// Windows Template Library - WTL version 8.0 // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // This file is a part of the Windows Template Library. // The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the // Microsoft Permissive License (Ms-PL) which can be found in the file // Ms-PL.txt at the root of this distribution. #ifndef __ATLSPLIT_H__ #define __ATLSPLIT_H__ #pragma once #ifndef __cplusplus #error ATL requires C++ compilation (use a .cpp suffix) #endif #ifndef __ATLAPP_H__ #error atlsplit.h requires atlapp.h to be included first #endif #ifndef __ATLWIN_H__ #error atlsplit.h requires atlwin.h to be included first #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Classes in this file: // // CSplitterImpl // CSplitterWindowImpl // CSplitterWindowT namespace WTL { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSplitterImpl - Provides splitter support to any window // Splitter panes constants #define SPLIT_PANE_LEFT 0 #define SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT 1 #define SPLIT_PANE_TOP SPLIT_PANE_LEFT #define SPLIT_PANE_BOTTOM SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT #define SPLIT_PANE_NONE -1 // Splitter extended styles #define SPLIT_PROPORTIONAL 0x00000001 #define SPLIT_NONINTERACTIVE 0x00000002 #define SPLIT_RIGHTALIGNED 0x00000004 #define SPLIT_BOTTOMALIGNED SPLIT_RIGHTALIGNED // Note: SPLIT_PROPORTIONAL and SPLIT_RIGHTALIGNED/SPLIT_BOTTOMALIGNED are // mutually exclusive. If both are set, splitter defaults to SPLIT_PROPORTIONAL template class CSplitterImpl { public: enum { m_nPanesCount = 2, m_nPropMax = 10000 }; HWND m_hWndPane[m_nPanesCount]; RECT m_rcSplitter; int m_xySplitterPos; int m_nDefActivePane; int m_cxySplitBar; // splitter bar width/height static HCURSOR m_hCursor; int m_cxyMin; // minimum pane size int m_cxyBarEdge; // splitter bar edge bool m_bFullDrag; int m_cxyDragOffset; int m_nProportionalPos; bool m_bUpdateProportionalPos; DWORD m_dwExtendedStyle; // splitter specific extended styles int m_nSinglePane; // single pane mode // Constructor CSplitterImpl() : m_xySplitterPos(-1), m_nDefActivePane(SPLIT_PANE_NONE), m_cxySplitBar(0), m_cxyMin(0), m_cxyBarEdge(0), m_bFullDrag(true), m_cxyDragOffset(0), m_nProportionalPos(0), m_bUpdateProportionalPos(true), m_dwExtendedStyle(SPLIT_PROPORTIONAL), m_nSinglePane(SPLIT_PANE_NONE) { m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_LEFT] = NULL; m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT] = NULL; ::SetRectEmpty(&m_rcSplitter); if(m_hCursor == NULL) { CStaticDataInitCriticalSectionLock lock; if(FAILED(lock.Lock())) { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, _T("ERROR : Unable to lock critical section in CSplitterImpl::CSplitterImpl.\n")); ATLASSERT(FALSE); return; } if(m_hCursor == NULL) m_hCursor = ::LoadCursor(NULL, t_bVertical ? IDC_SIZEWE : IDC_SIZENS); lock.Unlock(); } } // Attributes void SetSplitterRect(LPRECT lpRect = NULL, bool bUpdate = true) { if(lpRect == NULL) { T* pT = static_cast(this); pT->GetClientRect(&m_rcSplitter); } else { m_rcSplitter = *lpRect; } if(IsProportional()) UpdateProportionalPos(); else if(IsRightAligned()) UpdateRightAlignPos(); if(bUpdate) UpdateSplitterLayout(); } void GetSplitterRect(LPRECT lpRect) const { ATLASSERT(lpRect != NULL); *lpRect = m_rcSplitter; } bool SetSplitterPos(int xyPos = -1, bool bUpdate = true) { if(xyPos == -1) // -1 == middle { if(t_bVertical) xyPos = (m_rcSplitter.right - m_rcSplitter.left - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge) / 2; else xyPos = (m_rcSplitter.bottom - m_rcSplitter.top - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge) / 2; } // Adjust if out of valid range int cxyMax = 0; if(t_bVertical) cxyMax = m_rcSplitter.right - m_rcSplitter.left; else cxyMax = m_rcSplitter.bottom - m_rcSplitter.top; if(xyPos < m_cxyMin + m_cxyBarEdge) xyPos = m_cxyMin; else if(xyPos > (cxyMax - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge - m_cxyMin)) xyPos = cxyMax - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge - m_cxyMin; // Set new position and update if requested bool bRet = (m_xySplitterPos != xyPos); m_xySplitterPos = xyPos; if(m_bUpdateProportionalPos) { if(IsProportional()) StoreProportionalPos(); else if(IsRightAligned()) StoreRightAlignPos(); } else { m_bUpdateProportionalPos = true; } if(bUpdate && bRet) UpdateSplitterLayout(); return bRet; } void SetSplitterPosPct(int nPct, bool bUpdate = true) { ATLASSERT(nPct >= 0 && nPct <= 100); m_nProportionalPos = ::MulDiv(nPct, m_nPropMax, 100); UpdateProportionalPos(); if(bUpdate) UpdateSplitterLayout(); } int GetSplitterPos() const { return m_xySplitterPos; } bool SetSinglePaneMode(int nPane = SPLIT_PANE_NONE) { ATLASSERT(nPane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT || nPane == SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT || nPane == SPLIT_PANE_NONE); if(!(nPane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT || nPane == SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT || nPane == SPLIT_PANE_NONE)) return false; if(nPane != SPLIT_PANE_NONE) { if(!::IsWindowVisible(m_hWndPane[nPane])) ::ShowWindow(m_hWndPane[nPane], SW_SHOW); int nOtherPane = (nPane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT) ? SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT : SPLIT_PANE_LEFT; ::ShowWindow(m_hWndPane[nOtherPane], SW_HIDE); if(m_nDefActivePane != nPane) m_nDefActivePane = nPane; } else if(m_nSinglePane != SPLIT_PANE_NONE) { int nOtherPane = (m_nSinglePane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT) ? SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT : SPLIT_PANE_LEFT; ::ShowWindow(m_hWndPane[nOtherPane], SW_SHOW); } m_nSinglePane = nPane; UpdateSplitterLayout(); return true; } int GetSinglePaneMode() const { return m_nSinglePane; } DWORD GetSplitterExtendedStyle() const { return m_dwExtendedStyle; } DWORD SetSplitterExtendedStyle(DWORD dwExtendedStyle, DWORD dwMask = 0) { DWORD dwPrevStyle = m_dwExtendedStyle; if(dwMask == 0) m_dwExtendedStyle = dwExtendedStyle; else m_dwExtendedStyle = (m_dwExtendedStyle & ~dwMask) | (dwExtendedStyle & dwMask); #ifdef _DEBUG if(IsProportional() && IsRightAligned()) ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, _T("CSplitterImpl::SetSplitterExtendedStyle - SPLIT_PROPORTIONAL and SPLIT_RIGHTALIGNED are mutually exclusive, defaulting to SPLIT_PROPORTIONAL.\n")); #endif // _DEBUG return dwPrevStyle; } // Splitter operations void SetSplitterPanes(HWND hWndLeftTop, HWND hWndRightBottom, bool bUpdate = true) { m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_LEFT] = hWndLeftTop; m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT] = hWndRightBottom; ATLASSERT(m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_LEFT] == NULL || m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT] == NULL || m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_LEFT] != m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT]); if(bUpdate) UpdateSplitterLayout(); } bool SetSplitterPane(int nPane, HWND hWnd, bool bUpdate = true) { ATLASSERT(nPane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT || nPane == SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT); if(nPane != SPLIT_PANE_LEFT && nPane != SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT) return false; m_hWndPane[nPane] = hWnd; ATLASSERT(m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_LEFT] == NULL || m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT] == NULL || m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_LEFT] != m_hWndPane[SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT]); if(bUpdate) UpdateSplitterLayout(); return true; } HWND GetSplitterPane(int nPane) const { ATLASSERT(nPane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT || nPane == SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT); if(nPane != SPLIT_PANE_LEFT && nPane != SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT) return