#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

"""Crocodile - compute coverage numbers for Chrome coverage dashboard."""

import optparse
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
import croc_html
import croc_scan

class CrocError(Exception):
  """Coverage error."""

class CrocStatError(CrocError):
  """Error evaluating coverage stat."""


class CoverageStats(dict):
  """Coverage statistics."""

  # Default dictionary values for this stat.
  DEFAULTS = { 'files_covered': 0,
               'files_instrumented': 0,
               'files_executable': 0,
               'lines_covered': 0,
               'lines_instrumented': 0,
               'lines_executable': 0 }

  def Add(self, coverage_stats):
    """Adds a contribution from another coverage stats dict.

      coverage_stats: Statistics to add to this one.
    for k, v in coverage_stats.iteritems():
      if k in self:
        self[k] += v
        self[k] = v

  def AddDefaults(self):
    """Add some default stats which might be assumed present.

    Do not clobber if already present.  Adds resilience when evaling a
    croc file which expects certain stats to exist."""
    for k, v in self.DEFAULTS.iteritems():
      if not k in self:
        self[k] = v


class CoveredFile(object):
  """Information about a single covered file."""

  def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):

      filename: Full path to file, '/'-delimited.
      kwargs: Keyword args are attributes for file.
    self.filename = filename
    self.attrs = dict(kwargs)

    # Move these to attrs?
    self.local_path = None      # Local path to file
    self.in_lcov = False        # Is file instrumented?

    # No coverage data for file yet
    self.lines = {}     # line_no -> None=executable, 0=instrumented, 1=covered
    self.stats = CoverageStats()

  def UpdateCoverage(self):
    """Updates the coverage summary based on covered lines."""
    exe = instr = cov = 0
    for l in self.lines.itervalues():
      exe += 1
      if l is not None:
        instr += 1
        if l == 1:
          cov += 1

    # Add stats that always exist
    self.stats = CoverageStats(lines_executable=exe,

    # Add conditional stats
    if cov:
      self.stats['files_covered'] = 1
    if instr or self.in_lcov:
      self.stats['files_instrumented'] = 1


class CoveredDir(object):
  """Information about a directory containing covered files."""

  def __init__(self, dirpath):

      dirpath: Full path of directory, '/'-delimited.
    self.dirpath = dirpath

    # List of covered files directly in this dir, indexed by filename (not
    # full path)
    self.files = {}

    # List of subdirs, indexed by filename (not full path)
    self.subdirs = {}

    # Dict of CoverageStats objects summarizing all children, indexed by group
    self.stats_by_group = {'all': CoverageStats()}
    # TODO: by language

  def GetTree(self, indent=''):
    """Recursively gets stats for the directory and its children.

      indent: indent prefix string.

      The tree as a string.
    dest = []

    # Compile all groupstats
    groupstats = []
    for group in sorted(self.stats_by_group):
      s = self.stats_by_group[group]
      if not s.get('lines_executable'):
        continue        # Skip groups with no executable lines
      groupstats.append('%s:%d/%d/%d' % (
          group, s.get('lines_covered', 0),
          s.get('lines_instrumented', 0),
          s.get('lines_executable', 0)))

    outline = '%s%-30s   %s' % (indent,
                                os.path.split(self.dirpath)[1] + '/',
                                '   '.join(groupstats))

    for d in sorted(self.subdirs):
      dest.append(self.subdirs[d].GetTree(indent=indent + '  '))

    return '\n'.join(dest)


class Coverage(object):
  """Code coverage for a group of files."""

  def __init__(self):
    self.files = {}             # Map filename --> CoverageFile
    self.root_dirs = []         # (root, altname)
    self.rules = []             # (regexp, dict of RHS attrs)
    self.tree = CoveredDir('')
    self.print_stats = []       # Dicts of args to PrintStat()

    # Functions which need to be replaced for unit testing
    self.add_files_walk = os.walk         # Walk function for AddFiles()
    self.scan_file = croc_scan.ScanFile   # Source scanner for AddFiles()

  def CleanupFilename(self, filename):
    """Cleans up a filename.

      filename: Input filename.

      The cleaned up filename.

