#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # 'top'-like memory/network polling for Android apps. import argparse import curses import os import re import sys import time from operator import sub sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, 'build', 'android')) from pylib.device import device_errors from pylib.device import device_utils class Utils(object): """A helper class to hold various utility methods.""" @staticmethod def FindLines(haystack, needle): """A helper method to find lines in |haystack| that contain the string |needle|.""" return [ hay for hay in haystack if needle in hay ] class Validator(object): """A helper class with validation methods for argparse.""" @staticmethod def ValidatePath(path): """An argparse validation method to make sure a file path is writable.""" if os.path.exists(path): return path elif os.access(os.path.dirname(path), os.W_OK): return path raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%s is an invalid file path" % path) @staticmethod def ValidatePdfPath(path): """An argparse validation method to make sure a pdf file path is writable. Validates a file path to make sure it is writable and also appends '.pdf' if necessary.""" if os.path.splitext(path)[-1].lower() != 'pdf': path = path + '.pdf' return Validator.ValidatePath(path) @staticmethod def ValidateNonNegativeNumber(val): """An argparse validation method to make sure a number is not negative.""" ival = int(val) if ival < 0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%s is a negative integer" % val) return ival class Timer(object): """A helper class to track timestamps based on when this program was started""" starting_time = time.time() @staticmethod def GetTimestamp(): """A helper method to return the time (in seconds) since this program was started.""" return time.time() - Timer.starting_time class DeviceHelper(object): """A helper class with various generic device interaction methods.""" @staticmethod def __GetUserIdForProcessName(adb, process_name): """Returns the userId of the application associated by |pid| or None if not found.""" try: process_name = process_name.split(':')[0] cmd = ['dumpsys', 'package', process_name] user_id_lines = adb.RunShellCommand(' '.join(cmd), large_output=True) user_id_lines = Utils.FindLines(user_id_lines, 'userId=') if not user_id_lines: return None columns = re.split('\s+|=', user_id_lines[0].strip()) if len(columns) >= 2: return columns[1] except device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError: pass return None @staticmethod def GetDeviceModel(adb): """Returns the model of the device with the |adb| connection.""" return adb.GetProp('ro.product.model').strip() @staticmethod def GetDeviceToTrack(preset=None): """Returns a device serial to connect to. If |preset| is specified it will return |preset| if it is connected and |None| otherwise. If |preset| is not specified it will return the first connected device.""" devices = [d.adb.GetDeviceSerial() for d in device_utils.DeviceUtils.HealthyDevices()] if not devices: return None if preset: return preset if preset in devices else None return devices[0] @staticmethod def GetPidsToTrack(adb, default_pid=None, process_filter=None): """Returns a list of tuples of (userid, pids, process name) based on the input arguments. If |default_pid| is specified it will return that pid if it exists. If |process_filter| is specified it will return the pids of processes with that string in the name. If both are specified it will intersect the two. The returned result is sorted based on userid.""" pids = [] try: cmd = ['ps'] pid_lines = adb.RunShellCommand(' '.join(cmd), large_output=True) if default_pid: pid_lines = Utils.FindLines(pid_lines, str(default_pid)) if process_filter: pid_lines = Utils.FindLines(pid_lines, process_filter) for line in pid_lines: data = re.split('\s+', line.strip()) pid = data[1] name = data[-1] # Confirm that the pid and name match. Using a regular grep isn't # reliable when doing it on the whole 'ps' input line. pid_matches = not default_pid or pid == str(default_pid) name_matches = not process_filter or name.find(process_filter) != -1 if pid_matches and name_matches: userid = DeviceHelper.