false; return m_hWndPane[nPane]; } bool SetActivePane(int nPane) { ATLASSERT(nPane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT || nPane == SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT); if(nPane != SPLIT_PANE_LEFT && nPane != SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT) return false; if(m_nSinglePane != SPLIT_PANE_NONE && nPane != m_nSinglePane) return false; ::SetFocus(m_hWndPane[nPane]); m_nDefActivePane = nPane; return true; } int GetActivePane() const { int nRet = SPLIT_PANE_NONE; HWND hWndFocus = ::GetFocus(); if(hWndFocus != NULL) { for(int nPane = 0; nPane < m_nPanesCount; nPane++) { if(hWndFocus == m_hWndPane[nPane] || ::IsChild(m_hWndPane[nPane], hWndFocus)) { nRet = nPane; break; } } } return nRet; } bool ActivateNextPane(bool bNext = true) { int nPane = m_nSinglePane; if(nPane == SPLIT_PANE_NONE) { switch(GetActivePane()) { case SPLIT_PANE_LEFT: nPane = SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT; break; case SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT: nPane = SPLIT_PANE_LEFT; break; default: nPane = bNext ? SPLIT_PANE_LEFT : SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT; break; } } return SetActivePane(nPane); } bool SetDefaultActivePane(int nPane) { ATLASSERT(nPane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT || nPane == SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT); if(nPane != SPLIT_PANE_LEFT && nPane != SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT) return false; m_nDefActivePane = nPane; return true; } bool SetDefaultActivePane(HWND hWnd) { for(int nPane = 0; nPane < m_nPanesCount; nPane++) { if(hWnd == m_hWndPane[nPane]) { m_nDefActivePane = nPane; return true; } } return false; // not found } int GetDefaultActivePane() const { return m_nDefActivePane; } void DrawSplitter(CDCHandle dc) { ATLASSERT(dc.m_hDC != NULL); if(m_nSinglePane == SPLIT_PANE_NONE && m_xySplitterPos == -1) return; T* pT = static_cast(this); if(m_nSinglePane == SPLIT_PANE_NONE) { pT->DrawSplitterBar(dc); for(int nPane = 0; nPane < m_nPanesCount; nPane++) { if(m_hWndPane[nPane] == NULL) pT->DrawSplitterPane(dc, nPane); } } else { if(m_hWndPane[m_nSinglePane] == NULL) pT->DrawSplitterPane(dc, m_nSinglePane); } } // Overrideables void DrawSplitterBar(CDCHandle dc) { RECT rect; if(GetSplitterBarRect(&rect)) { dc.FillRect(&rect, COLOR_3DFACE); // draw 3D edge if needed T* pT = static_cast(this); if((pT->GetExStyle() & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) != 0) dc.DrawEdge(&rect, EDGE_RAISED, t_bVertical ? (BF_LEFT | BF_RIGHT) : (BF_TOP | BF_BOTTOM)); } } // called only if pane is empty void DrawSplitterPane(CDCHandle dc, int nPane) { RECT rect; if(GetSplitterPaneRect(nPane, &rect)) { T* pT = static_cast(this); if((pT->GetExStyle() & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) == 0) dc.DrawEdge(&rect, EDGE_SUNKEN, BF_RECT | BF_ADJUST); dc.FillRect(&rect, COLOR_APPWORKSPACE); } } // Message map and handlers BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CSplitterImpl) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_CREATE, OnCreate) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_PAINT, OnPaint) #ifndef _WIN32_WCE MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_PRINTCLIENT, OnPaint) #endif // !_WIN32_WCE if(IsInteractive()) { MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_SETCURSOR, OnSetCursor) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MOUSEMOVE, OnMouseMove) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, OnLButtonDown) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_LBUTTONUP, OnLButtonUp) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, OnLButtonDoubleClick) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_CAPTURECHANGED, OnCaptureChanged) } MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_SETFOCUS, OnSetFocus) #ifndef _WIN32_WCE MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_MOUSEACTIVATE, OnMouseActivate) #endif // !