/* bsdiff.c -- Binary patch generator. Copyright 2003 Colin Percival For the terms under which this work may be distributed, please see the adjoining file "LICENSE". ChangeLog: 2005-05-05 - Use the modified header struct from bspatch.h; use 32-bit values throughout. --Benjamin Smedberg <benjamin@smedbergs.us> 2005-05-18 - Use the same CRC algorithm as bzip2, and leverage the CRC table provided by libbz2. --Darin Fisher <darin@meer.net> 2007-11-14 - Changed to use Crc from Lzma library instead of Bzip library --Rahul Kuchhal */ #include "mbspatch.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdarg.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> #include <winsock2.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #define _O_BINARY 0 #endif #undef MIN #define MIN(x,y) (((x)<(y)) ? (x) : (y)) static void reporterr(int e, const char *fmt, ...) { if (fmt) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); va_end(args); } exit(e); } static void split(int *I,int *V,int start,int len,int h) { int i,j,k,x,tmp,jj,kk; if(len<16) { for(k=start;k<start+len;k+=j) { j=1;x=V[I[k]+h]; for(i=1;k+i<start+len;i++) { if(V[I[k+i]+h]<x) { x=V[I[k+i]+h]; j=0; }; if(V[I[k+i]+h]==x) { tmp=I[k+j];I[k+j]=I[k+i];I[k+i]=tmp; j++; }; }; for(i=0;i<j;i++) V[I[k+i]]=k+j-1; if(j==1) I[k]=-1; }; return; }; x=V[I[start+len/2]+h]; jj=0;kk=0; for(i=start;i<start+len;i++) { if(V[I[i]+h]<x) jj++; if(V[I[i]+h]==x) kk++; }; jj+=start;kk+=jj; i=start;j=0;k=0; while(i<jj) { if(V[I[i]+h]<x) { i++; } else if(V[I[i]+h]==x) { tmp=I[i];I[i]=I[jj+j];I[jj+j]=tmp; j++; } else { tmp=I[i];I[i]=I[kk+k];I[kk+k]=tmp; k++; }; }; while(jj+j<kk) { if(V[I[jj+j]+h]==x) { j++; } else { tmp=I[jj+j];I[jj+j]=I[kk+k];I[kk+k]=tmp; k++; }; }; if(jj>start) split(I,V,start,jj-start,h); for(i=0;i<kk-jj;i++) V[I[jj+i]]=kk-1; if(jj==kk-1) I[jj]=-1; if(start+len>kk) split(I,V,kk,start+len-kk,h); } static void qsufsort(int *I,int *V,unsigned char *old,int oldsize) { int buckets[256]; int i,h,len; for(i=0;i<256;i++) buckets[i]=0; for(i=0;i<oldsize;i++) buckets[old[i]]++; for(i=1;i<256;i++) buckets[i]+=buckets[i-1]; for(i=255;i>0;i--) buckets[i]=buckets[i-1]; buckets[0]=0; for(i=0;i<oldsize;i++) I[++buckets[old[i]]]=i; I[0]=oldsize; for(i=0;i<oldsize;i++) V[i]=buckets[old[i]]; V[oldsize]=0; for(i=1;i<256;i++) if(buckets[i]==buckets[i-1]+1) I[buckets[i]]=-1; I[0]=-1; for(h=1;I[0]!=-(oldsize+1);h+=h) { len=0; for(i=0;i<oldsize+1;) { if(I[i]<0) { len-=I[i]; i-=I[i]; } else { if(len) I[i-len]=-len; len=V[I[i]]+1-i; split(I,V,i,len,h); i+=len; len=0; }; }; if(len) I[i-len]=-len; }; for(i=0;i<oldsize+1;i++) I[V[i]]=i; } static int matchlen(unsigned char *old,int oldsize,unsigned char *newbuf,int newsize) { int i; for(i=0;(i<oldsize)&&(i<newsize);i++) if(old[i]!=newbuf[i]) break; return i; } static int search(int *I,unsigned char *old,int oldsize, unsigned char *newbuf,int newsize,int st,int en,int *pos) { int x,y; if(en-st<2) { x=matchlen(old+I[st],oldsize-I[st],newbuf,newsize); y=matchlen(old+I[en],oldsize-I[en],newbuf,newsize); if(x>y) { *pos=I[st]; return x; } else { *pos=I[en]; return y; } }; x=st+(en-st)/2; if(memcmp(old+I[x],newbuf,MIN(oldsize-I[x],newsize))<0) { return search(I,old,oldsize,newbuf,newsize,x,en,pos); } else { return search(I,old,oldsize,newbuf,newsize,st,x,pos); }; } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int fd; unsigned char *old,*newbuf; int oldsize,newsize; int *I,*V; int scan,pos,len; int lastscan,lastpos,lastoffset; int oldscore,scsc; int s,Sf,lenf,Sb,lenb; int overlap,Ss,lens; int i; int dblen,eblen; unsigned char *db,*eb; unsigned int scrc; MBSPatchHeader header = { {'M','B','D','I','F','F','1','0'}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int numtriples; if(argc!