# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from code import Code from model import PropertyType import cpp_util import schema_util import util_cc_helper class CCGenerator(object): def __init__(self, type_generator, cpp_namespace): self._type_generator = type_generator self._cpp_namespace = cpp_namespace def Generate(self, namespace): return _Generator(namespace, self._type_generator, self._cpp_namespace).Generate() class _Generator(object): """A .cc generator for a namespace. """ def __init__(self, namespace, cpp_type_generator, cpp_namespace): self._namespace = namespace self._type_helper = cpp_type_generator self._cpp_namespace = cpp_namespace self._target_namespace = ( self._type_helper.GetCppNamespaceName(self._namespace)) self._util_cc_helper = ( util_cc_helper.UtilCCHelper(self._type_helper)) self._generate_error_messages = namespace.compiler_options.get( 'generate_error_messages', False) def Generate(self): """Generates a Code object with the .cc for a single namespace. """ c = Code() (c.Append(cpp_util.CHROMIUM_LICENSE) .Append() .Append(cpp_util.GENERATED_FILE_MESSAGE % self._namespace.source_file) .Append() .Append(self._util_cc_helper.GetIncludePath()) .Append('#include "base/logging.h"') .Append('#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"') .Append('#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"') .Append('#include "%s/%s.h"' % (self._namespace.source_file_dir, self._namespace.short_filename)) .Append('#include ') .Cblock(self._type_helper.GenerateIncludes(include_soft=True)) .Append() .Append('using base::UTF8ToUTF16;') .Append() .Concat(cpp_util.OpenNamespace(self._cpp_namespace)) .Cblock(self._type_helper.GetNamespaceStart()) ) if self._namespace.properties: (c.Append('//') .Append('// Properties') .Append('//') .Append() ) for property in self._namespace.properties.values(): property_code = self._type_helper.GeneratePropertyValues( property, 'const %(type)s %(name)s = %(value)s;', nodoc=True) if property_code: c.Cblock(property_code) if self._namespace.types: (c.Append('//') .Append('// Types') .Append('//') .Append() .Cblock(self._GenerateTypes(None, self._namespace.types.values())) ) if self._namespace.functions: (c.Append('//') .Append('// Functions') .Append('//') .Append() ) for function in self._namespace.functions.values(): c.Cblock(self._GenerateFunction(function)) if self._namespace.events: (c.Append('//') .Append('// Events') .Append('//') .Append() ) for event in self._namespace.events.values(): c.Cblock(self._GenerateEvent(event)) (c.Concat(self._type_helper.GetNamespaceEnd()) .Cblock(cpp_util.CloseNamespace(self._cpp_namespace)) ) c.Append() return c def _GenerateType(self, cpp_namespace, type_): """Generates the function definitions for a type. """ classname = cpp_util.Classname(schema_util.StripNamespace(type_.name)) c = Code() if type_.functions: # Wrap functions within types in the type's namespace. (c.Append('namespace %s {' % classname) .Append()) for function in type_.functions.values(): c.Cblock(self._GenerateFunction(function)) c.Append('} // namespace %s' % classname) elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.ARRAY: c.Cblock(self._GenerateType(cpp_namespace, type_.item_type)) elif type_.property_type in (PropertyType.CHOICES, PropertyType.OBJECT): if cpp_namespace is None: classname_in_namespace = classname else: classname_in_namespace = '%s::%s' % (cpp_namespace, classname) if type_.property_type == PropertyType.OBJECT: c.Cblock(self._GeneratePropertyFunctions(classname_in_namespace, type_.properties.values())) else: c.Cblock(self._GenerateTypes(classname_in_namespace, type_.choices)) (c.Append('%s::%s()' % (classname_in_namespace, classname)) .Cblock(self._GenerateInitializersAndBody(type_)) .Append('%s::~%s() {}' % (classname_in_namespace, classname)) .Append() ) if type_.origin.from_json: c.Cblock(self._GenerateTypePopulate(classname_in_namespace, type_)) if cpp_namespace is None: # only generate for top-level