# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import math import unittest # Special import necessary because filename contains dash characters. bisect_perf_module = __import__('bisect-perf-regression') class BisectPerfRegressionTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test case for top-level functions in the bisect-perf-regrssion module.""" def setUp(self): """Sets up the test environment before each test method.""" pass def tearDown(self): """Cleans up the test environment after each test method.""" pass def testParseDEPSStringManually(self): """Tests DEPS parsing.""" bisect_options = bisect_perf_module.BisectOptions() bisect_instance = bisect_perf_module.BisectPerformanceMetrics( None, bisect_options) deps_file_contents = """ vars = { 'ffmpeg_hash': '@ac4a9f31fe2610bd146857bbd55d7a260003a888', 'webkit_url': 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/blink.git', 'git_url': 'https://chromium.googlesource.com', 'webkit_rev': '@e01ac0a267d1017288bc67fa3c366b10469d8a24', 'angle_revision': '74697cf2064c0a2c0d7e1b1b28db439286766a05' }""" # Should only expect svn/git revisions to come through, and urls to be # filtered out. expected_vars_dict = { 'ffmpeg_hash': '@ac4a9f31fe2610bd146857bbd55d7a260003a888', 'webkit_rev': '@e01ac0a267d1017288bc67fa3c366b10469d8a24', 'angle_revision': '74697cf2064c0a2c0d7e1b1b28db439286766a05' } vars_dict = bisect_instance._ParseRevisionsFromDEPSFileManually( deps_file_contents) self.assertEqual(vars_dict, expected_vars_dict) def testCalculateTruncatedMeanRaisesError(self): """CalculateTrunctedMean raises an error when passed an empty list.""" with self.assertRaises(TypeError): bisect_perf_module.CalculateTruncatedMean([], 0) def testCalculateMeanSingleNum(self): """Tests the CalculateMean function with a single number.""" self.assertEqual(3.0, bisect_perf_module.CalculateMean([3])) def testCalculateMeanShortList(self): """Tests the CalculateMean function with a short list.""" self.assertEqual(0.5, bisect_perf_module.CalculateMean([-3, 0, 1, 4])) def testCalculateMeanCompareAlternateImplementation(self): """Tests CalculateMean by comparing against an alternate implementation.""" def AlternateMeanFunction(values): """Simple arithmetic mean function.""" return sum(values) / float(len(values)) test_values_lists = [[1], [5, 6.5, 1.2, 3], [-3, 0, 1, 4], [-3, -1, 0.12, 0.752, 3.33, 8, 16, 32, 439]] for values in test_values_lists: self.assertEqual( AlternateMeanFunction(values), bisect_perf_module.CalculateMean(values)) def testCalculateConfidence(self): """Tests the confidence calculation.""" bad_values = [[0, 1], [1, 2]] good_values = [[6, 7], [7, 8]] # Closest means are mean(1, 2) and mean(6, 7). distance = 6.5 - 1.5 # Standard deviation of [n-1, n, n, n+1] is 0.8165. stddev_sum = 0.8165 + 0.8165 # Expected confidence is an int in the range [0, 100]. expected_confidence = min(100, int(100 * distance / float(stddev_sum))) self.assertEqual( expected_confidence, bisect_perf_module.CalculateConfidence(bad_values, good_values)) def testCalculateConfidence0(self): """Tests the confidence calculation when it's expected to be 0.""" bad_values = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [4, 5], [0, 2]] good_values = [[4, 5], [6, 7], [7, 8]] # Both groups have value lists with means of 4.5, which means distance # between groups is zero, and thus confidence is zero. self.assertEqual( 0, bisect_perf_module.CalculateConfidence(bad_values, good_values)) def testCalculateConfidence100(self): """Tests the confidence calculation when it's expected to be 100.""" bad_values = [[1, 1], [1, 1]] good_values = [[1.2, 1.2], [1.2, 1.2]] # Standard deviation in both groups is zero, so confidence is 100. self.assertEqual( 100, bisect_perf_module.CalculateConfidence(bad_values, good_values)) def testCalculateRelativeChange(self): """Tests the common cases for calculating relative change.""" # The change is relative to the first value, regardless of which is bigger. self.assertEqual(0.5, bisect_perf_module.CalculateRelativeChange(1.0, 1.5)) self.assertEqual(0.5, bisect_perf_module.CalculateRelativeChange(2.0, 1.0)) def testCalculateRelativeChangeFromZero(self): """Tests what happens when relative change from zero is calculated.""" # If the first number is zero, then the result is not a number. self.assertEqual(0, bisect_perf_module.CalculateRelativeChange(0, 0)) self.assertTrue( math.isnan(bisect_perf_module.CalculateRelativeChange(0, 1))) self.assertTrue( math.isnan(bisect_perf_module.CalculateRelativeChange(0, -1))) def testCalculateRelativeChangeWithNegatives(self): """Tests that relative change given is always positive.""" self.assertEqual(3.0, bisect_perf_module.CalculateRelativeChange(-1, 2)) self.assertEqual(3.0, bisect_perf_module.CalculateRelativeChange(1, -2)) self.assertEqual(1.0, bisect_perf_module.CalculateRelativeChange(-1, -2)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()