/* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef _NP_EXTENSIONS_H_ #define _NP_EXTENSIONS_H_ #include "third_party/npapi/bindings/npapi.h" /* * A fake "enum" value for getting Pepper extensions. * The variable returns a pointer to an NPPepperExtensions structure */ #define NPNVPepperExtensions ((NPNVariable) 4000) typedef void NPDeviceConfig; typedef void NPDeviceContext; typedef void NPUserData; /* unique id for each device interface */ typedef int32 NPDeviceID; typedef struct _NPDeviceBuffer { void* ptr; size_t size; } NPDeviceBuffer; /* completion callback for flush device */ typedef void (*NPDeviceFlushContextCallbackPtr)( NPP instance, NPDeviceContext* context, NPError err, NPUserData* userData); /* query single capabilities of device */ typedef NPError ( *NPDeviceQueryCapabilityPtr)(NPP instance, int32 capability, int32 *value); /* query config (configuration == a set of capabilities) */ typedef NPError ( *NPDeviceQueryConfigPtr)(NPP instance, const NPDeviceConfig* request, NPDeviceConfig* obtain); /* device initialization */ typedef NPError (*NPDeviceInitializeContextPtr)( NPP instance, const NPDeviceConfig* config, NPDeviceContext* context); /* peek at device state */ typedef NPError (*NPDeviceGetStateContextPtr) ( NPP instance, NPDeviceContext* context, int32 state, int32 *value); /* poke device state */ typedef NPError (*NPDeviceSetStateContextPtr) ( NPP instance, NPDeviceContext* context, int32 state, int32 value); /* flush context, if callback, userData are NULL */ /* this becomes a blocking call */ typedef NPError (*NPDeviceFlushContextPtr)( NPP instance, NPDeviceContext* context, NPDeviceFlushContextCallbackPtr callback, void* userData); /* destroy device context. Application responsible for */ /* freeing context, if applicable */ typedef NPError (*NPDeviceDestroyContextPtr)( NPP instance, NPDeviceContext* context); /* Create a buffer associated with a particular context. The usage of the */ /* buffer is device specific. The lifetime of the buffer is scoped with the */ /* lifetime of the context. */ typedef NPError (*NPDeviceCreateBufferPtr)( NPP instance, NPDeviceContext* context, size_t size, int32* id); /* Destroy a buffer associated with a particular context. */ typedef NPError (*NPDeviceDestroyBufferPtr)( NPP instance, NPDeviceContext* context, int32 id); /* Map a buffer id to its address. */ typedef NPError (*NPDeviceMapBufferPtr)( NPP instance, NPDeviceContext* context, int32 id, NPDeviceBuffer* buffer); /* forward decl typdef structs */ typedef struct NPDevice NPDevice; typedef struct NPExtensions NPExtensions; /* generic device interface */ struct NPDevice { NPDeviceQueryCapabilityPtr queryCapability; NPDeviceQueryConfigPtr queryConfig; NPDeviceInitializeContextPtr initializeContext; NPDeviceSetStateContextPtr setStateContext; NPDeviceGetStateContextPtr getStateContext; NPDeviceFlushContextPtr flushContext; NPDeviceDestroyContextPtr destroyContext; NPDeviceCreateBufferPtr createBuffer; NPDeviceDestroyBufferPtr destroyBuffer; NPDeviceMapBufferPtr mapBuffer; }; /* returns NULL if deviceID unavailable / unrecognized */ typedef NPDevice* (*NPAcquireDevicePtr)( NPP instance, NPDeviceID device); /* Pepper extensions */ struct NPExtensions { /* Device interface acquisition */ NPAcquireDevicePtr acquireDevice; }; /* Events -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef enum { NPMouseButton_None = -1, NPMouseButton_Left = 0, NPMouseButton_Middle = 1, NPMouseButton_Right = 2 } NPMouseButtons; typedef enum { NPEventType_Undefined = -1, NPEventType_MouseDown = 0, NPEventType_MouseUp = 1, NPEventType_MouseMove = 2, NPEventType_MouseEnter = 3, NPEventType_MouseLeave = 4, NPEventType_MouseWheel = 5, NPEventType_RawKeyDown = 6, NPEventType_KeyDown = 7, NPEventType_KeyUp = 8, NPEventType_Char = 9, NPEventType_Minimize = 10, NPEventType_Focus = 11, NPEventType_Device = 12 } NPEventTypes; typedef enum { NPEventModifier_ShiftKey = 1 << 0, NPEventModifier_ControlKey = 1 << 1, NPEventModifier_AltKey = 1 << 2, NPEventModifier_MetaKey = 1 << 3, NPEventModifier_IsKeyPad = 1 << 4, NPEventModifier_IsAutoRepeat = 1 << 5, NPEventModifier_LeftButtonDown = 1 << 6, NPEventModifier_MiddleButtonDown = 1 << 7, NPEventModifier_RightButtonDown = 1 << 8 } NPEventModifiers; typedef struct _NPKeyEvent { uint32 modifier; uint32 normalizedKeyCode; } NPKeyEvent; typedef struct _NPCharacterEvent { uint32 modifier; uint16 text[4]; uint16 unmodifiedText[4]; } NPCharacterEvent; typedef struct _NPMouseEvent { uint32 modifier; int32 button; int32 x; int32 y; int32 clickCount; } NPMouseEvent; typedef struct _NPMouseWheelEvent { uint32 modifier; float deltaX; float deltaY; float wheelTicksX; float wheelTicksY; uint32 scrollByPage; } NPMouseWheelEvent; typedef struct _NPDeviceEvent { uint32 device_uid; uint32 