This is a copy of SCons, a Python-based software build tool (that is,
replacement for Make) that we use for cross-platform builds.

Current version:  1.2.0.d20090113

Originally obtained from:

SCons ships under an MIT license.  See the scons-LICENSE file in
this directory for specifics.

We check in the contents of the scons-local-* package(s) provided
by the SCons Project.

Before checking in, copy the contents of the version-specific
"scons-local-{VERSION}" subdirectory to the "scons-local" subdirectory.
We do this so we can use Subversion to diff and revert imported versions,
and to make it easier to propagate any local modifications we might make
to any new versions we check in.

To import a new version of SCons:

- Visit

- Download the latest scons-local package.

- Unpack in the current directory:

    $ tar zxf scons-local-{VERSION}.tar.gz

- Copy the contents of the version-specific directory to scons-local:

    $ cp -rf scons-local-{VERSION}/* scons-local
    $ rm -rf scons-local-{VERSION}

- Update this README.chromium file to reflect the new version number.

- Check in (after appropriate testing, of course).