# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

  'conditions': [
    ['OS!="win"', {
      'variables': {
          '.',  # crafted for gcc/linux.
    }, {  # else, OS=="win"
      'variables': {
          'src/vsprojects',  # crafted for msvc.
      'target_defaults': {
        'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
          4018,  # signed/unsigned mismatch in comparison
          4244,  # implicit conversion, possible loss of data
          4355,  # 'this' used in base member initializer list
        'defines!': [
          'WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN',  # Protobuf defines this itself.
  'targets': [
    # The "lite" lib is about 1/7th the size of the heavy lib,
    # but it doesn't support some of the more exotic features of
    # protobufs, like reflection.  To generate C++ code that can link
    # against the lite version of the library, add the option line:
    #   option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
    # to your .proto file.
      'target_name': 'protobuf_lite',
      'type': '<(library)',
      'toolsets': ['host', 'target'],
      'sources': [

      'include_dirs': [
      # This macro must be defined to suppress the use of dynamic_cast<>,
      # which requires RTTI.
      'defines': [
      'direct_dependent_settings': {
        'include_dirs': [
        'defines': [
    # This is the full, heavy protobuf lib that's needed for c++ .proto's
    # that don't specify the LITE_RUNTIME option.  The protocol
    # compiler itself (protoc) falls into that category.
      'target_name': 'protobuf',
      'type': '<(library)',
      'toolsets': ['host','target'],
      'sources': [

        # This file pulls in zlib, but it's not actually used by protoc, so
        # instead of compiling zlib for the host, let's just exclude this.
        # 'src/src/google/protobuf/io/gzip_stream.cc',
      'dependencies': [
      'export_dependent_settings': [
      'target_name': 'protoc',
      'type': 'executable',
      'toolsets': ['host'],
      'sources': [
      'dependencies': [
      'include_dirs': [
      # Generate the python module needed by all protoc-generated Python code.
      'target_name': 'py_proto',
      'type': 'none',
      'copies': [
          'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pyproto/google/',
          'files': [
            # google/ module gets an empty __init__.py.
          'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pyproto/google/protobuf',
          'files': [
            # TODO(ncarter): protoc's python generator treats descriptor.proto
            # specially, but it's not possible to trigger the special treatment
            # unless you run protoc from ./src/src (the treatment is based
            # on the path to the .proto file matching a constant exactly).
            # I'm not sure how to convince gyp to execute a rule from a
            # different directory.  Until this is resolved, use a copy of
            # descriptor_pb2.py that I manually generated.
          'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pyproto/google/protobuf/internal',
          'files': [
  #   # We can't generate a proper descriptor_pb2.py -- see earlier comment.
  #   'rules': [
  #     {
  #       'rule_name': 'genproto',
  #       'extension': 'proto',
  #       'inputs': [
  #       ],
  #       'variables': {
  #         # The protoc compiler requires a proto_path argument with the
  #           # directory containing the .proto file.
  #           'rule_input_relpath': 'src/src/google/protobuf',
  #         },
  #         'outputs': [
  #           '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pyproto/google/protobuf/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT)_pb2.py',
  #         ],
  #         'action': [
  #           '-I./src/src',
  #           '-I./src',
  #           '--python_out=<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pyproto/google/protobuf',
  #           'google/protobuf/descriptor.proto',
  #         ],
  #         'message': 'Generating Python code from <(RULE_INPUT_PATH)',
  #       },
  #     ],
  #     'dependencies': [
  #       'protoc#host',
  #     ],
  #     'sources': [
  #       'src/src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto',
  #     ],

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# tab-width:2
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