# Copyright 2012 Benjamin Kalman # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import re """ Handlebar templates are mostly-logicless templates inspired by ctemplate (or more specifically mustache templates) then taken in their own direction because I found those to be inadequate. from handlebar import Handlebar template = Handlebar('hello {{#foo}}{{bar}}{{/}} world') input = { 'foo': [ { 'bar': 1 }, { 'bar': 2 }, { 'bar': 3 } ] } print(template.render(input).text) Handlebar will use get() on contexts to return values, so to create custom getters (e.g. something that populates values lazily from keys) just add a get() method. class CustomContext(object): def get(self, key): return 10 # Any time {{ }} is used, will fill it with 10. print(Handlebar('hello {{world}}').render(CustomContext()).text) """ def _SafeStr(obj): return obj if isinstance(obj, basestring) else str(obj) class ParseException(Exception): """ Exception thrown while parsing the template. """ def __init__(self, error, line): Exception.__init__(self, "%s (line %s)" % (error, line.number)) class RenderResult(object): """ Result of a render operation. """ def __init__(self, text, errors): self.text = text; self.errors = errors class StringBuilder(object): """ Mimics Java's StringBuilder for easy porting from the Java version of this file to Python. """ def __init__(self): self._buf = [] self._length = 0 def __len__(self): return self._length def append(self, obj): string = _SafeStr(obj) self._buf.append(string) self._length += len(string) def toString(self): return u''.join(self._buf) def __str__(self): return self.toString() class RenderState(object): """ The state of a render call. """ def __init__(self, globalContexts, localContexts): self.globalContexts = globalContexts self.localContexts = localContexts self.text = StringBuilder() self.errors = [] self._errorsDisabled = False def inSameContext(self): return RenderState(self.globalContexts, self.localContexts) def getFirstContext(self): if len(self.localContexts) > 0: return self.localContexts[0] if len(self.globalContexts) > 0: return self.globalContexts[0] return None def disableErrors(self): self._errorsDisabled = True return self def addError(self, *messages): if self._errorsDisabled: return self buf = StringBuilder() for message in messages: buf.append(message) self.errors.append(buf.toString()) return self def getResult(self): return RenderResult(self.text.toString(), self.errors); class Identifier(object): """ An identifier of the form "@", "foo.bar.baz", or "@.foo.bar.baz". """ def __init__(self, name, line): self._isThis = (name == '@') if self._isThis: self._startsWithThis = False self._path = [] return thisDot = '@.' self._startsWithThis = name.startswith(thisDot) if self._startsWithThis: name = name[len(thisDot):] if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9._\\-/]+$', name): raise ParseException(name + " is not a valid identifier", line) self._path = name.split('.') def resolve(self, renderState): if self._isThis: return renderState.getFirstContext() if self._startsWithThis: return self._resolveFromContext(renderState.getFirstContext()) resolved = self._resolveFromContexts(renderState.localContexts) if resolved == None: resolved = self._resolveFromContexts(renderState.globalContexts) if resolved == None: renderState.addError("Couldn't resolve identifier ", self._path) return resolved def _resolveFromContexts(self, contexts): for context in contexts: resolved = self._resolveFromContext(context) if resolved != None: return resolved return None def _resolveFromContext(self, context): result = context for next in self._path: # Only require that contexts provide a get method, meaning that callers # can provide dict-like contexts (for example, to populate values lazily). if result == None or not getattr(result, "get", None): return None result = result.get(next) return result def __str__(self): if self._isThis: return '@' name = '.'