This directory includes a version of Python derived from  Python 2.4.1, which is
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Python Software Foundation; All
Rights Reserved. 


This is a slightly customized version of Python 2.4.1.

This version was built from the 2.4.1 sources at

It was compiled using Visual Studio 7.1, after changing the build files
to statically link the CRT (since some machines don't have msvcrt71.dll).
Several optimizations were also changed.  See below for full details.

Chris Prince


--- Setup ---
* Unpack the Python source (from to ROOT\Python-2.4.1
* Unpack the bzip2 source to ROOT\bzip2-1.0.3
* Unpack the zlib source to ROOT\zlib-1.2.2
* Unpack the BSDDB source to ROOT\db-4.3.28.NC
* Unpack the OpenSSL source to ROOT\openssl-0.9.7g

See the Python build docs for where to download the source packages.
Note that we don't bother supporting Tcl/Tk on Windows.

* Modify the Python projects to use the downloaded versions:
  - In PCBuild\bz2.vcproj, change "1.0.2" to "1.0.3"
  - In PCBuild\zlib.vcproj, change "1.2.1" to "1.2.2"
  - In PCBuild\_bsddb.vcproj, change "4.2.52" to "4.3.28.NC"
      AND change "libdb42" to "libdb43"
  - In PCBuild\, add the full path to your perl.exe
      (in main)

* Build BSDDB using the instructions included with Python and BSDDB
  (see PCBuild\readme.txt).

--- Enable CRT Static Linking, and Optimizations ---

* Under bzip2: in makefile.msc, change "-MD" to "-MT"
* Under OpenSSL: in util\pl\, change "/MD" to "/MT"
* Under Python: in PCBuild\_ssl.mak, change "/MD" to "/MT"
* Under zlib: in win32\makefile.msc, change "-MD" to "-MT"

* Open the Python solution in VC and choose the Release configuration.
  Select all projects (except _ssl and Solution Items).  Right-click,
  select Properties, and:
  - Change C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library from "/MD" to "/MT"
  - Enable "/OPT:REF" and "/OPT:ICF" under Linker -> Optimization.

Now build the solution normally (F7).  Note that one project will fail
to build (_tkinter).

--- Create the distribution ---

* Create an output directory OUTDIR.  Then from the Python directory:
  - Copy PCBuild\py*.exe and PCBuild\py*.dll to OUTDIR\
  - Copy PCBuild\*.pyd to OUTDIR\DLLs\
  - Copy Lib\... to OUTDIR\Lib\
  - To save space, delete some unnecessary files from OUTDIR:
    + Lib\plat-*\... (none are applicable to Windows)
    + Lib\lib-tk\...
    + Lib\test\...
    + Lib\bsddb\test\...
    + Lib\email\test\...
    + Lib\distutils\tests\...

* If you want the ability to build extension DLLs, then also:
  - Copy Include\... to OUTDIR\include\
  - Copy PC\pyconfig.h to OUTDIR\include\
  - Copy PCBuild\*.lib to OUTDIR\libs\

--- Check that this worked ---

* Run dumpbin on OUTDIR\* and OUTDIR\DLLs\*, and grep the output to
  make sure "msvcrt" is not present.

--- Update the site-packages ---
* pywin32 was added to the site-packages.
  License File: Lib\site-packages\win32\license.txt