subtype; /* uint8 generic[0]; */ } NPDeviceEvent; typedef struct _NPMinimizeEvent { int32 value; } NPMinimizeEvent; typedef struct _NPFocusEvent { int32 value; } NPFocusEvent; typedef struct _NPPepperEvent { uint32 size; int32 type; double timeStampSeconds; union { NPKeyEvent key; NPCharacterEvent character; NPMouseEvent mouse; NPMouseWheelEvent wheel; NPMinimizeEvent minimize; NPFocusEvent focus; NPDeviceEvent device; } u; } NPPepperEvent; /* 2D -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define NPPepper2DDevice 1 typedef struct _NPDeviceContext2DConfig { } NPDeviceContext2DConfig; typedef struct _NPDeviceContext2D { /* Internal value used by the browser to identify this device. */ void* reserved; /* A pointer to the pixel data. This data is 8-bit values in BGRA order in * memory. Each row will start |stride| bytes after the previous one. * * THIS DATA USES PREMULTIPLIED ALPHA. This means that each color channel has * been multiplied with the corresponding alpha, which makes compositing * easier. If any color channels have a value greater than the alpha value, * you'll likely get crazy colors and weird artifacts. */ void* region; /* Length of each row of pixels in bytes. This may be larger than width * 4 * if there is padding at the end of each row to help with alignment. */ int32 stride; /* The dirty region that the plugin has painted into the buffer. This * will be initialized to the size of the plugin image in * initializeContextPtr. The plugin can change the values to only * update portions of the image. */ struct { int32 left; int32 top; int32 right; int32 bottom; } dirty; } NPDeviceContext2D; /* 3D -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define NPPepper3DDevice 2 typedef struct _NPDeviceContext3DConfig { int32 commandBufferEntries; } NPDeviceContext3DConfig; typedef enum { // The offset the command buffer service has read to. NPDeviceContext3DState_GetOffset, // The offset the plugin instance has written to. NPDeviceContext3DState_PutOffset, // The last token processed by the command buffer service. NPDeviceContext3DState_Token, // The most recent parse error. Getting this value resets the parse error // if it recoverable. NPDeviceContext3DState_ParseError, // Wether the command buffer has encountered an unrecoverable error. NPDeviceContext3DState_ErrorStatus } NPDeviceContext3DState; typedef struct _NPDeviceContext3D { void* reserved; // Buffer in which commands are stored. void* commandBuffer; int32 commandBufferEntries; // Offset in command buffer reader has reached. Synchronized on flush. int32 getOffset; // Offset in command buffer writer has reached. Synchronized on flush. int32 putOffset; } NPDeviceContext3D; /* Audio --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define NPPepperAudioDevice 3 /* min & max sample frame count */ typedef enum { NPAudioMinSampleFrameCount = 64, NPAudioMaxSampleFrameCount = 32768 } NPAudioSampleFrameCounts; /* supported sample rates */ typedef enum { NPAudioSampleRate44100Hz = 44100, NPAudioSampleRate48000Hz = 48000, NPAudioSampleRate96000Hz = 96000 } NPAudioSampleRates; /* supported sample formats */ typedef enum { NPAudioSampleTypeInt16 = 0, NPAudioSampleTypeFloat32 = 1 } NPAudioSampleTypes; /* supported channel layouts */ /* there is code that depends on these being the actual number of channels */ typedef enum { NPAudioChannelNone = 0, NPAudioChannelMono = 1, NPAudioChannelStereo = 2, NPAudioChannelThree = 3, NPAudioChannelFour = 4, NPAudioChannelFive = 5, NPAudioChannelFiveOne = 6, NPAudioChannelSeven = 7, NPAudioChannelSevenOne = 8 } NPAudioChannels; /* audio context states */ typedef enum { NPAudioContextStateCallback = 0, NPAudioContextStateUnderrunCounter = 1 } NPAudioContextStates; /* audio context state values */ typedef enum { NPAudioCallbackStop = 0, NPAudioCallbackStart = 1 } NPAudioContextStateValues; /* audio query capabilities */ typedef enum { NPAudioCapabilitySampleRate = 0, NPAudioCapabilitySampleType = 1, NPAudioCapabilitySampleFrameCount = 2, NPAudioCapabilitySampleFrameCount44100Hz = 3, NPAudioCapabilitySampleFrameCount48000Hz = 4, NPAudioCapabilitySampleFrameCount96000Hz = 5, NPAudioCapabilityOutputChannelMap = 6, NPAudioCapabilityInputChannelMap = 7 } NPAudioCapabilities; typedef struct _NPDeviceContextAudio NPDeviceContextAudio; /* user supplied callback function */ typedef void (*NPAudioCallback)(NPDeviceContextAudio *context); typedef struct _NPDeviceContextAudioConfig { int32 sampleRate; int32 sampleType; int32 outputChannelMap; int32 inputChannelMap; int32 sampleFrameCount; uint32 flags; NPAudioCallback callback; void *userData; } NPDeviceContextAudioConfig; struct _NPDeviceContextAudio { NPDeviceContextAudioConfig config; void *outBuffer; void *inBuffer; void *reserved; }; #endif /* _NP_EXTENSIONS_H_ */