#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Generate keyboard layout and hotkey data for the keyboard overlay. This script fetches data from the keyboard layout and hotkey data spreadsheet, and output the data depending on the option. --cc: Generates C++ code snippet to be inserted into chrome/browser/chromeos/webui/keyboard_overlay_ui.cc --grd: Generates grd message snippet to be inserted into chrome/app/generated_resources.grd --js: Generates a JavaScript file used as chrome/browser/resources/keyboard_overlay/keyboard_overlay_data.js --altgr: Generates a list of layouts to be inserted into chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/xkeyboard.cc These options can be specified at the same time, and the files are generated with corresponding extensions appended at the end of the name specified by --out. e.g. python gen_keyboard_overlay_data.py --cc --grd --js --out=keyboard_overlay_data The command above generates keyboard_overlay_data.cc, keyboard_overlay_data.grd, and keyboard_overlay_data.js. """ import datetime import gdata.spreadsheet.service import getpass import json import optparse import os import re import sys MODIFIER_SHIFT = 1 << 0 MODIFIER_CTRL = 1 << 1 MODIFIER_ALT = 1 << 2 KEYBOARD_GLYPH_SPREADSHEET_KEY = '0Ao3KldW9piwEdExLbGR6TmZ2RU9aUjFCMmVxWkVqVmc' HOTKEY_SPREADSHEET_KEY = '0AqzoqbAMLyEPdE1RQXdodk1qVkFyTWtQbUxROVM1cXc' COPYRIGHT_HEADER_TEMPLATE=( """// Copyright (c) %s The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. """) # A snippet for grd file GRD_SNIPPET_TEMPLATE=""" %s """ # A snippet for C++ file CC_SNIPPET_TEMPLATE=""" localized_strings.SetString("%s", l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(%s)); """ ALTGR_TEMPLATE="""// These are the overlay names of layouts that shouldn't // remap the right alt key. const char* kKeepRightAltOverlays[] = { %s }; // These are the overlay names with caps lock remapped const char* kCapsLockRemapped[] = { %s }; """ def SplitBehavior(behavior): """Splits the behavior to compose a message or i18n-content value. Examples: 'Activate last tab' => ['Activate', 'last', 'tab'] 'Close tab' => ['Close', 'tab'] """ return [x for x in re.split('[ ()"-.,]', behavior) if len(x) > 0] def ToMessageName(behavior): """Composes a message name for grd file. Examples: 'Activate last tab' => IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAST_TAB 'Close tab' => IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_CLOSE_TAB """ segments = [segment.upper() for segment in SplitBehavior(behavior)] return 'IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_' + ('_'.join(segments)) def Toi18nContent(behavior): """Composes a i18n-content value for HTML/JavaScript files. Examples: 'Activate last tab' => keyboardOverlayActivateLastTab 'Close tab' => keyboardOverlayCloseTab """ segments = [segment.lower() for segment in SplitBehavior(behavior)] result = 'keyboardOverlay' for segment in segments: result += segment[0].upper() + segment[1:] return result def ToKeys(hotkey): """Converts the action value to shortcut keys used from JavaScript. Examples: 'Ctrl - 9' => '9<>CTRL' 'Ctrl - Shift - Tab' => 'tab<>CTRL<>SHIFT' """ values = hotkey.split(' - ') modifiers = sorted(value.upper() for value in values if value in ['Shift', 'Ctrl', 'Alt']) keycode = [value.lower() for value in values if value not in ['Shift', 'Ctrl', 'Alt']] # The keys which are highlighted even without modifier keys. base_keys = ['backspace', 'power'] if not modifiers and (keycode and keycode[0] not in base_keys): return None return '<>'.join(keycode + modifiers) def ParseOptions(): """Parses the input arguemnts and returns options.""" # default_username = os.getusername() + '@google.com'; default_username = '%s@google.com' % os.environ.get('USER') parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('--key', dest='key', help='The key of the spreadsheet (required).') parser.add_option('--username', dest='username', default=default_username, help='Your user name (default: %s).' % default_username) parser.add_option('--password', dest='password', help='Your