# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # This file is used to assign starting resource ids for resources and strings # used by Chromium. This is done to ensure that resource ids are unique # across all the grd files. If you are adding a new grd file, please add # a new entry to this file. # # The first entry in the file, SRCDIR, is special: It is a relative path from # this file to the base of your checkout. # # The range of ID values, which is used by pak files, is from 0 to 2^16 - 1. { "SRCDIR": "../..", "chrome/browser/browser_resources.grd": { "includes": [400], "structures": [750], }, "chrome/browser/resources/component_extension_resources.grd": { "includes": [1000], "structures": [1450], }, "chrome/browser/resources/net_internals_resources.grd": { "includes": [1500], }, "ui/webui/resources/webui_resources.grd": { "includes": [2000], "structures": [2200], }, "chrome/common/common_resources.grd": { "includes": [3000], }, "chrome/renderer/resources/renderer_resources.grd": { "includes": [3500], "structures": [3700], }, "net/base/net_resources.grd": { "includes": [4000], }, "mash/wm/resources/mash_wm_resources.grd": { "structures": [4400], }, "ui/resources/ui_unscaled_resources.grd": { "includes": [4500], }, "content/app/resources/content_resources.grd": { "structures": [4700], }, "third_party/WebKit/public/blink_image_resources.grd": { "structures": [4750], }, "ui/resources/ui_resources.grd": { "structures": [5500], }, "ui/app_list/resources/app_list_resources.grd": { "structures": [5760], }, "ui/views/resources/views_resources.grd": { "structures": [5800], }, "ash/resources/ash_resources.grd": { "includes": [6100], "structures": [6150], }, "ui/keyboard/keyboard_resources.grd": { "includes": [6850], }, "chrome/app/theme/theme_resources.grd": { "structures": [7000], }, "chrome/app/theme/chrome_unscaled_resources.grd": { "includes": [8000], }, "ui/strings/app_locale_settings.grd": { "messages": [9000], }, "chrome/app/resources/locale_settings.grd": { "includes": [9500], "messages": [10000], }, # These each start with the same resource id because we only use one # file for each build (chromiumos, google_chromeos, linux, mac, or win). "chrome/app/resources/locale_settings_chromiumos.grd": { "messages": [10500], }, "chrome/app/resources/locale_settings_google_chromeos.grd": { "messages": [10500], }, "chrome/app/resources/locale_settings_linux.grd": { "messages": [10500], }, "chrome/app/resources/locale_settings_mac.grd": { "messages": [10500], }, "chrome/app/resources/locale_settings_win.grd": { "messages": [10500], }, "ui/strings/ui_strings.grd": { "messages": [11000], }, # Chromium strings and Google Chrome strings must start at the same id. # We only use one file depending on whether we're building Chromium or # Google Chrome. "chrome/app/chromium_strings.grd": { "messages": [11500], }, "chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd": { "messages": [11500], }, # Leave lots of space for generated_resources since it has most of our # strings. "chrome/app/generated_resources.grd": { "structures": [12000], "messages": [12500], }, "content/app/strings/content_strings.grd": { "messages": [18900], }, # Settings Chromium strings and Settings Google Chrome strings must start # at the same id. We only use one file depending on whether we're building # Chromium or Google Chrome. "chrome/app/settings_chromium_strings.grd": { "messages": [19700], }, "chrome/app/settings_google_chrome_strings.grd": { "messages": [19700], }, "chrome/app/settings_strings.grd": { "messages": [20000], }, "components/policy/resources/policy_templates.grd": { "structures": [20400], "messages": [20410], }, "chrome/browser/resources/signin_internals_resources.grd": { "includes": [21400], }, "chrome/browser/resources/invalidations_resources.grd": { "includes": [21600], }, # This file is generated during the