#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Generate and process code coverage. TODO(jrg): rename this from coverage_posix.py to coverage_all.py! Written for and tested on Mac, Linux, and Windows. To use this script to generate coverage numbers, please run from within a gyp-generated project. All platforms, to set up coverage: cd ...../chromium ; src/tools/gyp/gyp_dogfood -Dcoverage=1 src/build/all.gyp Run coverage on... Mac: ( cd src/chrome ; xcodebuild -configuration Debug -target coverage ) Linux: ( cd src/chrome ; hammer coverage ) # In particular, don't try and run 'coverage' from src/build --directory=DIR: specify directory that contains gcda files, and where a "coverage" directory will be created containing the output html. Example name: ..../chromium/src/xcodebuild/Debug --genhtml: generate html output. If not specified only lcov is generated. --all_unittests: if present, run all files named *_unittests that we can find. --fast_test: make the tests run real fast (just for testing) --strict: if a test fails, we continue happily. --strict will cause us to die immediately. --trim=False: by default we trim away tests known to be problematic on specific platforms. If set to false we do NOT trim out tests. Strings after all options are considered tests to run. Test names have all text before a ':' stripped to help with gyp compatibility. For example, ../base/base.gyp:base_unittests is interpreted as a test named "base_unittests". """ import glob import logging import optparse import os import shutil import subprocess import sys class Coverage(object): """Doitall class for code coverage.""" def __init__(self, directory, options, args): super(Coverage, self).__init__() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) self.directory = directory self.options = options self.args = args self.directory_parent = os.path.dirname(self.directory) self.output_directory = os.path.join(self.directory, 'coverage') if not os.path.exists(self.output_directory): os.mkdir(self.output_directory) # The "final" lcov-format file self.coverage_info_file = os.path.join(self.directory, 'coverage.info') # If needed, an intermediate VSTS-format file self.vsts_output = os.path.join(self.directory, 'coverage.vsts') # Needed for Windows. self.src_root = options.src_root self.FindPrograms() self.ConfirmPlatformAndPaths() self.tests = [] def FindInPath(self, program): """Find program in our path. Return abs path to it, or None.""" if not 'PATH' in os.environ: logging.fatal('No PATH environment variable?') sys.exit(1) paths = os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep) for path in paths: fullpath = os.path.join(path, program) if os.path.exists(fullpath): return fullpath return None def FindPrograms(self): """Find programs we may want to run.""" if self.IsPosix(): self.lcov_directory = os.path.join(sys.path[0], '../../third_party/lcov/bin') self.lcov = os.path.join(self.lcov_directory, 'lcov') self.mcov = os.path.join(self.lcov_directory, 'mcov') self.genhtml = os.path.join(self.lcov_directory, 'genhtml') self.programs = [self.lcov, self.mcov, self.genhtml] else: # Hack to get the buildbot working. os.environ['PATH'] += r';c:\coverage\coverage_analyzer' os.environ['PATH'] += r';c:\coverage\performance_tools' # (end hack) commands = ['vsperfcmd.exe', 'vsinstr.exe', 'coverage_analyzer.exe'] self.perf = self.FindInPath('vsperfcmd.exe') self.instrument = self.FindInPath('vsinstr.exe') self.analyzer = self.FindInPath('coverage_analyzer.exe') if not self.perf or not self.instrument or not self.analyzer: logging.fatal('Could not find Win performance commands.') logging.fatal('Commands needed in PATH: ' + str(commands)) sys.exit(1) self.programs = [self.perf, self.instrument, self.analyzer] def FindTests(self): """Find unit tests to run; set self.tests to this list. Assume all non-option items in the arg list are tests to be run. """ # Small tests: can be run in the "chromium" directory. # If asked, run all we can find. if self.options.all_unittests: self.tests += glob.glob(os.path.join(self.directory, '*_unittests')) # If told explicit tests, run those (after stripping the name as # appropriate) for testname in self.args: if ':' in testname: self.tests += [os.path.join(self.directory, testname.split(':')[1])] else: self.tests += [os.path.join(self.directory, testname)] # Medium tests? # Not sure all of these work yet (e.g. page_cycler_tests) # self.tests += glob.glob(os.path.join(self.directory, '*_tests')) # If needed, append .exe to tests since vsinstr.exe likes it that # way. if self.IsWindows(): for ind in range(len(self.tests)): test = self.tests[ind] test_exe = test + '.exe' if not test.endswith('.exe') and os.path.exists(test_exe): self.tests[ind] = test_exe def TrimTests(self): """Trim specific tests for each platform.""" if self.IsWindows(): return # TODO(jrg): remove when not needed inclusion = ['unit_tests'] keep = [] for test in self.tests: for i in inclusion: if i in test: keep.append(test) self.tests = keep logging.info('After trimming tests we have ' + ' '.join(self.tests)) return if self.IsLinux(): return if self.IsMac(): exclusion = ['automated_ui_tests'] punted = [] for test in self.tests: for e in exclusion: if test.endswith(e): punted.append(test) self.tests = filter(lambda t: t not in punted, self.tests) if punted: logging.info('Tests trimmed out: ' + str(punted)) def ConfirmPlatformAndPaths(self): """Confirm OS and paths (e.g. lcov).""" for program in self.programs: if not os.path.exists(program): logging.fatal('Program missing: ' + program) sys.exit(1) def Run(self, cmdlist, ignore_error=False, ignore_retcode=None, explanation=None): """Run the command list; exit fatally on error.""" logging.info('Running ' + str(cmdlist)) retcode = subprocess.call(cmdlist) if retcode: if ignore_error or retcode == ignore_retcode: logging.warning('COVERAGE: %s unhappy but errors ignored %s' % (str(cmdlist), explanation or '')) else: logging.fatal('COVERAGE: %s failed; return code: %d' % (str(cmdlist), retcode)) sys.exit(retcode) def IsPosix(self): """Return True if we are POSIX.""" return self.IsMac() or self.IsLinux() def IsMac(self): return sys.platform == 'darwin' def IsLinux(self): return sys.platform == 'linux2' def IsWindows(self): """Return True if we are Windows.""" return sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin') def ClearData(self): """Clear old gcda files and old coverage info files.""" if os.path.exists(self.coverage_info_file): os.remove(self.coverage_info_file) if self.IsPosix(): subprocess.call([self.lcov, '--directory', self.directory_parent, '--zerocounters']) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.directory, 'coverage')) def BeforeRunOneTest(self, testname): """Do things before running each test.""" if not self.IsWindows(): return # Stop old counters if needed cmdlist = [self.perf, '-shutdown'] self.Run(cmdlist, ignore_error=True) # Instrument binaries for fulltest in self.tests: if os.path.exists(fulltest): cmdlist = [self.instrument, '/COVERAGE', fulltest] self.Run(cmdlist, ignore_retcode=4, explanation='OK with a multiple-instrument') # Start new counters cmdlist = [self.perf, '-start:coverage', '-output:' + self.vsts_output] self.Run(cmdlist) def RunTests(self): """Run all unit tests and generate appropriate lcov files.""" for fulltest in self.tests: if not os.path.exists(fulltest): logging.fatal(fulltest + ' does not exist') if self.options.strict: sys.exit(2) # TODO(jrg): add timeout? print >>sys.stderr, 'Running test: ' + fulltest cmdlist = [fulltest, '--gtest_print_time'] # If asked, make this REAL fast for testing. if self.options.fast_test: # cmdlist.append('--gtest_filter=RenderWidgetHost*') cmdlist.append('--gtest_filter=CommandLine*') self.BeforeRunOneTest(fulltest) retcode = subprocess.call(cmdlist) self.AfterRunOneTest(fulltest) if retcode: logging.fatal('COVERAGE: test %s failed; return code: %d' % (fulltest, retcode)) if self.options.strict: sys.exit(retcode) self.AfterRunAllTests() def AfterRunOneTest(self, testname): """Do things right after running each test.""" if not self.IsWindows(): return # Stop counters cmdlist = [self.perf, '-shutdown'] self.Run(cmdlist) full_output = self.vsts_output + '.coverage' shutil.move(full_output, self.vsts_output) # generate lcov! self.GenerateLcovWindows(testname) def AfterRunAllTests(self): """Do things right after running ALL tests.""" if self.IsPosix(): # On POSIX we can do it all at once without running out of memory. self.GenerateLcovPosix() def GenerateLcovPosix(self): """Convert profile data to lcov.""" command = [self.mcov, '--directory', self.directory_parent, '--output', self.coverage_info_file] print >>sys.stderr, 'Assembly command: ' + ' '.join(command) retcode = subprocess.call(command) if retcode: logging.fatal('COVERAGE: %s failed; return code: %d' % (command[0], retcode)) if self.options.strict: sys.exit(retcode) def GenerateLcovWindows(self, testname=None): """Convert VSTS format to lcov. Appends coverage data to sum file.""" lcov_file = self.vsts_output + '.lcov' if os.path.exists(lcov_file): os.remove(lcov_file) # generates the file (self.vsts_output + ".lcov") cmdlist = [self.analyzer, '-sym_path=' + self.directory, '-src_root=' + self.src_root, self.vsts_output] self.Run(cmdlist) if not os.path.exists(lcov_file): logging.fatal('Output file %s not created' % lcov_file) sys.exit(1) logging.info('Appending lcov for test %s to %s' % (testname, self.coverage_info_file)) size_before = 0 if os.path.exists(self.coverage_info_file): size_before = os.stat(self.coverage_info_file).st_size src = open(lcov_file, 'r') dst = open(self.coverage_info_file, 'a') dst.write(src.read()) src.close() dst.close() size_after = os.stat(self.coverage_info_file).st_size logging.info('Lcov file growth for %s: %d --> %d' % (self.coverage_info_file, size_before, size_after)) def GenerateHtml(self): """Convert lcov to html.""" # TODO(jrg): This isn't happy when run with unit_tests since V8 has a # different "base" so V8 includes can't be found in ".". Fix. command = [self.genhtml, self.coverage_info_file, '--output-directory', self.output_directory] print >>sys.stderr, 'html generation command: ' + ' '.join(command) retcode = subprocess.call(command) if retcode: logging.fatal('COVERAGE: %s failed; return code: %d' % (command[0], retcode)) if self.options.strict: sys.exit(retcode) def main(): # Print out the args to help someone do it by hand if needed print >>sys.stderr, sys.argv parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-d', '--directory', dest='directory', default=None, help='Directory of unit test files') parser.add_option('-a', '--all_unittests', dest='all_unittests', default=False, help='Run all tests we can find (*_unittests)') parser.add_option('-g', '--genhtml', dest='genhtml', default=False, help='Generate html from lcov output') parser.add_option('-f', '--fast_test', dest='fast_test', default=False, help='Make the tests run REAL fast by doing little.') parser.add_option('-s', '--strict', dest='strict', default=False, help='Be strict and die on test failure.') parser.add_option('-S', '--src_root', dest='src_root', default='.', help='Source root (only used on Windows)') parser.add_option('-t', '--trim', dest='trim', default=True, help='Trim out tests? Default True.') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.directory: parser.error('Directory not specified') coverage = Coverage(options.directory, options, args) coverage.ClearData() coverage.FindTests() if options.trim: coverage.TrimTests() coverage.RunTests() if options.genhtml: coverage.GenerateHtml() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())