_WIN32_WCE MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_SETTINGCHANGE, OnSettingChange) END_MSG_MAP() LRESULT OnCreate(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled) { GetSystemSettings(false); bHandled = FALSE; return 1; } LRESULT OnPaint(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { T* pT = static_cast(this); // try setting position if not set if(m_nSinglePane == SPLIT_PANE_NONE && m_xySplitterPos == -1) pT->SetSplitterPos(); // do painting CPaintDC dc(pT->m_hWnd); pT->DrawSplitter(dc.m_hDC); return 0; } LRESULT OnSetCursor(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { T* pT = static_cast(this); if((HWND)wParam == pT->m_hWnd && LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT) { DWORD dwPos = ::GetMessagePos(); POINT ptPos = { GET_X_LPARAM(dwPos), GET_Y_LPARAM(dwPos) }; pT->ScreenToClient(&ptPos); if(IsOverSplitterBar(ptPos.x, ptPos.y)) return 1; } bHandled = FALSE; return 0; } LRESULT OnMouseMove(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { T* pT = static_cast(this); int xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); int yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); if((wParam & MK_LBUTTON) && ::GetCapture() == pT->m_hWnd) { int xyNewSplitPos = 0; if(t_bVertical) xyNewSplitPos = xPos - m_rcSplitter.left - m_cxyDragOffset; else xyNewSplitPos = yPos - m_rcSplitter.top - m_cxyDragOffset; if(xyNewSplitPos == -1) // avoid -1, that means middle xyNewSplitPos = -2; if(m_xySplitterPos != xyNewSplitPos) { if(m_bFullDrag) { if(pT->SetSplitterPos(xyNewSplitPos, true)) pT->UpdateWindow(); } else { DrawGhostBar(); pT->SetSplitterPos(xyNewSplitPos, false); DrawGhostBar(); } } } else // not dragging, just set cursor { if(IsOverSplitterBar(xPos, yPos)) ::SetCursor(m_hCursor); bHandled = FALSE; } return 0; } LRESULT OnLButtonDown(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { int xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); int yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); if(IsOverSplitterBar(xPos, yPos)) { T* pT = static_cast(this); pT->SetCapture(); ::SetCursor(m_hCursor); if(!m_bFullDrag) DrawGhostBar(); if(t_bVertical) m_cxyDragOffset = xPos - m_rcSplitter.left - m_xySplitterPos; else m_cxyDragOffset = yPos - m_rcSplitter.top - m_xySplitterPos; } bHandled = FALSE; return 1; } LRESULT OnLButtonUp(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled) { ::ReleaseCapture(); bHandled = FALSE; return 1; } LRESULT OnLButtonDoubleClick(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { T* pT = static_cast(this); pT->SetSplitterPos(); // middle return 0; } LRESULT OnCaptureChanged(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { if(!m_bFullDrag) { DrawGhostBar(); UpdateSplitterLayout(); T* pT = static_cast(this); pT->UpdateWindow(); } return 0; } LRESULT OnSetFocus(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM, BOOL& bHandled) { if(m_nSinglePane == SPLIT_PANE_NONE) { if(m_nDefActivePane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT || m_nDefActivePane == SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT) ::SetFocus(m_hWndPane[m_nDefActivePane]); } else { ::SetFocus(m_hWndPane[m_nSinglePane]); } bHandled = FALSE; return 1; } #ifndef _WIN32_WCE LRESULT OnMouseActivate(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { T* pT = static_cast(this); LRESULT lRet = pT->DefWindowProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam); if(lRet == MA_ACTIVATE || lRet == MA_ACTIVATEANDEAT) { DWORD dwPos = ::GetMessagePos(); POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(dwPos), GET_Y_LPARAM(dwPos) }; pT->ScreenToClient(&pt); RECT rcPane; for(int nPane = 0; nPane < m_nPanesCount; nPane++) { if(GetSplitterPaneRect(nPane, &rcPane) && ::PtInRect(&rcPane, pt)) { m_nDefActivePane = nPane; break; } } } return lRet; } #endif // !