types c.Cblock(self._GenerateTypeFromValue(classname_in_namespace, type_)) if type_.origin.from_client: c.Cblock(self._GenerateTypeToValue(classname_in_namespace, type_)) elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.ENUM: (c.Cblock(self._GenerateEnumToString(cpp_namespace, type_)) .Cblock(self._GenerateEnumFromString(cpp_namespace, type_)) ) return c def _GenerateInitializersAndBody(self, type_): items = [] for prop in type_.properties.values(): if prop.optional: continue t = prop.type_ if t.property_type == PropertyType.INTEGER: items.append('%s(0)' % prop.unix_name) elif t.property_type == PropertyType.DOUBLE: items.append('%s(0.0)' % prop.unix_name) elif t.property_type == PropertyType.BOOLEAN: items.append('%s(false)' % prop.unix_name) elif (t.property_type == PropertyType.ANY or t.property_type == PropertyType.ARRAY or t.property_type == PropertyType.BINARY or # mapped to std::string t.property_type == PropertyType.CHOICES or t.property_type == PropertyType.ENUM or t.property_type == PropertyType.OBJECT or t.property_type == PropertyType.FUNCTION or t.property_type == PropertyType.REF or t.property_type == PropertyType.STRING): # TODO(miket): It would be nice to initialize CHOICES and ENUM, but we # don't presently have the semantics to indicate which one of a set # should be the default. continue else: raise TypeError(t) if items: s = ': %s' % (', '.join(items)) else: s = '' s = s + ' {}' return Code().Append(s) def _GenerateTypePopulate(self, cpp_namespace, type_): """Generates the function for populating a type given a pointer to it. E.g for type "Foo", generates Foo::Populate() """ classname = cpp_util.Classname(schema_util.StripNamespace(type_.name)) c = Code() (c.Append('// static') .Append('bool %(namespace)s::Populate(') .Sblock(' %s) {' % self._GenerateParams( ('const base::Value& value', '%(name)s* out')))) if type_.property_type == PropertyType.CHOICES: for choice in type_.choices: (c.Sblock('if (%s) {' % self._GenerateValueIsTypeExpression('value', choice)) .Concat(self._GeneratePopulateVariableFromValue( choice, '(&value)', 'out->as_%s' % choice.unix_name, 'false', is_ptr=True)) .Append('return true;') .Eblock('}') ) (c.Concat(self._GenerateError( '"expected %s, got " + %s' % (" or ".join(choice.name for choice in type_.choices), self._util_cc_helper.GetValueTypeString('value')))) .Append('return false;')) elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.OBJECT: (c.Sblock('if (!value.IsType(base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) {') .Concat(self._GenerateError( '"expected dictionary, got " + ' + self._util_cc_helper.GetValueTypeString('value'))) .Append('return false;') .Eblock('}')) if type_.properties or type_.additional_properties is not None: c.Append('const base::DictionaryValue* dict = ' 'static_cast(&value);') if self._generate_error_messages: c.Append('std::set keys;') for prop in type_.properties.itervalues(): c.Concat(self._InitializePropertyToDefault(prop, 'out')) for prop in type_.properties.itervalues(): if self._generate_error_messages: c.Append('keys.insert("%s");' % (prop.name)) c.Concat(self._GenerateTypePopulateProperty(prop, 'dict', 'out')) # Check for extra values. if self._generate_error_messages: (c.Sblock('for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*dict); ' '!it.IsAtEnd(); it.Advance()) {') .Sblock('if (!keys.count(it.key())) {') .Concat(self._GenerateError('"found unexpected key \'" + ' 'it.key() + "\'"')) .Eblock('}') .Eblock('}') ) if type_.additional_properties is not None: if type_.additional_properties.property_type == PropertyType.ANY: c.Append('out->additional_properties.MergeDictionary(dict);') else: cpp_type = self._type_helper.GetCppType(type_.additional_properties, is_in_container=True) (c.Append('for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*dict);') .Sblock(' !it.IsAtEnd(); it.Advance()) {') .Append('%s tmp;' % cpp_type) .Concat(self._GeneratePopulateVariableFromValue( type_.additional_properties, '(&it.value())', 