#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Makes sure that all files contain proper licensing information.""" import optparse import os.path import subprocess import sys def PrintUsage(): print """Usage: python checklicenses.py [--root ] [tocheck] --root Specifies the repository root. This defaults to "../.." relative to the script file. This will be correct given the normal location of the script in "/tools/checklicenses". --ignore-suppressions Ignores path-specific license whitelist. Useful when trying to remove a suppression/whitelist entry. tocheck Specifies the directory, relative to root, to check. This defaults to "." so it checks everything. Examples: python checklicenses.py python checklicenses.py --root ~/chromium/src third_party""" WHITELISTED_LICENSES = [ 'Apache (v2.0)', 'Apache (v2.0) BSD (2 clause)', 'Apache (v2.0) GPL (v2)', 'Apple MIT', # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing/Apple_MIT_License 'APSL (v2)', 'APSL (v2) BSD (4 clause)', 'BSD', 'BSD (2 clause)', 'BSD (2 clause) MIT/X11 (BSD like)', 'BSD (3 clause)', 'BSD (3 clause) ISC', 'BSD (3 clause) LGPL (v2.1 or later)', 'BSD (3 clause) MIT/X11 (BSD like)', 'BSD (4 clause)', 'BSD-like', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck not print BSD-like twice. 'BSD-like MIT/X11 (BSD like)', 'BSL (v1.0)', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck not print the comma after 3.1. 'BSL (v1.0) GPL (v3.1,)', 'ISC', 'LGPL', 'LGPL (v2)', 'LGPL (v2 or later)', 'LGPL (v2.1)', 'LGPL (v3 or later)', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck convert that comma to a dot. 'LGPL (v2,1 or later)', 'LGPL (v2.1 or later)', 'MPL (v1.0) LGPL (v2 or later)', 'MPL (v1.1)', 'MPL (v1.1) BSD-like', 'MPL (v1.1) BSD-like GPL (unversioned/unknown version)', 'MPL (v1.1) GPL (unversioned/unknown version)', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck not print the comma after 1.1. 'MPL (v1.1,) GPL (unversioned/unknown version) LGPL (v2 or later)', 'MPL (v1.1,) GPL (unversioned/unknown version) LGPL (v2.1 or later)', 'MIT/X11 (BSD like)', 'Ms-PL', 'Public domain', 'libpng', 'zlib/libpng', ] PATH_SPECIFIC_WHITELISTED_LICENSES = { 'base/third_party/dmg_fp': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'base/third_party/icu': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'breakpad/src': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'chrome/test/data/layout_tests/LayoutTests': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'data/mozilla_js_tests': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'data/page_cycler': [ 'UNKNOWN', 'GPL (v2 or later)', ], 'data/tab_switching': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'googleurl': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'gpu/GLES2': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'gpu/KHR': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'gpu/gles2_conform_support/egl/native/EGL': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'native_client': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'native_client/toolchain': [ 'BSD GPL (v2 or later)', 'BSD (2 clause) GPL (v2 or later)', 'BSD (3 clause) GPL (v2 or later)', 'BSL (v1.0) GPL', 'GPL', 'GPL (unversioned/unknown version)', 'GPL (v2)', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck not print the comma after v2. 'GPL (v2,)', 'GPL (v2 or later)', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck not print the comma after 3.1. 'GPL (v3.1,)', ], 'net/disk_cache/hash.cc': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'net/tools/spdyshark': [ 'GPL (v2 or later)', 'UNKNOWN', ], 'ppapi/c/documentation/check.sh': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'ppapi/cpp/documentation/check.sh': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'ppapi/lib/gl/include': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'ppapi/native_client/tests/earth/earth_image.inc': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'sdch/open-vcdiff': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/WebKit': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/WebKit/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE/src/compiler': [ 'GPL', ], 'third_party/WebKit/Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/mozilla': [ 'GPL', 'GPL (unversioned/unknown version)', ], 'third_party/active_doc': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/angle': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/angle/src/compiler': [ 'GPL', ], 'third_party/ashmem/ashmem.h': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/bsdiff/mbsdiff.cc': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/bzip2': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/cld/encodings/compact_lang_det': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/devscripts': [ 'GPL (v2 or later)', ], 'third_party/expat/files/lib': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/ffmpeg': [ 'GPL', 'GPL (v2 or later)', 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/gles2_book': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/gles2_conform/GTF_ES': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/gpsd/release-2.38/gps.h': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/harfbuzz': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/hunspell': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/iccjpeg': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/icu': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/jemalloc': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/lcov': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/lcov/contrib/galaxy/genflat.pl': [ 'GPL (v2 or later)', ], 'third_party/lcov-1.9/contrib/galaxy/genflat.pl': [ 'GPL (v2 or later)', ], 'third_party/leveldatabase/src/util/posix_logger.h': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libevent': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libjingle/source/talk': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libjpeg': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libjpeg_turbo': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libphonenumber/cpp/src': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libpng': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libvpx/source': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libvpx/source/libvpx/examples/includes': [ 'GPL (v2 or later)', ], 'third_party/libwebp': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libxml': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libxslt': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/lzma_sdk': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/mesa/MesaLib': [ 'GPL (v2)', 'GPL (v3 or later)', 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/modp_b64': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/npapi/npspy/extern/java': [ 'GPL (unversioned/unknown version)', ], 'third_party/openssl': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/ots/tools/ttf-checksum.