#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Makes sure that all files contain proper licensing information.""" import optparse import os.path import subprocess import sys def PrintUsage(): print """Usage: python checklicenses.py [--root ] [tocheck] --root Specifies the repository root. This defaults to "../.." relative to the script file. This will be correct given the normal location of the script in "/tools/checklicenses". --ignore-suppressions Ignores path-specific license whitelist. Useful when trying to remove a suppression/whitelist entry. tocheck Specifies the directory, relative to root, to check. This defaults to "." so it checks everything. Examples: python checklicenses.py python checklicenses.py --root ~/chromium/src third_party""" WHITELISTED_LICENSES = [ 'Apache (v2.0)', 'Apache (v2.0) BSD (2 clause)', 'Apache (v2.0) GPL (v2)', 'Apple MIT', # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing/Apple_MIT_License 'APSL (v2)', 'APSL (v2) BSD (4 clause)', 'BSD', 'BSD (2 clause)', 'BSD (2 clause) MIT/X11 (BSD like)', 'BSD (3 clause)', 'BSD (3 clause) ISC', 'BSD (3 clause) LGPL (v2.1 or later)', 'BSD (3 clause) MIT/X11 (BSD like)', 'BSD (4 clause)', 'BSD-like', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck not print BSD-like twice. 'BSD-like MIT/X11 (BSD like)', 'BSL (v1.0)', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck not print the comma after 3.1. 'BSL (v1.0) GPL (v3.1,)', 'GPL (v2 or later) with Bison parser exception', 'GPL (v2 or later) with libtool exception', 'GPL (v3 or later) with Bison parser exception', 'GPL with Bison parser exception', 'ISC', 'LGPL', 'LGPL (v2)', 'LGPL (v2 or later)', 'LGPL (v2.1)', 'LGPL (v3 or later)', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck convert that comma to a dot. 'LGPL (v2,1 or later)', 'LGPL (v2.1 or later)', 'MPL (v1.0) LGPL (v2 or later)', 'MPL (v1.1)', 'MPL (v1.1) BSD-like', 'MPL (v1.1) BSD-like GPL (unversioned/unknown version)', 'MPL (v1.1) GPL (unversioned/unknown version)', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck not print the comma after 1.1. 'MPL (v1.1,) GPL (unversioned/unknown version) LGPL (v2 or later)', 'MPL (v1.1,) GPL (unversioned/unknown version) LGPL (v2.1 or later)', 'MIT/X11 (BSD like)', 'Ms-PL', 'Public domain', 'libpng', 'zlib/libpng', 'SGI Free Software License B', 'University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License (BSD like)', ] PATH_SPECIFIC_WHITELISTED_LICENSES = { 'base/hash.cc': [ # http://crbug.com/98100 'UNKNOWN', ], 'base/third_party/icu': [ # http://crbug.com/98087 'UNKNOWN', ], # http://code.google.com/p/google-breakpad/issues/detail?id=450 'breakpad/src': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples': [ # http://crbug.com/98092 'UNKNOWN', ], 'chrome/test/data/layout_tests/LayoutTests': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'courgette/third_party/bsdiff_create.cc': [ # http://crbug.com/98095 'UNKNOWN', ], 'data/mozilla_js_tests': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'data/page_cycler': [ 'UNKNOWN', 'GPL (v2 or later)', ], 'data/tab_switching': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'googleurl': [ # http://code.google.com/p/google-url/issues/detail?id=15 'UNKNOWN', ], 'native_client': [ # http://crbug.com/98099 'UNKNOWN', ], 'native_client/toolchain': [ 'BSD GPL (v2 or later)', 'BSD (2 clause) GPL (v2 or later)', 'BSD (3 clause) GPL (v2 or later)', 'BSL (v1.0) GPL', 'GPL', 'GPL (unversioned/unknown version)', 'GPL (v2)', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck not print the comma after v2. 'GPL (v2,)', 'GPL (v2 or later)', # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make licensecheck not print the comma after 3.1. 'GPL (v3.1,)', 'GPL (v3 or later)', ], 'net/tools/spdyshark': [ 'GPL (v2 or later)', 'UNKNOWN', ], # http://crbug.com/98107 'ppapi/c/documentation/check.sh': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'ppapi/cpp/documentation/check.sh': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'ppapi/lib/gl/include': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'ppapi/native_client/tests/earth/earth_image.inc': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/WebKit': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/WebKit/Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/mozilla': [ 'GPL', 'GPL (v2 or later)', 'GPL (unversioned/unknown version)', ], 'third_party/active_doc': [ # http://crbug.com/98113 'UNKNOWN', ], # http://code.google.com/p/angleproject/issues/detail?id=217 'third_party/angle': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/bsdiff/mbsdiff.cc': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/bzip2': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/cld/encodings/compact_lang_det': [ # http://crbug.com/98120 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/devscripts': [ 'GPL (v2 or later)', ], 'third_party/expat/files/lib': [ # http://crbug.com/98121 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/ffmpeg': [ 'GPL', 'GPL (v2)', 'GPL (v2 or later)', 'UNKNOWN', # http://crbug.com/98123 ], 'third_party/gles2_book': [ # http://crbug.com/98130 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/gles2_conform/GTF_ES': [ # http://crbug.com/98131 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/harfbuzz': [ # http://crbug.com/98133 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/hunspell': [ # http://crbug.com/98134 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/iccjpeg': [ # http://crbug.com/98137 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/icu': [ # http://crbug.com/98301 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/jemalloc': [ # http://crbug.com/98302 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/lcov': [ # http://crbug.com/98304 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/lcov/contrib/galaxy/genflat.pl': [ 'GPL (v2 or later)', ], 'third_party/lcov-1.9/contrib/galaxy/genflat.pl': [ 'GPL (v2 or later)', ], 'third_party/libevent': [ # http://crbug.com/98309 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libjingle/source/talk': [ # http://crbug.com/98310 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libjpeg': [ # http://crbug.com/98313 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libjpeg_turbo': [ # http://crbug.com/98314 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libpng': [ # http://crbug.com/98318 'UNKNOWN', ], # The following files lack license headers, but are trivial. 