.join(self._path) return ('@.' + name) if self._startsWithThis else name class Line(object): def __init__(self, number): self.number = number class LeafNode(object): def __init__(self, line): self._line = line def startsWithNewLine(self): return False def trimStartingNewLine(self): pass def trimEndingSpaces(self): return 0 def trimEndingNewLine(self): pass def endsWithEmptyLine(self): return False def getStartLine(self): return self._line def getEndLine(self): return self._line class DecoratorNode(object): def __init__(self, content): self._content = content def startsWithNewLine(self): return self._content.startsWithNewLine() def trimStartingNewLine(self): self._content.trimStartingNewLine() def trimEndingSpaces(self): return self._content.trimEndingSpaces() def trimEndingNewLine(self): self._content.trimEndingNewLine() def endsWithEmptyLine(self): return self._content.endsWithEmptyLine() def getStartLine(self): return self._content.getStartLine() def getEndLine(self): return self._content.getEndLine() class InlineNode(DecoratorNode): def __init__(self, content): DecoratorNode.__init__(self, content) def render(self, renderState): contentRenderState = renderState.inSameContext() self._content.render(contentRenderState) renderState.errors.extend(contentRenderState.errors) for c in contentRenderState.text.toString(): if c != '\n': renderState.text.append(c) class IndentedNode(DecoratorNode): def __init__(self, content, indentation): DecoratorNode.__init__(self, content) self._indentation = indentation def render(self, renderState): contentRenderState = renderState.inSameContext() self._content.render(contentRenderState) renderState.errors.extend(contentRenderState.errors) self._indent(renderState.text) for i, c in enumerate(contentRenderState.text.toString()): renderState.text.append(c) if c == '\n' and i < len(contentRenderState.text) - 1: self._indent(renderState.text) renderState.text.append('\n') def _indent(self, buf): buf.append(' ' * self._indentation) class BlockNode(DecoratorNode): def __init__(self, content): DecoratorNode.__init__(self, content) content.trimStartingNewLine() content.trimEndingSpaces() def render(self, renderState): self._content.render(renderState) class NodeCollection(object): def __init__(self, nodes): if len(nodes) == 0: raise ValueError() self._nodes = nodes def render(self, renderState): for node in self._nodes: node.render(renderState) def startsWithNewLine(self): return self._nodes[0].startsWithNewLine() def trimStartingNewLine(self): self._nodes[0].trimStartingNewLine() def trimEndingSpaces(self): return self._nodes[-1].trimEndingSpaces() def trimEndingNewLine(self): self._nodes[-1].trimEndingNewLine() def endsWithEmptyLine(self): return self._nodes[-1].endsWithEmptyLine() def getStartLine(self): return self._nodes[0].getStartLine() def getEndLine(self): return self._nodes[-1].getEndLine() class StringNode(object): """ Just a string. """ def __init__(self, string, startLine, endLine): self._string = string self._startLine = startLine self._endLine = endLine def render(self, renderState): renderState.text.append(self._string) def startsWithNewLine(self): return self._string.startswith('\n') def trimStartingNewLine(self): if self.startsWithNewLine(): self._string = self._string[1:] def trimEndingSpaces(self): originalLength = len(self._string) self._string = self._string[:self._lastIndexOfSpaces()] return originalLength - len(self._string) def trimEndingNewLine(self): if self._string.endswith('\n'): self._string = self._string[:len(self._string) - 1] def endsWithEmptyLine(self): index = self._lastIndexOfSpaces() return index == 0 or self._string[index - 1] == '\n' def _lastIndexOfSpaces(self): index = len(self._string) while index > 0 and self._string[index - 1] == ' ': index -= 1 return index def getStartLine(self): return self._startLine def getEndLine(self): return self._endLine class EscapedVariableNode(LeafNode): """ {{foo}} """ def __init__(self, id, line): LeafNode.