'tmp', 'false')) .Append('out->additional_properties[it.key()] = tmp;') .Eblock('}') ) c.Append('return true;') (c.Eblock('}') .Substitute({'namespace': cpp_namespace, 'name': classname})) return c def _GenerateValueIsTypeExpression(self, var, type_): real_type = self._type_helper.FollowRef(type_) if real_type.property_type is PropertyType.CHOICES: return '(%s)' % ' || '.join(self._GenerateValueIsTypeExpression(var, choice) for choice in real_type.choices) return '%s.IsType(%s)' % (var, cpp_util.GetValueType(real_type)) def _GenerateTypePopulateProperty(self, prop, src, dst): """Generate the code to populate a single property in a type. src: base::DictionaryValue* dst: Type* """ c = Code() value_var = prop.unix_name + '_value' c.Append('const base::Value* %(value_var)s = NULL;') if prop.optional: (c.Sblock( 'if (%(src)s->GetWithoutPathExpansion("%(key)s", &%(value_var)s)) {') .Concat(self._GeneratePopulatePropertyFromValue( prop, value_var, dst, 'false'))) underlying_type = self._type_helper.FollowRef(prop.type_) if underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.ENUM: (c.Append('} else {') .Append('%%(dst)s->%%(name)s = %s;' % self._type_helper.GetEnumNoneValue(prop.type_))) c.Eblock('}') else: (c.Sblock( 'if (!%(src)s->GetWithoutPathExpansion("%(key)s", &%(value_var)s)) {') .Concat(self._GenerateError('"\'%%(key)s\' is required"')) .Append('return false;') .Eblock('}') .Concat(self._GeneratePopulatePropertyFromValue( prop, value_var, dst, 'false')) ) c.Append() c.Substitute({ 'value_var': value_var, 'key': prop.name, 'src': src, 'dst': dst, 'name': prop.unix_name }) return c def _GenerateTypeFromValue(self, cpp_namespace, type_): classname = cpp_util.Classname(schema_util.StripNamespace(type_.name)) c = Code() (c.Append('// static') .Append('scoped_ptr<%s> %s::FromValue(%s) {' % (classname, cpp_namespace, self._GenerateParams(('const base::Value& value',)))) .Append(' scoped_ptr<%s> out(new %s());' % (classname, classname)) .Append(' if (!Populate(%s))' % self._GenerateArgs( ('value', 'out.get()'))) .Append(' return scoped_ptr<%s>();' % classname) .Append(' return out.Pass();') .Append('}') ) return c def _GenerateTypeToValue(self, cpp_namespace, type_): """Generates a function that serializes the type into a base::Value. E.g. for type "Foo" generates Foo::ToValue() """ if type_.property_type == PropertyType.OBJECT: return self._GenerateObjectTypeToValue(cpp_namespace, type_) elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.CHOICES: return self._GenerateChoiceTypeToValue(cpp_namespace, type_) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported property type %s" % type_.type_) def _GenerateObjectTypeToValue(self, cpp_namespace, type_): """Generates a function that serializes an object-representing type into a base::DictionaryValue. """ c = Code() (c.Sblock('scoped_ptr %s::ToValue() const {' % cpp_namespace) .Append('scoped_ptr value(' 'new base::DictionaryValue());') .Append() ) for prop in type_.properties.values(): if prop.optional: # Optional enum values are generated with a NONE enum value. underlying_type = self._type_helper.FollowRef(prop.type_) if underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.ENUM: c.Sblock('if (%s != %s) {' % (prop.unix_name, self._type_helper.GetEnumNoneValue(prop.type_))) else: c.Sblock('if (%s.get()) {' % prop.unix_name) # ANY is a base::Value which is abstract and cannot be a direct member, so # it will always be a pointer. is_ptr = prop.optional or prop.type_.property_type == PropertyType.ANY c.Append('value->SetWithoutPathExpansion("%s", %s);' % ( prop.name, self._CreateValueFromType(prop.type_, 'this->%s' % prop.unix_name, is_ptr=is_ptr))) if prop.optional: c.Eblock('}') if type_.additional_properties is not None: if type_.additional_properties.property_type == PropertyType.ANY: c.Append('value->MergeDictionary(&additional_properties);') else: # Non-copyable types will be wrapped in a linked_ptr