_WIN32_WCE LRESULT OnSettingChange(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { GetSystemSettings(true); return 0; } // Implementation - internal helpers void UpdateSplitterLayout() { if(m_nSinglePane == SPLIT_PANE_NONE && m_xySplitterPos == -1) return; T* pT = static_cast(this); RECT rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if(m_nSinglePane == SPLIT_PANE_NONE) { if(GetSplitterBarRect(&rect)) pT->InvalidateRect(&rect); for(int nPane = 0; nPane < m_nPanesCount; nPane++) { if(GetSplitterPaneRect(nPane, &rect)) { if(m_hWndPane[nPane] != NULL) ::SetWindowPos(m_hWndPane[nPane], NULL, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, SWP_NOZORDER); else pT->InvalidateRect(&rect); } } } else { if(GetSplitterPaneRect(m_nSinglePane, &rect)) { if(m_hWndPane[m_nSinglePane] != NULL) ::SetWindowPos(m_hWndPane[m_nSinglePane], NULL, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, SWP_NOZORDER); else pT->InvalidateRect(&rect); } } } bool GetSplitterBarRect(LPRECT lpRect) const { ATLASSERT(lpRect != NULL); if(m_nSinglePane != SPLIT_PANE_NONE || m_xySplitterPos == -1) return false; if(t_bVertical) { lpRect->left = m_rcSplitter.left + m_xySplitterPos; lpRect->top = m_rcSplitter.top; lpRect->right = m_rcSplitter.left + m_xySplitterPos + m_cxySplitBar + m_cxyBarEdge; lpRect->bottom = m_rcSplitter.bottom; } else { lpRect->left = m_rcSplitter.left; lpRect->top = m_rcSplitter.top + m_xySplitterPos; lpRect->right = m_rcSplitter.right; lpRect->bottom = m_rcSplitter.top + m_xySplitterPos + m_cxySplitBar + m_cxyBarEdge; } return true; } bool GetSplitterPaneRect(int nPane, LPRECT lpRect) const { ATLASSERT(nPane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT || nPane == SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT); ATLASSERT(lpRect != NULL); bool bRet = true; if(m_nSinglePane != SPLIT_PANE_NONE) { if(nPane == m_nSinglePane) *lpRect = m_rcSplitter; else bRet = false; } else if(nPane == SPLIT_PANE_LEFT) { if(t_bVertical) { lpRect->left = m_rcSplitter.left; lpRect->top = m_rcSplitter.top; lpRect->right = m_rcSplitter.left + m_xySplitterPos; lpRect->bottom = m_rcSplitter.bottom; } else { lpRect->left = m_rcSplitter.left; lpRect->top = m_rcSplitter.top; lpRect->right = m_rcSplitter.right; lpRect->bottom = m_rcSplitter.top + m_xySplitterPos; } } else if(nPane == SPLIT_PANE_RIGHT) { if(t_bVertical) { lpRect->left = m_rcSplitter.left + m_xySplitterPos + m_cxySplitBar + m_cxyBarEdge; lpRect->top = m_rcSplitter.top; lpRect->right = m_rcSplitter.right; lpRect->bottom = m_rcSplitter.bottom; } else { lpRect->left = m_rcSplitter.left; lpRect->top = m_rcSplitter.top + m_xySplitterPos + m_cxySplitBar + m_cxyBarEdge; lpRect->right = m_rcSplitter.right; lpRect->bottom = m_rcSplitter.bottom; } } else { bRet = false; } return bRet; } bool IsOverSplitterRect(int x, int y) const { // -1 == don't check return ((x == -1 || (x >= m_rcSplitter.left && x <= m_rcSplitter.right)) && (y == -1 || (y >= m_rcSplitter.top && y <= m_rcSplitter.bottom))); } bool IsOverSplitterBar(int x, int y) const { if(m_nSinglePane != SPLIT_PANE_NONE) return false; if(m_xySplitterPos == -1 || !IsOverSplitterRect(x, y)) return false; int xy = t_bVertical ? x : y; int xyOff = t_bVertical ? m_rcSplitter.left : m_rcSplitter.top; return ((xy >= (xyOff + m_xySplitterPos)) && (xy < xyOff + m_xySplitterPos + m_cxySplitBar + m_cxyBarEdge)); } void DrawGhostBar() { RECT rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if(GetSplitterBarRect(&rect)) { // invert the brush pattern (looks just like frame window sizing) T* pT = static_cast(this); CWindowDC dc(pT->m_hWnd); CBrush brush = CDCHandle::GetHalftoneBrush(); if(brush.m_hBrush != NULL) { CBrushHandle brushOld = dc.SelectBrush(brush); dc.PatBlt(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, PATINVERT); dc.SelectBrush(brushOld); } } } void GetSystemSettings(bool bUpdate) { #ifndef _WIN32_WCE m_cxySplitBar = ::GetSystemMetrics(t_bVertical ? SM_CXSIZEFRAME : SM_CYSIZEFRAME); #else // CE specific m_cxySplitBar = 2 * ::GetSystemMetrics(t_bVertical ? SM_CXEDGE : SM_CYEDGE); #endif // _WIN32_WCE T* pT = static_cast(this); if((pT->GetExStyle() & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)) { m_cxyBarEdge = 2 * ::GetSystemMetrics(t_bVertical ? SM_CXEDGE : SM_CYEDGE); m_cxyMin = 0; } else { m_cxyBarEdge = 0; m_cxyMin = 2 * ::GetSystemMetrics(t_bVertical ? SM_CXEDGE : SM_CYEDGE); } #ifndef _WIN32_WCE ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS, 0, &m_bFullDrag, 0); #endif // !