=4) reporterr(1,"usage: %s <oldfile> <newfile> <patchfile>\n",argv[0]); /* Allocate oldsize+1 bytes instead of oldsize bytes to ensure that we never try to malloc(0) and get a NULL pointer */ if(((fd=open(argv[1],O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY,0))<0) || ((oldsize=lseek(fd,0,SEEK_END))==-1) || ((old=(unsigned char*) malloc(oldsize+1))==NULL) || (lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET)!=0) || (read(fd,old,oldsize)!=oldsize) || (close(fd)==-1)) reporterr(1,"%s\n",argv[1]); scrc = CalculateCrc(old, oldsize); if(((I=(int*) malloc((oldsize+1)*sizeof(int)))==NULL) || ((V=(int*) malloc((oldsize+1)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)) reporterr(1,NULL); qsufsort(I,V,old,oldsize); free(V); /* Allocate newsize+1 bytes instead of newsize bytes to ensure that we never try to malloc(0) and get a NULL pointer */ if(((fd=open(argv[2],O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY,0))<0) || ((newsize=lseek(fd,0,SEEK_END))==-1) || ((newbuf=(unsigned char*) malloc(newsize+1))==NULL) || (lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET)!=0) || (read(fd,newbuf,newsize)!=newsize) || (close(fd)==-1)) reporterr(1,"%s\n",argv[2]); if(((db=(unsigned char*) malloc(newsize+1))==NULL) || ((eb=(unsigned char*) malloc(newsize+1))==NULL)) reporterr(1,NULL); dblen=0; eblen=0; if((fd=open(argv[3],O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|_O_BINARY,0666))<0) reporterr(1,"%s\n",argv[3]); /* start writing here */ /* We don't know the lengths yet, so we will write the header again at the end */ if(write(fd,&header,sizeof(MBSPatchHeader))!=sizeof(MBSPatchHeader)) reporterr(1,"%s\n",argv[3]); scan=0;len=0; lastscan=0;lastpos=0;lastoffset=0; numtriples = 0; while(scan<newsize) { oldscore=0; for(scsc=scan+=len;scan<newsize;scan++) { len=search(I,old,oldsize,newbuf+scan,newsize-scan, 0,oldsize,&pos); for(;scsc<scan+len;scsc++) if((scsc+lastoffset<oldsize) && (old[scsc+lastoffset] == newbuf[scsc])) oldscore++; if(((len==oldscore) && (len!=0)) || (len>oldscore+8)) break; if((scan+lastoffset<oldsize) && (old[scan+lastoffset] == newbuf[scan])) oldscore--; }; if((len!=oldscore) || (scan==newsize)) { MBSPatchTriple triple; s=0;Sf=0;lenf=0; for(i=0;(lastscan+i<scan)&&(lastpos+i<oldsize);) { if(old[lastpos+i]==newbuf[lastscan+i]) s++; i++; if(s*2-i>Sf*2-lenf) { Sf=s; lenf=i; }; }; lenb=0; if(scan<newsize) { s=0;Sb=0; for(i=1;(scan>=lastscan+i)&&(pos>=i);i++) { if(old[pos-i]==newbuf[scan-i]) s++; if(s*2-i>Sb*2-lenb) { Sb=s; lenb=i; }; }; }; if(lastscan+lenf>scan-lenb) { overlap=(lastscan+lenf)-(scan-lenb); s=0;Ss=0;lens=0; for(i=0;i<overlap;i++) { if(newbuf[lastscan+lenf-overlap+i]== old[lastpos+lenf-overlap+i]) s++; if(newbuf[scan-lenb+i]== old[pos-lenb+i]) s--; if(s>Ss) { Ss=s; lens=i+1; }; }; lenf+=lens-overlap; lenb-=lens; }; for(i=0;i<lenf;i++) db[dblen+i]=newbuf[lastscan+i]-old[lastpos+i]; for(i=0;i<(scan-lenb)-(lastscan+lenf);i++) eb[eblen+i]=newbuf[lastscan+lenf+i]; dblen+=lenf; eblen+=(scan-lenb)-(lastscan+lenf); triple.x = htonl(lenf); triple.y = htonl((scan-lenb)-(lastscan+lenf)); triple.z = htonl((pos-lenb)-(lastpos+lenf)); if (write(fd,&triple,sizeof(triple)) != sizeof(triple)) reporterr(1,NULL); #ifdef DEBUG_bsmedberg printf("Writing a block:\n" " X: %u\n" " Y: %u\n" " Z: %i\n", (int) lenf, (int) ((scan-lenb)-(lastscan+lenf)), (int) ((pos-lenb)-(lastpos+lenf))); #endif ++numtriples; lastscan=scan-lenb; lastpos=pos-lenb; lastoffset=pos-scan; }; }; if(write(fd,db,dblen)!=dblen) reporterr(1,NULL); if(write(fd,eb,eblen)!=eblen) reporterr(1,NULL); header.slen = htonl(oldsize); header.scrc32 = htonl(scrc); header.dlen = htonl(newsize); header.cblen = htonl(numtriples * sizeof(MBSPatchTriple)); header.difflen = htonl(dblen); header.extralen = htonl(eblen); if (lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET) == -1 || write(fd,&header,sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header) || close(fd) == -1) reporterr(1,NULL); free(db); free(eb); free(I); free(old); free(newbuf); return 0; }