#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import cStringIO
import logging
import unittest
import sys

import isolate_common

class TraceInputs(unittest.TestCase):
  def _test(self, value, expected):
    actual = cStringIO.StringIO()
    isolate_common.pretty_print(value, actual)
    self.assertEquals(expected, actual.getvalue())

  def test_pretty_print_empty(self):
    self._test({}, '{\n}\n')

  def test_pretty_print_mid_size(self):
    value = {
      'variables': {
        'bar': [
      'conditions': [
        ['OS=\"foo\"', {
          'variables': {
            isolate_common.KEY_UNTRACKED: [
            isolate_common.KEY_TRACKED: [
            'command': ['python', '-c', 'print "H\\i\'"'],
            'read_only': True,
            'relative_cwd': 'isol\'at\\e',
        ['OS=\"bar\"', {
          'variables': {},
        }, {
          'variables': {},
    expected = (
        "  'variables': {\n"
        "    'bar': [\n"
        "      'file1',\n"
        "      'file2',\n"
        "    ],\n"
        "  },\n"
        "  'conditions': [\n"
        "    ['OS=\"foo\"', {\n"
        "      'variables': {\n"
        "        'command': [\n"
        "          'python',\n"
        "          '-c',\n"
        "          'print \"H\\i\'\"',\n"
        "        ],\n"
        "        'relative_cwd': 'isol\\'at\\\\e',\n"
        "        'read_only': True\n"
        "        'isolate_dependency_tracked': [\n"
        "          'file4',\n"
        "          'file3',\n"
        "        ],\n"
        "        'isolate_dependency_untracked': [\n"
        "          'dir1',\n"
        "          'dir2',\n"
        "        ],\n"
        "      },\n"
        "    }],\n"
        "    ['OS=\"bar\"', {\n"
        "      'variables': {\n"
        "      },\n"
        "    }, {\n"
        "      'variables': {\n"
        "      },\n"
        "    }],\n"
        "  ],\n"
    self._test(value, expected)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  VERBOSE = '-v' in sys.argv
  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if VERBOSE else logging.ERROR)