// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "tools/android/forwarder2/socket.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/eintr_wrapper.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/safe_strerror_posix.h" #include "tools/android/common/net.h" // This is used in Close and Shutdown. // Preserving errno for Close() is important because the function is very often // used in cleanup code, after an error occurred, and it is very easy to pass an // invalid file descriptor to close() in this context, or more rarely, a // spurious signal might make close() return -1 + setting errno to EINTR, // masking the real reason for the original error. This leads to very unpleasant // debugging sessions. #define PRESERVE_ERRNO_HANDLE_EINTR(Func) \ do { \ int local_errno = errno; \ (void) HANDLE_EINTR(Func); \ errno = local_errno; \ } while (false); namespace { const int kNoTimeout = -1; const int kConnectTimeOut = 10; // Seconds. bool FamilyIsTCP(int family) { return family == AF_INET || family == AF_INET6; } } // namespace namespace forwarder2 { bool Socket::BindUnix(const std::string& path, bool abstract) { errno = 0; if (!InitUnixSocket(path, abstract) || !BindAndListen()) { Close(); return false; } return true; } bool Socket::BindTcp(const std::string& host, int port) { errno = 0; if (!InitTcpSocket(host, port) || !BindAndListen()) { Close(); return false; } return true; } bool Socket::ConnectUnix(const std::string& path, bool abstract) { errno = 0; if (!InitUnixSocket(path, abstract) || !Connect()) { Close(); return false; } return true; } bool Socket::ConnectTcp(const std::string& host, int port) { errno = 0; if (!InitTcpSocket(host, port) || !Connect()) { Close(); return false; } return true; } Socket::Socket() : socket_(-1), port_(0), socket_error_(false), family_(AF_INET), abstract_(false), addr_ptr_(reinterpret_cast(&addr_.addr4)), addr_len_(sizeof(sockaddr)), exit_notifier_fd_(-1) { memset(&addr_, 0, sizeof(addr_)); } Socket::~Socket() { CHECK(IsClosed()); } void Socket::Shutdown() { if (!IsClosed()) { PRESERVE_ERRNO_HANDLE_EINTR(shutdown(socket_, SHUT_RDWR)); } } void Socket::Close() { if (!IsClosed()) { PRESERVE_ERRNO_HANDLE_EINTR(close(socket_)); socket_ = -1; } } bool Socket::InitSocketInternal() { socket_ = socket(family_, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (socket_ < 0) return false; tools::DisableNagle(socket_); int reuse_addr = 1; setsockopt(socket_, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuse_addr, sizeof(reuse_addr)); tools::DeferAccept(socket_); return true; } bool Socket::InitUnixSocket(const std::string& path, bool abstract) { static const size_t kPathMax = sizeof(addr_.addr_un.sun_path); // For abstract sockets we need one extra byte for the leading zero. if ((abstract && path.size() + 2 /* '\0' */ > kPathMax) || (!abstract && path.size() + 1 /* '\0' */ > kPathMax)) { LOG(ERROR) << "The provided path is too big to create a unix " << "domain socket: " << path; return false; } abstract_ = abstract; family_ = PF_UNIX; addr_.addr_un.sun_family = family_; if (abstract) { // Copied from net/base/unix_domain_socket_posix.cc // Convert the path given into abstract socket name. It must start with // the '\0' character, so we are adding it. |addr_len| must specify the // length of the structure exactly, as potentially the socket name may // have '\0' characters embedded (although we don't support this). // Note that addr_.addr_un.sun_path is already zero initialized. memcpy(addr_.addr_un.sun_path + 1, path.c_str(), path.size()); addr_len_ = path.size() + offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + 1; } else { memcpy(addr_.addr_un.sun_path, path.c_str(), path.size()); addr_len_ = sizeof(sockaddr_un); } addr_ptr_ = reinterpret_cast(&addr_.addr_un); return InitSocketInternal(); } bool Socket::InitTcpSocket(const std::string& host, int port) { port_ = port; if (host.empty()) { // Use localhost: INADDR_LOOPBACK family_ = AF_INET; addr_.addr4.sin_family = family_; addr_.addr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); } else if (!Resolve(host)) { return false; } CHECK(FamilyIsTCP(family_)) << "Invalid socket family."; if (family_ == AF_INET) { addr_.addr4.sin_port = htons(port_); addr_ptr_ = reinterpret_cast(&addr_.addr4); addr_len_ = sizeof(addr_.addr4); } else if (family_ == AF_INET6) { addr_.addr6.sin6_port = htons(port_); addr_ptr_ = reinterpret_cast(&addr_.addr6); addr_len_ = sizeof(addr_.addr6); } return InitSocketInternal(); } bool Socket::BindAndListen() { errno = 0; if (HANDLE_EINTR(bind(socket_, addr_ptr_, addr_len_)) < 0 || HANDLE_EINTR(listen(socket_, 5)) < 0) { SetSocketError(); return false; } if (port_ == 0 && FamilyIsTCP(family_)) { SockAddr addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); socklen_t addrlen = 0; sockaddr* addr_ptr = NULL; uint16* port_ptr = NULL; if (family_ == AF_INET) { addr_ptr = reinterpret_cast(&addr.addr4); port_ptr = &addr.addr4.sin_port; addrlen = sizeof(addr.addr4); } else if (family_ == AF_INET6) { addr_ptr = reinterpret_cast(&addr.addr6); port_ptr = &addr.addr6.sin6_port; addrlen = sizeof(addr.addr6); } errno = 0; if (getsockname(socket_, addr_ptr, &addrlen) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "getsockname error: " << safe_strerror(errno);; SetSocketError(); return false; } port_ = ntohs(*port_ptr); } return true; } bool Socket::Accept(Socket* new_socket) { DCHECK(new_socket != NULL); if (!WaitForEvent(READ, kNoTimeout)) { SetSocketError(); return false; } errno = 0; int new_socket_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(accept(socket_, NULL, NULL)); if (new_socket_fd < 0) { SetSocketError(); return false; } tools::DisableNagle(new_socket_fd); new_socket->socket_ = new_socket_fd; return true; } bool Socket::Connect() { // Set non-block because we use select for connect. const int kFlags = fcntl(socket_, F_GETFL); DCHECK(!(kFlags & O_NONBLOCK)); fcntl(socket_, F_SETFL, kFlags | O_NONBLOCK); errno = 0; if (HANDLE_EINTR(connect(socket_, addr_ptr_, addr_len_)) < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS) { SetSocketError(); PRESERVE_ERRNO_HANDLE_EINTR(fcntl(socket_, F_SETFL, kFlags)); return false; } // Wait for connection to complete, or receive a notification. if (!WaitForEvent(WRITE, kConnectTimeOut)) { SetSocketError(); PRESERVE_ERRNO_HANDLE_EINTR(fcntl(socket_, F_SETFL, kFlags)); return false; } // Disable non-block since our code assumes blocking semantics. fcntl(socket_, F_SETFL, kFlags); return true; } bool Socket::Resolve(const std::string& host) { struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo* res; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags |= AI_CANONNAME; int errcode = getaddrinfo(host.c_str(), NULL, &hints, &res); if (errcode != 0) { SetSocketError(); return false; } family_ = res->ai_family; switch (res->ai_family) { case AF_INET: memcpy(&addr_.addr4, reinterpret_cast(res->ai_addr), sizeof(sockaddr_in)); break; case AF_INET6: memcpy(&addr_.addr6, reinterpret_cast(res->ai_addr), sizeof(sockaddr_in6)); break; } return true; } int Socket::GetPort() { if (!FamilyIsTCP(family_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't call GetPort() on an unix domain socket."; return 0; } return port_; } bool Socket::IsFdInSet(const fd_set& fds) const { if (IsClosed()) return false; return FD_ISSET(socket_, &fds); } bool Socket::AddFdToSet(fd_set* fds) const { if (IsClosed()) return false; FD_SET(socket_, fds); return true; } int Socket::ReadNumBytes(char* buffer, size_t num_bytes) { int bytes_read = 0; int ret = 1; while (bytes_read < num_bytes && ret > 0) { ret = Read(buffer + bytes_read, num_bytes - bytes_read); if (ret >= 0) bytes_read += ret; } return bytes_read; } void Socket::SetSocketError() { socket_error_ = true; // We never use non-blocking socket. DCHECK(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK); Close(); } int Socket::Read(char* buffer, size_t buffer_size) { if (!WaitForEvent(READ, kNoTimeout)) { SetSocketError(); return 0; } int ret = HANDLE_EINTR(read(socket_, buffer, buffer_size)); if (ret < 0) SetSocketError(); return ret; } int Socket::Write(const char* buffer, size_t count) { int ret = HANDLE_EINTR(send(socket_, buffer, count, MSG_NOSIGNAL)); if (ret < 0) SetSocketError(); return ret; } int Socket::WriteString(const std::string& buffer) { return WriteNumBytes(buffer.c_str(), buffer.size()); } int Socket::WriteNumBytes(const char* buffer, size_t num_bytes) { int bytes_written = 0; int ret = 1; while (bytes_written < num_bytes && ret > 0) { ret = Write(buffer + bytes_written, num_bytes - bytes_written); if (ret >= 0) bytes_written += ret; } return bytes_written; } bool Socket::WaitForEvent(EventType type, int timeout_secs) const { if (exit_notifier_fd_ == -1 || socket_ == -1) return true; const int nfds = std::max(socket_, exit_notifier_fd_) + 1; fd_set read_fds; fd_set write_fds; FD_ZERO(&read_fds); FD_ZERO(&write_fds); if (type == READ) FD_SET(socket_, &read_fds); else FD_SET(socket_, &write_fds); FD_SET(exit_notifier_fd_, &read_fds); timeval tv = {}; timeval* tv_ptr = NULL; if (timeout_secs > 0) { tv.tv_sec = timeout_secs; tv.tv_usec = 0; tv_ptr = &tv; } if (HANDLE_EINTR(select(nfds, &read_fds, &write_fds, NULL, tv_ptr)) <= 0) return false; return !FD_ISSET(exit_notifier_fd_, &read_fds); } // static int Socket::GetHighestFileDescriptor( const Socket& s1, const Socket& s2) { return std::max(s1.socket_, s2.socket_); } } // namespace forwarder