# Clovis in the Cloud: Developer Guide This document describes how to collect Chromium traces using Google Compute Engine. [TOC] ## Initial setup Install the [gcloud command line tool][1]. Checkout the source: ```shell mkdir clovis cd clovis gcloud init ``` When offered, accept to clone the Google Cloud repo. ## Update or Change the code Make changes to the code, or copy the latest version from Chromium into your local Google Cloud repository: ```shell # Build Chrome BUILD_DIR=out/Release ninja -C $BUILD_DIR -j1000 -l60 chrome chrome_sandbox GCE_DIR=~/dev/clovis/default # Deploy to GCE # CHROME_BUCKET_NAME is the name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket where the # Chrome build artifacts will be uploaded, and matches the value of # 'bucket_name' in server_config.json. ./tools/android/loading/gce/deploy.sh $BUILD_DIR $GCE_DIR $CHROME_BUCKET_NAME cd $GCE_DIR # git add the relevant files # commit and push: git commit git push -u origin master ``` If there are instances already running, they need to be restarted for this to take effect. ## Start the app in the cloud Create an instance using latest ubuntu LTS: ```shell gcloud compute instances create clovis-tracer-1 \ --machine-type n1-standard-1 \ --image ubuntu-14-04 \ --zone europe-west1-c \ --tags clovis-http-server \ --scopes cloud-platform \ --metadata auto-start=true \ --metadata-from-file startup-script=tools/android/loading/gce/startup-script.sh ``` **Note:** To start an instance without automatically starting the app on it, remove the `--metadata auto-start=true` argument. This can be useful when doing iterative development on the instance, to be able to restart the app manually. This should output the IP address of the instance. Otherwise the IP address can be retrieved by doing: ```shell gcloud compute instances list ``` ## Use the app Check that `http://:8080/test` prints `hello` when opened in a browser. To send a list of URLs to process: ```shell curl -X POST -d @urls.json http://:8080/set_tasks ``` where `urls.json` is a file containing URLs as a JSON array. Start the processing by sending a request to `http://:8080/start`, for example: ```shell curl http://:8080/start ``` ## Stop the app in the cloud ```shell gcloud compute instances delete clovis-tracer-1 ``` ## Connect to the instance with SSH ```shell gcloud compute ssh clovis-tracer-1 ``` ## Use the app locally Setup the local environment: ```shell virtualenv env source env/bin/activate pip install -r pip_requirements.txt ``` Launch the app, passing the path to the Chrome executable on the host: ```shell gunicorn --workers=1 --bind \ 'main:StartApp("/path/to/chrome")' ``` You can now [use the app][2], which is located at http://localhost:8080. Tear down the local environment: ```shell deactivate ``` ## Project-wide settings This is already setup, no need to do this again. Kept here for reference. ### Server configuration file `main.py` expects to find a `server_config.json` file, which is a dictionary with the keys: * `project_name`: the name of the Google Compute project, * `bucket_name`: the name of the Google Storage bucket used to store the results. ### Firewall rule Firewall rule to allow access to the instance HTTP server from the outside: ```shell gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-http-8080 \ --allow tcp:8080 \ --source-ranges \ --target-tags clovis-http-server \ --description "Allow port 8080 access to http-server" ``` The firewall rule can be disabled with: ```shell gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-http-8080 ``` [1]: https://cloud.google.com/sdk [2]: #Use-the-app