#! /bin/sh cd image # Space-optimized version: strip comments, drop precision to 3 # figures, eliminate duplicates. # update(creinig): precision reduction is now done in data2ps and comments # (except for % bound) now are also ommitted from the start echo 'image.ps: image-unop.ps' #echo ' grep -v "^%" < $< | sed -e "s/\.\([0-9][0-9]\)[0-9]\+/.\1/g" -e "s/\(^\| \|-\)\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]/\1\200/g" -e "s/\(^\| \|-\)\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)[0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]/\1\20/g" -e "s/\(^\| \|-\)\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)\.[0-9][0-9]/\1\2/g" -e "s/\(^\| \|-\)\([0-9][0-9]\)\.\([0-9]\)[0-9]/\1\2.\30/g" | awk "\$$0 ~ /lineto/ { if ( LASTLINE == \$$0 ) next; } { LASTLINE=\$$0; print; }" > $@' echo ' grep -v "^% bound" < $< > $@' # Need last comment (bounding box) echo ' tail -1 $< >> $@' echo ' ls -l image.ps image-unop.ps' echo 'image-unop.ps: outline.ps ring1.ps ring2.ps ring3.ps ring4.ps' echo ' cat ring[1234].ps > $@' # Bounding box is at bottom now. Next two won't change it. echo ' tail -1 $@ > bounding-box' echo ' cat outline.ps >> $@' echo ' cat ../tux.ps >> $@' echo ' cat bounding-box >> $@ && rm bounding-box' # Finished rings are precious! echo .SECONDARY: ring1.ps ring2.ps ring3.ps ring4.ps # Rings 1 and 4 are all thrown together. echo RING1_DEPS:=`find $RING1 -name '*.c.*' | sed 's/\.c.*/-all.ps/' | sort | uniq` echo RING4_DEPS:=`find $RING4 -name '*.c.*' | sed 's/\.c.*/-all.ps/' | sort | uniq` # Other rings are divided into dirs. echo RING2_DEPS:=`for d in $RING2; do echo $d-ring2.ps; done` echo RING3_DEPS:=`for d in $RING3; do echo $d-ring3.ps; done` echo # First ring starts at inner radius. echo 'ring1.ps: $(RING1_DEPS)' echo " @echo Making Ring 1" echo " @echo /angle 0 def > \$@" echo " @../draw_arrangement $FILE_SCRUNCH 0 360 $INNER_RADIUS \$(RING1_DEPS) >> \$@" echo " @echo Done Ring 1" # Second ring starts at end of above ring (assume it's circular, so # grab any bound). echo 'ring2.ps: ring1.ps $(RING2_DEPS)' echo " @echo Making Ring 2" echo " @echo /angle 0 def > \$@" echo " @../rotary_arrange.sh $DIR_SPACING" `for f in $RING2; do echo $f-ring2.ps $f-ring2.angle; done` '>> $@' echo " @echo Done Ring 2" # Third ring starts at end of second ring. echo 'ring3.ps: ring2.ps $(RING3_DEPS)' echo " @echo Making Ring 3" echo " @echo /angle 0 def > \$@" echo " @../rotary_arrange.sh $DIR_SPACING" `for f in $RING3; do echo $f-ring3.ps $f-ring3.angle; done` '>> $@' echo " @echo Done Ring 3" # Outer ring starts at end of fourth ring. # And it's just a big ring of drivers. echo 'ring4.ps: $(RING4_DEPS) ring3.radius' echo " @echo Making Ring 4" echo " @echo /angle 0 def > \$@" echo " @../draw_arrangement $FILE_SCRUNCH 0 360 \`cat ring3.radius\` \$(RING4_DEPS) >> \$@" echo " @echo Done Ring 4" echo # How to make directory picture: angle file contains start and end angle. # Second ring starts at end of above ring (assume it's circular, so # grab any bound). echo "%-ring2.ps: %-ring2.angle ring1.radius" echo " @echo Rendering \$@" echo " @../draw_arrangement $FILE_SCRUNCH 0 \`cat \$<\` \`cat ring1.radius\` \`find \$* -name '*-all.ps'\` > \$@" echo "%-ring3.ps: %-ring3.angle ring2.radius" echo " @echo Rendering \$@" echo " @../draw_arrangement $FILE_SCRUNCH 0 \`cat \$<\` \`cat ring2.radius\` \`find \$* -name '*-all.ps'\` > \$@" # How to extract radii echo "%.radius: %.ps" echo ' @echo scale=2\; `tail -1 $< | sed "s/^.* //"` + '$RING_SPACING' | bc > $@' echo # How to make angle. Need total angle for that directory, and weight. echo "%-ring2.angle: %-ring2.weight ring2.weight" echo ' @echo "scale=2; ( 360 - ' `echo $RING2 | wc -w` ' * ' $DIR_SPACING ') * `cat $<` / `cat ring2.weight`" | bc > $@' echo "%-ring3.angle: %-ring3.weight ring3.weight" echo ' @echo "scale=2; ( 360 - ' `echo $RING3 | wc -w` ' * ' $DIR_SPACING ') * `cat $<` / `cat ring3.weight`" | bc > $@' # How to make ring weights (sum directory totals). echo "ring2.weight:" `for d in $RING2; do echo $d-ring2.weight; done` echo ' @cat $^ | ../tally > $@' echo "ring3.weight:" `for d in $RING3; do echo $d-ring3.weight; done` echo ' @cat $^ | ../tally > $@' # How to make a wieght. echo "%-ring2.weight:" `find $RING2 -name '*.c.*' | sed 's/\.c.*/-all.ps/' | sort | uniq` echo ' @../total_area.pl `find $* -name \*-all.ps` > $@' echo "%-ring3.weight:" `find $RING3 -name '*.c.*' | sed 's/\.c.*/-all.ps/' | sort | uniq` echo ' @../total_area.pl `find $* -name \*-all.ps` > $@' echo # Now rule to make the graphs of a function. #echo %.ps::% #echo ' @../function2ps `echo $< | sed '\''s/^.*\.\([^.]*\)\.\+.*$$/\1/'\''` > $@ $<' ## Need the space. ##echo ' @rm -f $<' #echo # Rule to make all from constituent parts. echo %-all.ps: echo " @echo Rendering \$*.c" echo " @../conglomerate_functions.pl $FUNCTION_SCRUNCH $BOX_SCRUNCH \$^ > \$@" # Need the space. #echo ' @rm -f $^' echo # Generating outline, requires all the angles. echo outline.ps: ../make-outline.sh ring1.ps ring2.ps ring3.ps ring4.ps `for f in $RING2; do echo $f-ring2.angle; done` `for f in $RING3; do echo $f-ring3.angle; done` echo " ../make-outline.sh $INNER_RADIUS $DIR_SPACING $RING_SPACING \"$RING1\" > \$@" echo # Now all the rules to make each function. for d in `find . -type d`; do for f in `cd $d; ls *+.ps 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\.c\..*$//' | uniq`; do echo $d/$f-all.ps: `cd $d; ls $f.c.* | sed -e "s?^?$d/?"` done done