build. "<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/devtools/devtools_resources.grd": { "includes": [21650], }, "devtools_resources.grd": { "includes": [21650], }, "chrome/browser/resources/options_resources.grd": { "includes": [22650], "structures": [22850], }, "chrome/browser/resources/options_test_resources.grd": { "includes": [23050], "structures": [23090], }, "chrome/test/data/webui_test_resources.grd": { "includes": [23130], "structures": [23140], }, "cloud_print/virtual_driver/win/install/virtual_driver_setup_resources.grd": { "messages": [23150], "includes": [23200], }, "cloud_print/service/win/service_resources.grd": { "messages": [23250], "includes": [23350], "structures": [23400], }, "cloud_print/gcp20/prototype/gcp20_device.grd": { "messages": [23450], "includes": [23480], "structures": [23490], }, "chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals_resources.grd": { "includes": [23650], }, "content/content_resources.grd": { "includes": [24650], }, "content/shell/shell_resources.grd": { "includes": [25150], }, # This file is generated during the build. "<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/content/browser/tracing/tracing_resources.grd": { "includes": [25400], }, # iOS resources overlap with android_webview, ash, chromeos and extensions_api, # as these are not used on iOS. "ios/chrome/app/strings/ios_locale_settings.grd": { "messages": [25650], }, "ios/chrome/app/strings/ios_strings.grd": { "messages": [25655], }, # Chromium strings and Google Chrome strings must start at the same id. # We only use one file depending on whether we're building Chromium or # Google Chrome. "ios/chrome/app/strings/ios_chromium_strings.grd": { "messages": [26555], }, "ios/chrome/app/strings/ios_google_chrome_strings.grd": { "messages": [26555], }, "ios/chrome/app/theme/ios_theme_resources.grd": { "structures": [26655], }, "ios/chrome/today_extension/strings/ios_today_extension_strings.grd": { "messages": [27135], }, "ash/ash_strings.grd": { "messages": [25650], }, "android_webview/ui/aw_resources.grd": { "includes": [25650], }, "android_webview/ui/aw_strings.grd": { "messages": [25750], }, "ui/chromeos/resources/ui_chromeos_resources.grd": { "structures": [25850], }, "ui/chromeos/ui_chromeos_strings.grd": { "messages": [25950], }, "chrome/common/extensions_api_resources.grd": { "includes": [26050], }, "extensions/extensions_resources.grd": { "includes": [26250], }, "extensions/browser/resources/extensions_browser_resources.grd": { "structures": [26450], }, "extensions/renderer/resources/extensions_renderer_resources.grd": { "includes": [26500], "structures": [26600], }, "extensions/extensions_strings.grd": { "messages": [26650], }, "extensions/shell/app_shell_resources.grd": { "includes": [27050], }, "chrome/browser/resources/memory_internals_resources.grd": { "includes": [27150], }, "chrome/browser/resources/password_manager_internals_resources.grd": { "includes": [27350], }, "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_strings.grd": { "messages": [27650], }, "ui/file_manager/file_manager_resources.grd": { "includes": [27760], }, "components/chrome_apps/chrome_apps_resources.grd": { "includes": [27940], }, "ui/login/login_resources.grd": { "includes": [27960], }, "chrome/browser/resources/translate_internals_resources.grd": { "includes": [28160], }, "chrome/browser/resources/sync_file_system_internals_resources.grd": { "includes": [28660], }, "chrome/app/address_input_strings.grd": { "messages": [28760], }, "remoting/resources/remoting_strings.grd": { "messages": [29210], }, "components/components_strings.grd": { "messages": [29660], }, # Chromium strings and Google Chrome strings must start at the same id. # We only use one file depending on whether we're building Chromium or # Google Chrome. "components/components_chromium_strings.grd": { "messages": [30160], }, "components/components_google_chrome_strings.grd": { "messages": [30160], }, "components/resources/components_resources.grd": { "includes": [30175], }, "components/resources/components_scaled_resources.grd": { "structures": [30345], }, "third_party/WebKit/public/blink_resources.grd": { "includes": [30370], "structures": [30670], }, "chrome/browser/devtools/device/webrtc/resources.grd": { "includes": [30820], }, "chrome/browser/resources/settings/settings_resources.grd": { "structures": [30920], }, # Resource ids starting at 31000 are reserved for projects built on Chromium. }