#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # suppressions.py """Valgrind-style suppressions for heapchecker reports. Suppressions are defined as follows: # optional one-line comments anywhere in the suppressions file. { Toolname:Errortype Short description of the error. fun:function_name fun:wildcarded_fun*_name # an ellipsis wildcards zero or more functions in a stack. ... fun:some_other_function_name } Note that only a 'fun:' prefix is allowed, i.e. we can't suppress objects and source files. If ran from the command line, suppressions.py does a self-test of the Suppression class. """ import re ELLIPSIS = '...' class Suppression(object): """This class represents a single stack trace suppression. Attributes: type: A string representing the error type, e.g. Heapcheck:Leak. description: A string representing the error description. """ def __init__(self, kind, description, stack): """Inits Suppression. stack is a list of function names and/or wildcards. Args: kind: description: Same as class attributes. stack: A list of strings. """ self.type = kind self.description = description self._stack = stack re_line = '' re_bucket = '' for line in stack: if line == ELLIPSIS: re_line += re.escape(re_bucket) re_bucket = '' re_line += '(.*\n)*' else: for char in line: if char == '*': re_line += re.escape(re_bucket) re_bucket = '' re_line += '.*' else: # there can't be any '\*'s in a stack trace re_bucket += char re_line += re.escape(re_bucket) re_bucket = '' re_line += '\n' self._re = re.compile(re_line, re.MULTILINE) def Match(self, report): """Returns bool indicating whether the suppression matches the given report. Args: report: list of strings (function names). Returns: True if the suppression is not empty and matches the report. """ if not self._stack: return False if self._re.match('\n'.join(report) + '\n'): return True else: return False class SuppressionError(Exception): def __init__(self, filename, line, report=''): Exception.__init__(self, filename, line, report) self._file = filename self._line = line self._report = report def __str__(self): return 'Error reading suppressions from "%s" (line %d): %s.' % ( self._file, self._line, self._report) def ReadSuppressionsFromFile(filename): """Given a file, returns a list of suppressions.""" input_file = file(filename, 'r') result = [] cur_descr = '' cur_type = '' cur_stack = [] nline = 0 try: for line in input_file: nline += 1 line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue elif line.startswith('{'): pass elif line.startswith('}'): result.append(Suppression(cur_type, cur_descr, cur_stack)) cur_descr = '' cur_type = '' cur_stack = [] elif not cur_type: cur_type = line continue elif not cur_descr: cur_descr = line continue elif line.startswith('fun:'): line = line[4:] cur_stack.append(line.strip()) elif line.startswith(ELLIPSIS): cur_stack.append(ELLIPSIS) else: raise SuppressionError(filename, nline, '"fun:function_name" or "..." expected') except SuppressionError: input_file.close() raise return result def MatchTest(): """Tests the Suppression.Match() capabilities.""" def GenSupp(*lines): return Suppression('', '', list(lines)) empty = GenSupp() assert not empty.Match([]) assert not empty.Match(['foo', 'bar']) asterisk = GenSupp('*bar') assert asterisk.Match(['foobar', 'foobaz']) assert not asterisk.Match(['foobaz', 'foobar']) ellipsis = GenSupp('...', 'foo') assert ellipsis.Match(['foo', 'bar']) assert ellipsis.Match(['bar', 'baz', 'foo']) assert not ellipsis.Match(['bar', 'baz', 'bah']) mixed = GenSupp('...', 'foo*', 'function') assert mixed.Match(['foobar', 'foobaz', 'function']) assert not mixed.Match(['foobar', 'blah', 'function']) at_and_dollar = GenSupp('foo@GLIBC', 'bar@NOCANCEL') assert at_and_dollar.Match(['foo@GLIBC', 'bar@NOCANCEL']) re_chars = GenSupp('.*') assert re_chars.Match(['.foobar']) assert not re_chars.Match(['foobar']) print 'PASS' if __name__ == '__main__': MatchTest()