/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009, 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "core/workers/WorkerScriptLoader.h" #include "core/dom/ExecutionContext.h" #include "core/html/parser/TextResourceDecoder.h" #include "core/loader/WorkerThreadableLoader.h" #include "core/workers/WorkerGlobalScope.h" #include "platform/HTTPNames.h" #include "platform/network/ContentSecurityPolicyResponseHeaders.h" #include "platform/network/ResourceResponse.h" #include "platform/weborigin/SecurityOrigin.h" #include "public/platform/Platform.h" #include "public/platform/WebAddressSpace.h" #include "public/platform/WebURLRequest.h" #include "wtf/OwnPtr.h" #include "wtf/RefPtr.h" namespace blink { WorkerScriptLoader::WorkerScriptLoader() : m_responseCallback(nullptr) , m_finishedCallback(nullptr) , m_failed(false) , m_needToCancel(false) , m_identifier(0) , m_appCacheID(0) , m_requestContext(WebURLRequest::RequestContextWorker) , m_responseAddressSpace(WebAddressSpacePublic) { } WorkerScriptLoader::~WorkerScriptLoader() { // If |m_threadableLoader| is still working, we have to cancel it here. // Otherwise WorkerScriptLoader::didFail() of the deleted |this| will be // called from DocumentThreadableLoader::notifyFinished() when the frame // will be destroyed. if (m_needToCancel) cancel(); } void WorkerScriptLoader::loadSynchronously(ExecutionContext& executionContext, const KURL& url, CrossOriginRequestPolicy crossOriginRequestPolicy, WebAddressSpace creationAddressSpace) { m_url = url; ResourceRequest request(createResourceRequest(creationAddressSpace)); ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(executionContext.isWorkerGlobalScope()); ThreadableLoaderOptions options; options.crossOriginRequestPolicy = crossOriginRequestPolicy; // FIXME: Should we add EnforceScriptSrcDirective here? options.contentSecurityPolicyEnforcement = DoNotEnforceContentSecurityPolicy; ResourceLoaderOptions resourceLoaderOptions; resourceLoaderOptions.allowCredentials = AllowStoredCredentials; WorkerThreadableLoader::loadResourceSynchronously(toWorkerGlobalScope(executionContext), request, *this, options, resourceLoaderOptions); } void WorkerScriptLoader::loadAsynchronously(ExecutionContext& executionContext, const KURL& url, CrossOriginRequestPolicy crossOriginRequestPolicy, WebAddressSpace creationAddressSpace, PassOwnPtr responseCallback, PassOwnPtr finishedCallback) { ASSERT(responseCallback || finishedCallback); m_responseCallback = responseCallback; m_finishedCallback = finishedCallback; m_url = url; ResourceRequest request(createResourceRequest(creationAddressSpace)); ThreadableLoaderOptions options; options.crossOriginRequestPolicy = crossOriginRequestPolicy; ResourceLoaderOptions resourceLoaderOptions; resourceLoaderOptions.allowCredentials = AllowStoredCredentials; // During create, callbacks may happen which could remove the last reference // to this object, while some of the callchain assumes that the client and // loader wouldn't be deleted within callbacks. // (E.g. see crbug.com/524694 for why we can't easily remove this protect) RefPtr protect(this); m_needToCancel = true; m_threadableLoader = ThreadableLoader::create(executionContext, this, options, resourceLoaderOptions); m_threadableLoader->start(request); if (m_failed) notifyFinished(); } const KURL& WorkerScriptLoader::responseURL() const { ASSERT(!failed()); return m_responseURL; } ResourceRequest WorkerScriptLoader::createResourceRequest(WebAddressSpace creationAddressSpace) { ResourceRequest request(m_url); request.setHTTPMethod(HTTPNames::GET); request.setRequestContext(m_requestContext); request.setExternalRequestStateFromRequestorAddressSpace(creationAddressSpace); return request; } void WorkerScriptLoader::didReceiveResponse(unsigned long identifier, const ResourceResponse& response, PassOwnPtr handle) { ASSERT_UNUSED(handle, !handle); if (response.httpStatusCode() / 100 != 2 && response.httpStatusCode()) { notifyError(); return; } m_identifier = identifier; m_responseURL = response.url(); m_responseEncoding = response.textEncodingName(); m_appCacheID = response.appCacheID(); processContentSecurityPolicy(response); if (Platform::current()->isReservedIPAddress(response.remoteIPAddress())) { m_responseAddressSpace = SecurityOrigin::create(m_responseURL)->isLocalhost() ? WebAddressSpaceLocal : WebAddressSpacePrivate; } if (m_responseCallback) (*m_responseCallback)(); } void WorkerScriptLoader::didReceiveData(const char* data, unsigned len) { if (m_failed) return; if (!m_decoder) { if (!m_responseEncoding.isEmpty()) m_decoder = TextResourceDecoder::create("text/javascript", m_responseEncoding); else m_decoder = TextResourceDecoder::create("text/javascript", "UTF-8"); } if (!len) return; m_script.append(m_decoder->decode(data, len)); } void WorkerScriptLoader::didReceiveCachedMetadata(const char* data, int size) { m_cachedMetadata = adoptPtr(new Vector(size)); memcpy(m_cachedMetadata->data(), data, size); } void WorkerScriptLoader::didFinishLoading(unsigned long identifier, double) { m_needToCancel = false; if (!m_failed && m_decoder) m_script.append(m_decoder->flush()); notifyFinished(); } void WorkerScriptLoader::didFail(const ResourceError&) { m_needToCancel = false; notifyError(); } void WorkerScriptLoader::didFailRedirectCheck() { // When didFailRedirectCheck() is called, the ResourceLoader for the script // is not canceled yet. So we don't reset |m_needToCancel| here. notifyError(); } void WorkerScriptLoader::cancel() { m_needToCancel = false; if (m_threadableLoader) m_threadableLoader->cancel(); } String WorkerScriptLoader::script() { return m_script.toString(); } void WorkerScriptLoader::notifyError() { m_failed = true; // notifyError() could be called before ThreadableLoader::create() returns // e.g. from didFail(), and in that case m_threadableLoader is not yet set // (i.e. still null). // Since the callback invocation in notifyFinished() potentially delete // |this| object, the callback invocation should be postponed until the // create() call returns. See loadAsynchronously() for the postponed call. if (m_threadableLoader) notifyFinished(); } void WorkerScriptLoader::notifyFinished() { if (!m_finishedCallback) return; OwnPtr callback = m_finishedCallback.release(); (*callback)(); } void WorkerScriptLoader::processContentSecurityPolicy(const ResourceResponse& response) { // Per http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP2/#processing-model-workers, if the Worker's // URL is not a GUID, then it grabs its CSP from the response headers // directly. Otherwise, the Worker inherits the policy from the parent // document (which is implemented in WorkerMessagingProxy, and // m_contentSecurityPolicy should be left as nullptr to inherit the policy). if (!response.url().protocolIs("blob") && !response.url().protocolIs("file") && !response.url().protocolIs("filesystem")) { m_contentSecurityPolicy = ContentSecurityPolicy::create(); m_contentSecurityPolicy->setOverrideURLForSelf(response.url()); m_contentSecurityPolicy->didReceiveHeaders(ContentSecurityPolicyResponseHeaders(response)); } } } // namespace blink