// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "tools/gn/parse_tree.h" #include #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "tools/gn/functions.h" #include "tools/gn/operators.h" #include "tools/gn/scope.h" #include "tools/gn/string_utils.h" namespace { std::string IndentFor(int value) { std::string ret; for (int i = 0; i < value; i++) ret.append(" "); return ret; } } // namespace ParseNode::ParseNode() { } ParseNode::~ParseNode() { } const AccessorNode* ParseNode::AsAccessor() const { return NULL; } const BinaryOpNode* ParseNode::AsBinaryOp() const { return NULL; } const BlockNode* ParseNode::AsBlock() const { return NULL; } const ConditionNode* ParseNode::AsConditionNode() const { return NULL; } const FunctionCallNode* ParseNode::AsFunctionCall() const { return NULL; } const IdentifierNode* ParseNode::AsIdentifier() const { return NULL; } const ListNode* ParseNode::AsList() const { return NULL; } const LiteralNode* ParseNode::AsLiteral() const { return NULL; } const UnaryOpNode* ParseNode::AsUnaryOp() const { return NULL; } // AccessorNode --------------------------------------------------------------- AccessorNode::AccessorNode() { } AccessorNode::~AccessorNode() { } const AccessorNode* AccessorNode::AsAccessor() const { return this; } Value AccessorNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const { if (index_) return ExecuteArrayAccess(scope, err); else if (member_) return ExecuteScopeAccess(scope, err); NOTREACHED(); return Value(); } LocationRange AccessorNode::GetRange() const { if (index_) return LocationRange(base_.location(), index_->GetRange().end()); else if (member_) return LocationRange(base_.location(), member_->GetRange().end()); NOTREACHED(); return LocationRange(); } Err AccessorNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg, const std::string& help) const { return Err(GetRange(), msg, help); } void AccessorNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const { out << IndentFor(indent) << "ACCESSOR\n"; out << IndentFor(indent + 1) << base_.value() << "\n"; if (index_) index_->Print(out, indent + 1); else if (member_) member_->Print(out, indent + 1); } Value AccessorNode::ExecuteArrayAccess(Scope* scope, Err* err) const { Value index_value = index_->Execute(scope, err); if (err->has_error()) return Value(); if (!index_value.VerifyTypeIs(Value::INTEGER, err)) return Value(); const Value* base_value = scope->GetValue(base_.value(), true); if (!base_value) { *err = MakeErrorDescribing("Undefined identifier."); return Value(); } if (!base_value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::LIST, err)) return Value(); int64 index_int = index_value.int_value(); if (index_int < 0) { *err = Err(index_->GetRange(), "Negative array subscript.", "You gave me " + base::Int64ToString(index_int) + "."); return Value(); } size_t index_sizet = static_cast(index_int); if (index_sizet >= base_value->list_value().size()) { *err = Err(index_->GetRange(), "Array subscript out of range.", "You gave me " + base::Int64ToString(index_int) + " but I was expecting something from 0 to " + base::Int64ToString( static_cast(base_value->list_value().size()) - 1) + ", inclusive."); return Value(); } // Doing this assumes that there's no way in the language to do anything // between the time the reference is created and the time that the reference // is used. If there is, this will crash! Currently, this is just used for // array accesses where this "shouldn't" happen. return base_value->list_value()[index_sizet]; } Value AccessorNode::ExecuteScopeAccess(Scope* scope, Err* err) const { // We jump through some hoops here since ideally a.b will count "b" as // accessed in the given scope. The value "a" might be in some normal nested // scope and we can modify it, but it might also be inherited from the // readonly root scope and we can't do used variable tracking on it. (It's // not legal to const cast it away since the root scope will be in readonly // mode and being accessed from multiple threads without locking.) So this // code handles both cases. const Value* result = NULL; // Look up the value in the scope named by "base_". Value* mutable_base_value = scope->GetMutableValue(base_.value(), true); if (mutable_base_value) { // Common case: base value is mutable so we can track variable accesses // for unused value warnings. if (!mutable_base_value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::SCOPE, err)) return Value(); result = mutable_base_value->scope_value()->GetValue( member_->value().value(), true); } else { // Fall back to see if the value is on a read-only scope. const Value* const_base_value = scope->GetValue(base_.value(), true); if (const_base_value) { // Read only value, don't try to mark the value access as a "used" one. if (!const_base_value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::SCOPE, err)) return Value(); result = const_base_value->scope_value()->GetValue(member_->value().value()); } else { *err = Err(base_, "Undefined identifier."); return Value(); } } if (!result) { *err = Err(member_.get(), "No value named \"" + member_->value().value() + "\" in scope \"" + base_.value() + "\""); return Value(); } return *result; } // BinaryOpNode --------------------------------------------------------------- BinaryOpNode::BinaryOpNode() { } BinaryOpNode::~BinaryOpNode() { } const BinaryOpNode* BinaryOpNode::AsBinaryOp() const { return this; } Value BinaryOpNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const { return ExecuteBinaryOperator(scope, this, left_.get(), right_.get(), err); } LocationRange BinaryOpNode::GetRange() const { return left_->GetRange().Union(right_->GetRange()); } Err BinaryOpNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg, const std::string& help) const { return Err(op_, msg, help); } void BinaryOpNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const { out << IndentFor(indent) << "BINARY(" << op_.value() << ")\n"; left_->Print(out, indent + 1); right_->Print(out, indent + 1); } // BlockNode ------------------------------------------------------------------ BlockNode::BlockNode(bool has_scope) : has_scope_(has_scope) { } BlockNode::~BlockNode() { STLDeleteContainerPointers(statements_.begin(), statements_.end()); } const BlockNode* BlockNode::AsBlock() const { return this; } Value BlockNode::Execute(Scope* containing_scope, Err* err) const { if (has_scope_) { Scope our_scope(containing_scope); Value ret = ExecuteBlockInScope(&our_scope, err); if (err->has_error()) return Value(); // Check for unused vars in the scope. our_scope.CheckForUnusedVars(err); return ret; } return ExecuteBlockInScope(containing_scope, err); } LocationRange BlockNode::GetRange() const { if (begin_token_.type() != Token::INVALID && end_token_.type() != Token::INVALID) { return begin_token_.range().Union(end_token_.range()); } else if (!statements_.empty()) { return statements_[0]->GetRange().Union( statements_[statements_.size() - 1]->GetRange()); } return LocationRange(); } Err BlockNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg, const std::string& help) const { return Err(GetRange(), msg, help); } void BlockNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const { out << IndentFor(indent) << "BLOCK\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < statements_.size(); i++) statements_[i]->Print(out, indent + 1); } Value BlockNode::ExecuteBlockInScope(Scope* our_scope, Err* err) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < statements_.size() && !err->has_error(); i++) { // Check for trying to execute things with no side effects in a block. const ParseNode* cur = statements_[i]; if (cur->AsList() || cur->AsLiteral() || cur->AsUnaryOp() || cur->AsIdentifier()) { *err = cur->MakeErrorDescribing( "This statement has no effect.", "Either delete it or do something with the result."); return Value(); } cur->Execute(our_scope, err); } return Value(); } // ConditionNode -------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionNode::ConditionNode() { } ConditionNode::~ConditionNode() { } const ConditionNode* ConditionNode::AsConditionNode() const { return this; } Value ConditionNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const { Value condition_result = condition_->Execute(scope, err); if (err->has_error()) return Value(); if (condition_result.type() != Value::BOOLEAN) { *err = condition_->MakeErrorDescribing( "Condition does not evaluate to a boolean value.", std::string("This is a value of type \"") + Value::DescribeType(condition_result.type()) + "\" instead."); err->AppendRange(if_token_.range()); return Value(); } if (condition_result.boolean_value()) { if_true_->ExecuteBlockInScope(scope, err); } else if (if_false_) { // The else block is optional. It's either another condition (for an // "else if" and we can just Execute it and the condition will handle // the scoping) or it's a block indicating an "else" in which ase we // need to be sure it inherits our scope. const BlockNode* if_false_block = if_false_->AsBlock(); if (if_false_block) if_false_block->ExecuteBlockInScope(scope, err); else if_false_->Execute(scope, err); } return Value(); } LocationRange ConditionNode::GetRange() const { if (if_false_) return if_token_.range().Union(if_false_->GetRange()); return if_token_.range().Union(if_true_->GetRange()); } Err ConditionNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg, const std::string& help) const { return Err(if_token_, msg, help); } void ConditionNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const { out << IndentFor(indent) << "CONDITION\n"; condition_->Print(out, indent + 1); if_true_->Print(out, indent + 1); if (if_false_) if_false_->Print(out, indent + 1); } // FunctionCallNode ----------------------------------------------------------- FunctionCallNode::FunctionCallNode() { } FunctionCallNode::~FunctionCallNode() { } const FunctionCallNode* FunctionCallNode::AsFunctionCall() const { return this; } Value FunctionCallNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const { return functions::RunFunction(scope, this, args_.get(), block_.get(), err); } LocationRange FunctionCallNode::GetRange() const { if (block_) return function_.range().Union(block_->GetRange()); return function_.range().Union(args_->GetRange()); } Err FunctionCallNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg, const std::string& help) const { return Err(function_, msg, help); } void FunctionCallNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const { out << IndentFor(indent) << "FUNCTION(" << function_.value() << ")\n"; args_->Print(out, indent + 1); if (block_) block_->Print(out, indent + 1); } // IdentifierNode -------------------------------------------------------------- IdentifierNode::IdentifierNode() { } IdentifierNode::IdentifierNode(const Token& token) : value_(token) { } IdentifierNode::~IdentifierNode() { } const IdentifierNode* IdentifierNode::AsIdentifier() const { return this; } Value IdentifierNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const { const Value* result = scope->GetValue(value_.value(), true); if (!result) { *err = MakeErrorDescribing("Undefined identifier"); return Value(); } return *result; } LocationRange IdentifierNode::GetRange() const { return value_.range(); } Err IdentifierNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg, const std::string& help) const { return Err(value_, msg, help); } void IdentifierNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const { out << IndentFor(indent) << "IDENTIFIER(" << value_.value() << ")\n"; } // ListNode ------------------------------------------------------------------- ListNode::ListNode() { } ListNode::~ListNode() { STLDeleteContainerPointers(contents_.begin(), contents_.end()); } const ListNode* ListNode::AsList() const { return this; } Value ListNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const { Value result_value(this, Value::LIST); std::vector& results = result_value.list_value(); results.resize(contents_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < contents_.size(); i++) { const ParseNode* cur = contents_[i]; results[i] = cur->Execute(scope, err); if (err->has_error()) return Value(); if (results[i].type() == Value::NONE) { *err = cur->MakeErrorDescribing( "This does not evaluate to a value.", "I can't do something with nothing."); return Value(); } } return result_value; } LocationRange ListNode::GetRange() const { return LocationRange(begin_token_.location(), end_token_.location()); } Err ListNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg, const std::string& help) const { return Err(begin_token_, msg, help); } void ListNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const { out << IndentFor(indent) << "LIST\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < contents_.size(); i++) contents_[i]->Print(out, indent + 1); } // LiteralNode ----------------------------------------------------------------- LiteralNode::LiteralNode() { } LiteralNode::LiteralNode(const Token& token) : value_(token) { } LiteralNode::~LiteralNode() { } const LiteralNode* LiteralNode::AsLiteral() const { return this; } Value LiteralNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const { switch (value_.type()) { case Token::TRUE_TOKEN: return Value(this, true); case Token::FALSE_TOKEN: return Value(this, false); case Token::INTEGER: { int64 result_int; if (!base::StringToInt64(value_.value(), &result_int)) { *err = MakeErrorDescribing("This does not look like an integer"); return Value(); } return Value(this, result_int); } case Token::STRING: { Value v(this, Value::STRING); ExpandStringLiteral(scope, value_, &v, err); return v; } default: NOTREACHED(); return Value(); } } LocationRange LiteralNode::GetRange() const { return value_.range(); } Err LiteralNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg, const std::string& help) const { return Err(value_, msg, help); } void LiteralNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const { out << IndentFor(indent) << "LITERAL(" << value_.value() << ")\n"; } // UnaryOpNode ---------------------------------------------------------------- UnaryOpNode::UnaryOpNode() { } UnaryOpNode::~UnaryOpNode() { } const UnaryOpNode* UnaryOpNode::AsUnaryOp() const { return this; } Value UnaryOpNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const { Value operand_value = operand_->Execute(scope, err); if (err->has_error()) return Value(); return ExecuteUnaryOperator(scope, this, operand_value, err); } LocationRange UnaryOpNode::GetRange() const { return op_.range().Union(operand_->GetRange()); } Err UnaryOpNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg, const std::string& help) const { return Err(op_, msg, help); } void UnaryOpNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const { out << IndentFor(indent) << "UNARY(" << op_.value() << ")\n"; operand_->Print(out, indent + 1); }