__GetUserIdForProcessName(adb, name) pids.append((userid, pid, name)) except device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError: pass return sorted(pids, key=lambda tup: tup[0]) class NetworkHelper(object): """A helper class to query basic network usage of an application.""" @staticmethod def QueryNetwork(adb, userid): """Queries the device for network information about the application with a user id of |userid|. It will return a list of values: [ Download Background, Upload Background, Download Foreground, Upload Foreground ]. If the application is not found it will return [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ].""" results = [0, 0, 0, 0] if not userid: return results try: # Parsing indices for scanning a row from /proc/net/xt_qtaguid/stats. # The application id userid_idx = 3 # Whether or not the transmission happened with the application in the # background (0) or foreground (1). bg_or_fg_idx = 4 # The number of bytes received. rx_idx = 5 # The number of bytes sent. tx_idx = 7 cmd = ['cat', '/proc/net/xt_qtaguid/stats'] net_lines = adb.RunShellCommand(' '.join(cmd), large_output=True) net_lines = Utils.FindLines(net_lines, userid) for line in net_lines: data = re.split('\s+', line.strip()) if data[userid_idx] != userid: continue dst_idx_offset = None if data[bg_or_fg_idx] == '0': dst_idx_offset = 0 elif data[bg_or_fg_idx] == '1': dst_idx_offset = 2 if dst_idx_offset is None: continue results[dst_idx_offset] = round(float(data[rx_idx]) / 1000.0, 2) results[dst_idx_offset + 1] = round(float(data[tx_idx]) / 1000.0, 2) except device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError: pass return results class MemoryHelper(object): """A helper class to query basic memory usage of a process.""" @staticmethod def QueryMemory(adb, pid): """Queries the device for memory information about the process with a pid of |pid|. It will query Native, Dalvik, and Pss memory of the process. It returns a list of values: [ Native, Pss, Dalvik ]. If the process is not found it will return [ 0, 0, 0 ].""" results = [0, 0, 0] mem_lines = adb.RunShellCommand(' '.join(['dumpsys', 'meminfo', pid])) for line in mem_lines: match = re.split('\s+', line.strip()) # Skip data after the 'App Summary' line. This is to fix builds where # they have more entries that might match the other conditions. if len(match) >= 2 and match[0] == 'App' and match[1] == 'Summary': break result_idx = None query_idx = None if match[0] == 'Native' and match[1] == 'Heap': result_idx = 0 query_idx = -2 elif match[0] == 'Dalvik' and match[1] == 'Heap': result_idx = 2 query_idx = -2 elif match[0] == 'TOTAL': result_idx = 1 query_idx = 1 # If we already have a result, skip it and don't overwrite the data. if result_idx is not None and results[result_idx] != 0: continue if result_idx is not None and query_idx is not None: results[result_idx] = round(float(match[query_idx]) / 1000.0, 2) return results class GraphicsHelper(object): """A helper class to query basic graphics memory usage of a process.""" # TODO(dtrainor): Find a generic way to query/fall back for other devices. # Is showmap consistently reliable? __NV_MAP_MODELS = ['Xoom'] __NV_MAP_FILE_LOCATIONS = ['/d/nvmap/generic-0/clients', '/d/nvmap/iovmm/clients'] __SHOWMAP_MODELS = ['Nexus S', 'Nexus S 4G', 'Galaxy Nexus', 'Nexus 4', 'Nexus 5', 'Nexus 7'] __SHOWMAP_KEY_MATCHES = ['/dev/pvrsrvkm', '/dev/kgsl-3d0'] @staticmethod def __QueryShowmap(adb, pid): """Attempts to query graphics memory via the 'showmap' command. It will look for |self.__SHOWMAP_KEY_MATCHES| entries to try to find one that represents the graphics memory usage. Will return this as a single entry array of [ Graphics ]. If not found, will return [ 0 ].""" try: mem_lines = adb.RunShellCommand(' '.join(['showmap', '-t', pid])) for line in mem_lines: match = re.split('[ ]+', line.strip()) if match[-1] in GraphicsHelper.__SHOWMAP_KEY_MATCHES: return [ round(float(match[2]) / 1000.0, 2) ] except device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError: pass return [ 0 ] @staticmethod def __NvMapPath(adb): """Attempts to find a valid NV Map file on the device. It will look for a file in |self.__NV_MAP_FILE_LOCATIONS| and see if one exists. If so, it will return it.""" for nv_file in GraphicsHelper.__NV_MAP_FILE_LOCATIONS: exists = adb.RunShellCommand(' '.join(['ls', nv_file])) if exists[0] == nv_file.split('/')[-1]: return nv_file return None @staticmethod def __QueryNvMap(adb, pid): """Attempts to query graphics memory via the NV file map method. It will find a possible NV Map file from |self.