'third_party/libusb/src/libusb/os/poll_posix.h': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libusb/src/libusb/version.h': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libusb/src/autogen.sh': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libusb/src/config.h': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libusb/src/msvc/config.h': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libvpx/source': [ # http://crbug.com/98319 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libvpx/source/libvpx/examples/includes': [ 'GPL (v2 or later)', ], 'third_party/libwebp': [ # http://crbug.com/98448 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libxml': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/libxslt': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/lzma_sdk': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/mesa/MesaLib': [ 'GPL (v2)', 'GPL (v3 or later)', 'UNKNOWN', # http://crbug.com/98450 ], 'third_party/modp_b64': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/npapi/npspy/extern/java': [ 'GPL (unversioned/unknown version)', ], 'third_party/openssl': [ # http://crbug.com/98451 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/ots/tools/ttf-checksum.py': [ # http://code.google.com/p/ots/issues/detail?id=2 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/molokocacao/NSBezierPath+MCAdditions.h': [ # http://crbug.com/98453 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/npapi/npspy': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/ocmock/OCMock': [ # http://crbug.com/98454 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/ply/__init__.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/protobuf': [ # http://crbug.com/98455 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/pylib': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/scons-2.0.1/engine/SCons': [ # http://crbug.com/98462 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/simplejson': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/skia': [ # http://crbug.com/98463 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/snappy/src': [ # http://crbug.com/98464 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/smhasher/src': [ # http://crbug.com/98465 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/sqlite': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/swig/Lib/linkruntime.c': [ # http://crbug.com/98585 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/talloc': [ 'GPL (v3 or later)', 'UNKNOWN', # http://crbug.com/98588 ], 'third_party/tcmalloc': [ 'UNKNOWN', # http://crbug.com/98589 ], 'third_party/tlslite': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/webdriver': [ # http://crbug.com/98590 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/webrtc': [ # http://crbug.com/98592 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/xdg-utils': [ # http://crbug.com/98593 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/yasm/source': [ # http://crbug.com/98594 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/zlib/contrib/minizip': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'third_party/zlib/trees.h': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/dromaeo_benchmark_runner/dromaeo_benchmark_runner.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/emacs': [ # http://crbug.com/98595 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/grit/grit/node/custom/__init__.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/gyp/test': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/histograms': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/memory_watcher': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/playback_benchmark': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/python/google/__init__.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/site_compare': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/stats_viewer/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'tools/symsrc/pefile.py': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], 'v8/test/cctest': [ # http://crbug.com/98597 'UNKNOWN', ], 'webkit/data/ico_decoder': [ 'UNKNOWN', ], } def check_licenses(options, args): # Figure out which directory we have to check. if len(args) == 0: # No directory to check specified, use the repository root. start_dir = options.base_directory elif len(args) == 1: # Directory specified. Start here. It's supposed to be relative to the # base directory. start_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(options.base_directory, args[0])) else: # More than one argument, we don't handle this. PrintUsage() return 1 print "Using base directory:", options.base_directory print "Checking:", start_dir print licensecheck_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(options.base_directory, 'third_party', 'devscripts', 'licensecheck.pl')) licensecheck = subprocess.Popen([licensecheck_path, '-r', start_dir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = licensecheck.communicate() if options.verbose: print '----------- licensecheck stdout -----------' print stdout print '--------- end licensecheck stdout ---------' if licensecheck.returncode != 0 or stderr: print '----------- licensecheck stderr -----------' print stderr print '--------- end licensecheck stderr ---------' print "\nFAILED\n" return 1 success = True for line in stdout.splitlines(): filename, license = line.split(':', 1) filename = os.path.relpath(filename.strip(), options.base_directory) # All files in the build output directory are generated one way or another. # There's no need to check them. if filename.startswith('out/') or filename.startswith('sconsbuild/'): continue # For now we're just interested in the license. license = license.replace('*No copyright*', '').strip() # Skip generated files. if 'GENERATED FILE' in license: continue if license in WHITELISTED_LICENSES: continue if not options.ignore_suppressions: found_path_specific = False for prefix in PATH_SPECIFIC_WHITELISTED_LICENSES: if (filename.startswith(prefix) and license in PATH_SPECIFIC_WHITELISTED_LICENSES[prefix]): found_path_specific = True break if found_path_specific: continue print "'%s' has non-whitelisted license '%s'" % (filename, license) success = False if success: print "\nSUCCESS\n" return 0 else: print "\nFAILED\n" print "Please read", print "http://www.chromium.org/developers/adding-3rd-party-libraries" print "for more info how to handle the failure." print print "Please respect OWNERS of checklicenses.py. Changes violating" print "this requirement may be reverted." return 1 def main(): default_root = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() option_parser.add_option('--root', default=default_root, dest='base_directory', help='Specifies the repository root. This defaults ' 'to "../.." relative to the script file, which ' 'will normally be the repository root.') option_parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print debug logging') option_parser.add_option('--ignore-suppressions', action='store_true', default=False, help='Ignore path-specific license whitelist.') options, args = option_parser.parse_args() return check_licenses(options, args) if '__main__' == __name__: sys.exit(main())