_WIN32_WCE if(bUpdate) UpdateSplitterLayout(); } bool IsProportional() const { return ((m_dwExtendedStyle & SPLIT_PROPORTIONAL) != 0); } void StoreProportionalPos() { int cxyTotal = t_bVertical ? (m_rcSplitter.right - m_rcSplitter.left - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge) : (m_rcSplitter.bottom - m_rcSplitter.top - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge); if(cxyTotal > 0) m_nProportionalPos = ::MulDiv(m_xySplitterPos, m_nPropMax, cxyTotal); else m_nProportionalPos = 0; ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, _T("CSplitterImpl::StoreProportionalPos - %i\n"), m_nProportionalPos); } void UpdateProportionalPos() { int cxyTotal = t_bVertical ? (m_rcSplitter.right - m_rcSplitter.left - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge) : (m_rcSplitter.bottom - m_rcSplitter.top - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge); if(cxyTotal > 0) { int xyNewPos = ::MulDiv(m_nProportionalPos, cxyTotal, m_nPropMax); m_bUpdateProportionalPos = false; T* pT = static_cast(this); pT->SetSplitterPos(xyNewPos, false); } } bool IsRightAligned() const { return ((m_dwExtendedStyle & SPLIT_RIGHTALIGNED) != 0); } void StoreRightAlignPos() { int cxyTotal = t_bVertical ? (m_rcSplitter.right - m_rcSplitter.left - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge) : (m_rcSplitter.bottom - m_rcSplitter.top - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge); if(cxyTotal > 0) m_nProportionalPos = cxyTotal - m_xySplitterPos; else m_nProportionalPos = 0; ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, _T("CSplitterImpl::StoreRightAlignPos - %i\n"), m_nProportionalPos); } void UpdateRightAlignPos() { int cxyTotal = t_bVertical ? (m_rcSplitter.right - m_rcSplitter.left - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge) : (m_rcSplitter.bottom - m_rcSplitter.top - m_cxySplitBar - m_cxyBarEdge); if(cxyTotal > 0) { m_bUpdateProportionalPos = false; T* pT = static_cast(this); pT->SetSplitterPos(cxyTotal - m_nProportionalPos, false); } } bool IsInteractive() const { return ((m_dwExtendedStyle & SPLIT_NONINTERACTIVE) == 0); } }; template HCURSOR CSplitterImpl< T, t_bVertical>::m_hCursor = NULL; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSplitterWindowImpl - Implements a splitter window template class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSplitterWindowImpl : public ATL::CWindowImpl< T, TBase, TWinTraits >, public CSplitterImpl< T , t_bVertical > { public: DECLARE_WND_CLASS_EX(NULL, CS_DBLCLKS, COLOR_WINDOW) typedef CSplitterImpl< T , t_bVertical > _baseClass; BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CSplitterWindowImpl) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_ERASEBKGND, OnEraseBackground) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_SIZE, OnSize) CHAIN_MSG_MAP(_baseClass) FORWARD_NOTIFICATIONS() END_MSG_MAP() LRESULT OnEraseBackground(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { // handled, no background painting needed return 1; } LRESULT OnSize(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled) { if(wParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED) SetSplitterRect(); bHandled = FALSE; return 1; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSplitterWindow - Implements a splitter window to be used as is template class CSplitterWindowT : public CSplitterWindowImpl, t_bVertical> { public: DECLARE_WND_CLASS_EX(_T("WTL_SplitterWindow"), CS_DBLCLKS, COLOR_WINDOW) }; typedef CSplitterWindowT CSplitterWindow; typedef CSplitterWindowT CHorSplitterWindow; }; // namespace WTL #endif // __ATLSPLIT_H__