__NvMapPath| and try to parse the graphics memory from it. Will return this as a single entry array of [ Graphics ]. If not found, will return [ 0 ].""" nv_file = GraphicsHelper.__NvMapPath(adb) if nv_file: mem_lines = adb.RunShellCommand(' '.join(['cat', nv_file])) for line in mem_lines: match = re.split(' +', line.strip()) if match[2] == pid: return [ round(float(match[3]) / 1000000.0, 2) ] return [ 0 ] @staticmethod def QueryVideoMemory(adb, pid): """Queries the device for graphics memory information about the process with a pid of |pid|. Not all devices are currently supported. If possible, this will return a single entry array of [ Graphics ]. Otherwise it will return [ 0 ]. Please see |self.__NV_MAP_MODELS| and |self.__SHOWMAP_MODELS| to see if the device is supported. For new devices, see if they can be supported by existing methods and add their entry appropriately. Also, please add any new way of querying graphics memory as they become available.""" model = DeviceHelper.GetDeviceModel(adb) if model in GraphicsHelper.__NV_MAP_MODELS: return GraphicsHelper.__QueryNvMap(adb, pid) elif model in GraphicsHelper.__SHOWMAP_MODELS: return GraphicsHelper.__QueryShowmap(adb, pid) return [ 0 ] class DeviceSnapshot(object): """A class holding a snapshot of memory and network usage for various pids that are being tracked. If |show_mem| is True, this will track memory usage. If |show_net| is True, this will track network usage. Attributes: pids: A list of tuples (userid, pid, process name) that should be tracked. memory: A map of entries of pid => memory consumption array. Right now the indices are [ Native, Pss, Dalvik, Graphics ]. network: A map of entries of userid => network consumption array. Right now the indices are [ Download Background, Upload Background, Download Foreground, Upload Foreground ]. timestamp: The amount of time (in seconds) between when this program started and this snapshot was taken. """ def __init__(self, adb, pids, show_mem, show_net): """Creates an instances of a DeviceSnapshot with an |adb| device connection and a list of (pid, process name) tuples.""" super(DeviceSnapshot, self).__init__() self.pids = pids self.memory = {} self.network = {} self.timestamp = Timer.GetTimestamp() for (userid, pid, name) in pids: if show_mem: self.memory[pid] = self.__QueryMemoryForPid(adb, pid) if show_net and userid not in self.network: self.network[userid] = NetworkHelper.QueryNetwork(adb, userid) @staticmethod def __QueryMemoryForPid(adb, pid): """Queries the |adb| device for memory information about |pid|. This will return a list of memory values that map to [ Native, Pss, Dalvik, Graphics ].""" results = MemoryHelper.QueryMemory(adb, pid) results.extend(GraphicsHelper.QueryVideoMemory(adb, pid)) return results def __GetProcessNames(self): """Returns a list of all of the process names tracked by this snapshot.""" return [tuple[2] for tuple in self.pids] def HasResults(self): """Whether or not this snapshot was tracking any processes.""" return self.pids def GetPidInfo(self): """Returns a list of (userid, pid, process name) tuples that are being tracked in this snapshot.""" return self.pids def GetNameForPid(self, search_pid): """Returns the process name of a tracked |search_pid|. This only works if |search_pid| is tracked by this snapshot.""" for (userid, pid, name) in self.pids: if pid == search_pid: return name return None def GetUserIdForPid(self, search_pid): """Returns the application userId for an associated |pid|. This only works if |search_pid| is tracked by this snapshot and the application userId is queryable.""" for (userid, pid, name) in self.pids: if pid == search_pid: return userid return None def IsFirstPidForUserId(self, search_pid): """Returns whether or not |search_pid| is the first pid in the |pids| with the associated application userId. This is used to determine if network statistics should be shown for this pid or if they have already been shown for a pid associated with this application.""" prev_userid = None for idx, (userid, pid, name) in enumerate(self.pids): if pid == search_pid: return prev_userid != userid prev_userid = userid return False def GetMemoryResults(self, pid): """Returns a list of entries about the memory usage of the process specified by |pid|. This will be of the format [ Native, Pss, Dalvik, Graphics ].""" if pid in self.memory: return self.memory[pid] return None def GetNetworkResults(self, userid): """Returns a list of entries about the network usage of the application specified by |userid|. This will be of the format [ Download Background, Upload Background, Download Foreground, Upload Foreground ].""" if userid in self.network: return self.network[userid] return None def GetLongestNameLength(self): """Returns the length of the longest process name tracked by this snapshot.""" return len(max(self.