__init__(self, line) self._id = id def render(self, renderState): value = self._id.resolve(renderState) if value != None: self._appendEscapedHtml(renderState.text, _SafeStr(value)) def _appendEscapedHtml(self, escaped, unescaped): for c in unescaped: if c == '<': escaped.append("<") elif c == '>': escaped.append(">") elif c == '&': escaped.append("&") else: escaped.append(c) class UnescapedVariableNode(LeafNode): """ {{{foo}}} """ def __init__(self, id, line): LeafNode.__init__(self, line) self._id = id def render(self, renderState): value = self._id.resolve(renderState) if value != None: renderState.text.append(value) class SectionNode(DecoratorNode): """ {{#foo}} ... {{/}} """ def __init__(self, id, content): DecoratorNode.__init__(self, content) self._id = id def render(self, renderState): value = self._id.resolve(renderState) if value == None: return if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: renderState.localContexts.insert(0, item) self._content.render(renderState) renderState.localContexts.pop(0) elif isinstance(value, dict): renderState.localContexts.insert(0, value) self._content.render(renderState) renderState.localContexts.pop(0) else: renderState.addError("{{#", self._id, "}} cannot be rendered with a ", type(value)) class VertedSectionNode(DecoratorNode): """ {{?foo}} ... {{/}} """ def __init__(self, id, content): DecoratorNode.__init__(self, content) self._id = id def render(self, renderState): value = self._id.resolve(renderState.inSameContext().disableErrors()) if _VertedSectionNodeShouldRender(value): renderState.localContexts.insert(0, value) self._content.render(renderState) renderState.localContexts.pop(0) def _VertedSectionNodeShouldRender(value): if value == None: return False if isinstance(value, bool): return value if (isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, long) or isinstance(value, float)): return True if isinstance(value, basestring): return True if isinstance(value, list): return len(value) > 0 if isinstance(value, dict): return True raise TypeError("Unhandled type %s" % type(value)) class InvertedSectionNode(DecoratorNode): """ {{^foo}} ... {{/}} """ def __init__(self, id, content): DecoratorNode.__init__(self, content) self._id = id def render(self, renderState): value = self._id.resolve(renderState.inSameContext().disableErrors()) if not _VertedSectionNodeShouldRender(value): self._content.render(renderState) class JsonNode(LeafNode): """ {{*foo}} """ def __init__(self, id, line): LeafNode.__init__(self, line) self._id = id def render(self, renderState): value = self._id.resolve(renderState) if value != None: renderState.text.append(json.dumps(value, separators=(',',':'))) class PartialNode(LeafNode): """ {{+foo}} """ def __init__(self, id, line): LeafNode.__init__(self, line) self._id = id self._args = None def render(self, renderState): value = self._id.resolve(renderState) if not isinstance(value, Handlebar): renderState.addError(self._id, " didn't resolve to a Handlebar") return argContext = [] if len(renderState.localContexts) > 0: argContext.append(renderState.localContexts[0]) if self._args: argContextMap = {} for key, valueId in self._args.items(): context = valueId.resolve(renderState) if context: argContextMap[key] = context argContext.append(argContextMap) partialRenderState = RenderState(renderState.globalContexts, argContext) value._topNode.render(partialRenderState) text = partialRenderState.text.toString() if len(text) > 0 and text[-1] == '\n': text = text[:-1] renderState.text.append(text) renderState.errors.extend(partialRenderState.errors) def