password.') parser.add_option('--account_type', default='GOOGLE', dest='account_type', help='Account type used for gdata login (default: GOOGLE)') parser.add_option('--js', dest='js', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output js file.') parser.add_option('--grd', dest='grd', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output resource file.') parser.add_option('--cc', dest='cc', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output cc file.') parser.add_option('--altgr', dest='altgr', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output altgr file.') parser.add_option('--out', dest='out', default='keyboard_overlay_data', help='The output file name without extension.') (options, unused_args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.username.endswith('google.com'): print 'google.com account is necessary to use this script.' sys.exit(-1) if (not (options.js or options.grd or options.cc or options.altgr)): print 'Either --js, --grd, --cc or --altgr needs to be specified.' sys.exit(-1) # Get the password from the terminal, if needed. if not options.password: options.password = getpass.getpass('Password for %s: ' % options.username) return options def InitClient(options): """Initializes the spreadsheet client.""" client = gdata.spreadsheet.service.SpreadsheetsService() client.email = options.username client.password = options.password client.source = 'Spread Sheet' client.account_type = options.account_type print 'Logging in as %s (%s)' % (client.email, client.account_type) client.ProgrammaticLogin() return client def PrintDiffs(message, lhs, rhs): """Prints the differences between |lhs| and |rhs|.""" dif = set(lhs).difference(rhs) if dif: print message, ', '.join(dif) def FetchSpreadsheetFeeds(client, key, sheets, cols): """Fetch feeds from the spreadsheet. Args: client: A spreadsheet client to be used for fetching data. key: A key string of the spreadsheet to be fetched. sheets: A list of the sheet names to read data from. cols: A list of columns to read data from. """ worksheets_feed = client.GetWorksheetsFeed(key) print 'Fetching data from the worksheet: %s' % worksheets_feed.title.text worksheets_data = {} titles = [] for entry in worksheets_feed.entry: worksheet_id = entry.id.text.split('/')[-1] list_feed = client.GetListFeed(key, worksheet_id) list_data = [] # Hack to deal with sheet names like 'sv (Copy of fl)' title = list_feed.title.text.split('(')[0].strip() titles.append(title) if title not in sheets: continue print 'Reading data from the sheet: %s' % list_feed.title.text for i, entry in enumerate(list_feed.entry): line_data = {} for k in entry.custom: if (k not in cols) or (not entry.custom[k].text): continue line_data[k] = entry.custom[k].text list_data.append(line_data) worksheets_data[title] = list_data PrintDiffs('Exist only on the spreadsheet: ', titles, sheets) PrintDiffs('Specified but do not exist on the spreadsheet: ', sheets, titles) return worksheets_data def FetchKeyboardGlyphData(client): """Fetches the keyboard glyph data from the spreadsheet.""" languages = ['en_US', 'en_US_colemak', 'en_US_dvorak', 'en_US_intl', 'en_US_altgr_intl', 'ar', 'ar_fr', 'bg', 'ca', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'de_neo', 'el', 'en_fr_hybrid_CA', 'en_GB', 'en_GB_dvorak', 'es', 'es_419', 'et', 'fi', 'fil', 'fr', 'fr_CA', 'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'iw', 'ja', 'ko', 'lt', 'lv', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt_BR', 'pt_PT', 'ro', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl', 'sr', 'sv', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh_CN', 'zh_TW'] glyph_cols = ['scancode', 'position', 'p0', 'p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5', 'p6', 'p7', 'p8', 'p9', 'label', 'key', 'format', 'notes'] keyboard_glyph_data = FetchSpreadsheetFeeds( client, KEYBOARD_GLYPH_SPREADSHEET_KEY, languages, glyph_cols) ret = {} for lang in keyboard_glyph_data: ret[lang] = {} keys = {} for line in keyboard_glyph_data[lang]: scancode = line.get('scancode') if (not scancode) and line.get('notes'): ret[lang]['layoutName'] = line['notes'] continue del line['scancode'] keys[scancode] = line ret[lang]['keys'] = keys return ret def FetchLayoutsData(client): """Fetches the keyboard glyph data from the spreadsheet.""" layout_names = ['U_layout', 'J_layout', 'E_layout', 'B_layout'] cols = ['scancode', 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h'] layouts = FetchSpreadsheetFeeds(client, KEYBOARD_GLYPH_SPREADSHEET_KEY, layout_names, cols) ret = {} for layout_name, layout in layouts.items(): ret[layout_name[0]] = [] for row in layout: line = [] for col in cols: value = row.get(col) if not value: line.append('') else: if col != 'scancode': value = float(value) line.append(value) ret[layout_name[0]].append(line) return ret def FetchHotkeyData(client): """Fetches the hotkey data from the spreadsheet.""" hotkey_sheet = ['Cross Platform Behaviors'] hotkey_cols = ['behavior', 'context', 'kind', 'actionctrlctrlcmdonmac', 'chromeos'] hotkey_data = FetchSpreadsheetFeeds(client, HOTKEY_SPREADSHEET_KEY, hotkey_sheet, hotkey_cols) action_to_id = {} id_to_behavior = {} # (behavior, action) result = [] for line in hotkey_data['Cross Platform Behaviors']: if (not line.get('chromeos')) or (line.get('kind') != 'Key'): continue action = ToKeys(line['actionctrlctrlcmdonmac']) if not action: continue behavior = line['behavior'].strip() result.append((behavior, action)) return result def GenerateCopyrightHeader(): """Generates the copyright header for JavaScript code.""" return COPYRIGHT_HEADER_TEMPLATE % datetime.date.today().year def OutputJson(keyboard_glyph_data, hotkey_data, layouts, var_name, outfile): """Outputs the keyboard overlay data as a JSON file.""" print 'Generating: %s' % outfile action_to_id = {} for (behavior, action) in hotkey_data: i18nContent = Toi18nContent(behavior) action_to_id[action] = i18nContent data = {'keyboardGlyph': keyboard_glyph_data, 'shortcut': action_to_id, 'layouts': layouts} out = file(outfile, 'w') out.write(GenerateCopyrightHeader() + '\n') json_data = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2) # Remove redundant spaces after ',' json_data = json_data.replace(', \n', ',\n') out.write('var %s = %s;' % (var_name, json_data)) def OutputGrd(hotkey_data, outfile): """Outputs a snippet used for a grd file.""" print 'Generating: %s' % outfile desc = 'The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut.' out = file(outfile, 'w') for (behavior, _) in hotkey_data: out.write(GRD_SNIPPET_TEMPLATE % (ToMessageName(behavior), desc, behavior)) def OutputCC(hotkey_data, outfile): """Outputs a snippet used for C++ file.""" print 'Generating: %s' % outfile out = file(outfile, 'w') for (behavior, _) in hotkey_data: out.write(CC_SNIPPET_TEMPLATE % (Toi18nContent(behavior), ToMessageName(behavior))) def OutputAltGr(keyboard_glyph_data, outfile): """Outputs the keyboard overlay data as a JSON file.""" print 'Generating: %s' % outfile altgr_output = [] capslock_output = [] for layout in keyboard_glyph_data.keys(): try: right_alt = keyboard_glyph_data[layout]["keys"]["E0 38"]["key"].strip() if right_alt.lower() == "alt gr": altgr_output.append(' "%s",' % layout) except KeyError: pass try: caps_lock = keyboard_glyph_data[layout]["keys"]["E0 5B"]["key"].strip() if caps_lock.lower() != "glyph_search": capslock_output.append(' "%s",' % layout) except KeyError: pass out = file(outfile, 'w') out.write(ALTGR_TEMPLATE % ( "\n".join(altgr_output), "\n".join(capslock_output))) def main(): options = ParseOptions() client = InitClient(options) hotkey_data = FetchHotkeyData(client) if options.js or options.altgr: keyboard_glyph_data = FetchKeyboardGlyphData(client) if options.js: layouts = FetchLayoutsData(client) OutputJson(keyboard_glyph_data, hotkey_data, layouts, 'keyboardOverlayData', options.out + '.js') if options.grd: OutputGrd(hotkey_data, options.out + '.grd') if options.cc: OutputCC(hotkey_data, options.out + '.cc') if options.altgr: OutputAltGr(keyboard_glyph_data, options.out + '.altgr') if __name__ == '__main__': main()