__GetProcessNames(), key=len)) def GetTimestamp(self): """Returns the time since program start that this snapshot was taken.""" return self.timestamp class OutputBeautifier(object): """A helper class to beautify the memory output to various destinations. Attributes: can_color: Whether or not the output should include ASCII color codes to make it look nicer. Default is |True|. This is disabled when writing to a file or a graph. overwrite: Whether or not the output should overwrite the previous output. Default is |True|. This is disabled when writing to a file or a graph. """ __MEMORY_COLUMN_TITLES = ['Native', 'Pss', 'Dalvik', 'Graphics'] __NETWORK_COLUMN_TITLES = ['Bg Rx', 'Bg Tx', 'Fg Rx', 'Fg Tx'] __TERMINAL_COLORS = {'ENDC': 0, 'BOLD': 1, 'GREY30': 90, 'RED': 91, 'DARK_YELLOW': 33, 'GREEN': 92} def __init__(self, can_color=True, overwrite=True): """Creates an instance of an OutputBeautifier.""" super(OutputBeautifier, self).__init__() self.can_color = can_color self.overwrite = overwrite self.lines_printed = 0 self.printed_header = False @staticmethod def __FindPidsForSnapshotList(snapshots): """Find the set of unique pids across all every snapshot in |snapshots|.""" pids = set() for snapshot in snapshots: for (userid, pid, name) in snapshot.GetPidInfo(): pids.add((userid, pid, name)) return pids @staticmethod def __TermCode(num): """Escapes a terminal code. See |self.__TERMINAL_COLORS| for a list of some terminal codes that are used by this program.""" return '\033[%sm' % num @staticmethod def __PadString(string, length, left_align): """Pads |string| to at least |length| with spaces. Depending on |left_align| the padding will appear at either the left or the right of the original string.""" return (('%' if left_align else '%-') + str(length) + 's') % string @staticmethod def __GetDiffColor(delta): """Returns a color based on |delta|. Used to color the deltas between different snapshots.""" if not delta or delta == 0.0: return 'GREY30' elif delta < 0: return 'GREEN' elif delta > 0: return 'RED' @staticmethod def __CleanRound(val, precision): """Round |val| to |precision|. If |precision| is 0, completely remove the decimal point.""" return int(val) if precision == 0 else round(float(val), precision) def __ColorString(self, string, color): """Colors |string| based on |color|. |color| must be in |self.__TERMINAL_COLORS|. Returns the colored string or the original string if |self.can_color| is |False| or the |color| is invalid.""" if not self.can_color or not color or not self.__TERMINAL_COLORS[color]: return string return '%s%s%s' % ( self.__TermCode(self.__TERMINAL_COLORS[color]), string, self.__TermCode(self.__TERMINAL_COLORS['ENDC'])) def __PadAndColor(self, string, length, left_align, color): """A helper method to both pad and color the string. See |self.__ColorString| and |self.__PadString|.""" return self.__ColorString( self.__PadString(string, length, left_align), color) def __OutputLine(self, line): """Writes a line to the screen. This also tracks how many times this method was called so that the screen can be cleared properly if |self.overwrite| is |True|.""" sys.stdout.write(line + '\n') if self.overwrite: self.lines_printed += 1 def __ClearScreen(self): """Clears the screen based on the number of times |self.__OutputLine| was called.""" if self.lines_printed == 0 or not self.overwrite: return key_term_up = curses.tparm(curses.tigetstr('cuu1')) key_term_clear_eol = curses.tparm(curses.tigetstr('el')) key_term_go_to_bol = curses.tparm(curses.tigetstr('cr')) sys.stdout.write(key_term_go_to_bol) sys.stdout.write(key_term_clear_eol) for i in range(self.lines_printed): sys.stdout.write(key_term_up) sys.stdout.write(key_term_clear_eol) self.lines_printed = 0 def __PrintPidLabelHeader(self, snapshot): """Returns a header string with columns Pid and Name.""" if not snapshot or not snapshot.HasResults(): return name_length = max(8, snapshot.GetLongestNameLength()) header = self.