for inclusion in # maps, so we need to unwrap them. needs_unwrap = ( not self._type_helper.IsCopyable(type_.additional_properties)) cpp_type = self._type_helper.GetCppType(type_.additional_properties, is_in_container=True) (c.Sblock('for (std::map::const_iterator it =' % cpp_util.PadForGenerics(cpp_type)) .Append(' additional_properties.begin();') .Append(' it != additional_properties.end(); ++it) {') .Append('value->SetWithoutPathExpansion(it->first, %s);' % self._CreateValueFromType( type_.additional_properties, '%sit->second' % ('*' if needs_unwrap else ''))) .Eblock('}') ) return (c.Append() .Append('return value.Pass();') .Eblock('}')) def _GenerateChoiceTypeToValue(self, cpp_namespace, type_): """Generates a function that serializes a choice-representing type into a base::Value. """ c = Code() c.Sblock('scoped_ptr %s::ToValue() const {' % cpp_namespace) c.Append('scoped_ptr result;') for choice in type_.choices: choice_var = 'as_%s' % choice.unix_name (c.Sblock('if (%s) {' % choice_var) .Append('DCHECK(!result) << "Cannot set multiple choices for %s";' % type_.unix_name) .Append('result.reset(%s);' % self._CreateValueFromType(choice, '*%s' % choice_var)) .Eblock('}') ) (c.Append('DCHECK(result) << "Must set at least one choice for %s";' % type_.unix_name) .Append('return result.Pass();') .Eblock('}') ) return c def _GenerateFunction(self, function): """Generates the definitions for function structs. """ c = Code() # TODO(kalman): use function.unix_name not Classname. function_namespace = cpp_util.Classname(function.name) # Windows has a #define for SendMessage, so to avoid any issues, we need # to not use the name. if function_namespace == 'SendMessage': function_namespace = 'PassMessage' (c.Append('namespace %s {' % function_namespace) .Append() ) # Params::Populate function if function.params: c.Concat(self._GeneratePropertyFunctions('Params', function.params)) (c.Append('Params::Params() {}') .Append('Params::~Params() {}') .Append() .Cblock(self._GenerateFunctionParamsCreate(function)) ) # Results::Create function if function.callback: c.Concat(self._GenerateCreateCallbackArguments('Results', function.callback)) c.Append('} // namespace %s' % function_namespace) return c def _GenerateEvent(self, event): # TODO(kalman): use event.unix_name not Classname. c = Code() event_namespace = cpp_util.Classname(event.name) (c.Append('namespace %s {' % event_namespace) .Append() .Cblock(self._GenerateEventNameConstant(None, event)) .Cblock(self._GenerateCreateCallbackArguments(None, event)) .Append('} // namespace %s' % event_namespace) ) return c def _CreateValueFromType(self, type_, var, is_ptr=False): """Creates a base::Value given a type. Generated code passes ownership to caller. var: variable or variable* E.g for std::string, generate new base::StringValue(var) """ underlying_type = self._type_helper.FollowRef(type_) if (underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.CHOICES or underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.OBJECT): if is_ptr: return '(%s)->ToValue().release()' % var else: return '(%s).ToValue().release()' % var elif (underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.ANY or underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.FUNCTION): if is_ptr: vardot = '(%s)->' % var else: vardot = '(%s).' % var return '%sDeepCopy()' % vardot elif underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.ENUM: return 'new base::StringValue(ToString(%s))' % var elif underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.BINARY: if is_ptr: vardot = var + '->' else: vardot = var + '.' return ('base::BinaryValue::CreateWithCopiedBuffer(%sdata(), %ssize())' % (vardot, vardot)) elif underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.ARRAY: return '%s.release()' % self._util_cc_helper.CreateValueFromArray( underlying_type, var, is_ptr) elif underlying_type.property_type.is_fundamental: if is_ptr: var = '*%s' % var if underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.STRING: return 'new base::StringValue(%s)' % var else: return 'new base::FundamentalValue(%s)' % var else: raise NotImplementedError('Conversion of %s to base::Value not ' 'implemented' % repr(type_.type_)) def _GenerateParamsCheck(self, function, var): """Generates a check for the correct number of arguments when creating Params. """ c = Code() num_required = 0 for param in function.params: if not param.optional: num_required += 1 if num_required == len(function.params): c.Sblock('if (%(var)s.GetSize() != %(total)d) {') elif not num_required: c.Sblock('if (%(var)s.GetSize() > %(total)d) {') else: c.Sblock('if (%(var)s.GetSize() < %(required)d' ' || %(var)s.GetSize() > %(total)d) {') (c.Concat(self._GenerateError( '"expected %%(total)d arguments, got " ' '+ base::IntToString(%%(var)s.GetSize())')) .Append('return scoped_ptr();') .Eblock('}') .Substitute({ 'var': var, 'required': num_required, 'total': len(function.params), })) return c def _GenerateFunctionParamsCreate(self, function): """Generate function to create an instance of Params. The generated function takes a base::ListValue of arguments. E.g for function "Bar", generate Bar::Params::Create() """ c = Code() (c.Append('// static') .Sblock('scoped_ptr Params::Create(%s) {' % self._GenerateParams( ['const base::ListValue& args'])) .Concat(self._GenerateParamsCheck(function, 'args')) .Append('scoped_ptr params(new Params());') ) for param in function.params: c.Concat(self._InitializePropertyToDefault(param, 'params')) for i, param in enumerate(function.params): # Any failure will cause this function to return. If any argument is # incorrect or missing, those following it are not processed. Note that # for optional arguments, we allow missing arguments and proceed because # there may be other arguments following it. failure_value = 'scoped_ptr()' c.Append() value_var = param.unix_name + '_value' (c.Append('const base::Value* %(value_var)s = NULL;') .Append('if (args.Get(%(i)s, &%(value_var)s) &&') .Sblock(' !%(value_var)s->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_NULL)) {') .Concat(self._GeneratePopulatePropertyFromValue( param, value_var, 'params', failure_value)) .Eblock('}') ) if not param.optional: (c.Sblock('else {') .Concat(self._GenerateError('"\'%%(key)s\' is required"')) .Append('return %s;' % failure_value) .Eblock('}')) c.Substitute({'value_var': value_var, 'i': i, 'key': param.name}) (c.Append() .Append('return params.Pass();') .Eblock('}') .Append() ) return c def _GeneratePopulatePropertyFromValue(self, prop, src_var, dst_class_var, failure_value): """Generates code to populate property |prop| of |dst_class_var| (a pointer) from a Value*. See |_GeneratePopulateVariableFromValue| for semantics. """ return self._GeneratePopulateVariableFromValue(prop.type_, src_var, '%s->%s' % (dst_class_var, prop.unix_name), failure_value, is_ptr=prop.optional) def _GeneratePopulateVariableFromValue(self, type_, src_var, dst_var, failure_value, is_ptr=False): """Generates code to populate a variable |dst_var| of type |type_| from a Value* at |src_var|. The Value* is assumed to be non-NULL. In the generated code, if |dst_var| fails to be populated then Populate will return |failure_value|. """ c = Code() underlying_type = self._type_helper.FollowRef(type_) if underlying_type.property_type.is_fundamental: if is_ptr: (c.Append('%(cpp_type)s temp;') .Sblock('if (!%s) {' % cpp_util.GetAsFundamentalValue( self._type_helper.FollowRef(type_), src_var, '&temp')) .Concat(self._GenerateError( '"\'%%(key)s\': expected ' + '%s, got " + %s' % ( type_.name, self._util_cc_helper.GetValueTypeString( '%%(src_var)s', True))))) c.Append('%(dst_var)s.reset();') if not self._generate_error_messages: c.Append('return %(failure_value)s;') (c.Eblock('}') .Append('else') .Append(' %(dst_var)s.reset(new %(cpp_type)s(temp));') ) else: (c.Sblock('if (!