addArgument(self, key, valueId): if not self._args: self._args = {} self._args[key] = valueId # List of tokens in order of longest to shortest, to avoid any prefix matching # issues. TokenValues = [] class Token(object): """ The tokens that can appear in a template. """ class Data(object): def __init__(self, name, text, clazz): self.name = name self.text = text self.clazz = clazz TokenValues.append(self) def elseNodeClass(self): if self.clazz == VertedSectionNode: return InvertedSectionNode if self.clazz == InvertedSectionNode: return VertedSectionNode raise ValueError(self.clazz + " can not have an else clause.") OPEN_START_SECTION = Data("OPEN_START_SECTION" , "{{#", SectionNode) OPEN_START_VERTED_SECTION = Data("OPEN_START_VERTED_SECTION" , "{{?", VertedSectionNode) OPEN_START_INVERTED_SECTION = Data("OPEN_START_INVERTED_SECTION", "{{^", InvertedSectionNode) OPEN_START_JSON = Data("OPEN_START_JSON" , "{{*", JsonNode) OPEN_START_PARTIAL = Data("OPEN_START_PARTIAL" , "{{+", PartialNode) OPEN_ELSE = Data("OPEN_ELSE" , "{{:", None) OPEN_END_SECTION = Data("OPEN_END_SECTION" , "{{/", None) OPEN_UNESCAPED_VARIABLE = Data("OPEN_UNESCAPED_VARIABLE" , "{{{", UnescapedVariableNode) CLOSE_MUSTACHE3 = Data("CLOSE_MUSTACHE3" , "}}}", None) OPEN_COMMENT = Data("OPEN_COMMENT" , "{{-", None) CLOSE_COMMENT = Data("CLOSE_COMMENT" , "-}}", None) OPEN_VARIABLE = Data("OPEN_VARIABLE" , "{{" , EscapedVariableNode) CLOSE_MUSTACHE = Data("CLOSE_MUSTACHE" , "}}" , None) CHARACTER = Data("CHARACTER" , "." , None) class TokenStream(object): """ Tokeniser for template parsing. """ def __init__(self, string): self._remainder = string self.nextToken = None self.nextContents = None self.nextLine = Line(1) self.advance() def hasNext(self): return self.nextToken != None def advance(self): if self.nextContents == '\n': self.nextLine = Line(self.nextLine.number + 1) self.nextToken = None self.nextContents = None if self._remainder == '': return None for token in TokenValues: if self._remainder.startswith(token.text): self.nextToken = token break if not self.nextToken: self.nextToken = Token.CHARACTER self.nextContents = self._remainder[0:len(self.nextToken.text)] self._remainder = self._remainder[len(self.nextToken.text):] return self def advanceOver(self, token): if self.nextToken != token: raise ParseException( "Expecting token " + token.name + " but got " + self.nextToken.name, self.nextLine) return self.advance() def advanceOverNextString(self, excluded=''): buf = StringBuilder() while self.nextToken == Token.CHARACTER and \ excluded.find(self.nextContents) == -1: buf.append(self.nextContents) self.advance() return buf.toString() def advanceToNextWhitespace(self): return self.advanceOverNextString(excluded=' \n\r\t') def skipWhitespace(self): while len(self.nextContents) > 0 and \ ' \n\r\t'.find(self.nextContents) >= 0: self.advance() class Handlebar(object): """ A handlebar template. """ def __init__(self, template): self.source = template tokens = TokenStream(template) self._topNode = self._parseSection(tokens) if not self._topNode: raise ParseException("Template is empty", tokens.nextLine) if tokens.hasNext(): raise ParseException("There are still tokens remaining, " "was there an end-section without a start-section:", tokens.nextLine) def _parseSection(self, tokens): nodes = [] sectionEnded = False while tokens.hasNext() and not sectionEnded: token = tokens.nextToken if token == Token.CHARACTER: startLine = tokens.nextLine string = tokens.advanceOverNextString() nodes.append(StringNode(string, startLine, tokens.nextLine)) elif token == Token.OPEN_VARIABLE or \ token == Token.OPEN_UNESCAPED_VARIABLE or \ token == Token.OPEN_START_JSON: id = self._openSectionOrTag(tokens) nodes.append(token.clazz(id, tokens.nextLine)) elif token == Token.OPEN_START_PARTIAL: tokens.advance() id = Identifier(tokens.advanceToNextWhitespace(), tokens.nextLine) partialNode = PartialNode(id, tokens.nextLine) while tokens.nextToken == Token.CHARACTER: tokens.skipWhitespace() key = tokens.advanceOverNextString(excluded=':') tokens.advance() partialNode.addArgument( key, Identifier(tokens.advanceToNextWhitespace(), tokens.nextLine)) tokens.advanceOver(Token.CLOSE_MUSTACHE) nodes.append(partialNode) elif token == Token.OPEN_START_SECTION: id = self._openSectionOrTag(tokens) section = self._parseSection(tokens) self._closeSection(tokens, id) if section: nodes.append(SectionNode(id, section)) elif token == Token.OPEN_START_VERTED_SECTION or \ token == Token.OPEN_START_INVERTED_SECTION: id = self._openSectionOrTag(tokens) section = self._parseSection(tokens) elseSection = None if tokens.nextToken == Token.OPEN_ELSE: self._openElse(tokens, id) elseSection = self._parseSection(tokens) self._closeSection(tokens, id) if section: nodes.append(token.clazz(id, section)) if elseSection: nodes.append(token.elseNodeClass()(id, elseSection)) elif token == Token.OPEN_COMMENT: self._advanceOverComment(tokens) elif token == Token.OPEN_END_SECTION or \ token == Token.OPEN_ELSE: # Handled after running parseSection within the SECTION cases, so this is a # terminating condition. If there *is* an orphaned OPEN_END_SECTION, it will be caught # by noticing that there are leftover tokens after termination. sectionEnded = True elif Token.CLOSE_MUSTACHE: raise ParseException("Orphaned " + tokens.nextToken.name, tokens.nextLine) for i, node in enumerate(nodes): if isinstance(node, StringNode): continue previousNode = nodes[i - 1] if i > 0 else None nextNode = nodes[i + 1] if i < len(nodes) - 1 else None renderedNode = None if node.getStartLine() != node.getEndLine(): renderedNode = BlockNode(node) if previousNode: previousNode.trimEndingSpaces() if nextNode: nextNode.trimStartingNewLine() elif isinstance(node, LeafNode) and \ (not previousNode or previousNode.endsWithEmptyLine()) and \ (not nextNode or nextNode.startsWithNewLine()): indentation = 0 if previousNode: indentation = previousNode.trimEndingSpaces() if nextNode: nextNode.trimStartingNewLine() renderedNode = IndentedNode(node, indentation) else: renderedNode = InlineNode(node) nodes[i] = renderedNode if len(nodes) == 0: return None if len(nodes) == 1: return nodes[0] return NodeCollection(nodes) def _advanceOverComment(self, tokens): tokens.advanceOver(Token.OPEN_COMMENT) depth = 1 while tokens.hasNext() and depth > 0: if tokens.nextToken == Token.OPEN_COMMENT: depth += 1 elif tokens.nextToken == Token.CLOSE_COMMENT: depth -= 1 tokens.advance() def _openSectionOrTag(self, tokens): openToken = tokens.nextToken tokens.advance() id = Identifier(tokens.advanceOverNextString(), tokens.nextLine) if openToken == Token.OPEN_UNESCAPED_VARIABLE: tokens.advanceOver(Token.CLOSE_MUSTACHE3) else: tokens.advanceOver(Token.CLOSE_MUSTACHE) return id def _closeSection(self, tokens, id): tokens.advanceOver(Token.OPEN_END_SECTION) nextString = tokens.advanceOverNextString() if nextString != '' and nextString != str(id): raise ParseException( "Start section " + str(id) + " doesn't match end " + nextString) tokens.advanceOver(Token.CLOSE_MUSTACHE) def _openElse(self, tokens, id): tokens.advanceOver(Token.OPEN_ELSE) nextString = tokens.advanceOverNextString() if nextString != '' and nextString != str(id): raise ParseException( "Start section " + str(id) + " doesn't match else " + nextString) tokens.advanceOver(Token.CLOSE_MUSTACHE) def render(self, *contexts): """ Renders this template given a variable number of "contexts" to read out values from (such as those appearing in {{foo}}). """ globalContexts = [] for context in contexts: globalContexts.append(context) renderState = RenderState(globalContexts, []) self._topNode.render(renderState) return renderState.getResult()