.TH lcovrc 5 "LCOV 1.7" 2008\-11\-17 "User Manuals"

lcovrc \- lcov configuration file

.I lcovrc
file contains configuration information for the
.B lcov
code coverage tool (see
.BR lcov (1)).

The system\-wide configuration file is located at
.IR /etc/lcovrc .
To change settings for a single user, place a customized copy of this file at
.IR ~/.lcovrc .
Where available, command\-line options override configuration file settings.

Lines in a configuration file can either be:
.IP "     *"
empty lines or lines consisting only of white space characters. These lines are
.IP "     *"
comment lines which start with a hash sign ('#'). These are treated like empty
lines and will be ignored.
.IP "     *"
statements in the form
.RI ' key " = " value '.
A list of valid statements and their description can be found in
section 'OPTIONS' below.

.B Example configuration:
# Example LCOV configuration file

# External style sheet file
#genhtml_css_file = gcov.css

# Coverage rate limits for line coverage
genhtml_hi_limit = 50
genhtml_med_limit = 15

# Coverage rate limits for function coverage
genhtml_function_hi_limit = 90
genhtml_function_med_limit = 75

# Width of overview image
genhtml_overview_width = 80

# Resolution of overview navigation
genhtml_nav_resolution = 4

# Offset for source code navigation
genhtml_nav_offset = 10

# Do not remove unused test descriptions if non\-zero
genhtml_keep_descriptions = 0

# Do not remove prefix from directory names if non\-zero
genhtml_no_prefix = 0

# Do not create source code view if non\-zero
genhtml_no_source = 0

# Specify size of tabs
genhtml_num_spaces = 8

# Highlight lines with converted\-only data if non\-zero
genhtml_highlight = 0

# Include color legend in HTML output if non\-zero
genhtml_legend = 0

# Include HTML file at start of HTML output
#genhtml_html_prolog = prolog.html

# Include HTML file at end of HTML output
#genhtml_html_epilog = epilog.html

# Use custom HTML file extension
#genhtml_html_extension = html

# Compress all generated html files with gzip.
#genhtml_html_gzip = 1

# Include sorted overview pages
genhtml_sort = 1

# Include function coverage data display
genhtml_function_coverage = 1

# Location of the gcov tool
#geninfo_gcov_tool = gcov

# Adjust test names if non\-zero
#geninfo_adjust_testname = 0

# Calculate a checksum for each line if non\-zero
geninfo_checksum = 0

# Enable libtool compatibility mode if non\-zero
geninfo_compat_libtool = 0

# Directory containing gcov kernel files
lcov_gcov_dir = /proc/gcov

# Location of the insmod tool
lcov_insmod_tool = /sbin/insmod

# Location of the modprobe tool
lcov_modprobe_tool = /sbin/modprobe

# Location of the rmmod tool
lcov_rmmod_tool = /sbin/rmmod

# Location for temporary directories
lcov_tmp_dir = /tmp


.BR genhtml_css_file " ="
.I filename
Specify an external style sheet file. Use this option to modify the appearance of the HTML output as generated by
.BR genhtml .
During output generation, a copy of this file will be placed in the output

This option corresponds to the \-\-css\-file command line option of
.BR genhtml .

By default, a standard CSS file is generated.

.BR genhtml_hi_limit "  ="
.I hi_limit
.BR genhtml_med_limit " ="
.I med_limit
.BR genhtml_function_med_limit " ="
.I hi_limit
.BR genhtml_function_med_limit " ="
.I med_limit
Specify coverage rate limits for classifying file entries. Use this option to
modify the coverage rates (in percent) for line or function coverage at which
a result is classified as high, medium or low coverage. This classification
affects the color of the corresponding entries on the overview pages of the
HTML output:

High:   hi_limit  <= rate <= 100        default color: green
Medium: med_limit <= rate < hi_limit    default color: orange
Low:    0         <= rate < med_limit   default color: red

Defaults are 50 and 15 percent for line coverage and 90 and 75 percent for
function coverage.

.BR genhtml_overview_width " ="
.I pixel_size
Specify the width (in pixel) of the overview image created when generating HTML
output using the \-\-frames option of
.BR genhtml .

Default is 80.

.BR genhtml_nav_resolution " ="
.I lines
Specify the resolution of overview navigation when generating HTML output using
the \-\-frames option of
.BR genhtml .
This number specifies the maximum difference in lines between the position a
user selected from the overview and the position the source code window is
scrolled to.

Default is 4.

.BR genhtml_nav_offset " ="
.I lines
Specify the overview navigation line offset as applied when generating HTML
output using the \-\-frames option of
.BR genhtml.

Clicking a line in the overview image should show the source code view at
a position a bit further up, so that the requested line is not the first
line in the window.  This number specifies that offset.