%s) {' % cpp_util.GetAsFundamentalValue( self._type_helper.FollowRef(type_), src_var, '&%s' % dst_var)) .Concat(self._GenerateError( '"\'%%(key)s\': expected ' + '%s, got " + %s' % ( type_.name, self._util_cc_helper.GetValueTypeString( '%%(src_var)s', True)))) .Append('return %(failure_value)s;') .Eblock('}') ) elif underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.OBJECT: if is_ptr: (c.Append('const base::DictionaryValue* dictionary = NULL;') .Sblock('if (!%(src_var)s->GetAsDictionary(&dictionary)) {') .Concat(self._GenerateError( '"\'%%(key)s\': expected dictionary, got " + ' + self._util_cc_helper.GetValueTypeString('%%(src_var)s', True)))) # If an optional property fails to populate, the population can still # succeed with a warning. If no error messages are generated, this # warning is not set and we fail out instead. if not self._generate_error_messages: c.Append('return %(failure_value)s;') (c.Eblock('}') .Sblock('else {') .Append('scoped_ptr<%(cpp_type)s> temp(new %(cpp_type)s());') .Append('if (!%%(cpp_type)s::Populate(%s)) {' % self._GenerateArgs( ('*dictionary', 'temp.get()'))) .Append(' return %(failure_value)s;') ) (c.Append('}') .Append('else') .Append(' %(dst_var)s = temp.Pass();') .Eblock('}') ) else: (c.Append('const base::DictionaryValue* dictionary = NULL;') .Sblock('if (!%(src_var)s->GetAsDictionary(&dictionary)) {') .Concat(self._GenerateError( '"\'%%(key)s\': expected dictionary, got " + ' + self._util_cc_helper.GetValueTypeString('%%(src_var)s', True))) .Append('return %(failure_value)s;') .Eblock('}') .Append('if (!%%(cpp_type)s::Populate(%s)) {' % self._GenerateArgs( ('*dictionary', '&%(dst_var)s'))) .Append(' return %(failure_value)s;') .Append('}') ) elif underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.FUNCTION: if is_ptr: c.Append('%(dst_var)s.reset(new base::DictionaryValue());') elif underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.ANY: c.Append('%(dst_var)s.reset(%(src_var)s->DeepCopy());') elif underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.ARRAY: # util_cc_helper deals with optional and required arrays (c.Append('const base::ListValue* list = NULL;') .Sblock('if (!%(src_var)s->GetAsList(&list)) {') .Concat(self._GenerateError( '"\'%%(key)s\': expected list, got " + ' + self._util_cc_helper.GetValueTypeString('%%(src_var)s', True))) ) if is_ptr and self._generate_error_messages: c.Append('%(dst_var)s.reset();') else: c.Append('return %(failure_value)s;') c.Eblock('}') c.Sblock('else {') item_type = self._type_helper.FollowRef(underlying_type.item_type) if item_type.property_type == PropertyType.ENUM: c.Concat(self._GenerateListValueToEnumArrayConversion( item_type, 'list', dst_var, failure_value, is_ptr=is_ptr)) else: (c.Sblock('if (!%s) {' % self._util_cc_helper.PopulateArrayFromList( underlying_type, 'list', dst_var, is_ptr))) c.Concat(self._GenerateError( '"unable to populate array \'%%(parent_key)s\'"')) if is_ptr and self._generate_error_messages: c.Append('%(dst_var)s.reset();') else: c.Append('return %(failure_value)s;') c.Eblock('}') c.Eblock('}') elif underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.CHOICES: if is_ptr: (c.Append('scoped_ptr<%(cpp_type)s> temp(new %(cpp_type)s());') .Append('if (!%%(cpp_type)s::Populate(%s))' % self._GenerateArgs( ('*%(src_var)s', 'temp.get()'))) .Append(' return %(failure_value)s;') .Append('%(dst_var)s = temp.Pass();') ) else: (c.Append('if (!%%(cpp_type)s::Populate(%s))' % self._GenerateArgs( ('*%(src_var)s', '&%(dst_var)s'))) .Append(' return %(failure_value)s;')) elif underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.ENUM: c.Concat(self._GenerateStringToEnumConversion(underlying_type, src_var, dst_var, failure_value)) elif underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.BINARY: (c.Append('const base::BinaryValue* binary_value = NULL;') .Sblock('if (!