# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Crocodile source scanners.""" import re class Scanner(object): """Generic source scanner.""" def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" self.re_token = re.compile('#') self.comment_to_eol = ['#'] self.comment_start = None self.comment_end = None def ScanLines(self, lines): """Scans the lines for executable statements. Args: lines: Iterator returning source lines. Returns: An array of line numbers which are executable. """ exe_lines = [] lineno = 0 in_string = None in_comment = None comment_index = None for line in lines: lineno += 1 in_string_at_start = in_string for t in self.re_token.finditer(line): tokenstr = t.groups()[0] if in_comment: # Inside a multi-line comment, so look for end token if tokenstr == in_comment: in_comment = None # Replace comment with spaces line = (line[:comment_index] + ' ' * (t.end(0) - comment_index) + line[t.end(0):]) elif in_string: # Inside a string, so look for end token if tokenstr == in_string: in_string = None elif tokenstr in self.comment_to_eol: # Single-line comment, so truncate line at start of token line = line[:t.start(0)] break elif tokenstr == self.comment_start: # Multi-line comment start - end token is comment_end in_comment = self.comment_end comment_index = t.start(0) else: # Starting a string - end token is same as start in_string = tokenstr # If still in comment at end of line, remove comment if in_comment: line = line[:comment_index] # Next line, delete from the beginnine comment_index = 0 # If line-sans-comments is not empty, claim it may be executable if line.strip() or in_string_at_start: exe_lines.append(lineno) # Return executable lines return exe_lines def Scan(self, filename): """Reads the file and scans its lines. Args: filename: Path to file to scan. Returns: An array of line numbers which are executable. """ # TODO: All manner of error checking f = None try: f = open(filename, 'rt') return self.ScanLines(f) finally: if f: f.close() class PythonScanner(Scanner): """Python source scanner.""" def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" Scanner.__init__(self) # TODO: This breaks for strings ending in more than 2 backslashes. Need # a pattern which counts only an odd number of backslashes, so the last # one thus escapes the quote. self.re_token = re.compile(r'(#|\'\'\'|"""|(?