Default is 10.

.BR genhtml_keep_descriptions " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If non\-zero, keep unused test descriptions when generating HTML output using
.BR genhtml .

This option corresponds to the \-\-keep\-descriptions option of
.BR genhtml .

Default is 0.

.BR genhtml_no_prefix " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If non\-zero, do not try to find and remove a common prefix from directory names.

This option corresponds to the \-\-no\-prefix option of
.BR genhtml .

Default is 0.

.BR genhtml_no_source " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If non\-zero, do not create a source code view when generating HTML output using
.BR genhtml .

This option corresponds to the \-\-no\-source option of
.BR genhtml .

Default is 0.

.BR genhtml_num_spaces " ="
.I num
Specify the number of spaces to use as replacement for tab characters in the
HTML source code view as generated by
.BR genhtml .

This option corresponds to the \-\-num\-spaces option of
.BR genthml .

Default is 8.


.BR genhtml_highlight " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If non\-zero, highlight lines with converted\-only data in
HTML output as generated by
.BR genhtml .

This option corresponds to the \-\-highlight option of
.BR genhtml .

Default is 0.

.BR genhtml_legend " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If non\-zero, include a legend explaining the meaning of color coding in the HTML
output as generated by
.BR genhtml .

This option corresponds to the \-\-legend option of
.BR genhtml .

Default is 0.

.BR genhtml_html_prolog " ="
.I filename
If set, include the contents of the specified file at the beginning of HTML

This option corresponds to the \-\-html\-prolog option of
.BR genhtml .

Default is to use no extra prolog.

.BR genhtml_html_epilog " ="
.I filename
If set, include the contents of the specified file at the end of HTML output.

This option corresponds to the \-\-html\-epilog option of
.BR genhtml .

Default is to use no extra epilog.

.BR genhtml_html_extension " ="
.I extension
If set, use the specified string as filename extension for generated HTML files.

This option corresponds to the \-\-html\-extension option of
.BR genhtml .

Default extension is "html".

.BR genhtml_html_gzip " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If set, compress all html files using gzip.

This option corresponds to the \-\-html\-gzip option of
.BR genhtml .

Default extension is 0.

.BR genhtml_sort " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If non\-zero, create overview pages sorted by coverage rates when generating
HTML output using
.BR genhtml .

This option can be set to 0 by using the \-\-no\-sort option of
.BR genhtml .

Default is 1.

.BR genhtml_function_coverage " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If non\-zero, include function coverage data when generating HTML output using
.BR genhtml .

This option can be set to 0 by using the \-\-no\-function\-coverage option of
.BR genhtml .

Default is 1.

.BR geninfo_gcov_tool " ="
.I path_to_gcov
Specify the location of the gcov tool (see
.BR gcov (1))
which is used to generate coverage information from data files. 

Default is 'gcov'.

.BR geninfo_adjust_testname " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If non\-zero,  adjust test names to include operating system information
when capturing coverage data.

Default is 0.

.BR geninfo_checksum " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If non\-zero, generate source code checksums when capturing coverage data.
Checksums are useful to prevent merging coverage data from incompatible
source code versions but checksum generation increases the size of coverage
files and the time used to generate those files.

This option corresponds to the \-\-checksum and \-\-no\-checksum command line
option of
.BR geninfo .

Default is 0.

.BR geninfo_compat_libtool " ="
.IR 0 | 1
If non\-zero, enable libtool compatibility mode. When libtool compatibility
mode is enabled, lcov will assume that the source code relating to a .da file
located in a directory named ".libs" can be found in its parent directory.

This option corresponds to the \-\-compat\-libtool and \-\-no\-compat\-libtool
command line option of
.BR geninfo .

Default is 1.

.BR lcov_gcov_dir " ="
.I path_to_kernel_coverage_data
Specify the path to the directory where kernel coverage data can be found.

Default is '/proc/gcov'.

.BR lcov_insmod_tool " ="
.I path_to_insmod
Specify the location of the insmod tool used to load kernel modules.

Default is '/sbin/insmod'.

.BR lcov_modprobe_tool " ="
.I path_to_modprobe
Specify the location of the modprobe tool used to load kernel modules.

Default is '/sbin/modprobe'.

.BR lcov_rmmod_tool " ="
.I path_to_rmmod
Specify the location of the rmmod tool used to unload kernel modules.

Default is '/sbin/rmmod'.

.BR lcov_tmp_dir " ="
.I temp
Specify the location of a directory used for temporary files.

Default is '/tmp'.


.I /etc/lcovrc
The system\-wide
.B lcov
configuration file.

.I ~/.lcovrc
The individual per\-user configuration file.

.BR lcov (1),
.BR genhtml (1),
.BR geninfo (1),
.BR gcov (1)