# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import code import cpp_util from model import Platforms from schema_util import CapitalizeFirstLetter from schema_util import JsFunctionNameToClassName import json import os import re def _RemoveDescriptions(node): """Returns a copy of |schema| with "description" fields removed. """ if isinstance(node, dict): result = {} for key, value in node.items(): # Some schemas actually have properties called "description", so only # remove descriptions that have string values. if key == 'description' and isinstance(value, basestring): continue result[key] = _RemoveDescriptions(value) return result if isinstance(node, list): return [_RemoveDescriptions(v) for v in node] return node class CppBundleGenerator(object): """This class contains methods to generate code based on multiple schemas. """ def __init__(self, root, model, api_defs, cpp_type_generator, cpp_namespace_pattern, source_file_dir, impl_dir): self._root = root self._model = model self._api_defs = api_defs self._cpp_type_generator = cpp_type_generator self._source_file_dir = source_file_dir self._impl_dir = impl_dir # Hack: assume that the C++ namespace for the bundle is the namespace of the # files without the last component of the namespace. A cleaner way to do # this would be to make it a separate variable in the gyp file. self._cpp_namespace = cpp_namespace_pattern.rsplit('::', 1)[0] self.api_cc_generator = _APICCGenerator(self) self.api_h_generator = _APIHGenerator(self) self.schemas_cc_generator = _SchemasCCGenerator(self) self.schemas_h_generator = _SchemasHGenerator(self) def _GenerateHeader(self, file_base, body_code): """Generates a code.Code object for a header file Parameters: - |file_base| - the base of the filename, e.g. 'foo' (for 'foo.h') - |body_code| - the code to put in between the multiple inclusion guards""" c = code.Code() c.Append(cpp_util.CHROMIUM_LICENSE) c.Append() c.Append(cpp_util.GENERATED_BUNDLE_FILE_MESSAGE % self._source_file_dir) ifndef_name = cpp_util.GenerateIfndefName( '%s/%s.h' % (self._source_file_dir, file_base)) c.Append() c.Append('#ifndef %s' % ifndef_name) c.Append('#define %s' % ifndef_name) c.Append() c.Concat(body_code) c.Append() c.Append('#endif // %s' % ifndef_name) c.Append() return c def _GetPlatformIfdefs(self, model_object): """Generates the "defined" conditional for an #if check if |model_object| has platform restrictions. Returns None if there are no restrictions. """ if model_object.platforms is None: return None ifdefs = [] for platform in model_object.platforms: if platform == Platforms.CHROMEOS: ifdefs.append('defined(OS_CHROMEOS)') elif platform == Platforms.LINUX: ifdefs.append('defined(OS_LINUX)') elif platform == Platforms.MAC: ifdefs.append('defined(OS_MACOSX)') elif platform == Platforms.WIN: ifdefs.append('defined(OS_WIN)') else: raise ValueError("Unsupported platform ifdef: %s" % platform.name) return ' || '.join(ifdefs) def _GenerateRegisterFunctions(self, namespace_name, function): c = code.Code() function_ifdefs = self._GetPlatformIfdefs(function) if function_ifdefs is not None: c.Append("#if %s" % function_ifdefs, indent_level=0) function_name = JsFunctionNameToClassName(namespace_name, function.name) c.Append("registry->RegisterFunction<%sFunction>();" % ( function_name)) if function_ifdefs is not None: c.Append("#endif // %s" % function_ifdefs, indent_level=0) return c def _GenerateFunctionRegistryRegisterAll(self): c = code.Code() c.Append('// static') c.Sblock('void GeneratedFunctionRegistry::RegisterAll(' 'ExtensionFunctionRegistry* registry) {') for namespace in self._model.namespaces.values(): namespace_ifdefs = self._GetPlatformIfdefs(namespace) if namespace_ifdefs is not None: c.Append("#if %s" % namespace_ifdefs, indent_level=0) for function in namespace.functions.values(): if function.nocompile: continue c.Concat(self._GenerateRegisterFunctions(namespace.name, function)) for type_ in namespace.types.values(): for function in type_.functions.values(): if function.nocompile: continue namespace_types_name = JsFunctionNameToClassName( namespace.name, type_.name) c.Concat(self._GenerateRegisterFunctions(namespace_types_name, function)) if namespace_ifdefs is not None: c.Append("#endif // %s" % namespace_ifdefs, indent_level=0) c.Eblock("}") return c class _APIHGenerator(object): """Generates the header for API registration / declaration""" def __init__(self, cpp_bundle): self._bundle = cpp_bundle def Generate(self, _): # namespace not relevant, this is a bundle c = code.Code() c.Append('#include <string>') c.Append() c.Append('#include "base/basictypes.h"') c.Append() c.Append("class ExtensionFunctionRegistry;") c.Append() c.Concat(cpp_util.OpenNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace)) c.Append() c.Append('class GeneratedFunctionRegistry {') c.Sblock(' public:') c.Append('static void RegisterAll(' 'ExtensionFunctionRegistry* registry);') c.Eblock('};') c.Append() c.Concat(cpp_util.CloseNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace)) return