%(src_var)s->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_BINARY)) {') .Concat(self._GenerateError( '"\'%%(key)s\': expected binary, got " + ' + self._util_cc_helper.GetValueTypeString('%%(src_var)s', True))) ) if not self._generate_error_messages: c.Append('return %(failure_value)s;') (c.Eblock('}') .Sblock('else {') .Append(' binary_value =') .Append(' static_cast(%(src_var)s);') ) if is_ptr: (c.Append('%(dst_var)s.reset(') .Append(' new std::string(binary_value->GetBuffer(),') .Append(' binary_value->GetSize()));') ) else: (c.Append('%(dst_var)s.assign(binary_value->GetBuffer(),') .Append(' binary_value->GetSize());') ) c.Eblock('}') else: raise NotImplementedError(type_) if c.IsEmpty(): return c return Code().Sblock('{').Concat(c.Substitute({ 'cpp_type': self._type_helper.GetCppType(type_), 'src_var': src_var, 'dst_var': dst_var, 'failure_value': failure_value, 'key': type_.name, 'parent_key': type_.parent.name, })).Eblock('}') def _GenerateListValueToEnumArrayConversion(self, item_type, src_var, dst_var, failure_value, is_ptr=False): """Returns Code that converts a ListValue of string constants from |src_var| into an array of enums of |type_| in |dst_var|. On failure, returns |failure_value|. """ c = Code() accessor = '.' if is_ptr: accessor = '->' cpp_type = self._type_helper.GetCppType(item_type, is_in_container=True) c.Append('%s.reset(new std::vector<%s>);' % (dst_var, cpp_util.PadForGenerics(cpp_type))) (c.Sblock('for (base::ListValue::const_iterator it = %s->begin(); ' 'it != %s->end(); ++it) {' % (src_var, src_var)) .Append('%s tmp;' % self._type_helper.GetCppType(item_type)) .Concat(self._GenerateStringToEnumConversion(item_type, '(*it)', 'tmp', failure_value)) .Append('%s%spush_back(tmp);' % (dst_var, accessor)) .Eblock('}') ) return c def _GenerateStringToEnumConversion(self, type_, src_var, dst_var, failure_value): """Returns Code that converts a string type in |src_var| to an enum with type |type_| in |dst_var|. In the generated code, if |src_var| is not a valid enum name then the function will return |failure_value|. """ if type_.property_type != PropertyType.ENUM: raise TypeError(type_) c = Code() enum_as_string = '%s_as_string' % type_.unix_name cpp_type_namespace = '' if type_.namespace != self._namespace: cpp_type_namespace = '%s::' % type_.namespace.unix_name cpp_type_name = self._type_helper.GetCppType(type_) (c.Append('std::string %s;' % enum_as_string) .Sblock('if (!%s->GetAsString(&%s)) {' % (src_var, enum_as_string)) .Concat(self._GenerateError( '"\'%%(key)s\': expected string, got " + ' + self._util_cc_helper.GetValueTypeString('%%(src_var)s', True))) .Append('return %s;' % failure_value) .Eblock('}') .Append('%s = %sParse%s(%s);' % (dst_var, cpp_type_namespace, cpp_util.Classname(type_.name), enum_as_string)) .Sblock('if (%s == %s%s) {' % (dst_var, cpp_type_namespace, self._type_helper.GetEnumNoneValue(type_))) .Concat(self._GenerateError( '\"\'%%(key)s\': expected \\"' + '\\" or \\"'.join( enum_value.name for enum_value in self._type_helper.FollowRef(type_).enum_values) + '\\", got \\"" + %s + "\\""' % enum_as_string)) .Append('return %s;' % failure_value) .Eblock('}') .Substitute({'src_var': src_var, 'key': type_.name}) ) return c def _GeneratePropertyFunctions(self, namespace, params): """Generates the member functions for a list of parameters. """ return self._GenerateTypes(namespace, (param.type_ for param in params)) def _GenerateTypes(self, namespace, types): """Generates the member functions for a list of types. """ c = Code() for type_ in types: c.Cblock(self._GenerateType(namespace, type_)) return c def _GenerateEnumToString(self, cpp_namespace, type_): """Generates ToString() which gets the string representation of an enum. """ c = Code() classname = cpp_util.Classname(schema_util.StripNamespace(type_.name)) if cpp_namespace is not None: c.Append('// static') maybe_namespace = '' if cpp_namespace is None else '%s::' % cpp_namespace c.Sblock('std::string %sToString(%s enum_param) {' % (maybe_namespace, classname)) c.Sblock('switch (enum_param) {') for enum_value in self._type_helper.FollowRef(type_).enum_values: (c.Append('case %s: ' % self._type_helper.GetEnumValue(type_, enum_value)) .Append(' return "%s";' % enum_value.name)) (c.Append('case %s:' % self._type_helper.GetEnumNoneValue(type_)) .Append(' return "";') .Eblock('}') .Append('NOTREACHED();') .Append('return "";') .Eblock('}') ) return c def _GenerateEnumFromString(self, cpp_namespace, type_): """Generates FromClassNameString() which gets an enum from its string representation. """ c = Code() classname = cpp_util.Classname(schema_util.StripNamespace(type_.name)) if cpp_namespace is not None: c.Append('// static') maybe_namespace = '' if cpp_namespace is None else '%s::' % cpp_namespace c.Sblock('%s%s %sParse%s(const std::string& enum_string) {' % (maybe_namespace, classname, maybe_namespace, classname)) for i, enum_value in enumerate( self._type_helper.FollowRef(type_).enum_values): # This is broken up into all ifs with no else ifs because we get # "fatal error C1061: compiler limit : blocks nested too deeply" # on Windows. (c.Append('if (enum_string == "%s")' % enum_value.name) .Append(' return %s;' % self._type_helper.GetEnumValue(type_, enum_value))) (c.Append('return %s;' % self._type_helper.GetEnumNoneValue(type_)) .Eblock('}') ) return c def _GenerateCreateCallbackArguments(self, function_scope, callback): """Generate all functions to create Value parameters for a callback. E.g for function "Bar", generate Bar::Results::Create E.g for event "Baz", generate Baz::Create function_scope: the function scope path, e.g. Foo::Bar for the function Foo::Bar::Baz(). May be None if there is no function scope. callback: the Function object we are creating callback arguments for. """ c = Code() params = callback.params c.Concat(self._GeneratePropertyFunctions(function_scope, params)) (c.Sblock('scoped_ptr %(function_scope)s' 'Create(%(declaration_list)s) {') .Append('scoped_ptr create_results(' 'new base::ListValue());') ) declaration_list = [] for param in params: declaration_list.append(cpp_util.GetParameterDeclaration( param, self._type_helper.GetCppType(param.type_))) c.Append('create_results->Append(%s);' % self._CreateValueFromType(param.type_, param.unix_name)) c.Append('return create_results.Pass();') c.Eblock('}') c.Substitute({ 'function_scope': ('%s::' % function_scope) if function_scope else '', 'declaration_list': ', '.join(declaration_list), 'param_names': ', '.join(param.unix_name for param in params) }) return c def _GenerateEventNameConstant(self, function_scope, event): """Generates a constant string array for the event name. """ c = Code() c.Append('const char kEventName[] = "%s.%s";' % ( self._namespace.name, event.name)) return c def _InitializePropertyToDefault(self, prop, dst): """Initialize a model.Property to its default value inside an object. E.g for optional enum "state", generate dst->state = STATE_NONE; dst: Type* """ c = Code() underlying_type = self._type_helper.FollowRef(prop.type_) if (underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.ENUM and prop.optional): c.Append('%s->%s = %s;' % ( dst, prop.unix_name, self._type_helper.GetEnumNoneValue(prop.type_))) return c def _GenerateError(self, body): """Generates an error message pertaining to population failure. E.g 'expected bool, got int' """ c = Code() if not self._generate_error_messages: return c (c.Append('if (error) {') .Append(' if (error->length())') .Append(' error->append(UTF8ToUTF16("; "));') .Append(' error->append(UTF8ToUTF16(%s));' % body) .Append('}') .Append('else') .Append(' *error = UTF8ToUTF16(%s);' % body)) return c def _GenerateParams(self, params): """Builds the parameter list for a function, given an array of parameters. """ if self._generate_error_messages: params = list(params) + ['base::string16* error'] return ', '.join(str(p) for p in params) def _GenerateArgs(self, args): """Builds the argument list for a function, given an array of arguments. """ if self._generate_error_messages: args = list(args) + ['error'] return ', '.join(str(a) for a in args)