Update(04/29/08): Added PHP module for Apache 2. First PHP module was installed (from Cygwin repository at ftp://sunsite.dk/projects/cygwinports) as part of another Cygwin installation. Then the required files for PHP were moved under source tree. Update(04/25/08): Added Apache 2. apache2 package was first installed as part of another Cygwin installation and then only the required files were copied over to this tree. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This contains the necessary Cygwin files to build WebKit. A filemon trace during a build showed which files from cygwin\build are needed. The first change is a binary modification to cygwin1.dll so that /, /bin, /usr etc point to third_party\cygwin. Normally cygwin reads the mounts from HKCU\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2. We trick it into using version 0, which was never used, by binary editing cygwin1.dll. This lets cygwin start without any mounts even if the user already has cygwin installed. setup_mount.bat lets us add these mounts to point to the user's third_party\cygwin directory. The second change is to modify the name of the shared memory structures, so that if another cygwin (of a different version) is running, these two don't collide. The binary modifications to cygwin1.dll were: replacing "mounts v2" with "mounts v0" (two places) replacing "mount registry: 2" with "mount registry: 0" replacing "cygwin1S4" with "cygwin0S4" These can be replayed by running "changes\convert.py". IMPORTANT: To add new files here you should grab them out of \\jam2-corp\cygwin to avoid version incompatibilities.