    Changes all path separators to '/'.
    Makes relative paths (those starting with '../' or './' absolute.
    Replaces all instances of root dirs with alternate names.
    # Change path separators
    filename = filename.replace('\\', '/')

    # Windows doesn't care about case sensitivity.
    if platform.system() in ['Windows', 'Microsoft']:
      filename = filename.lower()

    # If path is relative, make it absolute
    # TODO: Perhaps we should default to relative instead, and only understand
    # absolute to be files starting with '\', '/', or '[A-Za-z]:'?
    if filename.split('/')[0] in ('.', '..'):
      filename = os.path.abspath(filename).replace('\\', '/')

    # Replace alternate roots
    for root, alt_name in self.root_dirs:
      # Windows doesn't care about case sensitivity.
      if platform.system() in ['Windows', 'Microsoft']:
        root = root.lower()
      filename = re.sub('^' + re.escape(root) + '(?=(/|$))',
                        alt_name, filename)
    return filename

  def ClassifyFile(self, filename):
    """Applies rules to a filename, to see if we care about it.

      filename: Input filename.

      A dict of attributes for the file, accumulated from the right hand sides
          of rules which fired.
    attrs = {}

    # Process all rules
    for regexp, rhs_dict in self.rules:
      if regexp.match(filename):

    return attrs
    # TODO: Files can belong to multiple groups?
    #   (test/source)
    #   (mac/pc/win)
    #   (media_test/all_tests)
    #   (small/med/large)
    # How to handle that?

  def AddRoot(self, root_path, alt_name='_'):
    """Adds a root directory.

      root_path: Root directory to add.
      alt_name: If specified, name of root dir.  Otherwise, defaults to '_'.

      ValueError: alt_name was blank.
    # Alt name must not be blank.  If it were, there wouldn't be a way to
    # reverse-resolve from a root-replaced path back to the local path, since
    # '' would always match the beginning of the candidate filename, resulting
    # in an infinite loop.
    if not alt_name:
      raise ValueError('AddRoot alt_name must not be blank.')

    # Clean up root path based on existing rules
    self.root_dirs.append([self.CleanupFilename(root_path), alt_name])

  def AddRule(self, path_regexp, **kwargs):
    """Adds a rule.

      path_regexp: Regular expression to match for filenames.  These are
          matched after root directory replacement.
      kwargs: Keyword arguments are attributes to set if the rule applies.

    Keyword arguments currently supported:
      include: If True, includes matches; if False, excludes matches.  Ignored
          if None.
      group: If not None, sets group to apply to matches.
      language: If not None, sets file language to apply to matches.

    # Compile regexp ahead of time
    self.rules.append([re.compile(path_regexp), dict(kwargs)])

  def GetCoveredFile(self, filename, add=False):
    """Gets the CoveredFile object for the filename.

      filename: Name of file to find.
      add: If True, will add the file if it's not present.  This applies the
          transformations from AddRoot() and AddRule(), and only adds the file
          if a rule includes it, and it has a group and language.

      The matching CoveredFile object, or None if not present.
    # Clean filename
    filename = self.CleanupFilename(filename)

    # Check for existing match
    if filename in self.files:
      return self.files[filename]

    # File isn't one we know about.  If we can't add it, give up.
    if not add:
      return None

    # Check rules to see if file can be added.  Files must be included and
    # have a group and language.
    attrs = self.ClassifyFile(filename)
    if not (attrs.get('include')
            and attrs.get('group')
            and attrs.get('language')):
      return None

    # Add the file
    f = CoveredFile(filename, **attrs)
    self.files[filename] = f

    # Return the newly covered file
    return f

  def RemoveCoveredFile(self, cov_file):
    """Removes the file from the covered file list.

      cov_file: A file object returned by GetCoveredFile().

  def ParseLcovData(self, lcov_data):
    """Adds coverage from LCOV-formatted data.

      lcov_data: An iterable returning lines of data in LCOV format.  For
          example, a file or list of strings.
    cov_file = None
    cov_lines = None
    for line in lcov_data:
      line = line.strip()
      if line.startswith('SF:'):
        # Start of data for a new file; payload is filename
        cov_file = self.GetCoveredFile(line[3:], add=True)
        if cov_file:
          cov_lines = cov_file.lines
          cov_file.in_lcov = True       # File was instrumented
      elif not cov_file:
        # Inside data for a file we don't care about - so skip it
      elif line.startswith('DA:'):
        # Data point - that is, an executable line in current file
        line_no, is_covered = map(int, line[3:].split(','))
        if is_covered:
          # Line is covered
          cov_lines[line_no] = 1
        elif cov_lines.get(line_no) != 1:
          # Line is not covered, so track it as uncovered
          cov_lines[line_no] = 0
      elif line == 'end_of_record':
        cov_file = None
      # (else ignore other line types)

  def ParseLcovFile(self, input_filename):
    """Adds coverage data from a .lcov file.

      input_filename: Input filename.
    # TODO: All manner of error checking
    lcov_file = None
      lcov_file = open(input_filename, 'rt')
      if lcov_file:

  def GetStat(self, stat, group='all', default=None):
    """Gets a statistic from the coverage object.

      stat: Statistic to get.  May also be an evaluatable python expression,
          using the stats.  For example, 'stat1 - stat2'.
      group: File group to match; if 'all', matches all groups.
      default: Value to return if there was an error evaluating the stat.  For
          example, if the stat does not exist.  If None, raises

      The evaluated stat, or None if error.

