Name: Protocol Buffers Short Name: protobuf URL: License: BSD License File: COPYING.txt Version: unknown Revision: r476 Security Critical: yes Local files (not taken from upstream): README.chromium config.h A protobuf.gyp file has been added for building with Chromium. This code has been patched to support unknown field retention in protobuf-lite. See r62331 for the patch. This code has been patched to ensure that files in the target protobuf_lite do not include headers from protobuf_full. See r173228 for the patch. This code has been patched to make the target protobuf_lite a component so that targets that depend on it can be componentized. See for details, and r179806 for the patch. Revision 504 was cherry-picked from upstream. Revision 512 was cherry-picked from upstream. Revision 516 was cherry-picked from upstream. Revision 517 was cherry-picked from upstream. Revision 522 was cherry-picked from upstream. Revision 523 was cherry-picked from upstream. Revision 524 was cherry-picked from upstream. Revision 573 was cherry-picked from upstream. The `&file->options() != NULL &&` was removed from