This contains a copy of libevent-1.4.7-stable for use on Linux and Mac Rather than use libevent's own build system, we just build a Chrome static library using SConscript Changes from upstream: 1) add linux/config.h from a run of configure on a Linux development box. 2) add SConscript and libevent.xcodeproj 3) quotes.patch is applied to allow libevent to be used without being installed (alternative is adding crazy -I arguments to the commandline) 4) The directories WIN32-Code and WIN32-Prj are not included 5) add mac/config.h from a run of configure on a Mac. SConscript does not include a few files that don't build on Linux: devpoll.c, evport.c, kqueue.c libevent.xcodeproj does not include a few files that don't build on the Mac: devpoll.c, epoll.c, epoll_sub.c, evport.c TODO: currently we -I the source directory, which exposes event-config.h, which is dangerous as this file was generated for Linux and is not entirely correct on other platforms.