      CrocStatError: Error evaluating stat.
    # TODO: specify a subdir to get the stat from, then walk the tree to
    # print the stats from just that subdir

    # Make sure the group exists
    if group not in self.tree.stats_by_group:
      if default is None:
        raise CrocStatError('Group %r not found.' % group)
        return default

    stats = self.tree.stats_by_group[group]
    # Unit tests use real dicts, not CoverageStats objects,
    # so we can't AddDefaults() on them.
    if group == 'all' and hasattr(stats, 'AddDefaults'):
      return eval(stat, {'__builtins__': {'S': self.GetStat}}, stats)
    except Exception, e:
      if default is None:
        raise CrocStatError('Error evaluating stat %r: %s' % (stat, e))
        return default

  def PrintStat(self, stat, format=None, outfile=sys.stdout, **kwargs):
    """Prints a statistic from the coverage object.

      stat: Statistic to get.  May also be an evaluatable python expression,
          using the stats.  For example, 'stat1 - stat2'.
      format: Format string to use when printing stat.  If None, prints the
          stat and its evaluation.
      outfile: File stream to output stat to; defaults to stdout.
      kwargs: Additional args to pass to GetStat().
    s = self.GetStat(stat, **kwargs)
    if format is None:
      outfile.write('GetStat(%r) = %s\n' % (stat, s))
      outfile.write(format % s + '\n')

  def AddFiles(self, src_dir):
    """Adds files to coverage information.

    LCOV files only contains files which are compiled and instrumented as part
    of running coverage.  This function finds missing files and adds them.

      src_dir: Directory on disk at which to start search.  May be a relative
          path on disk starting with '.' or '..', or an absolute path, or a
          path relative to an alt_name for one of the roots
          (for example, '_/src').  If the alt_name matches more than one root,
          all matches will be attempted.

    Note that dirs not underneath one of the root dirs and covered by an
    inclusion rule will be ignored.
    # Check for root dir alt_names in the path and replace with the actual
    # root dirs, then recurse.
    found_root = False
    for root, alt_name in self.root_dirs:
      replaced_root = re.sub('^' + re.escape(alt_name) + '(?=(/|$))', root,
      if replaced_root != src_dir:
        found_root = True
    if found_root:
      return    # Replaced an alt_name with a root_dir, so already recursed.

    for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in self.add_files_walk(src_dir):
      # Make a copy of the dirnames list so we can modify the original to
      # prune subdirs we don't need to walk.
      for d in list(dirnames):
        # Add trailing '/' to directory names so dir-based regexps can match
        # '/' instead of needing to specify '(/|$)'.
        dpath = self.CleanupFilename(dirpath + '/' + d) + '/'
        attrs = self.ClassifyFile(dpath)
        if not attrs.get('include'):
          # Directory has been excluded, so don't traverse it
          # TODO: Document the slight weirdness caused by this: If you
          # AddFiles('./A'), and the rules include 'A/B/C/D' but not 'A/B',
          # then it won't recurse into './A/B' so won't find './A/B/C/D'.
          # Workarounds are to AddFiles('./A/B/C/D') or AddFiles('./A/B/C').
          # The latter works because it explicitly walks the contents of the
          # path passed to AddFiles(), so it finds './A/B/C/D'.

      for f in filenames:
        local_path = dirpath + '/' + f

        covf = self.GetCoveredFile(local_path, add=True)
        if not covf:

        # Save where we found the file, for generating line-by-line HTML output
        covf.local_path = local_path

        if covf.in_lcov:
          # File already instrumented and doesn't need to be scanned

        if not covf.attrs.get('add_if_missing', 1):
          # Not allowed to add the file

        # Scan file to find potentially-executable lines
        lines = self.scan_file(covf.local_path, covf.attrs.get('language'))
        if lines:
          for l in lines:
            covf.lines[l] = None
          # File has no executable lines, so don't count it

  def AddConfig(self, config_data, lcov_queue=None, addfiles_queue=None):
    """Adds JSON-ish config data.