__PadString('Pid', 8, True) + ' ' header += self.__PadString('Name', name_length, False) header = self.__ColorString(header, 'BOLD') return header def __PrintTimestampHeader(self): """Returns a header string with a Timestamp column.""" header = self.__PadString('Timestamp', 8, False) header = self.__ColorString(header, 'BOLD') return header def __PrintMemoryStatsHeader(self): """Returns a header string for memory usage statistics.""" headers = '' for header in self.__MEMORY_COLUMN_TITLES: headers += self.__PadString(header, 8, True) + ' ' headers += self.__PadString('(mB)', 8, False) return self.__ColorString(headers, 'BOLD') def __PrintNetworkStatsHeader(self): """Returns a header string for network usage statistics.""" headers = '' for header in self.__NETWORK_COLUMN_TITLES: headers += self.__PadString(header, 8, True) + ' ' headers += self.__PadString('(kB)', 8, False) return self.__ColorString(headers, 'BOLD') def __PrintTrailingHeader(self, snapshot): """Returns a header string for the header trailer (includes timestamp).""" if not snapshot or not snapshot.HasResults(): return header = '(' + str(round(snapshot.GetTimestamp(), 2)) + 's)' return self.__ColorString(header, 'BOLD') def __PrintArrayWithDeltas(self, results, old_results, precision=2): """Helper method to return a string of statistics with their deltas. This takes two arrays and prints out "current (current - old)" for all entries in the arrays.""" if not results: return deltas = [0] * len(results) if old_results: assert len(old_results) == len(results) deltas = map(sub, results, old_results) output = '' for idx, val in enumerate(results): round_val = self.__CleanRound(val, precision) round_delta = self.__CleanRound(deltas[idx], precision) output += self.__PadString(str(round_val), 8, True) + ' ' output += self.__PadAndColor('(' + str(round_delta) + ')', 8, False, self.__GetDiffColor(deltas[idx])) return output def __PrintPidLabelStats(self, pid, snapshot): """Returns a string that includes the columns pid and process name for the specified |pid|. This lines up with the associated header.""" if not snapshot or not snapshot.HasResults(): return name_length = max(8, snapshot.GetLongestNameLength()) name = snapshot.GetNameForPid(pid) output = self.__PadAndColor(pid, 8, True, 'DARK_YELLOW') + ' ' output += self.__PadAndColor(name, name_length, False, None) return output def __PrintTimestampStats(self, snapshot): """Returns a string that includes the timestamp of the |snapshot|. This lines up with the associated header.""" if not snapshot or not snapshot.HasResults(): return timestamp_length = max(8, len("Timestamp")) timestamp = round(snapshot.GetTimestamp(), 2) output = self.__PadString(str(timestamp), timestamp_length, True) return output def __PrintMemoryStats(self, pid, snapshot, prev_snapshot): """Returns a string that includes memory statistics of the |snapshot|. This lines up with the associated header.""" if not snapshot or not snapshot.HasResults(): return results = snapshot.GetMemoryResults(pid) if not results: return old_results = prev_snapshot.GetMemoryResults(pid) if prev_snapshot else None return self.__PrintArrayWithDeltas(results, old_results, 2) def __PrintNetworkStats(self, userid, snapshot, prev_snapshot): """Returns a string that includes network statistics of the |snapshot|. This lines up with the associated header.""" if not snapshot or not snapshot.HasResults(): return results = snapshot.GetNetworkResults(userid) if not results: return old_results = None if prev_snapshot: old_results = prev_snapshot.GetNetworkResults(userid) return self.__PrintArrayWithDeltas(results, old_results, 0) def __PrintNulledNetworkStats(self): """Returns a string that includes empty network statistics. This lines up with the associated header. This is used when showing statistics for pids that share the same application userId. Network statistics should only be shown once for each application userId.""" stats = '' for title in self.__NETWORK_COLUMN_TITLES: stats += self.__PadString('-', 8, True) + ' ' stats += self.