Python FTP server library provides a high-level portable interface to easily write asynchronous FTP servers with Python. Based on asyncore framework pyftpdlib is currently the most complete RFC-959 FTP server implementation available for Python programming language.
>>> from pyftpdlib import ftpserver >>> authorizer = ftpserver.DummyAuthorizer() >>> authorizer.add_user("user", "12345", "/home/user", perm="elradfmw") >>> authorizer.add_anonymous("/home/nobody") >>> ftp_handler = ftpserver.FTPHandler >>> ftp_handler.authorizer = authorizer >>> address = ("", 21) >>> ftpd = ftpserver.FTPServer(address, ftp_handler) >>> ftpd.serve_forever() Serving FTP on [] connected. ==> 220 Ready. <== USER anonymous ==> 331 Username ok, send password. <== PASS ****** ==> 230 Login successful. [anonymous]@ User anonymous logged in. <== TYPE A ==> 200 Type set to: ASCII. <== PASV ==> 227 Entering passive mode (127,0,0,1,9,201). <== LIST ==> 150 File status okay. About to open data connection. [anonymous]@ OK LIST "/". Transfer starting. ==> 226 Transfer complete. [anonymous]@ Transfer complete. 706 bytes transmitted. <== QUIT ==> 221 Goodbye. [anonymous]@ Disconnected.
Primary documentation and related links include the following:
Type | Description |
Tutorial | Tutorial containing API reference and example usages. |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions about pyftpdlib. |
Install | Instructions for installing pyftpdlib (for those really new to Python). |
RFCs Compliance | A paper showing pyftpdlib compliance against FTP protocol standard RFCs. |
Release Notes | Release notes of the current pyftpdlib release. |
Roadmap | A "roadmap" describing current and future project's changes. |
Adoptions List | A list of softwares and systems using pyftpdlib. |
FreeBSD port | Porting of pyftpdlib on FreeBSD system (note: it is a separate project maintained by a different team). |
If you want to help or just give us suggestions about the project and other related things, subscribe to the discussion mailing list. If you want to talk with project team members about pyftpdlib and other related things, feel free to contact us at the following addresses:
Name | Country | Description | |
Giampaolo Rodola' | Italy | g.rodola at gmail dot com | Original pyftpdlib author and main maintainer. |
Jay Loden | New Jersey (USA) | jloden at gmail dot com | OS X and Linux platform development/testing. |
Li-Wen Hsu | Taiwan | lwhsu at freebsd dot org | FreeBSD port maintainer. |
Feedbacks and suggestions are greatly appreciated as well as new testers and coders willing to join the development.
For any bug report, patch proposal or feature request, add an entry into the Issue Tracker.
In case you're using pyftpdlib into a software or website of yours, please update the pyftpdlib Adoptions List by adding a comment in the Wiki.
Thank you.