Instructions below are for building standalone OTS utilities, if you want to use OTS as a library then the recommended way is to copy the source code and integrate it into your existing build system. Our build system does not build a shared library intentionally. General build instructions: 1. If you are building from cloned Git repository, you will need to update the git sub modules, as well as run autoreconf. A convenience script is provided: $ ./ 2. Build OTS $ ./configure $ make 3. Run the tests (if you wish) $ make check Building on Windows: 1. A POSIX-compatible environment is required to build OTS, MSYS2 is recommended. Follow the installation instructions on 2. Install the required packages: $ pacman -S autoconf automake pkg-config gcc make zlib-devel 3. Follow the general build instructions above. Developer build instructions: 1. If you would like to see the source code lines related to reported errors, then run make with: $ make CXXFLAGS=-DOTS_DEBUG For example, $ ./ot-sanitise ~/fonts/ofl/merriweathersans/MerriweatherSans-Bold.ttf ERROR at src/ (ParseScriptTable) ERROR: Layout: DFLT table doesn't satisfy the spec. for script tag DFLT ERROR at src/ (ParseScriptListTable) ERROR: Layout: Failed to parse script table 0 ERROR at src/ (ots_gsub_parse) ERROR: GSUB: Failed to parse script list table ERROR at src/ (ProcessGeneric) Failed to sanitise file!