__PadString('', 8, True) return stats def __PrintHeaderHelper(self, snapshot, show_labels, show_timestamp, show_mem, show_net, show_trailer): """Helper method to concat various header entries together into one header. This will line up with a entry built by __PrintStatsHelper if the same values are passed to it.""" titles = [] if show_labels: titles.append(self.__PrintPidLabelHeader(snapshot)) if show_timestamp: titles.append(self.__PrintTimestampHeader()) if show_mem: titles.append(self.__PrintMemoryStatsHeader()) if show_net: titles.append(self.__PrintNetworkStatsHeader()) if show_trailer: titles.append(self.__PrintTrailingHeader(snapshot)) return ' '.join(titles) def __PrintStatsHelper(self, pid, snapshot, prev_snapshot, show_labels, show_timestamp, show_mem, show_net): """Helper method to concat various stats entries together into one line. This will line up with a header built by __PrintHeaderHelper if the same values are passed to it.""" stats = [] if show_labels: stats.append(self.__PrintPidLabelStats(pid, snapshot)) if show_timestamp: stats.append(self.__PrintTimestampStats(snapshot)) if show_mem: stats.append(self.__PrintMemoryStats(pid, snapshot, prev_snapshot)) if show_net: userid = snapshot.GetUserIdForPid(pid) show_userid = snapshot.IsFirstPidForUserId(pid) if userid and show_userid: stats.append(self.__PrintNetworkStats(userid, snapshot, prev_snapshot)) else: stats.append(self.__PrintNulledNetworkStats()) return ' '.join(stats) def PrettyPrint(self, snapshot, prev_snapshot, show_mem=True, show_net=True): """Prints |snapshot| to the console. This will show memory and/or network deltas between |snapshot| and |prev_snapshot|. This will also either color or overwrite the previous entries based on |self.can_color| and |self.overwrite|. If |show_mem| is True, this will attempt to show memory statistics. If |show_net| is True, this will attempt to show network statistics.""" self.__ClearScreen() if not snapshot or not snapshot.HasResults(): self.__OutputLine("No results...") return # Output Format show_label = True show_timestamp = False show_trailer = True self.__OutputLine(self.__PrintHeaderHelper(snapshot, show_label, show_timestamp, show_mem, show_net, show_trailer)) for (userid, pid, name) in snapshot.GetPidInfo(): self.__OutputLine(self.__PrintStatsHelper(pid, snapshot, prev_snapshot, show_label, show_timestamp, show_mem, show_net)) def PrettyFile(self, file_path, snapshots, diff_against_start, show_mem=True, show_net=True): """Writes |snapshots| (a list of DeviceSnapshots) to |file_path|. |diff_against_start| determines whether or not the snapshot deltas are between the first entry and all entries or each previous entry. This output will not follow |self.can_color| or |self.overwrite|. If |show_mem| is True, this will attempt to show memory statistics. If |show_net| is True, this will attempt to show network statistics.""" if not file_path or not snapshots: return # Output Format show_label = False show_timestamp = True show_trailer = False pids = self.__FindPidsForSnapshotList(snapshots) # Disable special output formatting for file writing. can_color = self.can_color self.can_color = False with open(file_path, 'w') as out: for (userid, pid, name) in pids: out.write(name + ' (' + str(pid) + '):\n') out.write(self.__PrintHeaderHelper(None, show_label, show_timestamp, show_mem, show_net, show_trailer)) out.write('\n') prev_snapshot = None for snapshot in snapshots: has_mem = show_mem and snapshot.GetMemoryResults(pid) is not None has_net = show_net and snapshot.GetNetworkResults(userid) is not None if not has_mem and not has_net: continue out.write(self.__PrintStatsHelper(pid, snapshot, prev_snapshot, show_label, show_timestamp, show_mem, show_net)) out.write('\n') if not prev_snapshot or not diff_against_start: prev_snapshot = snapshot out.write('\n\n') # Restore special output formatting. self.can_color = can_color def PrettyGraph(self, file_path, snapshots): """Creates a pdf graph of |snapshots| (a list of DeviceSnapshots) at |file_path|. This currently only shows memory stats and no network stats.""" # Import these here so the rest of the functionality doesn't rely on # matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages if not file_path or not snapshots: return pids = self.__FindPidsForSnapshotList(snapshots) pp = PdfPages(file_path) for (userid, pid, name) in pids: figure = pyplot.figure() ax = figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax.set_ylabel('MB') ax.set_title(name + ' (' + pid + ')') mem_list = [[] for x in range(len(self.