# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Set of operations/utilities related to checking out the depot, and outputting annotations on the buildbot waterfall. These are intended to be used by the bisection scripts.""" import errno import os import shutil import subprocess import sys GCLIENT_SPEC = """ solutions = [ { "name" : "src", "url" : "https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git", "deps_file" : ".DEPS.git", "managed" : True, "custom_deps" : { "src/data/page_cycler": "https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/" + "chrome/data/page_cycler/.git", "src/tools/perf/data": "https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/" + "chrome/tools/perf/data/.git", "src/v8_bleeding_edge": "git://github.com/v8/v8.git", }, "safesync_url": "", }, ] """ GCLIENT_SPEC = ''.join([l for l in GCLIENT_SPEC.splitlines()]) GCLIENT_SPEC_ANDROID = GCLIENT_SPEC + "\ntarget_os = ['android']" FILE_DEPS_GIT = '.DEPS.git' REPO_PARAMS = [ 'https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/chromeos/manifest-internal/', '--repo-url', 'https://git.chromium.org/external/repo.git' ] REPO_SYNC_COMMAND = 'git checkout -f $(git rev-list --max-count=1 '\ '--before=%d remotes/m/master)' def OutputAnnotationStepStart(name): """Outputs appropriate annotation to signal the start of a step to a trybot. Args: name: The name of the step. """ print print '@@@SEED_STEP %s@@@' % name print '@@@STEP_CURSOR %s@@@' % name print '@@@STEP_STARTED@@@' print def OutputAnnotationStepClosed(): """Outputs appropriate annotation to signal the closing of a step to a trybot.""" print print '@@@STEP_CLOSED@@@' print def CreateAndChangeToSourceDirectory(working_directory): """Creates a directory 'bisect' as a subdirectory of 'working_directory'. If the function is successful, the current working directory will change to that of the new 'bisect' directory. Returns: True if the directory was successfully created (or already existed). """ cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(working_directory) try: os.mkdir('bisect') except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: return False os.chdir('bisect') return True def SubprocessCall(cmd): """Runs a subprocess with specified parameters. Args: params: A list of parameters to pass to gclient. Returns: The return code of the call. """ if os.name == 'nt': # "HOME" isn't normally defined on windows, but is needed # for git to find the user's .netrc file. if not os.getenv('HOME'): os.environ['HOME'] = os.environ['USERPROFILE'] shell = os.name == 'nt' return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=shell) def RunGClient(params): """Runs gclient with the specified parameters. Args: params: A list of parameters to pass to gclient. Returns: The return code of the call. """ cmd = ['gclient'] + params return SubprocessCall(cmd) def RunRepo(params): """Runs cros repo command with specified parameters. Args: params: A list of parameters to pass to gclient. Returns: The return code of the call. """ cmd = ['repo'] + params return SubprocessCall(cmd) def RunRepoSyncAtTimestamp(timestamp): """Syncs all git depots to the timestamp specified using repo forall. Args: params: Unix timestamp to sync to. Returns: The return code of the call. """ repo_sync = REPO_SYNC_COMMAND % timestamp cmd = ['forall', '-c', REPO_SYNC_COMMAND % timestamp] return RunRepo(cmd) def RunGClientAndCreateConfig(opts): """Runs gclient and creates a config containing both src and src-internal. Args: opts: The options parsed from the command line through parse_args(). Returns: The return code of the call. """ spec = GCLIENT_SPEC if opts.target_platform == 'android': spec = GCLIENT_SPEC_ANDROID return_code = RunGClient( ['config', '--spec=%s' % spec, '--git-deps']) return return_code def IsDepsFileBlink(): """Reads .DEPS.git and returns whether or not we're using blink. Returns: True if blink, false if webkit. """ locals = {'Var': lambda _: locals["vars"][_], 'From': lambda *args: None} execfile(FILE_DEPS_GIT, {}, locals) return 'blink.git' in locals['vars']['webkit_url'] def RemoveThirdPartyWebkitDirectory(): """Removes third_party/WebKit. Returns: True on success. """ try: path_to_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'third_party', 'WebKit') if os.path.exists(path_to_dir): shutil.rmtree(path_to_dir) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: return False return True def RunGClientAndSync(reset): """Runs gclient and does a normal sync. Args: reset: Whether to reset any changes to the depot. Returns: The return code of the call. """ params = ['sync', '--verbose', '--nohooks'] if reset: params.extend(['--reset', '--force', '--delete_unversioned_trees']) return RunGClient(params) def SetupGitDepot(opts, reset): """Sets up the depot for the bisection. The depot will be located in a subdirectory called 'bisect'. Args: opts: The options parsed from the command line through parse_args(). reset: Whether to reset any changes to the depot. Returns: True if gclient successfully created the config file and did a sync, False otherwise. """ name = 'Setting up Bisection Depot' if opts.output_buildbot_annotations: OutputAnnotationStepStart(name) passed = False if not RunGClientAndCreateConfig(opts): passed_deps_check = True if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('src', FILE_DEPS_GIT)): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir('src') if not IsDepsFileBlink(): passed_deps_check = RemoveThirdPartyWebkitDirectory() else: passed_deps_check = True os.chdir(cwd) if passed_deps_check and not RunGClientAndSync(reset): passed = True if opts.output_buildbot_annotations: print OutputAnnotationStepClosed() return passed def SetupCrosRepo(): """Sets up cros repo for bisecting chromeos. Returns: Returns 0 on success. """ cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.mkdir('cros') except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: return False os.chdir('cros') cmd = ['init', '-u'] + REPO_PARAMS passed = False if not RunRepo(cmd): if not RunRepo(['sync']): passed = True os.chdir(cwd) return passed def SetupAndroidBuildEnvironment(opts): """Sets up the android build environment. Args: opts: The options parsed from the command line through parse_args(). path_to_file: Path to the bisect script's directory. Returns: True if successful. """ path_to_file = os.path.join('build', 'android', 'envsetup.sh') proc = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', 'source %s && env' % path_to_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd='src') (out, _) = proc.communicate() for line in out.splitlines(): (k, _, v) = line.partition('=') os.environ[k] = v return not proc.returncode def SetupPlatformBuildEnvironment(opts): """Performs any platform specific setup. Args: opts: The options parsed from the command line through parse_args(). path_to_file: Path to the bisect script's directory. Returns: True if successful. """ if opts.target_platform == 'android': return SetupAndroidBuildEnvironment(opts) elif opts.target_platform == 'cros': return SetupCrosRepo() return True def CreateBisectDirectoryAndSetupDepot(opts, reset=False): """Sets up a subdirectory 'bisect' and then retrieves a copy of the depot there using gclient. Args: opts: The options parsed from the command line through parse_args(). reset: Whether to reset any changes to the depot. Returns: Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1. """ if not CreateAndChangeToSourceDirectory(opts.working_directory): print 'Error: Could not create bisect directory.' print return 1 if not SetupGitDepot(opts, reset): print 'Error: Failed to grab source.' print return 1 return 0