      config_data: Config data string.
      lcov_queue: If not None, object to append lcov_files to instead of
          parsing them immediately.
      addfiles_queue: If not None, object to append add_files to instead of
          processing them immediately.
    # TODO: All manner of error checking
    cfg = eval(config_data, {'__builtins__': {}}, {})

    for rootdict in cfg.get('roots', []):
      self.AddRoot(rootdict['root'], alt_name=rootdict.get('altname', '_'))

    for ruledict in cfg.get('rules', []):
      regexp = ruledict.pop('regexp')
      self.AddRule(regexp, **ruledict)

    for add_lcov in cfg.get('lcov_files', []):
      if lcov_queue is not None:

    for add_path in cfg.get('add_files', []):
      if addfiles_queue is not None:

    self.print_stats += cfg.get('print_stats', [])

  def ParseConfig(self, filename, **kwargs):
    """Parses a configuration file.

      filename: Config filename.
      kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to AddConfig().
    # TODO: All manner of error checking
    f = None
      f = open(filename, 'rt')
      # Need to strip CR's from CRLF-terminated lines or posix systems can't
      # eval the data.
      config_data = f.read().replace('\r\n', '\n')
      # TODO: some sort of include syntax.
      # Needs to be done at string-time rather than at eval()-time, so that
      # it's possible to include parts of dicts.  Path from a file to its
      # include should be relative to the dir containing the file.
      # Or perhaps it could be done after eval.  In that case, there'd be an
      # 'include' section with a list of files to include.  Those would be
      # eval()'d and recursively pre- or post-merged with the including file.
      # Or maybe just don't worry about it, since multiple configs can be
      # specified on the command line.
      self.AddConfig(config_data, **kwargs)
      if f:

  def UpdateTreeStats(self):
    """Recalculates the tree stats from the currently covered files.

    Also calculates coverage summary for files.
    self.tree = CoveredDir('')
    for cov_file in self.files.itervalues():
      # Add the file to the tree
      fdirs = cov_file.filename.split('/')
      parent = self.tree
      ancestors = [parent]
      for d in fdirs[:-1]:
        if d not in parent.subdirs:
          if parent.dirpath:
            parent.subdirs[d] = CoveredDir(parent.dirpath + '/' + d)
            parent.subdirs[d] = CoveredDir(d)
        parent = parent.subdirs[d]
      # Final subdir actually contains the file
      parent.files[fdirs[-1]] = cov_file

      # Now add file's contribution to coverage by dir
      for a in ancestors:
        # Add to 'all' group

        # Add to group file belongs to
        group = cov_file.attrs.get('group')
        if group not in a.stats_by_group:
          a.stats_by_group[group] = CoverageStats()
        cbyg = a.stats_by_group[group]

  def PrintTree(self):
    """Prints the tree stats."""
    # Print the tree
    print 'Lines of code coverage by directory:'
    print self.tree.GetTree()


def Main(argv):
  """Main routine.

    argv: list of arguments

    exit code, 0 for normal exit.
  # Parse args
  parser = optparse.OptionParser()
      '-i', '--input', dest='inputs', type='string', action='append',
      help='read LCOV input from FILE')
      '-r', '--root', dest='roots', type='string', action='append',
      help='add ROOT directory, optionally map in coverage results as ALTNAME')
      '-c', '--config', dest='configs', type='string', action='append',
      help='read settings from configuration FILE')
      '-a', '--addfiles', dest='addfiles', type='string', action='append',
      help='add files from PATH to coverage data')
      '-t', '--tree', dest='tree', action='store_true',
      help='print tree of code coverage by group')
      '-u', '--uninstrumented', dest='uninstrumented', action='store_true',
      help='list uninstrumented files')
      '-m', '--html', dest='html_out', type='string', metavar='PATH',
      help='write HTML output to PATH')
      '-b', '--base_url', dest='base_url', type='string', metavar='URL',
      help='include URL in base tag of HTML output')


  options = parser.parse_args(args=argv)[0]

  cov = Coverage()

  # Set root directories for coverage
  for root_opt in options.roots:
    if '=' in root_opt:

  # Read config files
  for config_file in options.configs:
    cov.ParseConfig(config_file, lcov_queue=options.inputs,

  # Parse lcov files
  for input_filename in options.inputs:

  # Add missing files
  for add_path in options.addfiles:

  # Print help if no files specified
  if not cov.files:
    print 'No covered files found.'
    return 1

  # Update tree stats

  # Print uninstrumented filenames
  if options.uninstrumented:
    print 'Uninstrumented files:'
    for f in sorted(cov.files):
      covf = cov.files[f]
      if not covf.in_lcov:
        print '  %-6s %-6s %s' % (covf.attrs.get('group'),
                                  covf.attrs.get('language'), f)

  # Print tree stats
  if options.tree:

  # Print stats
  for ps_args in cov.print_stats:

  # Generate HTML
  if options.html_out:
    html = croc_html.CrocHtml(cov, options.html_out, options.base_url)

  # Normal exit
  return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':