__MEMORY_COLUMN_TITLES))] timestamps = [] for snapshot in snapshots: results = snapshot.GetMemoryResults(pid) if not results: continue timestamps.append(round(snapshot.GetTimestamp(), 2)) assert len(results) == len(self.__MEMORY_COLUMN_TITLES) for idx, result in enumerate(results): mem_list[idx].append(result) colors = [] for data in mem_list: colors.append(ax.plot(timestamps, data)[0]) for i in xrange(len(timestamps)): ax.annotate(data[i], xy=(timestamps[i], data[i])) figure.legend(colors, self.__MEMORY_COLUMN_TITLES) pp.savefig() pp.close() def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--process', dest='procname', help="A (sub)string to match against process names.") parser.add_argument('-p', '--pid', dest='pid', type=Validator.ValidateNonNegativeNumber, help='Which pid to scan for.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', dest='device', help='Device serial to scan.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--timelimit', dest='timelimit', type=Validator.ValidateNonNegativeNumber, help='How long to track memory in seconds.') parser.add_argument('-f', '--frequency', dest='frequency', default=0, type=Validator.ValidateNonNegativeNumber, help='How often to poll in seconds.') parser.add_argument('-s', '--diff-against-start', dest='diff_against_start', action='store_true', help='Whether or not to always compare against the' ' original memory values for deltas.') parser.add_argument('-b', '--boring-output', dest='dull_output', action='store_true', help='Whether or not to dull down the output.') parser.add_argument('-k', '--keep-results', dest='no_overwrite', action='store_true', help='Keeps printing the results in a list instead of' ' overwriting the previous values.') parser.add_argument('-g', '--graph-file', dest='graph_file', type=Validator.ValidatePdfPath, help='PDF file to save graph of memory stats to.') parser.add_argument('-o', '--text-file', dest='text_file', type=Validator.ValidatePath, help='File to save memory tracking stats to.') parser.add_argument('-m', '--memory', dest='show_mem', action='store_true', help='Whether or not to show memory stats. True by' ' default unless --n is specified.') parser.add_argument('-n', '--net', dest='show_net', action='store_true', help='Whether or not to show network stats. False by' ' default.') args = parser.parse_args() # Add a basic filter to make sure we search for something. if not args.procname and not args.pid: args.procname = 'chrome' # Make sure we show memory stats if nothing was specifically requested. if not args.show_net and not args.show_mem: args.show_mem = True curses.setupterm() printer = OutputBeautifier(not args.dull_output, not args.no_overwrite) sys.stdout.write("Running... Hold CTRL-C to stop (or specify timeout).\n") try: last_time = time.time() adb = None old_snapshot = None snapshots = [] while not args.timelimit or Timer.GetTimestamp() < float(args.timelimit): # Check if we need to track another device device = DeviceHelper.GetDeviceToTrack(args.device) if not device: adb = None elif not adb or device != str(adb): #adb = adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper(device) adb = device_utils.DeviceUtils(device) old_snapshot = None snapshots = [] try: adb.EnableRoot() except device_errors.CommandFailedError: sys.stderr.write('Unable to run adb as root.\n') sys.exit(1) # Grab a snapshot if we have a device snapshot = None if adb: pids = DeviceHelper.GetPidsToTrack(adb, args.pid, args.procname) snapshot = None if pids: snapshot = DeviceSnapshot(adb, pids, args.show_mem, args.show_net) if snapshot and snapshot.HasResults(): snapshots.append(snapshot) printer.PrettyPrint(snapshot, old_snapshot, args.show_mem, args.show_net) # Transfer state for the next iteration and sleep delay = max(1, args.frequency) if snapshot: delay = max(0, args.frequency - (time.time() - last_time)) time.sleep(delay) last_time = time.time() if not old_snapshot or not args.diff_against_start: old_snapshot = snapshot except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if args.graph_file: printer.PrettyGraph(args.graph_file, snapshots) if args.text_file: printer.PrettyFile(args.text_file, snapshots, args.diff_against_start, args.show_mem, args.show_net) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))