selectionState() == SelectionStart) endPos = textLength(); else if (selectionState() == SelectionEnd) startPos = 0; } if (startPos == endPos) return IntRect(); LayoutRect rect; for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) { rect.unite(box->localSelectionRect(startPos, endPos)); rect.unite(ellipsisRectForBox(box, startPos, endPos)); } if (clipToVisibleContent) computeRectForRepaint(repaintContainer, rect); else { if (cb->hasColumns()) cb->adjustRectForColumns(rect); rect = localToContainerQuad(FloatRect(rect), repaintContainer).enclosingBoundingBox(); } return rect; } int RenderText::caretMinOffset() const { InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); if (!box) return 0; int minOffset = box->start(); for (box = box->nextTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) minOffset = min(minOffset, box->start()); return minOffset; } int RenderText::caretMaxOffset() const { InlineTextBox* box = lastTextBox(); if (!lastTextBox()) return textLength(); int maxOffset = box->start() + box->len(); for (box = box->prevTextBox(); box; box = box->prevTextBox()) maxOffset = max(maxOffset, box->start() + box->len()); return maxOffset; } unsigned RenderText::renderedTextLength() const { int l = 0; for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) l += box->len(); return l; } int RenderText::previousOffset(int current) const { if (isAllASCII() || m_text.is8Bit()) return current - 1; StringImpl* textImpl = m_text.impl(); TextBreakIterator* iterator = cursorMovementIterator(textImpl->characters16(), textImpl->length()); if (!iterator) return current - 1; long result = iterator->preceding(current); if (result == TextBreakDone) result = current - 1; return result; } #if OS(POSIX) #define HANGUL_CHOSEONG_START (0x1100) #define HANGUL_CHOSEONG_END (0x115F) #define HANGUL_JUNGSEONG_START (0x1160) #define HANGUL_JUNGSEONG_END (0x11A2) #define HANGUL_JONGSEONG_START (0x11A8) #define HANGUL_JONGSEONG_END (0x11F9) #define HANGUL_SYLLABLE_START (0xAC00) #define HANGUL_SYLLABLE_END (0xD7AF) #define HANGUL_JONGSEONG_COUNT (28) enum HangulState { HangulStateL, HangulStateV, HangulStateT, HangulStateLV, HangulStateLVT, HangulStateBreak }; inline bool isHangulLVT(UChar32 character) { return (character - HANGUL_SYLLABLE_START) % HANGUL_JONGSEONG_COUNT; } inline bool isMark(UChar32 c) { int8_t charType = u_charType(c); return charType == U_NON_SPACING_MARK || charType == U_ENCLOSING_MARK || charType == U_COMBINING_SPACING_MARK; } inline bool isRegionalIndicator(UChar32 c) { // National flag emoji each consists of a pair of regional indicator symbols. return 0x1F1E6 <= c && c <= 0x1F1FF; } #endif int RenderText::previousOffsetForBackwardDeletion(int current) const { #if OS(POSIX) ASSERT(m_text); StringImpl& text = *m_text.impl(); UChar32 character; bool sawRegionalIndicator = false; while (current > 0) { if (U16_IS_TRAIL(text[--current])) --current; if (current < 0) break; UChar32 character = text.characterStartingAt(current); if (sawRegionalIndicator) { // We don't check if the pair of regional indicator symbols before current position can actually be combined // into a flag, and just delete it. This may not agree with how the pair is rendered in edge cases, // but is good enough in practice. if (isRegionalIndicator(character)) break; // Don't delete a preceding character that isn't a regional indicator symbol. U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE(text, current); } // We don't combine characters in Armenian ... Limbu range for backward deletion. if ((character >= 0x0530) && (character < 0x1950)) break; if (isRegionalIndicator(character)) { sawRegionalIndicator = true; continue; } if (!isMark(character) && (character != 0xFF9E) && (character != 0xFF9F)) break; } if (current <= 0) return current; // Hangul character = text.characterStartingAt(current); if (((character >= HANGUL_CHOSEONG_START) && (character <= HANGUL_JONGSEONG_END)) || ((character >= HANGUL_SYLLABLE_START) && (character <= HANGUL_SYLLABLE_END))) { HangulState state; if (character < HANGUL_JUNGSEONG_START) state = HangulStateL; else if (character < HANGUL_JONGSEONG_START) state = HangulStateV; else if (character < HANGUL_SYLLABLE_START) state = HangulStateT; else state = isHangulLVT(character) ? HangulStateLVT : HangulStateLV; while (current > 0 && ((character = text.characterStartingAt(current - 1)) >= HANGUL_CHOSEONG_START) && (character <= HANGUL_SYLLABLE_END) && ((character <= HANGUL_JONGSEONG_END) || (character >= HANGUL_SYLLABLE_START))) { switch (state) { case HangulStateV: if (character <= HANGUL_CHOSEONG_END) state = HangulStateL; else if ((character >= HANGUL_SYLLABLE_START) && (character <= HANGUL_SYLLABLE_END) && !isHangulLVT(character)) state = HangulStateLV; else if (character > HANGUL_JUNGSEONG_END) state = HangulStateBreak; break; case HangulStateT: if ((character >= HANGUL_JUNGSEONG_START) && (character <= HANGUL_JUNGSEONG_END)) state = HangulStateV; else if ((character >= HANGUL_SYLLABLE_START) && (character <= HANGUL_SYLLABLE_END)) state = (isHangulLVT(character) ? HangulStateLVT : HangulStateLV); else if (character < HANGUL_JUNGSEONG_START) state = HangulStateBreak; break; default: state = (character < HANGUL_JUNGSEONG_START) ? HangulStateL : HangulStateBreak; break; } if (state == HangulStateBreak) break; --current; } } return current; #else // Platforms other than Unix-like delete by one code point. if (U16_IS_TRAIL(m_text[--current])) --current; if (current < 0) current = 0; return current; #endif } int RenderText::nextOffset(int current) const { if (isAllASCII() || m_text.is8Bit()) return current + 1; StringImpl* textImpl = m_text.impl(); TextBreakIterator* iterator = cursorMovementIterator(textImpl->characters16(), textImpl->length()); if (!iterator) return current + 1; long result = iterator->following(current); if (result == TextBreakDone) result = current + 1; return result; } bool RenderText::computeCanUseSimpleFontCodePath() const { if (isAllASCII() || m_text.is8Bit()) return true; return Font::characterRangeCodePath(characters16(), length()) == Font::Simple; } #ifndef NDEBUG void RenderText::checkConsistency() const { #ifdef CHECK_CONSISTENCY const InlineTextBox* prev = 0; for (const InlineTextBox* child = m_firstTextBox; child != 0; child = child->nextTextBox()) { ASSERT(child->renderer() == this); ASSERT(child->prevTextBox() == prev); prev = child; } ASSERT(prev == m_lastTextBox); #endif } #endif void RenderText::momentarilyRevealLastTypedCharacter(unsigned lastTypedCharacterOffset) { if (!gSecureTextTimers) gSecureTextTimers = new SecureTextTimerMap; SecureTextTimer* secureTextTimer = gSecureTextTimers->get(this); if (!secureTextTimer) { secureTextTimer = new SecureTextTimer(this); gSecureTextTimers->add(this, secureTextTimer); } secureTextTimer->restartWithNewText(lastTypedCharacterOffset); } PassRefPtr RenderText::firstAbstractInlineTextBox() { return AbstractInlineTextBox::getOrCreate(this, m_firstTextBox); } } // namespace WebCore