Name: International Phone Number Library Short Name: libphonenumber URL: Version: unknown Revision: 277 Security Critical: yes This directory contains the source code of International Phone Number Library for C/C++. This library depends on 1. base/ for types, scoped_ptr's, etc. 2. third_party/icu for internationalisation, UTF8-16-32 conversion and regular expressions. 3. third_party/protobuf Lite version. Additional files, not in the original library: libphonenumber.gyp README.chromium Until the changes are upstreamed library is included directly, with a patch in patches/version277.patch applied. The folders included in our repository for now are cpp/ resource/ TODO(georgey) : remove following lines when updated to version after 186 cpp/src/ made icu::Transliteration member of PhoneUtil to improve performance, Not needed in recent versions.