#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Read a CRX file and write out the App ID and the Full Hash of the ID. See: http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/crx.html and 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/' + '1882981/google-chrome-alphanumeric-hashes-to-identify-extensions' for docs on the format. """ import sys import hashlib def usage(argv): print "%s: crx_file" % argv[0] EXPECTED_CRX_MAGIC_NUM = 'Cr24' EXPECTED_CRX_VERSION = 2 def HexToInt(hex_chars): """ Convert bytes like \xab -> 171 """ val = 0 for i in xrange(len(hex_chars)): val += pow(256, i) * ord(hex_chars[i]) return val def HexToMPDecimal(hex_chars): """ Convert bytes to an MPDecimal string. Example \x00 -> "aa" This gives us the AppID for a chrome extension. """ result = '' base = ord('a') for i in xrange(len(hex_chars)): value = ord(hex_chars[i]) dig1 = value / 16 dig2 = value % 16 result += chr(dig1 + base) result += chr(dig2 + base) return result def HexTo256(hex_chars): """ Convert bytes to pairs of hex digits. E.g., \x00\x11 -> "{0x00, 0x11}" The format is taylored for copy and paste into C code: const uint8 sha256_hash[] = { ... }; """ result = [] for i in xrange(len(hex_chars)): value = ord(hex_chars[i]) dig1 = value / 16 dig2 = value % 16 result.append('0x' + hex(dig1)[2:] + hex(dig2)[2:]) return '{%s}' % ', '.join(result) def GetPublicKey(f): magic_num = f.read(4) if magic_num != EXPECTED_CRX_MAGIC_NUM: raise 'Invalid magic number: %s (expecting %s)' % (magic_num, EXPECTED_CRX_MAGIC_NUM) version = f.read(4) if not version[0] != EXPECTED_CRX_VERSION: raise 'Invalid version number: %s (expecting %s)' % (version, EXPECTED_CRX_VERSION) pub_key_len_bytes = HexToInt(f.read(4)) sig_len_bytes = HexToInt(f.read(4)) pub_key = f.read(pub_key_len_bytes) return pub_key def GetCRXHash(filename): f = open(filename, 'rb') pub_key = GetPublicKey(f) f.close() pub_key_hash = hashlib.sha256(pub_key).digest() return HexTo256(pub_key_hash) def GetCRXAppID(filename): f = open(filename, 'rb') pub_key = GetPublicKey(f) f.close() pub_key_hash = hashlib.sha256(pub_key).digest() # AppID is the MPDecimal of only the first 128 bits of the hash. return HexToMPDecimal(pub_key_hash[:128/8]) def main(argv): if len(argv) != 2: usage(argv) return 1 print 'Raw Bytes: %s' % GetCRXHash(sys.argv[1]) print 'AppID: %s' % GetCRXAppID(sys.argv[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))