#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Merges multiple OS-specific gyp dependency lists into one that works on all of them. The logic is relatively simple. Takes the current conditions, add more condition, find the strict subset. Done. """ import copy import logging import optparse import re import sys from isolate_common import pretty_print, KEY_TRACKED, KEY_UNTRACKED def union(lhs, rhs): """Merges two compatible datastructures composed of dict/list/set.""" assert lhs is not None or rhs is not None if lhs is None: return copy.deepcopy(rhs) if rhs is None: return copy.deepcopy(lhs) assert type(lhs) == type(rhs), (lhs, rhs) if hasattr(lhs, 'union'): # Includes set, OSSettings and Configs. return lhs.union(rhs) if isinstance(lhs, dict): return dict((k, union(lhs.get(k), rhs.get(k))) for k in set(lhs).union(rhs)) elif isinstance(lhs, list): # Do not go inside the list. return lhs + rhs assert False, type(lhs) def eval_content(content): """Evaluates a GYP file and return the value defined in it.""" globs = {'__builtins__': None} locs = {} value = eval(content, globs, locs) assert locs == {}, locs assert globs == {'__builtins__': None}, globs return value def verify_variables(variables): """Verifies the |variables| dictionary is in the expected format.""" VALID_VARIABLES = [ KEY_TRACKED, KEY_UNTRACKED, 'command', 'read_only', ] assert isinstance(variables, dict), variables assert set(VALID_VARIABLES).issuperset(set(variables)), variables.keys() for name, value in variables.iteritems(): if name == 'read_only': assert value in (True, False, None), value else: assert isinstance(value, list), value assert all(isinstance(i, basestring) for i in value), value def verify_condition(condition): """Verifies the |condition| dictionary is in the expected format.""" VALID_INSIDE_CONDITION = ['variables'] assert isinstance(condition, list), condition assert 2 <= len(condition) <= 3, condition assert re.match(r'OS==\"([a-z]+)\"', condition[0]), condition[0] for c in condition[1:]: assert isinstance(c, dict), c assert set(VALID_INSIDE_CONDITION).issuperset(set(c)), c.keys() verify_variables(c.get('variables', {})) def verify_root(value): VALID_ROOTS = ['variables', 'conditions'] assert isinstance(value, dict), value assert set(VALID_ROOTS).issuperset(set(value)), value.keys() verify_variables(value.get('variables', {})) conditions = value.get('conditions', []) assert isinstance(conditions, list), conditions for condition in conditions: verify_condition(condition) class OSSettings(object): """Represents the dependencies for an OS. The structure is immutable.""" def __init__(self, name, values): self.name = name verify_variables(values) self.tracked = sorted(values.get(KEY_TRACKED, [])) self.untracked = sorted(values.get(KEY_UNTRACKED, [])) self.command = values.get('command', [])[:] self.read_only = values.get('read_only') def union(self, rhs): assert self.name == rhs.name assert not (self.command and rhs.command) var = { KEY_TRACKED: sorted(self.tracked + rhs.tracked), KEY_UNTRACKED: sorted(self.untracked + rhs.untracked), 'command': self.command or rhs.command, 'read_only': rhs.read_only if self.read_only is None else self.read_only, } return OSSettings(self.name, var) def flatten(self): out = {} if self.command: out['command'] = self.command if self.tracked: out[KEY_TRACKED] = self.tracked if self.untracked: out[KEY_UNTRACKED] = self.untracked if self.read_only is not None: out['read_only'] = self.read_only return out class Configs(object): """Represents all the OS-specific configurations. The self.per_os[None] member contains all the 'else' clauses plus the default values. It is not included in the flatten() result. """ def __init__(self, oses): self.per_os = { None: OSSettings(None, {}), } self.per_os.update(dict((name, OSSettings(name, {})) for name in oses)) def union(self, rhs): items = list(set(self.per_os.keys() + rhs.per_os.keys())) out = Configs(items) for key in items: out.per_os[key] = union(self.per_os.get(key), rhs.per_os.get(key)) return out def add_globals(self, values): for key in self.per_os: self.per_os[key] = self.per_os[key].union(OSSettings(key, values)) def add_values(self, for_os, values): self.per_os[for_os] = self.per_os[for_os].union(OSSettings(for_os, values)) def add_negative_values(self, for_os, values): """Includes the variables to all OSes except |for_os|. This includes 'None' so unknown OSes gets it too. """ for key in self.per_os: if key != for_os: self.per_os[key] = self.per_os[key].union(OSSettings(key, values)) def flatten(self): """Returns a flat dictionary representation of the configuration. Skips None pseudo-OS. """ return dict( (k, v.flatten()) for k, v in self.per_os.iteritems() if k is not None) def invert_map(variables): """Converts a dict(OS, dict(deptype, list(dependencies)) to a flattened view. Returns a tuple of: 1. dict(deptype, dict(dependency, set(OSes)) for easier processing. 