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/molokocacao/NSBezierPath+MCAdditions.h': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/npapi/npspy': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/ocmock/OCMock': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/ply/__init__.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/protobuf': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/psutil': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/pyftpdlib/src': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/pylib': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/scons-2.0.1/engine/SCons': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/simplejson': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/skia': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/snappy/src': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/smhasher/src': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/sqlite': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/swig/Lib/linkruntime.c': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/talloc': [ 'GPL (v3 or later)', 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/tcmalloc': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/tlslite': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/webdriver': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/webrtc': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/xdg-utils': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/yasm/source': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/zlib/contrib/minizip': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/zlib/trees.h': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/dromaeo_benchmark_runner/dromaeo_benchmark_runner.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/emacs': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/grit/grit/node/custom/__init__.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/gyp/test': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/histograms': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/memory_watcher': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/playback_benchmark': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/python/google/__init__.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/site_compare': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/stats_viewer/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/symsrc/pefile.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/valgrind': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'v8/test/cctest': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'webkit/data/ico_decoder': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], } def main(options, args): # Figure out which directory we have to check. if len(args) == 0: # No directory to check specified, use the repository root. start_dir = options.base_directory elif len(args) == 1: # Directory specified. Start here. It's supposed to be relative to the # base directory. start_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(options.base_directory, args[0])) else: # More than one argument, we don't handle this. PrintUsage() sys.exit(1) print "Using base directory:", options.base_directory print "Checking:", start_dir print licensecheck_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(options.base_directory, 'third_party', 'devscripts', 'licensecheck.pl')) licensecheck = subprocess.Popen([licensecheck_path, '-r', start_dir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = licensecheck.communicate() if options.verbose: print '----------- licensecheck stdout -----------' print stdout print '--------- end licensecheck stdout ---------' if licensecheck.returncode != 0 or stderr: print '----------- licensecheck stderr -----------' print stderr print '--------- end licensecheck stderr ---------' print "\nFAILED\n" sys.exit(1) success = True for line in stdout.splitlines(): filename, license = line.split(':', 1) filename = os.path.relpath(filename.strip(), options.base_directory) # All files in the build output directory are generated one way or another. # There's no need to check them. if filename.startswith('out/') or filename.startswith('sconsbuild/'): continue # For now we're just interested in the license. license = license.replace('*No copyright*', '').strip() # Skip generated files. if 'GENERATED FILE' in license: continue if license in WHITELISTED_LICENSES: continue if not options.ignore_suppressions: found_path_specific = False for prefix in PATH_SPECIFIC_WHITELISTED_LICENSES: if (filename.startswith(prefix) and license in PATH_SPECIFIC_WHITELISTED_LICENSES[prefix]): found_path_specific = True break if found_path_specific: continue print "'%s' has non-whitelisted license '%s'" % (filename, license) success = False if success: print "\nSUCCESS\n" sys.exit(0) else: print "\nFAILED\n" print "Please read", print "http://www.chromium.org/developers/adding-3rd-party-libraries" print "for more info how to handle the failure." print print "Please respect OWNERS of checklicenses.py. Changes violating" print "this requirement may be reverted." sys.exit(1) if '__main__' == __name__: default_root = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() option_parser.add_option('--root', default=default_root, dest='base_directory', help='Specifies the repository root. This defaults ' 'to "../.." relative to the script file, which ' 'will normally be the repository root.') option_parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print debug logging') option_parser.add_option('--ignore-suppressions', action='store_true', default=False, help='Ignore path-specific license whitelist.') options, args = option_parser.parse_args() main(options, args)