self._bundle._GenerateHeader('generated_api', c) class _APICCGenerator(object): """Generates a code.Code object for the generated API .cc file""" def __init__(self, cpp_bundle): self._bundle = cpp_bundle def Generate(self, _): # namespace not relevant, this is a bundle c = code.Code() c.Append(cpp_util.CHROMIUM_LICENSE) c.Append() c.Append('#include "%s"' % ( os.path.join(self._bundle._impl_dir, 'generated_api_registration.h'))) c.Append() for namespace in self._bundle._model.namespaces.values(): namespace_name = namespace.unix_name.replace("experimental_", "") implementation_header = namespace.compiler_options.get( "implemented_in", "%s/%s/%s_api.h" % (self._bundle._impl_dir, namespace_name, namespace_name)) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(self._bundle._root, os.path.normpath(implementation_header))): if "implemented_in" in namespace.compiler_options: raise ValueError('Header file for namespace "%s" specified in ' 'compiler_options not found: %s' % (namespace.unix_name, implementation_header)) continue ifdefs = self._bundle._GetPlatformIfdefs(namespace) if ifdefs is not None: c.Append("#if %s" % ifdefs, indent_level=0) c.Append('#include "%s"' % implementation_header) if ifdefs is not None: c.Append("#endif // %s" % ifdefs, indent_level=0) c.Append() c.Append('#include ' '"extensions/browser/extension_function_registry.h"') c.Append() c.Concat(cpp_util.OpenNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace)) c.Append() c.Concat(self._bundle._GenerateFunctionRegistryRegisterAll()) c.Append() c.Concat(cpp_util.CloseNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace)) c.Append() return c class _SchemasHGenerator(object): """Generates a code.Code object for the generated schemas .h file""" def __init__(self, cpp_bundle): self._bundle = cpp_bundle def Generate(self, _): # namespace not relevant, this is a bundle c = code.Code() c.Append('#include <map>') c.Append('#include <string>') c.Append() c.Append('#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"') c.Append() c.Concat(cpp_util.OpenNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace)) c.Append() c.Append('class GeneratedSchemas {') c.Sblock(' public:') c.Append('// Determines if schema named |name| is generated.') c.Append('static bool IsGenerated(std::string name);') c.Append() c.Append('// Gets the API schema named |name|.') c.Append('static base::StringPiece Get(const std::string& name);') c.Eblock('};') c.Append() c.Concat(cpp_util.CloseNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace)) return self._bundle._GenerateHeader('generated_schemas', c) def _FormatNameAsConstant(name): """Formats a name to be a C++ constant of the form kConstantName""" name = '%s%s' % (name[0].upper(), name[1:]) return 'k%s' % re.sub('_[a-z]', lambda m: m.group(0)[1].upper(), name.replace('.', '_')) class _SchemasCCGenerator(object): """Generates a code.Code object for the generated schemas .cc file""" def __init__(self, cpp_bundle): self._bundle = cpp_bundle def Generate(self, _): # namespace not relevant, this is a bundle c = code.Code() c.Append(cpp_util.CHROMIUM_LICENSE) c.Append() c.Append('#include "%s"' % (os.path.join(self._bundle._source_file_dir, 'generated_schemas.h'))) c.Append() c.Append('#include "base/lazy_instance.h"') c.Append() c.Append('namespace {') for api in self._bundle._api_defs: namespace = self._bundle._model.namespaces[api.get('namespace')] # JSON parsing code expects lists of schemas, so dump a singleton list. json_content = json.dumps([_RemoveDescriptions(api)], separators=(',', ':')) # Escape all double-quotes and backslashes. For this to output a valid # JSON C string, we need to escape \ and ". Note that some schemas are # too large to compile on windows. Split the JSON up into several # strings, since apparently that helps. max_length = 8192 segments = [json_content[i:i + max_length].replace('\\', '\\\\') .replace('"', '\\"') for i in xrange(0, len(json_content), max_length)] c.Append('const char %s[] = "%s";' % (_FormatNameAsConstant(namespace.name), '" "'.join(segments))) c.Append('}') c.Concat(cpp_util.OpenNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace)) c.Append() c.Sblock('struct Static {') c.Sblock('Static() {') for api in self._bundle._api_defs: namespace = self._bundle._model.namespaces[api.get('namespace')] c.Append('schemas["%s"] = %s;' % (namespace.name, _FormatNameAsConstant(namespace.name))) c.Eblock('}') c.Append() c.Append('std::map<std::string, const char*> schemas;') c.Eblock('};') c.Append() c.Append('base::LazyInstance<Static> g_lazy_instance;') c.Append() c.Append('// static') c.Sblock('base::StringPiece GeneratedSchemas::Get(' 'const std::string& name) {') c.Append('return IsGenerated(name) ? ' 'g_lazy_instance.Get().schemas[name] : "";') c.Eblock('}') c.Append() c.Append('// static') c.Sblock('bool GeneratedSchemas::IsGenerated(std::string name) {') c.Append('return g_lazy_instance.Get().schemas.count(name) > 0;') c.Eblock('}') c.Append() c.Concat(cpp_util.CloseNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace)) c.Append() return c