2. All the OSes found as a set. """ KEYS = ( KEY_TRACKED, KEY_UNTRACKED, 'command', 'read_only', ) out = dict((key, {}) for key in KEYS) for os_name, values in variables.iteritems(): for key in (KEY_TRACKED, KEY_UNTRACKED): for item in values.get(key, []): out[key].setdefault(item, set()).add(os_name) # command needs special handling. command = tuple(values.get('command', [])) out['command'].setdefault(command, set()).add(os_name) # read_only needs special handling. out['read_only'].setdefault(values.get('read_only'), set()).add(os_name) return out, set(variables) def reduce_inputs(values, oses): """Reduces the invert_map() output to the strictest minimum list. 1. Construct the inverse map first. 2. Look at each individual file and directory, map where they are used and reconstruct the inverse dictionary. 3. Do not convert back to negative if only 2 OSes were merged. Returns a tuple of: 1. the minimized dictionary 2. oses passed through as-is. """ KEYS = ( KEY_TRACKED, KEY_UNTRACKED, 'command', 'read_only', ) out = dict((key, {}) for key in KEYS) assert all(oses), oses if len(oses) > 2: for key in KEYS: for item, item_oses in values.get(key, {}).iteritems(): # Converts all oses.difference('foo') to '!foo'. assert all(item_oses), item_oses missing = oses.difference(item_oses) if len(missing) == 1: # Replace it with a negative. out[key][item] = set(['!' + tuple(missing)[0]]) elif not missing: out[key][item] = set([None]) else: out[key][item] = set(item_oses) else: for key in KEYS: for item, item_oses in values.get(key, {}).iteritems(): # Converts all oses.difference('foo') to '!foo'. assert None not in item_oses, item_oses out[key][item] = set(item_oses) return out, oses def convert_map_to_gyp(values, oses): """Regenerates back a gyp-like configuration dict from files and dirs mappings generated from reduce_inputs(). """ # First, inverse the mapping to make it dict first. config = {} for key in values: for item, oses in values[key].iteritems(): if item is None: # For read_only default. continue for cond_os in oses: cond_key = None if cond_os is None else cond_os.lstrip('!') # Insert the if/else dicts. condition_values = config.setdefault(cond_key, [{}, {}]) # If condition is negative, use index 1, else use index 0. cond_value = condition_values[int((cond_os or '').startswith('!'))] variables = cond_value.setdefault('variables', {}) if item in (True, False): # One-off for read_only. variables[key] = item else: if isinstance(item, tuple) and item: # One-off for command. # Do not merge lists and do not sort! # Note that item is a tuple. assert key not in variables variables[key] = list(item) elif item: # The list of items (files or dirs). Append the new item and keep # the list sorted. l = variables.setdefault(key, []) l.append(item) l.sort() out = {} for o in sorted(config): d = config[o] if o is None: assert not d[1] out = union(out, d[0]) else: c = out.setdefault('conditions', []) if d[1]: c.append(['OS=="%s"' % o] + d) else: c.append(['OS=="%s"' % o] + d[0:1]) return out def load_gyp(value): """Parses one gyp skeleton and returns a Configs() instance. |value| is the loaded dictionary that was defined in the gyp file. The expected format is strict, anything diverting from the format below will throw an assert: { 'variables': { 'command': [ ... ], 'isolate_dependency_tracked': [ ... ], 'isolate_dependency_untracked': [ ... ], 'read_only': False, }, 'conditions': [ ['OS==""', { 'variables': { ... }, }, { # else 'variables': { ... }, }], ... ], } """ verify_root(value) # Scan to get the list of OSes. conditions = value.get('conditions', []) oses = set(re.match(r'OS==\"([a-z]+)\"', c[0]).group(1) for c in conditions) configs = Configs(oses) # Global level variables. configs.add_globals(value.get('variables', {})) # OS specific variables. for condition in conditions: condition_os = re.match(r'OS==\"([a-z]+)\"', condition[0]).group(1) configs.add_values(condition_os, condition[1].get('variables', {})) if len(condition) > 2: configs.add_negative_values( condition_os, condition[2].get('variables', {})) return configs def load_gyps(items): """Parses each gyp file and returns the merged results. It only loads what load_gyp() can process. Return values: files: dict(filename, set(OS where this filename is a dependency)) dirs: dict(dirame, set(OS where this dirname is a dependency)) oses: set(all the OSes referenced) """ configs = Configs([]) for item in items: logging.debug('loading %s' % item) new_config = load_gyp(eval_content(open(item, 'r').read())) logging.debug('has OSes: %s' % ','.join(k for k in new_config.per_os if k)) configs = union(configs, new_config) logging.debug('Total OSes: %s' % ','.join(k for k in configs.per_os if k)) return configs def main(args=None): parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage='%prog [file1] [file2] ...') parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Use multiple times') options, args = parser.parse_args(args) level = [logging.ERROR, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG][min(2, options.verbose)] logging.basicConfig( level=level, format='%(levelname)5s %(module)15s(%(lineno)3d):%(message)s') pretty_print( convert_map_to_gyp( *reduce_inputs( *invert_map( load_gyps(args).flatten()))), sys.stdout) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())