// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "tools/gn/input_file.h" #include "tools/gn/parse_tree.h" #include "tools/gn/scope.h" #include "tools/gn/test_with_scope.h" TEST(ParseTree, Accessor) { TestWithScope setup; // Make a pretend parse node with proper tracking that we can blame for the // given value. InputFile input_file(SourceFile("//foo")); Token base_token(Location(&input_file, 1, 1, 1), Token::IDENTIFIER, "a"); Token member_token(Location(&input_file, 1, 1, 1), Token::IDENTIFIER, "b"); AccessorNode accessor; accessor.set_base(base_token); scoped_ptr member_identifier( new IdentifierNode(member_token)); accessor.set_member(member_identifier.Pass()); // The access should fail because a is not defined. Err err; Value result = accessor.Execute(setup.scope(), &err); EXPECT_TRUE(err.has_error()); EXPECT_EQ(Value::NONE, result.type()); // Define a as a Scope. It should still fail because b isn't defined. err = Err(); setup.scope()->SetValue( "a", Value(nullptr, scoped_ptr(new Scope(setup.scope()))), nullptr); result = accessor.Execute(setup.scope(), &err); EXPECT_TRUE(err.has_error()); EXPECT_EQ(Value::NONE, result.type()); // Define b, accessor should succeed now. const int64 kBValue = 42; err = Err(); setup.scope() ->GetMutableValue("a", false) ->scope_value() ->SetValue("b", Value(nullptr, kBValue), nullptr); result = accessor.Execute(setup.scope(), &err); EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()); ASSERT_EQ(Value::INTEGER, result.type()); EXPECT_EQ(kBValue, result.int_value()); } TEST(ParseTree, BlockUnusedVars) { TestWithScope setup; // Printing both values should be OK. // // The crazy template definition here is a way to execute a block without // defining a target. Templates require that both the target_name and the // invoker be used, which is what the assertion statement inside the template // does. TestParseInput input_all_used( "template(\"foo\") { assert(target_name != 0 && invoker != 0) }\n" "foo(\"a\") {\n" " a = 12\n" " b = 13\n" " print(\"$a $b\")\n" "}"); EXPECT_FALSE(input_all_used.has_error()); Err err; input_all_used.parsed()->Execute(setup.scope(), &err); EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()); // Skipping one should throw an unused var error. TestParseInput input_unused( "foo(\"a\") {\n" " a = 12\n" " b = 13\n" " print(\"$a\")\n" "}"); EXPECT_FALSE(input_unused.has_error()); input_unused.parsed()->Execute(setup.scope(), &err); EXPECT_TRUE(err.has_error()); // Also verify that the unused variable has the correct origin set. The // origin will point to the value assigned to the variable (in this case, the // "13" assigned to "b". EXPECT_EQ(3, err.location().line_number()); EXPECT_EQ(7, err.location().char_offset()); } TEST(ParseTree, OriginForDereference) { TestWithScope setup; TestParseInput input( "a = 6\n" "get_target_outputs(a)"); EXPECT_FALSE(input.has_error()); Err err; input.parsed()->Execute(setup.scope(), &err); EXPECT_TRUE(err.has_error()); // The origin for the "not a string" error message should be where the value // was dereferenced (the "a" on the second line). EXPECT_EQ(2, err.location().line_number()); EXPECT_EQ(20, err.location().char_offset()); } TEST(ParseTree, SortRangeExtraction) { TestWithScope setup; // Ranges are [begin, end). { TestParseInput input( "sources = [\n" " \"a\",\n" " \"b\",\n" " \n" " #\n" " # Block\n" " #\n" " \n" " \"c\"," " \"d\"," "]\n"); EXPECT_FALSE(input.has_error()); ASSERT_TRUE(input.parsed()->AsBlock()); ASSERT_TRUE(input.parsed()->AsBlock()->statements()[0]->AsBinaryOp()); const BinaryOpNode* binop = input.parsed()->AsBlock()->statements()[0]->AsBinaryOp(); ASSERT_TRUE(binop->right()->AsList()); const ListNode* list = binop->right()->AsList(); EXPECT_EQ(5u, list->contents().size()); auto ranges = list->GetSortRanges(); ASSERT_EQ(2u, ranges.size()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, ranges[0].begin); EXPECT_EQ(2u, ranges[0].end); EXPECT_EQ(3u, ranges[1].begin); EXPECT_EQ(5u, ranges[1].end); } { TestParseInput input( "sources = [\n" " \"a\",\n" " \"b\",\n" " \n" " # Attached comment.\n" " \"c\"," " \"d\"," "]\n"); EXPECT_FALSE(input.has_error()); ASSERT_TRUE(input.parsed()->AsBlock()); ASSERT_TRUE(input.parsed()->AsBlock()->statements()[0]->AsBinaryOp()); const BinaryOpNode* binop = input.parsed()->AsBlock()->statements()[0]->AsBinaryOp(); ASSERT_TRUE(binop->right()->AsList()); const ListNode* list = binop->right()->AsList(); EXPECT_EQ(4u, list->contents().size()); auto ranges = list->GetSortRanges(); ASSERT_EQ(2u, ranges.size()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, ranges[0].begin); EXPECT_EQ(2u, ranges[0].end); EXPECT_EQ(2u, ranges[1].begin); EXPECT_EQ(4u, ranges[1].end); } { TestParseInput input( "sources = [\n" " # At end of list.\n" " \"zzzzzzzzzzz.cc\"," "]\n"); EXPECT_FALSE(input.has_error()); ASSERT_TRUE(input.parsed()->AsBlock()); ASSERT_TRUE(input.parsed()->AsBlock()->statements()[0]->AsBinaryOp()); const BinaryOpNode* binop = input.parsed()->AsBlock()->statements()[0]->AsBinaryOp(); ASSERT_TRUE(binop->right()->AsList()); const ListNode* list = binop->right()->AsList(); EXPECT_EQ(1u, list->contents().size()); auto ranges = list->GetSortRanges(); ASSERT_EQ(1u, ranges.size()); EXPECT_EQ(0u, ranges[0].begin); EXPECT_EQ(1u, ranges[0].end); } { TestParseInput input( "sources = [\n" " # Block at start.\n" " \n" " \"z.cc\"," " \"y.cc\"," "]\n"); EXPECT_FALSE(input.has_error()); ASSERT_TRUE(input.parsed()->AsBlock()); ASSERT_TRUE(input.parsed()->AsBlock()->statements()[0]->AsBinaryOp()); const BinaryOpNode* binop = input.parsed()->AsBlock()->statements()[0]->AsBinaryOp(); ASSERT_TRUE(binop->right()->AsList()); const ListNode* list = binop->right()->AsList(); EXPECT_EQ(3u, list->contents().size()); auto ranges = list->GetSortRanges(); ASSERT_EQ(1u, ranges.size()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, ranges[0].begin); EXPECT_EQ(3u, ranges[0].end); } } TEST(ParseTree, Integers) { static const char* const kGood[] = { "0", "10", "-54321", "9223372036854775807", // INT64_MAX "-9223372036854775808", // INT64_MIN }; for (auto s : kGood) { TestParseInput input(std::string("x = ") + s); EXPECT_FALSE(input.has_error()); TestWithScope setup; Err err; input.parsed()->Execute(setup.scope(), &err); EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()); } static const char* const kBad[] = { "-0", "010", "-010", "9223372036854775808", // INT64_MAX + 1 "-9223372036854775809", // INT64_MIN - 1 }; for (auto s : kBad) { TestParseInput input(std::string("x = ") + s); EXPECT_FALSE(input.has_error()); TestWithScope setup; Err err; input.parsed()->Execute(setup.scope(), &err); EXPECT_TRUE(err.has_error()); } }